A. Body system that brings oxygen into the body and feeds to cells via the blood.

B. Upper respiratory tract

1. nose, mouth, pharynx, epiglottis and larynx

2. nose = naso or rhino

3. pharynx = throat…..combining form is pharyngo

4. larynx = combining form is laryngo

C. Lower respiratory tract

1. trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

2. trachea = combining form is tracheo

3. bronchi = combining form is broncho

4. alveoli = combining form is alveolo

5. all located within the thorax….combining form is thoraco

6. lung = combining form is pneumo or pulmono

7. mediastinum = region between lungs that contains heart, aorta, esophagus and lymph nodes (LN)

8. pleura = membrane around lungs….combining form is pleuro

9. diaphragm = muscle between thorax and abdomen (dia = between, phragm = wall)

10. diaphragmatic hernia – opening in diaphragm allowing abdominal organs to enter the thoracic cavity.

D. General terms

1. apnea = not breathing

2. dyspnea = difficult breathing

3. hyperpnea = increased breathing

4. hypopnea = decreased breathing

5. hyperventilation = abnormal, rapid breathing

6. hypoxia = decreased oxygen

7. hypercapnia = increased CO 2 (carbon dioxide) in the blood

8. phlegm = thick mucus secreted by respiratory tract

E. Diagnostic terms

1. auscultation = listening to body sounds using a stethoscope

2. bronchoscopy = procedure to visually examine the bronchi

3. laryngoscope = an instrument used to visually examine the larynx….usually for intubation.

4. thoracentesis = to withdraw fluid from the chest or thorax

5. tracheal wash = flushing and retrieving a small amount of fluid into the trachea to analyze the contents (culture, cytology, etc.)

F. Pathology terms

1. anoxia = without oxygen

2. asphyxiation = interruption of breathing resulting in hypoxia

3. aspiration = inhalation of a foreign substance into the upper respiratory tract.

4. asthma = chronic allergic disorder

5. atelectasis = collapse of the lungs

6. bronchitis = inflammation of the bronchi

7. bronchopneumonia = abnormal condition of the bronchi and lungs

8. COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

a. usually results of hardening of respiratory tract

b. horses with “heaves”

9. cyanosis = blue coloration of MM (mucus membranes) due to decrease oxygen.

10. emphysema = chronic lung disease caused by increased size of alveoli…..resulting in poor oxygen exchange.

11. epistaxis = nosebleed

12. hemothorax = blood in chest

13. laryngitis = inflammation of the larynx

14. pharyngitis = inflammation of the pharynx (sore throat)

15. pleurisy or pleuritis = inflammation of the lining around the lungs

16. pneumonia = abnormal condition of the lung

17. pneumothorax = abnormal air in the thoracic cavity which collapses a lung

18. pulmonary edema = accumulation of fluid in the lungs

19. pyothorax = pus in the chest

20. exudates = fluid discharge from an area

21. rhinitis = inflammation of the nose

22. rhinopneumonitis = inflammation of the nose and lungs

23. snuffles = upper respiratory infection of rabbits

24. stenotic nares = narrowed nostrils

25. tracheitis = inflammation of the trachea

26. tracheobronchitis = inflammation of the trachea and bronchi (kennel cough)

G. Procedures and Drugs

1. bronchodilators = drugs that increase the lumen of the bronchi

2. antitussives = drugs that control coughing

3. endotracheal intubation = to place a tube into the trachea for breathing ,,,,,,,usually for an anesthetic procedure.

4. lobectomy = removing a part (lobe) of a lung

5. pharyngostomy = surgical creation of an opening into the throat

a. used to place a feeding tube to force feed an animal

6. thoracotomy = incision into the chest (thorax)

7. tracheotomy = incision into the trachea


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