بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بســم الله الرحمـن الرحـيم

إدارة تعليـم الأسـاس ( قـطاع البـاوقـة )

مـدرســــة التكــاوين الأسـاسـية بنــات

ألاســــم : ................................................................................................................................. الاختبـــار التجــريبي رقــــــــم (3)

English Language 6th form Time: an hour

Q (1): Draw a line under the odd word: (2 ½ m)

1. nurse doctor bread hospital

2. moon brown yellow green

3. apples tables mangoes oranges

4. father uncle brother aunt

5. milk tea ball coffee

Q (2): Put these words in the right place: (5 m)

@ over , in , between , on , with @

1. Kassala is __________________ the east.

2. The pen is __________________ the desk.

3. I play __________________ my friend.

4. The bird is __________________ the tree.

5. Six comes __________________ five and seven.

Q (3): Find the missing letter (2 ½ m)

1. He is a dr__ver.

2. Lado doesn’t go to school on Su__day.

3. She brushes her t__eth.

4. A ba__er makes bread.

5. This is a win__ow.

Q (4): Mark (T) for true and (F) for false: (5 m)

1. The sky is blue. (_________________)

2. Sudan has ten states. (_________________)

3. The elephant is a small animal. (_________________)

4. It is ( 9 o’clock. (_________________)

5. Haj Ibrahim is a name of a woman. (_________________)

Q (5): Complete the questions to match the answers: (5 m)

How - Is - Where - What - How much

1. ______________________ is Kamal? He is in the sitting room.

2. ______________________ old is Amani? She is seven years old.

3. ______________________ is a kilo of banana? One pound.

4. ______________________ this a car? Yes, it is.

5. ______________________ is the man drinking? Water.

Q (6): Underline the correct answer: (2 ½ m)

1. My father ( drive - is driving - drives ) a car now.

2. Aisha ( go - going - goes ) to school at 7 o’clock.

3. There ( are - am - is ) eight classrooms in my school.

4. I ( am not – doesn’t – don’t ) like apples.

5. They ( have - has - can ) a big house.

Q (7): Read then, Mark ( √ ) or ( × ) : (2 ½ m)

Karrar is a pupil. He lives in a house in Port Sudan. The house has a kitchen and two bathrooms. It has a sitting room. It also has three bedrooms.

1. Karrar lives in Port Sudan. (_______________)

2. The house has a sitting room. (_______________)

3. Karrar is a teacher. (_______________)

4. The house has three bedrooms. (_______________)

5. It also has two offices. (_______________)

Q (8): Match (A) with (B): (2 ½ m)

|A |B |B |

|near |…………………………….. |left |

|right |…………………………….. |a girl |

|job | …………………………….. |far |

|Roda | …………………………….. |the zoo |

|a giraffe | …………………………….. |milkman |

Q (9): Draw a line under the right word in the brackets: (10 m)

1. I have a brother ( her - his - its ) name is Omer.

2. You must ( comb - brush - drink ) your hair.

3. Please, give me ( an - at - a ) mango.

4. The ( boy - men - man ) work in the hospital.

5. Monday is the ( third - first - second) day of the week.

6. Ali is 10 years ( tall - old - big ).

7. The book is ( on - in - between ) the table.

8. ( Who - When - Whose ) pen is that? It’s mine.

9. ( That - Those - This ) are three women.

10. Amani is ( fat - a girl - thin ) but Maha is fat.

Q (10): Write these numbers in words: (2 ½ m)

Example: 36 = thirty-six

(1) 16 = ______________________ (2) 10 = _____________________ (3) 25 = _____________________ (4) 30 = ______________________ (5) 53 = _____________________________

Best Wishes

Mohamad Abakar




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