ADDENDUM # FORMTEXT 1 TO RFP # 0050905VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY (Virginia Tech)Procurement Department (MC 0333)North End Center, Suite 2100300 Turner Street NWBlacksburg, Virginia 24061DATEJuly 24, 2017 FORMTEXT Original DUE DATE AND HOURAugust 1, 2017 3pmNew DUE DATE & HOUR: August 4, 2017 3pmADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES AND CORRESPONDENCE TO: FORMTEXT Roger Gupta, Senior Buyer E-MAIL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER (540) 231-4177FAX NUMBER (540) 231-9628 AFTER HOUR MESSAGES (540) 231-6221Search Engine OptimizationThe Following questions have arisen for the aforementioned RFP and are answered as follows:Question 1: Section VII.B.5.:The Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD) does not offer SWaM certification to out of state businesses in certain states that do not offer a like certification to Virginia-based businesses. If a firm is women and minority owned, but cannot be SWaM certified by Virginia for that reason, does that disqualify or disadvantage the firm from this contract and/or is there a preferred method of addressing this in the proposal?Virginia Tech answer: This issue would not disqualify your firm however there could be a very slight disadvantage if a scoring process occurs. If your firm is certified as SWAM in your home state please indicate as such in your response, that will help.Question 2: This proposal is identified as an SEO proposal. However, item 7 in the Statement of Needs indicates advertising: Assist and enable implementation of keyword campaigns, ad placements and tracking.Is this a purely SEO proposal or also an advertising proposal? Some refer to the advertising as SEM, but that can really be a misnomer.Virginia Tech answer: Ultimately we would like to pair SEO and SEM for our units that have interest as we feel there is value to both.Question 3: We noticed that this was previously solicited earlier this year, is there a reason that it is being solicited again?Virginia Tech answer: This RFP has a slightly different intent. The goal of this piece is to focus on smaller business for the individual colleges and units in the University. The earlier RFP was specific to University-wide, top-level main domain SEO.Question 4: Are the vendors who bid on this previously able to bid on this again?Virginia Tech answer: YesQuestion 5: Is Virginia Tech looking for ‘freelance’ services?Virginia Tech answer: YesQuestion 6: Does Virginia Tech have any type of SEO software already in place, such as Brightedge?Virginia Tech answer: NoQuestion 7: Is the scope to be inclusive of paid SEM as well as SEO services? If so, what is your identified digital media budget?Virginia Tech answer: Potentially yes. Each budget will be determined by the specific business unit contracting with the chosen firm(s). As budget information is not public, please allow for small and large budgets in your response.Question 8: The RFP asks for references from at least three (3) higher education institutions, is it a requirement that all case studies and reference contacts for SEO success must be higher education or will other industry references be considered?Virginia Tech answer: Virginia Tech has decided that of the three references required, now only at least one reference must be from a higher-ed institution. This RFP requirement is amended below.Question 9: Please describe the internal content creation team for Virginia Tech, if applicable.Virginia Tech answer: The team personnel will be different and specific to each unit.Question 10: What is the not to exceed budget amount for SEO services on an annual basis?Virginia Tech answer: Budget information is not public information and will not be shared.Question 11: We are a small business by your definition but not registered with the state of Virginia as a SWaM. Is it a necessity that a registered SWaM be subcontracted?Virginia Tech answer: Suggest you get your firm registered as a small business with VA’s SBSD. No, it is not a necessity that a registered SWaM be subcontracted.Question 12: For clarification, “One (1) original hard copy and Four (4) electronic copies on flash drive or CD/DVD of each proposal must be submitted to…” Are you requesting four separate flash drives, or four hard copies with one signed original and one flash drive with an electronic copy?Virginia Tech answer: We are requesting one original hard copy and four electronic copies on flash drive or CD/DVD. This would equate to one original on paper and four separate flash drives or optical discs containing your full proposal.Question 13: Is higher education experience a firm requirement to fulfill the contract?Virginia Tech answer: Yes. What we need is demonstrated track-record with University clientele.SEO works very differently in higher education than in private industry and so we need a knowledgeable partner when we do any work with SEO across the university landscape. However, Virginia Tech has decided that of the three references required, now only at least one reference must be from a higher-ed institution. This RFP requirement is amended below.2.Section VII.B.1 is amended and replaced as follows:Provide at least three (3) References where you have provided similar services at the Master Brand level. At least one (1) reference must be from a higher education institution of similar size or larger. Detail how you implemented the programs and how you collaborated with a higher education institution to meet or exceed KPIs. Include dates the services were provided, the client name, address and the name and phone number of the individual Virginia Tech has permission to contact. 3. The due date and hour is hereby changed to August 4, 2017 at 3 pm.4.All other terms, conditions and descriptions remain the same. I acknowledge that I have read and understand this addendum in its entirety. ______________________________ ____________SignatureDateRevised 07/01/2017 ................

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