Self-Assessment of Reasoning

Self-Assessment of ReasoningJordan FurstenauFerris State UniversityAbstractThe purpose of this paper is to provide a self-assessment of the author’s reasoning and critical thinking ability. The author includes the significant content presented during the fall semester in Population Based Health Promotion (NURS 310). The thoughts and feelings of the author are presented in regards to the topics covered throughout the semester. The author’s assumptions are explained and examined. An analysis of thinking is developed focusing on the author’s ability to use reasoning and critical thinking skills to develop as a nursing professional in NURS 310. Throughout the entirety of this paper the author is able to critically examine the health promotion issues discussed in class.Self-Assessment of ReasoningMany topics were covered throughout the semester. I was able to grow as a student and as a nursing professional. The topics presented were able to initiate a deeper level of thinking. I was able to use critical thinking skills and elements of reasoning in order to be successful in the class. There was a large amount of significant content presented during the semester. The topics presented provoked many different emotions and feelings. As a student, I had many preconceived notions and assumptions about several of the topics presented. I learned a lot about health promotion and I learned a lot about myself. Significant ContentThere was significant content introduced to the students throughout the entirety of the semester. Population Based Health Promotion (NURS 310) included fifteen weeks of discussion board along with several papers required and a leadership assignment. The significant content presented during the semester included the health promotion information and guidelines presented in the reading material. Pender, Murdaugh and Parsons provided an evidence-based approach to health promotion, disease prevention, life span, and focused on different populations and their vulnerabilities to disease (2011). At the beginning of the semester the focus of the material was on the health promotion models. The students were required to provide their own definition of health and then provide a cited definition of health. This material was important to establish a solid foundation of knowledge for health promotion in the community setting. One significant health promotion model was the Transtheoretical Model. The Transtheoretical Model involves behavioral change and involves five stages including precontemplation, contemplation, planning/preparation, action, and maintenance (Pender et al., 2011). The foundation of the model involves the idea of focusing on decision making and the effect on a patient’s health. The other models included the Social Ecological Model, Social Capital Theory, Social Marketing Model, and Health Promotion Model. Vulnerable and underserved populations were significant topics discussed during the semester. There are many different categories of attributes that make up the vulnerable population. The evidence supports societal and environmental factors playing major roles in characterizing vulnerable populations (Pender et al., 2011). For example, it is noted that the low socioeconomic class is said to contract more disease and result in premature death versus the upper class population. People associated with the higher class have the ability to afford healthcare and insurance, a home in a good neighborhood and are able to provide food for their families. The lower socioeconomic class does not have the means to necessarily provide those means for themselves. Other categories included in the vulnerable population are drug addicts, people of color, immigrants, or a mentally disabled people (Pender et al., 2011). Many of those categories fall into the lower socioeconomic class and do not necessarily have access to the things stated above.The class was required to develop a hypothetical plan for a health fair. The group was required to agree on and submit one plan. The class was also allowed to express their personal opinions related to the role government takes in health promotion. The class was required to review material related to specific health factors including sleep, stress, nutrition, physical exercise and social support. The significant material included was the importance of sleep, the effects of poor habits related to sleep, stress, and nutrition. The class was required to research journal articles. The journal relies on dissemination which refers to the process of publication and presentation of findings (Chitty & Black, 2011). An entire week of discussion was dedicated to the important of evidence-based research in nursing practice. Thoughts and FeelingsThe semester involved many feelings and emotions as we developed as a group. The stressors of balancing class with work and family life are always present. The material presented during the semester provoked many feelings both positive and negative. I felt that the Transtheoretical Model was very interesting. I think that every nurse should be required to know this model inside and out. The model creates a very reasonable set of stages in which a nurse can promote positive change in a patient’s life. I am dumbfounded that this model was never even mentioned during the acquisition of my ADN. The vulnerable populations topic enlightened my to the real problem occurring in the United States. There is a clear correlation between health and wealth. The wealthier Americans are generally healthier while the less fortunate Americans are more often hungry, sick or unhealthy. This is a terrible fact that made me feel very concerned with this very real problem in America. The hypothetical health promotion fair provoked very positive feelings for me during the semester. I had several ideas for the group and we ended up using some of them for our final plan. This fair provoked the imagination of students and forced us to work together. I think that this was a very fun assignment. The government role in health promotion assignment was an area that I was very familiar with and already had many preconceived notions regarding this topic. I learned a lot from reading the other postings. With so many different ideas and beliefs, I had surprisingly positive feelings even when reading opposing points of view. It was satisfying to hear other views on this topic and hear the evidence that supports each view. My thoughts and feelings regarding the specific health promotion factors are consistent throughout. I felt very enlightened to the importance of sleep, nutrition, and stress management. I felt that previous to this class I did not really pay attention to the amount of sleep that I got each night or the negative effects of uncontrolled stress on my body. I felt a sense of wellness and accomplishment as I developed a personal health promotion plan and followed through with it. I felt better on a day to day basis as I improved my health and sense of well-being. I also improved my self-image and that is a very positive feeling. AssumptionsI had many assumptions about the material that was covered throughout the entire semester. I had not realized the problem that vulnerable populations face associated with their healthcare. There is a direct relation to the amount of money that an individual makes and the current state of his/her health. This is clearly an issue in America, and one that I did not realize until I completed this class. I had many assumptions related to the government’s role in healthcare. I thought that the healthcare system was effective and efficient. I assumed that people were getting the required care in order to stay healthy and well. I did not realize that the government is playing such a major role in the “health” of our nation. There are a ton of regulations related to this topic. I realized that school lunch rooms are a hot topic in this area. I also realized that there is an entire population of underserved individuals in America. This class brought many issues to light for me. I read a lot of postings and was able to get many different points of view. This was very beneficial to my growth and development during the semester. I had a very different point of view related to the importance of sleep and stress reduction before I read the required material. I did not value sleep as an important factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I ended up writing an entire paper on the importance of sleep alone. It was a major part of my health promotion plan and I believe it has had a direct effect on my health. I have felt great ever since I have gotten a grip on my sleep schedule. I assumed that the eight hours a night requirement was for old people or sick people. I was very wrong. Everyone requires a sufficient amount of sleep to maintain their health.Analysis of ThinkingI have learned a lot of information regarding critical thinking. As I reflect over my accomplishments this semester I think that I have grown as a nurse professional and as a thinker. I have improved on my ability to think clearly, logically, consistently, and deeply. When I consider my previous assumptions regarding health and wellness and relate them to my current knowledge base I realize how much I have learned this semester. I strive to reach a deeper level of thinking then I am comfortable with. I think this is the only way to grow as a nursing professional. After considering my development throughout the semester, I know that I incorporate several elements of reasoning into my thinking. The first element involves the problem, question, or concern being discussed that the thinker must figure out (Heaslip, 2008). I would focus on discussion question each week and reflect upon my current knowledge base regarding the topic. I had a solid foundation of evidence-based nursing practice. I realized after reading that I still had a lot to learn regarding this topic and realized how it applied to health promotion in the community setting. I would read assigned discussion topic each week, then read the required material, and then reflect upon what I had learned and how it related to what I thought or already knew. Another element of reasoning that I was able to use this semester involved assessing world views related to the issue or problem (Heaslip, 2008). As an opinionated person, I will assess my view on the subject as well as the view of my classmates. I think that by acknowledging my views on the subject I am more apt to remain objective while participating in purposeful thinking. I know that I have certain biases and recognizing these is the first step in leaving them out of my focus of thinking. When I read about my classmates ideas regarding how to relate to a group of adolescents I realized different points of view are beneficial to the learning environment and the discussion board facilitated this type of learning. A third element of reasoning involves reviewing the ideas and principles that we use in reasoning about the problem at hand (Heaslip, 2008). This process involves using my knowledge base to identify commonalities with known theory. I will reflect on what I have already learned about the subject and identify important trends. I will then research more in depth to develop a better understanding of the issue. I know that I have many resources available to me that help me accomplish this task. Culture greatly influences the way I think. I have grown up in a society that enables me to ask questions and challenge mainstream ideals. The government’s role in healthcare was a topic that I became very familiar with and developed more profound ideas about the topic. Being aware of this enables me to take charge of my ideas and clearly analyze and reason. Critical thinking involves a wide base of knowledge and intellectual standards. There are four requirements established that apply intellectual standards to promote critical thinking including analyzing, discriminating, information seeking, and transforming knowledge (Scheffer & Rubenfeld, 2000). I have continued to improve my capacity to apply these standards to my ability to think. I analyze information by applying learned theories and evaluating what is being presented. I was able to sharpen these skills as I completed the weekly unit discussion boards and studied the required material. Throughout the semester I was able to improve my ability to reason and critically think. There was a ton of significant content presented during the fall semester in Population Based Health Promotion (NURS 310). I had many thoughts and feelings regarding the topics covered throughout the semester. My assumptions were explained, examined, and often proven wrong. I was able to provide an analysis of thinking that clearly explained my ability to use reasoning and critical thinking skills to develop as a nursing profession in NURS 310. As I examined the health promotion issues discussed in class, I realized how much I actually learned. ReferencesChitty, K.K., & Black, B.P. (2011). Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges (6th ed.) Maryland Heights, MO: SaundersHeaslip, P. (2008). Critical thinking and nursing. In The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved March 26, 2012Pender, N.J., Murdaugh, C.L., & Parsons, M.A. (2011). Health Promotion in Nursing Practice. (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Sheffer, B. K., & Rubenfeld, G. M. (2000, November). A consensus statement on critical thinking in nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 39(9), 352-359. Retrieved March 30, 2012, from ProQuest. ................

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