Information needed on the company bidding

Information needed on the company bidding

Company Name (Legal Business Name)

Telephone Number

Fax Number

Mailing Address

Business Address if different

Email Address

Bus ownership type?

Sole Proprietorship? Partnership? Corporation? Non-Profit?

If Sole Proprietorship

Name shown on social security card


If Corp

California Corporation Number

Date and Place of Incorporation

Pres, VP, Sec, Tres names


Duns #

The person that will be signing the documents as the bidder



Contractors License Number


Expiration Date

Certified Small Business?


Expiration Date


Service code

Expiration Date

California Resident?

What county will you be signing all documents in?

In the previous three years have you done business outside of the US?

Registered on BidSinc?

Login information

Documents needed:

Small Business Certification Letter (Bidsync printscreen)

Business License

Contractor’s License Board license

Proof of Insurance

Any other permits

documents needed to prove good standing with Secretary of State (if corp)

If you need Small Business Certification (or DBE), I need the following info as well:

Date Business Started

Number of employees

Gross Annual Receipts 2013, 2012, 2011

Owner Home address and what percent of company is owned by you

If Corp, need corp officers names and home addresses and titles of officers

If you need SDVOSB Certification, I need the following info as well:

What type of Corporation?


Cage Code



Bank Signature Card

20 Cancelled Checks

3 yrs taxes

Payroll info

Leases and managing agreements

Stock Ledger

Shareholder Agreement



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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