New Mexico State University

Socratic Note Taking AssignmentDue Date: High noon on Monday, April 5 Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that students have mastered the basics of taking notes on the assigned readings. Taking notes on class readings is a proven method to deepen students’ understanding of course material, as opposed to merely reading the assigned text. A good set of course notes also makes studying for quizzes and exams easier, and increases the likelihood of getting a good grade. Assignment: Take notes for Plato’s Phaedo (pp. 49-62 in the Feldman anthology) Your notes must follow EXACTLY the question/answer format of the sample provided. (See below). Failure to follow directions will result in penalties ranging from 25% to 100%. Assignments must be typed. Use complete sentences. Make sure your writing is grammatically and stylistically correct in all respects. This assignment is worth ONE QUIZ (15 points). My son David did a portion of this assignment to provide you with a model of how this is supposed to be done. Use this MS Word document. Fill in the blank boxes with your page numbers, questions, and answers. Leave the boxes that David filled in alone. Print out a hard copy of this notes assignment and bring it to class on Monday, April 4, or submit it via CANVAS in an electronic format.Recommendation: I recommend reading the selection from Plato’s Phaedo first. Next, read it again while taking notes for the assignment. David VesselApril 4, 2021Plato’s PhaedoPage NumberQuestionAnswer495050Why does Socrates claim that the acquisition of knowledge will be unhindered only after death?Socrates says that our senses are misleading and untrustworthy. Knowledge can only be obtained from thought, which will be best once the mind is separated from the body.51Does Socrates think it’s possible to understand the essence of concepts (such as justice, beauty, and good) using bodily senses?5253According to Socrates, why are ordinary men courageous or temperate?Socrates says that ordinary men face great evils only because they are afraid of greater evils. Similarly, ordinary men abstain from certain pleasures only so they can indulge in others.53-54According to Socrates, is facing one fear to avoid another courageous, or avoiding one pleasure to indulge in another temperate?No, Socrates says these are shadows of the virtues people may mistake them for. He states that wisdom is necessary for virtue.54What fear of men does Cebes describe?54-55What is the first argument that Socrates gives for the existence of a soul after death?5555-56What are some examples of the processes between two opposites that Socrates describes?Heating is the process from cold to hot, and cooling is the process from hot to cold. As Socrates says, waking up is the process from sleeping to waking, and falling asleep is the process from waking to sleeping.56What is Socrates’ argument for reincarnation?56-57Why does Socrates believe that things must go from one opposite to the other?If one opposite is eternally realized by all objects, then all objects would share that quality. If all things only heated up and never cooled, there would be no cold things; if all things only die and are never reincarnated, then there will be a point in time with no living beings.57What are the two classes that Socrates introduces, and what things does he say are in each one.The first class is unseen and unchanging, and the soul and the essences of concepts are in this class. The second class is the seen and changing, and this class consists of the body and of instances of concepts.585960Does Socrates care what is done with his body? Why?61 ................

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