Deployment Guide: Contract 285/2009

|Deployment guidelines: |

|PCs and Peripherals |

|Revision: |0.8 DRAFT |

|Author: |Izak de Villiers & Deon Nel (iTAS) |

|Date: |2012-12-04 |

|Electronic File: |Deployment Guide_PCs and Peripherals 0.8.doc |


© 2012 SITA. All rights reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means

Without the express written permission of SITA.

Document enquiries can be directed to: iTAS Technology Lab

SITA (Pty) Ltd. P.O Box 26100, MONUMENT PARK, 0105, SOUTH AFRICA

Attention: Izak de Villiers (

Telephone: 012 482 2749


The signatories hereof, being duly authorised thereto, by their signatures hereto confirm their receipt of the contents hereof and authorise the implementation/adoption thereof, as the case may be, for and on behalf of the parties represented by them.

| | | |

|Maropeng Maeko | |Date |

|Manager: iTAS | | |

| | | |

|Deon Nel | |Date |

|Senior Specialist: iTAS | | |

| | | |

|Izak de Villiers | |Date |

|Senior Specialist: iTAS | | |


This document forms part of a transversal acquisition programme driven by Government and SITA via SITA Procurement processes to enable Government to procure and deploy appropriate technology solutions. The document is intended to inform the ICT architecture of Government departments in terms of usage models, hardware and infrastructure requirements. It does not replace or supersede any other document, although the replacement contract for PCs and Peripherals replaces the existing 285 established in 2004 with a more complete solution.


Contents 5

Figures 7

Tables 7

1. Introduction 9

1.1 References 9

1.2 Background 10

2. Overview: PCs and Peripherals technology domain 15

2.1 Scope 15

2.2 Value-adds 15

2.3 Product and supplier details 16

3. Category guidelines 16

3.1 Client computing devices 16

3.2 Displays 18

3.3 Printers 18

3.4 Multifunction devices 19

3.5 Scanners 20

3.6 Digital cameras 20

3.7 Mobile devices 21

3.8 Barcode devices 22

3.9 Optical storage (DVD duplicators) 22

3.10 Small peripherals 23

4. Selection and deployment of technologies 23

4.1 PCs and notebooks 23

4.2 Printers and multifunction devices 25

4.3 Scanners 28

4.4 Digital cameras 29

4.5 General principles 29

4.6 Other issues 30

5. Engagement guidelines 30

5.1 Department guidelines 30

5.2 Supplier guidelines 33

5.3 RFQ process 34

5.4 Solution and supplier selection 35

6. Services, best practice and deployment guidelines 35

6.1 Contract management 35

6.2 Deployment of Technology 36

7. Conclusion 37

Annex A: Glossary 39

Annex B: Contract summary 43

Annex C: Latest Tech Update 45

Annex D: Product list 47

Annex E: List of accredited OEM 49

Annex F: Sample RFQ 51

Annex G: Innovation Technology Advisory Services 53


Figure 1: Platform diagram 10

Figure 2: ICT House of Value 11

Figure 3: PC cost/capabilities overview 24

Figure 4: Notebook cost/capabilities overview 24

Figure 5: Decision tree for laser and inkjet printers 26

Figure 6: Total costs per printing technology type 27

Figure 7: Decision tree for scanners 28

Figure 8: Decision tree for digital cameras 29

Figure 9: Platform diagram 53

Figure 10: Enterprise architecture 55


Table 1: Categories available as part of the Technology Update 15

Table 2: Details of PC category 17

Table 3: PC standard components and additional requirements 17

Table 4: Details of Notebook category 17

Table 5: Notebook standard components and additional requirements 18

Table 6: Details of Monitor category 18

Table 7: Monitor standard components and additional requirements 18

Table 8: Details of Printer category 19

Table 9: Printer standard components and additional requirements 19

Table 10: Details of MF category 20

Table 11: MF standard components and additional requirements 20

Table 12: Details of Scanner category 20

Table 13: Scanner standard components and additional requirements 20

Table 14: Details of Camera category 21

Table 15: Camera standard components and additional requirements 21

Table 16: Details of Mobile category 21

Table 17: Mobile device standard components and additional requirements 22

Table 18: Details of Barcode category 22

Table 19: Barcoding standard components and additional requirements 22

Table 20: Details of DVD category 22

Table 21: DVD standard components and additional requirements 23

Table 22: Details of Periph category 23

Table 23: DVD standard components and additional requirements 23

Table 24: Print volume categories (monochrome) 26

Table 25: Print volume categories (colour) 27

Table 26: Scan volume categories 28

Table 27: Service delivery zones 32


This document describes best practice for the PCs and Peripherals technology domain (client computing devices, displays, mobile devices, printers, multifunction devices, scanners, cameras and other peripherals), and provides guidelines and best practices for the appropriate selection and deployment of the available technologies. The main purpose of the Deployment Guide is to inform end users about best practices and optimal utilisation of available solutions.

Innovation Technology Advisory Services (iTAS) produced these guidelines as part of SITA’s mandate to enable effective and efficient use of ICT in Government. The guidelines were developed during the course of the research and specification processes, with input from clients, suppliers and OEMs.

The document contains both normative and informative guidelines. Informative guidelines point out best practices and other helpful information, while normative guidelines must be followed by Departments. Any deviations from this may result in audit findings.

The guidelines are not intended to replace Departmental ICT policies and processes, but should complement these while focussing on the specific technologies available. Guidelines should be used in conjunction with other related documentation, including the Contract Engagement Model, contract conditions, definitions and technical specifications. A comprehensive list of definitions is provided in Annex A for reference.

Specialised requirements are not addressed in the document, and should be handled on a case-by-case basis, with input from iTAS if required. A sample RFQ is included in Annex F, to be used when publishing requests for quotation.

From long experience with Departmental requirements and requests for quotation, it is clear that many Departments simply copy specifications produced by industry. Since this has serious implications in terms of fairness and a proper definition of the actual business requirement, this document aims to rectify this operational problem.

1 References

The following documents are referred to in this document, or have an impact on the implementation of the processes described herein:

a) The Constitution of RSA, 1996

b) Public Finance Management Act (Act 1 of 1999), as amended by Act 38 of 2002

c) Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (Act 5 of 2000) and its associated regulations

d) State Information Technology Agency Act (Act 88 of 1998), as amended by Act 38 of 2002

e) SITA Regulations as published in Government Gazette No. 28021 of 23 September 2005

f) Bid document for the PCs and Peripherals inclusive of bid conditions

g) Engagement Model of the PCs and Peripherals Contract

h) Technology Renewal Process: Transversal Hardware Contracts, rev. 2.3, May 2010 (PSAD-00050)

2 Background

1 Platform goals

Government’s technology and business goals for ICT procurement include the following:

a) Standardisation to ensure interoperability between Government systems, as well as with systems outside of Government;

i) Economies of scale (translating to cost benefits);

j) Support for Government’s security and confidentiality requirements;

k) Elimination of the duplication of costs and effort to specify, evaluate and manage technology contracts;

l) Access to national and regional service and support structures to maximise system uptime and end-user productivity;

m) Negotiation on behalf of the whole of Government for better service delivery and pricing; and

n) Overall view of Government technology procurement, ensuring a holistic solution design by aligning transversal contracts in terms of service offering and design goals.

The diagram below illustrates an overall view of platform, infrastructure and low-level application services, showing specific contracts that have been established by SITA for Government use.


Figure 1: Platform diagram

The latest version of the Platform Diagram can be downloaded from

SITA’s procurement philosophy allows for integrated solutions spanning multiple areas and contracts. For example, PCs may be required as part of an AV solution for a Department. These PCs must be procured from the PCs and Peripherals domain, while the AV equipment must be procured from the AV domain. Equipment from the different contracts must be integrated and guaranteed to work by a service provider or supplier.

|[pic] |

|Figure 2: ICT House of Value |

2 Design principles

The following principles were incorporated into the design of the PCs and Peripherals platform specification:

a) Support for the ICT House of value:

i) Security

ii) Interoperability

iii) Reduced duplication

iv) Economies of scale

v) Lower cost

vi) Increased productivity

vii) BEE enablement

viii) All of the above result in improved service delivery and increased citizen convenience.

o) Support for regional procurement, service and support to build skills and capacity in the local ICT industry.

p) Sustainability for resellers, including small regional players: empower BEE/SMME organisations to build a sustainable business supplying and servicing Government infrastructure.

q) Mandated and measured service value-adds: e.g. quoted pricing must reflect value-adds so that Government will receive the required service levels in a sustainable model for BEE/SMME suppliers.

r) Mandated regional SMME/BEE involvement: Government has a mandate to procure regionally, but the structure of the economy currently concentrates most of the skills and value in two or three large provinces. Enable and mandate development of regional capacity by OEMs and role players in the provinces.

s) Address ICT infrastructure requirements via standardisation and cost containment.

t) Support as many operating environments and infrastructure types as possible for end-user computing (Windows XP, Windows Vista/7, Linux, etc.).

u) Enable deployment of applicable technology for specific requirements.

v) Scalability and upgradeability: all certified PCs and Peripherals products are upgradeable to a greater or lesser extent. For example, PCs can be upgraded in terms of storage space, memory and CPU power. Most products have a large selection of accessories to enable Government to procure functional solutions for their business needs.

w) The platform was designed to be product-, vendor- and brand-agnostic. No preference was given to any specific product or brand name. The specification purely focussed on capabilities, functionality and industry standards.

x) In line with the previous point, an “equivalent or better” principle was followed: if it could be proven that a specific product provided equivalent or improved functionality, even if in a different way or via different mechanisms, the product would be accepted as complying with requirements.

y) Suppliers to offer the lowest configuration that complies with the baseline requirements as specified (taking into account solution scalability). This principle is aimed at discouraging suppliers from offering solutions that far exceed specifications and cost expectations, and forcing Government to pay for unnecessary functionality and capacity.

3 Evaluation criteria

The following high-level criteria were specified and evaluated for PCs and Peripherals domain to ensure the best solution for Government:

a) Industry standards (both de facto and de jure standards)

z) Vendor-level certification against specific standards (e.g. ISO/IEC technology and environmental standards, software standards, etc.)

aa) Compatibility and interoperability (both hardware and software) via ISV and OEM certifications

ab) Reliability and availability

ac) Systems management capabilities (including alerts and remote fault diagnosis)

ad) Security

ae) Cost elements directly related to the offered solution, as well as hosting/housing costs

af) Usage profiles based on business requirements

ag) Detail technical criteria (including configurations, capacities, etc.)

ah) Baseline service and support levels, with SLA upgrade options

ai) SABS-endorsed electrical safety and radiation standards

aj) Environmental criteria.

4 Platform goals

Using the above criteria, the following overall goals were set for the PCs and Peripherals platform specification:

a) Fair (“apples to apples”) comparison of offered solutions, measured against the published specifications. All variables are taken into account as far as possible in a fair and open process.

ak) Lowest Total Cost of Ownership. Supply chain regulations require Departments to measure TCO as part of the procurement process. Although customised for SA Government, TCO remains dependent on client and business case, and therefore cannot be accurately specified or measured at transversal level. An RFQ-based process needs to drill into client specifics at procurement time. However, to ensure the best possible TCO, the following elements were specified and/or measured during evaluation as part of Technology TCO (TTCO):

i) Reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS) of all solutions

ii) Comprehensive countrywide warranties with upgrade options

iii) Manageability: Remote systems management received significant focus during the process, including requirements automated fault alerting and remote diagnostics and update capabilities

iv) Duty cycles and usage profiles

v) Power consumption and cooling requirements

vi) Mean time before failure (MTBF) – reliability indication

vii) Mean time to repair (MTTR) – measurement of hardware downtime

viii) Other elements impacting productivity, including usability.

al) Service levels:

ix) Comprehensive 3-year warranty (next business day repair requirement) with SLA upgrade options (certain interim exceptions apply to this requirement)

x) Enforcement of service levels via penalty clauses

xi) Cost of downtime taken into account

xii) Dispute resolution via contract management

am) Performance: by understanding and specifying the underlying technology architecture, the best possible performance can be ensured for Government applications.

xiii) System design

xiv) System-level functionality

xv) Connectivity capabilities and options

xvi) Processing capabilities (e.g. processor speed and memory capacity)

xvii) Peripheral upgrade options (e.g. finishing options for printers, docking stations for laptops, etc.)

xviii) Security capabilities

All these factors are researched and taken into account starting with the original design of the technical specification, before evaluation commences. Inputs from component vendors (e.g. Intel, AMD), OEMs (e.g. Acer, Dell, Epson, Fujitsu, HP, Kodak, Lenovo, Lexmark, Mecer, NEC, Proline, and many others), industry research institutions (e.g. Gartner and IDC), and the client base (including GITOC TTT) were consolidated in the final specification. Lessons learned from other research initiatives (both within SITA and Government) also contributed to the specification and design of the PCs and Peripherals platform.

5 Tender and contract processes

Transversal hardware contracts are specified, evaluated and managed via a specific process and philosophy. The SITA regulations define the terms of reference for this process (cf. SITA Regulation 10). During a tender process, products are evaluated strictly according to the published criteria, following procurement regulations and guidelines. The Constitutional requirements of fairness, equitability, transparency, competitiveness and cost-effectiveness are incorporated into all levels of the process. The MIOS and MISS standards are also used to inform the tender specifiation.

The technology component of these processes is handled by SITA Innovation Technology Advisory Services (iTAS), of which an overview is provided in Annex G.

Evaluation process

Technical evaluation of the PCs and Peripherals platform comprises both theoretical and physical evaluation of products via the following evaluation processes:

1. Screening phase: Theoretical evaluation of technical responses. Products not meeting mandatory requirements are screened out during this phase, do not form part of the subsequent evaluation process, and were also not accredited for inclusion in the final approved product list. Only products that complied with all mandatory requirements are considered in subsequent evaluation phases.

2. Tech TCO phase: Calculation of Technology TCO based on supplied cost information and component pricing. To support the cost-effectiveness mandate, offers that were more than double the cost of the lowest-cost offer were not evaluated. Specialised Items were excluded from this requirement.

3. Theoretical phase: Technical verification of mandatory functionality. Sample equipment was requested from OEMs, specifying a desired configuration per Item. The evaluation committee verified whether tendered information was accurate against the functionality of the supplied sample. Failure to demonstrate any specified capability or feature resulted in disqualification of the product.

4. Physical test phase: Laboratory tests of evaluation units.

a. Validate tendered information via system tests.

b. Verify interoperability via compatibility tests.

c. Performance benchmarks using industry-standard benchmarks as well as methodologies developed in-house.

The primary output of the evaluation process was a list of accredited products that conformed to all technical requirements.

Technology management process

Technology management on transversal hardware contracts is done on a continuous basis, and includes continually updating technology requirements (typically on a quarterly or six-monthly basis), certifying new products offered to Government, as well as replacements of existing products.

Updates to system specifications, configurations, industry standards, etc. are managed via a formal Tech Update process. Tech Updates are published to the user community and industry, including OEMs and PCs and peripherals contractors for ratification before implementation. All changes to the technology specification are moderated and managed as an input to the regular Price Update process, which ensures that Government has a fair basis for comparing product pricing and costs.

Model changes and the introduction of new products are initiated by the OEM via a formal request, after which the new product is evaluated and accredited via the technical process. Once the new product has been certified, the previous product may no longer be supplied to Government.

The technology management process is described in the document Technology Renewal Process: Transversal Hardware Contracts (see References). This process is normative for all platform technology domains.

Overview: PCs and Peripherals technology domain

1 Scope

The purpose of the PCs and Peripherals technology domain is to invite Bidders to supply, install, maintain and support PCs and Peripherals within Government, to support any transversal contract established in this space (replacing the original Contract 285). The scope of the platform includes the following technology types and categories:

|Client computing devices |Desktop PCs and notebooks |

|Mobile devices |Mobile phones and handheld terminals |

|Displays |Desktop monitors |

|Printers |Monochrome and colour printers |

|Multifunction devices |Mono and colour MFDs |

|Scanners |Document and image scanners |

|Digital cameras |Still cameras and video cameras |

|Barcode devices |Barcode scanners, printers and terminals |

|Optical storage |DVD duplicators |

|Small peripherals |Value-added accessories |

Table 1: Categories available as part of the Technology Update

Annex B has more detail on the individual categories and Items.

2 Value-adds

The following features and added value to Government infrastructure acquisition processes by mandating minimum requirements that support local ICT initiatives and requirements:

a) Because of the critical nature of client computing environment, very stringent technical and quality standards are specified. Mandated quality and environmental standards ensure high-quality solutions that support Government environmental drivers.

an) Compatibility with all standard operating systems and environments (including Windows and Linux), as well as certified software and support for all standard client operating systems, including 32- and 64-bit Windows and Linux.

ao) Countrywide, 3-year on-site warranty with 8-hour repair (Zone A only; Zones B and C extend the repair time to 16 and 24 working hours respectively). To further ensure maximum availability, SLA upgrade options are also mandated for all products. Please refer to the Glossary for detail information on which towns are included in which zone.

ap) A strong emphasis is placed on systems management, allowing support staff to remotely deploy, configure and troubleshoot devices, saving on labour and travelling costs, and minimising downtime.

aq) Validated products, components and solutions are available for direct procurement from a selection of accredited suppliers.

ar) A full range of upgrade options, components, accessories and media are available with each Item. This includes upgrades such as CPUs, memory and hard drives, cables, software and other accessories. Departments are able to procure a complete, tailored solution by combining these options, while suppliers have the responsibility to ensure that functionality, compliance and compatibility are preserved.

as) Software licences for all basic functionality as specified are included in the Base Price. Additional software functionality may be licensed via component price lists.

at) Empowerment of regional, SMME and BEE resellers.

3 Product and supplier details

More than 200 unique products are available from a wide variety of OEMs in the PCs and Peripherals domain. This includes products from all major OEMs in each category, and the channel includes major players in the local ICT space, as well as smaller BEE and SMME resellers.

See Annex B for a summary of Categories and Items, Annex D for a complete list of accredited products, and Annex E for a list of accredited suppliers.

Category guidelines

This section provides an overview of each of the categories in the PCs & Peripherals domain, and specifies the components included in the Base Price for each Item. The focus for the PCs and Peripherals domain is to specify a fully working configuration in the Base Price. Departments therefore do not need to specify any additional components or configuration details, unless there are additional requirements (e.g. a smart card reader or upgrades to the standard warranty).

The specification precludes the possibility of supplying incomplete solutions (e.g. PCs without CPUs or printers without ink cartridges), and contractors are mandated to deliver and quote fully working solutions.

All Items rattiefied in the latest Technology Update come standard with a 3-year on-site warranty included in the price. The only exception to this rule are following categories: Cameras, Mobile Devices and Small Peripherals. To ensure the best possible cost savings for Government, the 3-year warranty cannot be unbundled from the price.

1 Client computing devices

1 Desktop PCs

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|PC1 |Thin client |Thin client device (terminal) for server-based computing |

|PC2 |Low-cost desktop client |Low-cost desktop client device ("NetTop") for WISE (Word-processing, Internet, spreadsheets and e-mail) |

| | |applications and Education; flexible deployment |

|PC3 |Office PC |Office PC for WISE applications + presentations; standard/basic office use, single-tasking, low-volume |

| | |data requirement, task-oriented, high-volume system |

|PC4 |Power PC |Power PC for business and higher-end applications (e.g. EIS, EDMS, development); power users/knowledge |

| | |workers with higher data/volume requirements, larger, multitasked applications |

|PC5 |Specialist PC |Specialist PC for high-end applications with higher data and throughput requirements (e.g. media |

| | |authoring, GIS, DTP, CAD, software development) |

|PC6 |Technical workstation |Technical/engineering workstation for high-end CAD, GIS, DTP; high-end technical workers with high data |

| | |volumes and processing requirements (designed for very specialised requirements) |

Table 2: Details of PC category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the PC category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (3-year on-site with specified repair time) |Upgrades to CPU, RAM, hard drive, graphics card, |

|CPU, RAM, hard drive |monitor, etc. |

|Optical drive: DVD writer |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 3-year on-site) |

|Network interface |Non-standard accessories, e.g. case lock, speakers, |

|Monitor, keyboard and mouse as specified |fingerprint or card reader |

|Standard power and interface cables | |

|Software: | |

|Windows operating system | |

|Drivers for all subsystems for standard operating systems | |

|Recovery disk | |

|Documentation | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

| | |

|Exceptions: | |

|PC1 does not include OS, software drivers or a recovery disk | |

|PC1 and PC2 do not include optical drives | |

Table 3: PC standard components and additional requirements

2 Mobile PCs

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|Note1 |Ultra-portable, low-cost |Highly portable client device for WISE applications and Education (schools); flexible deployment|

| |subnotebook |("Netbook" system) |

|Note2 |Value notebook |Basic/value notebook for cost-conscious users, offering mobility at the lowest practical price |

|Note3 |Thin and light Notebook |Thin and light/ultraportable notebook supporting extensive travelling; combination of highest |

| | |mobility and reasonable functionality |

|Note4 |Tablet PC |Tablet PC with slate (keyboardless) or convertible design for pen-based users |

|Note5 |Midrange notebook |Professional notebook with good balance between mobility and performance |

|Note6 |High-end notebook |High-end notebook with advanced capabilities and high performance |

|Note7 |Ruggedised notebook |Ruggedised notebook for harsh environments (e.g. military deployment) |

Table 4: Details of Notebook category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Notebook category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (3-year on-site with specified repair time; battery excluded) |Upgrades to CPU, RAM, hard drive, graphics card, |

|CPU, RAM, hard drive |monitor, etc. |

|Optical drive: DVD writer (not standard for Note1) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 3-year on-site) |

|Network interface |Non-standard accessories, e.g. case lock, speakers, |

|Monitor, keyboard and mouse as specified |fingerprint or card reader |

|Standard power and interface cables | |

|Carry case | |

|Kensington cable lock | |

|Windows operating system | |

|Software: | |

|Windows operating system | |

|Drivers for all subsystems for standard operating systems | |

|Recovery disk | |

|Documentation | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 5: Notebook standard components and additional requirements

2 Displays

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|Mon1 |High-end 22" PC display |High-end 22" wide-screen LCD monitor with digital inputs |

|Mon2 |High-end 24" PC display |High-end 24" wide-screen LCD monitor with digital inputs |

Table 6: Details of Monitor category

Note that displays larger than 30” are included in the AV domain. Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Monitor category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (3-year on-site with specified repair time) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 3-year on-site) |

|Standard power and interface cables |Non-standard accessories, e.g. monitor stand, additional|

|Documentation |signal cables, etc. |

|Drivers for standard operating systems | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 7: Monitor standard components and additional requirements

3 Printers

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|Mono1 |Desktop laser printer |Low-volume monochrome A4 desktop printer for single users or small workgroups |

|Mono2 |Small workgroup laser printer |Medium-volume monochrome A4 printer for small workgroups (5-10 users) |

|Mono3 |Midrange workgroup laser printer |High-volume monochrome A4 printer for medium to large workgroups (10-30 users) |

|Mono4 |Midrange workgroup laser printer |Medium-volume monochrome A3 printer for medium workgroups (>10 users) |

| |(A3) | |

|Mono5 |High-end workgroup laser printer |High-volume monochrome A3 printer for large workgroups (>30 users) |

| |(A3) | |

|Colour1 |Portable colour printer |Portable, battery-powered colour printer for printing while out of the office |

|Colour2 |Personal colour printer (A3) |Entry-level colour printer for low-volume A3-size printing (graphics, spreadsheets, project |

| | |plans, etc.) |

|Colour3 |Personal or small workgroup colour|Low to medium-volume network-upgradeable A4 colour printer for single users or small to medium |

| |printer |workgroups (2-5 users) |

|Colour4 |Medium workgroup colour printer |Medium-volume networked A4 colour printer for medium workgroups (5-10 users) |

|Colour5 |Large workgroup colour printer |Medium to high-volume networked A4 colour printer for medium workgroups (10-20 users) |

|Colour6 |Entry-level workgroup A3 colour |Networked A3 colour printer for small to medium workgroups (20 users) |

|LF1 |Large format printer |Entry-level large format (A0) printer supporting both line-based applications (e.g. engineering |

| | |and design) and high-density printing (e.g. media and rendering applications) |

|Impact1 |Slip printer |Slip printer for service desk applications (e.g. pharmacies) |

|Impact2 |Entry-level impact printer |Entry-level 80-column impact printer for low-volume report printing, multipart stationery, |

| | |printing from 3270 sessions, etc. |

|Impact3 |High-end impact printer |High-end 136-column impact printer for medium-volume report printing, high-impact multipart |

| | |stationery, printing from 3270 sessions, etc. |

Table 8: Details of Printer category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Printer category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (3-year on-site with specified repair time) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 3-year on-site) |

|Standard power and interface cables |Non-standard accessories, e.g. additional paper trays, |

|Documentation |finishers, additional cables, etc. |

|Drivers for standard operating systems | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 9: Printer standard components and additional requirements

4 Multifunction devices

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|MF1 |Entry-level mono multifunction |Entry-level monochrome A4 multifunction device for low-volume desktop and workgroup printing, |

| |device |copying, faxing and scanning (up to 5 users) |

|MF2 |Small workgroup mono multifunction|Midrange monochrome A4 multifunction device for medium-volume workgroup printing, copying, |

| |device |faxing and scanning (up to 15 users) |

|MF3 |Large workgroup mono A4 |High-end monochrome A4 multifunction device for high-volume workgroup printing, copying, faxing |

| |multifunction device |and scanning (up to 30 users) |

|MF4 |Large workgroup mono A3 |High-end monochrome A3 multifunction device for high-volume workgroup printing, copying, faxing |

| |multifunction device |and scanning (up to 50 users) |

|MFC1 |Entry-level colour multifunction |Entry-level colour A4 multifunction device for low-volume desktop printing, copying, faxing and |

| |device |scanning |

|MFC2 |Small workgroup colour |Midrange colour A4 multifunction device for low-volume workgroup printing, copying, faxing and |

| |multifunction device |scanning |

|MFC3 |Medium workgroup A4 colour |Midrange colour A4 multifunction device for medium-volume workgroup printing, copying, faxing |

| |multifunction device |and scanning |

|MFC4 |Large workgroup A4 colour |High-end colour A4 multifunction device for high-volume workgroup printing, copying, faxing and |

| |multifunction device |scanning (up to 30 users) |

|MFC5 |Large workgroup A3 colour |High-end colour A3 multifunction device for high-volume workgroup printing, copying, faxing and |

| |multifunction device |scanning (up to 50 users) |

Table 10: Details of MF category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Multifunction category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (3-year on-site with specified repair time) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 3-year on-site) |

|Standard power and interface cables |Non-standard accessories, e.g. additional paper trays, |

|Documentation |finishers, additional cables, etc. |

|Drivers for standard operating systems | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 11: MF standard components and additional requirements

5 Scanners

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|Scanner1 |Desktop image/photo scanner |Flatbed desktop image scanner for photography and DTP applications, with peripheral upgrade |

| | |options and advanced software functionality |

|Scanner2 |Desktop document scanner |Low-volume personal document scanner |

|Scanner3 |Midrange workgroup document |Medium-volume workgroup document scanner |

| |scanner | |

|Scanner4 |High-end workgroup document |High-volume workgroup document scanner with support for A3 documents |

| |scanner | |

|Scanner5 |Production-level document scanner |High-volume production document scanner with support for A3 documents |

Table 12: Details of Scanner category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Multifunction category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (1-year on-site with specified repair time [Scanner1 has the standard 3-year |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 3-year on-site) |

|warranty]) |Non-standard accessories, e.g. additional software, |

|Standard power and interface cables |interfaces, imprinters, etc. |

|Documentation | |

|Drivers for standard operating systems | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 13: Scanner standard components and additional requirements

6 Digital cameras

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|Camera1 |High-end compact digital camera |High-end "point-and-shoot" digital camera for office and business photography with |

| | |advanced exposure controls and high resolution |

|Camera2 |Entry-level SLR digital camera |Entry-level SLR digital camera with interchangeable lense options and advanced |

| | |exposure controls |

|Camera3 |High-end SLR digital camera |High-end SLR digital camera with interchangeable lense options, advanced exposure |

| | |controls and high-end image processing capabilities |

|Camera4 |Entry-level digital video camera |Entry-level digital video camera for office use, training, communications, etc. |

|Camera5 |High-end digital video camera |High-end digital video camera with advanced storage and imaging functionality |

Table 14: Details of Camera category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Multifunction category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (1-year carry-in with specified response time) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 1-year carry-in) |

|Standard flash memory card or internal storage as specified |Non-standard accessories, e.g. additional storage, carry|

|Lens as specified (Camera3 is specified without a lens) |bgs, lenses, tripods, flashes, etc. |

|Rechargeable battery and charger | |

|Standard power and interface cables | |

|Carry bag and lens cap | |

|Shoulder/wrist strap | |

|Documentation | |

|Drivers and supporting software for standard operating systems | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 15: Camera standard components and additional requirements

7 Mobile devices

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|Mobile1 |Entry-level mobile phone |Entry-level mobile phone with personal information management, for integration of unified |

| | |communications into business processes |

|Mobile2 |High-end mobile phone |High-end mobile phone (smartphone) for integration of unified communications into business |

| | |processes |

|Mobile3 |High-end ruggedised handheld |Ruggedised high-end mobile data terminal for use in harsh environments |

| |terminal | |

Table 16: Details of Mobile category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Multifunction category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (1-year carry-in with specified response time) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 1-year carry-in) |

|Standard power/charging and interface cables |Non-standard accessories, e.g. additional interfaces, |

|Battery and accessories as specified |chargers, cases, software, batteries, etc. |

|Carry bag or screen cover | |

|Documentation | |

|Drivers and supporting software for standard operating systems (if applicable) | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 17: Mobile device standard components and additional requirements

8 Barcode devices

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|BCScan1 |Barcode scanner |Tethered barcode scanner with support for linear barcodes |

|BCScan2 |Barcode scanner (wireless) |Mobile barcode scanner with wireless communications and support for 2D barcodes |

|BCTerm1 |Barcode scanning terminal |Handheld barcode scanning terminal for harsh environments |

|BCPrn1 |Barcode printer |Thermal barcode and label printer |

Table 18: Details of Barcode category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Multifunction category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (3-year on-site with specified repair time) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 3-year on-site) |

|Standard power and interface cables (charging/docking cradles for wireless devices) |Non-standard accessories, e.g. additional interfaces, |

|Documentation |consumables, media types, etc. |

|Drivers and supporting software for standard operating systems (if applicable) | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 19: Barcoding standard components and additional requirements

9 Optical storage (DVD duplicators)

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|DVD1 |Entry-level / Value DVD duplicator|Entry-level, standalone DVD duplicator, manually operated |

|DVD2 |Workgroup DVD duplicator |Midrange, automated DVD duplicator for workgroups (networkable) |

|DVD3 |PC-attached DVD duplicator printer|PC-connected, automated DVD duplicator with integrated disc printer |

Table 20: Details of DVD category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Multifunction category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (3-year on-site with specified repair time) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 3-year on-site) |

|Standard power and interface cables |Non-standard accessories, e.g. additional consumables, |

|Documentation |media types, etc. |

|Drivers and supporting software for standard operating systems (if applicable) | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 21: DVD standard components and additional requirements

10 Small peripherals

|Item |Description |Functionality |

|Periph1 |Small peripherals |Value-added small peripherals (e.g. USB- and PCI-based devices) for procuring and deploying in |

| | |conjunction with other systems |

Table 22: Details of Periph category

Components included and not included in the Base Price for the Multifunction category are specified below:

|Included in Base Price |Not included in Base Price, client to specify |

|Base unit with capabilities as specified in Section 1 of the technical specification |On-site installation |

|Warranty (1-year carry-in with specified response time) |Upgrades to warranty (beyond default 1-year carry-in) |

|Standard power and interface cables (if applicable) | |

|Drivers and supporting software for standard operating systems | |

|Packaging and delivery to client site | |

Table 23: DVD standard components and additional requirements

Selection and deployment of technologies

1 PCs and notebooks

In general, the PC and Notebook categories are arranged in ascending order of capabilities and price. The Notebook category has several more specialised capability options, however, such as the Tablet PC (Note4) and the ruggedised laptop (Note7). The diagrams below give an overview of capabilities vs. cost, and also provide a relative sales volume indicator.


Figure 3: PC cost/capabilities overview


Figure 4: Notebook cost/capabilities overview

1 General guidelines

a) The PCs and Peripherals domain focusses on enterprise-level PCs and notebooks: this means that manageability, compatibility and longevity of systems and accessories (e.g. docking stations) are maximised. Also, drivers are available for previous operating systems, making it practical to maintain Departmental standards.

au) The standard desktop OS for Government remains Windows XP at this stage. All systems must supplied with XP Professional, unless an alternative is specifically requested by the client. However, XP is aging, and will not be fully supported by Microsoft for much longer. Therefore, additional OS selection guidelines are in order:

i) If a system is procured with 4GB RAM or more, iTAS recommends selecting a 64-bit OS, since all system memory cannot be addressed by a 32-bit OS.

ii) Since only Windows 7 is available as a 64-bit Windows client OS, Windows 7 would be in order for such systems.

iii) For smaller systems, Windows XP should be deployed for the interim.

2 Requirements for ruggedised systems (laptops or mobile devices)

a) Indoor/outdoor use (outdoor devices must typically be more rugged).

av) Temperature range the device will be used in.

aw) Impact requirements (likelihood of the device being dropped).

ax) Vibration (e.g. deployment on vehicles).

ay) Water resistance (outdoors devices may be exposed to rain or water splashes).

az) Humidity.

ba) Altitude (very high or low altitudes such as submarines or aircraft).

bb) Sand or dust protection.

2 Printers and multifunction devices

To decide on which printer is most appropriate for an end-user requirement, several questions need to be answered about the printing requirement:

a) Colour or monochrome: Is there a requirement for colour printing (typically more expensive to buy and operate), or is black-and-white sufficient?

b) Print volumes: What number of pages needs to be printed on a daily or monthly basis?

c) Page size: What size document needs to be printed? Choices include A4, A3 or larger (up to A0)

d) Peripherals and options: Which types of attachments or accessories are required for the printer? This may include finishers, staplers, additional paper trays, etc.

e) Specialised requirements: Portable printing, impact printing, slip printing, barcode printing and large format are all addressed via the PCs and Peripherals domain.

The diagram below will assist in choosing an appropriate printer Category and Item.


Figure 5: Decision tree for laser and inkjet printers

The same decision tree can be applied for multifunction devices (MF and MFC categories), with the major difference being that printers are single-function, while MF devices offer scanning, faxing and copying in addition to printing. Information on MF capabilities and user/volume values can be found in the detail specification (see Annex C).

Print volumes can be roughly divided into the following size categories, which are different for monochrome and colour printing.

|Volume description|Typical number of pages |

| |Daily |Monthly |

|Low | ................

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