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Infosilem Data Collection Utility (DCU) Training ManualIntroductionThe Infosilem Timetabler Data Collection Utility (DCU) is a web application that provides a portal for departments to enter and review course and instructor information. Departmental schedulers can log in to the web application to access their department’s information using CAS authentication at:: Please Allow Pop-Up Windows in your browser before accessing the platform; see Appendix B for instructions.Main Screen254008106800The web application is divided into three main areas: the Navigation Panel, which contains buttons to access additional areas/information; the contextual Preview Pane, which updates according to what is chosen in the Navigation Panel; and the “Bread Crumbs” along the top, which indicate where you are in the navigational hierarchy as you drill into the Navigation Panel menu areas.New Terminology The DCU uses a number of terms that differ from those with which you are familiar in CSS, most notably Component, Delivery, and Pattern:InfosilemCSSDepartmentUnit:Subject (50:120)CourseCourse (101)SectionSection (07)ComponentMode (Lecture, Recitation, Lab)DeliveryDay, time, locationPatternThe standard period combination (2x80 min is a twice-a-week course, 1x180 min is a lab, etc.)PavilionBuilding (ATG, BSB, etc.)Max EnrollmentFinal stop point (to determine room size)Another important concept is FORCED. In Infosilem, courses can be entered by Pattern to determine time (for example, twice a week for 1 hour 20 minutes each class meeting, but any day/time that meets that pattern); and by Pavilion to determine space (for example, Armitage Hall). The Pattern and Pavilion lets Infosilem use its algorithms to determine the best specific time and specific room for the course, based on the parameters set by the users. However, you can also specifically choose to FORCE a specific time or location. This means Infosilem is not deciding when and/or where the class will take place; that information is being directly entered by the user. Currently all courses in CSS are done this way – you have to enter a specific day, time, and room. Infosilem lets you either allow it to pick those the course (by using a Pattern and Pavilion), or allows you to select that information specifically for the course. You can force any combination of course time or location: you can force a room without fForcing a time, force a time without forcing the room, or you can force neither or both. CoursesThe course information in the DCU is organized using a hierarchy:Department > Course > Section > Component > Delivery**Note: Please see Appendix A for a detailed description of each element in the hierarchy.In CSS, the data is displayed: 50:989:101:01:07888; Mode=02 (Lec); Meets Mon/Wed 9:05am-10:25am in room ATG 109This is also how the information is stored in the underlying IMS system.In Infosilem, the data is displayed:UNIT:SUBJECT = Department (50:989)COURSE NUMBER = Course (101)SECTION NUMBER = Section (01)There is no index number.The mode elements of the course are each assigned as a Component. So if a course just has a lecture, it will only have one Component (02-Lec); if it has multiple modes associated with that section, such as a Lecture (02-Lec) and a Recitation (03-Rec), then that section would have two Components (one a lecture and one a recitation). The Delivery is the actual day, time, and location of each Component. Again, if there is only one Component/mode, then there is only one Delivery. If there are multiple Components, there will be at least one Delivery for each Component. A Section can have multiple Components and multiple Deliveries.The Delivery has two elements – a time element, and a room element.The Time element can be defined as either a PATTERN (meets 2x80 minutes), a PATTERN SUBSET (meets 2x80 minutes, specifically MW 9:05am-10:25am), or a FORCED time (meets MW 9:05am-10:25am, no pattern). The Room element can be defined as a Pavilion (ATG), and/or room type (Restricted, General, or Computer), or FORCED to a specific room (ATG 205).EXAMPLE:Using the course Chemical Principles II. The course number is 50:160:116:01:01714. The course meets MW 12:30pm-1:50pm in the SLH, and has a recitation on F 12:30pm1:30pm also in the SLH. Dr. Kumi is the instructor for both the lecture and the recitation.In Infosilem this course would appear as:DEPARTMENT – 50:160 (Undergraduate Chemistry)COURSE – 116SECTION – 01COMPONENT – 02 LEC and 03 RECDELIVERIES – 02LEC = pattern 2x80 minutes, specifically M/W 12:30pm-1:50pm in Pavilion SCI, Room Type General, Room LH. Instructor: Kumi-03REC = pattern 1x60 minutes, specifically F 12:30pm-1:30pm in Pavilion SCI, Room Type General, Room LH. Instructor: KumiCourse List07450700To see the full course list from a department, change the Show dropdown on the right side from “10” to “All.”User AccessThe courses/departments you are able to view in the Departments dropdown in the Navigation Panel are based on user permissions.Black text = edit accessRed text = read-only accessExpanded View180975048768000140017517399000In the default, compact view, you can hover over the course number to see the course name; hover over the magnifying glass in time to see the pattern request or forced time; and hover over the magnifying glass in room to see room request or forced room.Yellow triangles with exclamation points in the time and room columns appear for forced times and some forced rooms. Forced times/rooms do appear after optimization if hard scheduled and if rolled over from the prior semester.If you check Expanded View, you will see all associated course information for each course in one view, including the associated Demand for any Course Combinations.Icons368935-1672200Batch Edit: the batch, “two pencil” icon above Expanded View is for batch editing (changing the same value on more than one item at the same time). You can select one or more courses and batch edit at the Section, Component, or Delivery level. Must edit the same thing for each object to use.351578000Calendar: the calendar icon above Expanded View is for “Show Timetable,” which will show you a weekly calendar view of the courses you select on the list. To select all classes, click the white box to the left of the Name column header. The calendar can used during the scheduling review process.358987000Calendar PDF: the calendar with PDF icon enables you to export a “Timetable” to PDF, i.e., a PDF of the schedule for the “Calendar” view. Basically allows you to print the Calendar view.367242000Printer: the printer icon enables you to create a printer-friendly version of the Courses, Sections, Components, from requested time patterns, rooms, and assigned instructors, in chart form. This should be printed after each semester’s initial review before optimization for your department’s records. Course EditingThe Course Editing screen displays all information that can be edited at the course level.Course InformationThe grayed fields containing Department, Course Number, and Course Title information are all read-only. Those pieces are information are based on the Master Course List so are not editable. Course AttributesThough not grayed, all fields in the Course Attributes area are read-only, except the Expanded Title field. This field should not be used for subtitles or topics (see notes below for that). The Pre-requisites, Credits, etc. again are all Master Course List objects so are not editable. Note that the Pre-requisite uses the form from IMS (separated by o for “or” and a for “and”) that may be a little confusing to read.Note: both the “Plus” and the “Trash” icons in the Course Attributes area are inactive; you cannot add or delete the course attributes. Again, these are Master Course List objects and are not editable. 17811757239000Green Circle with White Check263525031750000The green circle with a white checkbox means the course is active, i.e., it has at least one section being offered. If you would like to delete the last section of the course, click the box to the left of the green checkbox and it becomes a red circle with a white line.DoneWhen you have completed the review of all sections of a course, click the checkbox under Done at the far right.DemandIf a course is part of a Course Combination, the demand appears in this field. Demand is the number of students in different cohorts that were potentially assigned to this course. See below for more information. Sections33506868770500A list of all course sections appears in this area. The far right side of the Section area has a column for Max Enrollment, which shows the max enrollment (final stop point) for each section, and the Total Supply (all final stop points of all sections added up) for that particular course.35623530162500Plus: Use this icon to add a new section from scratch. ONLY DO THIS if there are no other sections already listed; it is easier to duplicate a section. See the “Adding a New Course Section” area of this manual below. Trash: Click the white checkbox next to the section you want to delete and then click the “Trash” icon.3498851778000Duplicate: Click the white checkbox next to the section you want to duplicate, and then click this icon. This is a quicker/more efficient way to add new sections usually.3663951121800Batch Edit: Click the white checkboxes next to the sections that you want to batch edit, and then click this icon. You can batch edit on the Section, Component, or Delivery levels. For example, change all stop points.363855-275200Calendar: Click the white checkboxes next to the section(s) to see the “Timetable(s)”/schedule(s). Use this icon after the schedule is created, during the review period.368512-63500Calendar PDF: Click the white checkboxes next to the section(s) to see the “Timetable(s)”/schedule(s) as a PDF. More or less the way to print as a Calendar view.Section EditingThe Section Editing screen displays all information that can be edited at the section level.012763500Section NumberWhile there is an option to edit this field, the section number is required to be two characters and follow the standard conventions, which are are:Picking the Right Section NumberSemester(s)Section Number(s)DescriptionFall/SpringNumeric 01-99General Courses Fall/SpringNumeric 91, 93 (odd 90’s)Hybrid Online CoursesFall/SpringAlpha-Number with letter being campus code, and number just sequential. A1 for ACCC, for example.Off-campusFall/SpringNumeric 90, 92, (even 90’s)OnlineFall/SpringH1-H9HonorsFall/SpringR1-R9Gateway (designed for students with low English/math placements)Fall/SpringT1-TZTeacher prep or Telepresence (Immersive Synchronous Lecture)Fall/SpringZ1-ZZ“Dummy” courses to hold extra room(s) needed for either recitations that meet at the same day/time as the lecture, or a lecture that meets at the same time as a group of smaller sections.Summer(not using DCU)Alpha, alphanumeric, and numeric (A1, D6, T2, etc.)Matches with a specific set of summer session dates (see Summer Calendar for details)Winter(not using DCU)W1 (online, morning), W3 (afternoon), W6 (evening)All winter coursesTERM CODES: each term has a single digit numeric code associated with it as follows:FALL = 9WINTER = 0SPRING = 1SUMMER = 7Infosilem labels the term as the year + term code, so Spring 2020 is 20201; Fall 2020 is 20209, etc.DescriptionLeave the Description field blank.Section RequirementsYou can indicate requirements about the ordering of components in the Section Requirements text box. For example, lecture should be before lab; recitation should be after lecture, Lecture/Recitation should be back to back, etc. Please include the ordering choice and the components that should be ordered. The text length of the Sections Requirements box is 2,000 characters.Section AttributesSome Section Attributes are required, but most are not. Those that are required are indicated RED below. Note: there is a scroll bar to the right of the Section Attributes area; scroll down to see all the attributes below:Field NameSection AttributeClass Restriction Code (5)Class years (2011) of students who are not allowed to register for the sectionCMSFor online/hybrid courses only; to indicate the content management system (CMS) used for the courseCo-RequisiteRead-only value from IMS. To change, put in a section requirement note and scheduling will create the link. This field cannot be edited. Contact TimeFor certain graduate-level by arrangement courses only. Time in HHMM formatCourse Note (4)Note that will appear for all sections of a particular courseExam CodeRequired for each section; determines when the final exam is scheduled (or if one is scheduled at all). For a list of exam codes and definitions, see: Code (5)Specific honors programs whose students can register for the section (02 is Camden Honors)Honors College IndicatorDetermines if the section is open only to Honors College studentsNon-trad IndicatorDetermines if only students with the non-traditional indicator can register for the sectionOpen Major/Unit (7)Listing of majors (3 characters) OR school codes (2 characters) whose students can register for the section (57, 705, 52, 350, etc.) For combined (52:135) use UNIT AND MAJOR below.Open Minor (2)Listing of minors (3 characters) whose students can register for the sectionOpen to Class LevelListing of undergraduate class years that can register for the section (freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior)PrintDetermines if the course will appear in the online Schedule of Classes (“Yes”) or not (“No”)Print Comment (4)Standard comments that can be chosen for a sectionSession PrintCan be ignored and kept as “Yes”; Determines whether course displays in section searches in IMS (mostly done by advisors for students)Special Permission AddSpecial permission number required for a student to add a section; the selection tells the student who maintains the SPNsSpecial Permission DropSpecial permission number required for a student to drop a section; the selection tells the student who maintains the SPNsStudents with Disability IndCan be ignored for use in TimetablerSubject NoteNote that appears for all sections of a particular subjectSubtitleTopics courses can have a subtitle entered. The subtitle will appear on a student’s transcript. THIS IS WHERE YOU ADD SUBTITLE.Temporary Stop PointIf a course should have an artificially low stop point at the beginning of registration (like 0 or 5 students, for instance), that number should be entered hereType (for online/hybrid only)Use 01 for online courses, 02 for hybrid coursesUnit and major (4)Listing of school-major combos that students can be in to register for the section. For instance, graduate English would be 56350Unit NoteNote that appears for all sections of a particular unit/school codeScheduling GroupsAny Scheduling Groups that are entered in the Section Groups area, like cross-listings, that affect this particular section will appear here. (see below for more information)Components33845529506300A list of all Components associated with a section appears here. You can:33697333020000Plus: Add a new Component. (Lecture, Recitation, Lab, Clinic, etc.)Trash: Click the white checkbox next to the component you want to delete and then click the “Trash” icon.363432-63500Batch Edit: Click the white checkboxes next to the components that you want to batch edit. You can batch edit on the Component or Delivery levels.365760296300Calendar: Click the white checkboxes next to the section(s) to see the “Timetable(s)”/schedule(s). Use this icon after the schedule is created.3740151439300Calendar PDF: Click the white checkboxes next to the section(s) to see the “Timetable(s)”/schedule(s) as a PDF. Use this icon after the schedule is ponent Editing and Deliveries078740002724150310515MAX ENROLL00MAX ENROLLComponent InformationName and Type should be the exact same values. Choose the Type first from the dropdown, then duplicate that as the Name by manually typing in the value.Max Enrollment = final stop point.If a section has multiple components (for example, lecture and recitation), the max enrollments for both the lecture and recitation must be ponent Scheduling GroupsIf the Component is part of a Component Group (like a lead section group), the Component Group and all other Component Group members will appear here. Generally speaking we don’t have any lead sections, but this is how you would build one.DeliveriesThere is one Delivery per ComponentA Delivery can be for one or more days/times A Delivery can only be in one room (You CANNOT assign two rooms to the same delivery)A Delivery is made up of three parts: the Time Request, the Room Request, and the InstructorTime RequestYou can either choose to use a PATTERN request, which will let Infosilem determine when the course is specifically offered, or you can do a FORCE to a specific pattern day and time.Labs, Studios, Clinicals, etc. generally are going to end up being FORCED.General classes should be allowed to use the PATTERN if at all practical.All courses should align to the normal scheduling grid.Courses scheduled “off grid” will require Dean’s approval Room RequestIf a course is going to be in a Restricted Type room (labs, studios, departmental seminar rooms, etc.), there are two possible scenarios: If your department “owns” the room:Choose the Room Type “Restricted Room.”Leave Pavilion blank.Choose the Room number from the dropdown. The rooms that your department “owns” will be at the top of the list, highlighted in green.If the course was in that room the prior year, the room will already be listed, and you do not need to enter anything new.If you have permission to use another department’s room:Choose the Room Type “Restricted Room.”Leave Pavilion blank. The rooms that your department does not “own” will appear with white background.Choose the Room number from the dropdown.In the Room Requirements box, enter the building and room number, and indicate the department and person who gave you permission to use that restricted room.If a course is going to be in a general purpose classroom, you will need to enter three things: a Room Type, a preferred Pavilion (building), and any room Characteristics you need.Room Type“General Purpose Classroom.”PavilionSelect the preferred building where you would like to hold the section. For a list of the buildings and campuses, please see the Rooms tab on the left Navigation Panel.The system will try to assign the section to that building. If it cannot it will go down a hierarchy of less desirable spaces. Characteristic(s) (of the classroom)Add any Characteristics required in the classroom by clicking the “Plus” icon under the word Characteristic(s). A popup window will appear. Click the checkboxes next to a max of 6 choices. Please note: the algorithm will treat all Characteristics as required. That is, if you indicate the need for an attribute in a room, you will not be assigned to a room (without your scheduling officer asking you) that does not have all characteristics (i.e., please do not request attributes you do not require). Things like “chalkboard” or “tiered classroom”.If a course is going to be Off-Campus or By Arrangement on a Rutgers Campus (online), you’ll need to do the following:Select the Room Type “Off Campus Room.”Select the Pavilion “Off Campus – [the name of the off-campus or CA location]]” Select Room = OC[campus code]-999 For “By Arrangement” courses only:In Delivery Attributes, change the By Arrangement Indicator to “Yes.”For “Off-Campus off campus” (campus Z) courses only:In Delivery Attributes, select a Budget Code.InstructorYou can also add, delete, or change the instructor associated with the delivery. To ADD an instructor, click on the + sign under Instructor and above Department. Select the department the instructor is associated withClick on the instructor in the departmental listTo DELETE an instructorClick on the small square box next to the instructor, and then click on the TRASH icon above Department. That will remove the instructor from the course. To CHANGE – first DELETE the old instructor, then ADD the new instructor.Adding a New Course SectionOne of the most common tasks you will do in the DCU is adding new course sections. Below are two methods for you to follow.The Duplication MethodIf a course has other active sections, the easiest way to make a new section is to “Duplicate” an existing section from the Course Editing window.At the bottom of the Course Editing screen in the Sections area, click the white checkbox next to the Section you want to copy/duplicate. Then click the “Duplicate” (two paper) icon.Upon duplication, a Section Editing window will open.Change the section number to a new section number. All other information will be duplicated from the original section. Change any information that you need to at the Section, Component, or Delivery level. Then click “Save.”The Manual Addition MethodIf there are no other active sections of the course, follow these steps to create a new section:477139033528000242570036322000Go to the Course List for the department where the course is located, and click the white box next to Exclude Disabled Courses so that it is unchecked. Courses will now appear on this list with both red circles/white lines and green circles/white checkmarks.The course you want to add likely has a red circle. Click on the course number in the Name column.The Course Editing screen will open up.Unclick the white checkbox next to the red circle/white line on the right side of the screen. This activates the course.Click “Save.”Go to the bottom of the screen and click the “Plus” icon in the sections area.The Section Editing screen will open up.In the Section Information area at the top:Add a section number (see information in the “Section Editing” area earlier in this document).Select the available Term.Leave the Description blank.Fill in Section Requirements if needed (see “Section Editing” earlier in this document).In the Section Attributes area:Select choices for all required (red) fields.Select or enter information for other necessary attributes.Click “Save” – this creates the section.Go to the bottom of the screen and click the “Plus” icon in the Components area.The Component Editing screen will open up.In the Component Information area at the top:Choose the type from the dropdown.Re-type that same information in the Name field right above it so that the two fields, Type and Name, match.Fill in Max Enrollment (= final stop point).In the Delivery Information area at the bottom (see “Component Editing and Deliveries” in an earlier section):Time RequestsA standard time request of a 2x80min pattern will initially appear. You may modify this or leave it alone.If necessary, enter Time Requirements in the box to the right (see “Time Request” information in an earlier section).Room RequestsIf a Delivery/Course requires a room assignment, click the “Plus” icon.Add Room Requirement information (see “Room Request” information in an earlier section) if necessary.Delivery AttributesEnter a value for the By Arrangement Indicator (“N” for most, “Y” only if the course is meeting on a by arrangement basis).InstructorsIf known, add an instructor by clicking the “Plus” icon.A popup will appear. Select the Course Role for each instructor.The Teaching Status will default to “Teaching” for each instructor. If the course role chosen was Course Assistant or Course Coordinator, change the Teaching Status to “Non-Teaching.”Click “Save.”If you need to add a second Component (for example, if you first added a lecture, and then wanted to add a recitation), follow the steps again from step 4d.Grouping Courses TogetherCourses can be grouped together at the Section or the Component level; together, they are referred to as Scheduling Groups. Here are examples of each and instructions for managing them.Section GroupsSection Groups are used to keep sections together in one of three different ways: CrosslistingsMeeting Together (same time/prof/room but not crosslisted)Same Time (but different prof/room). Crosslisted Section Groups from the prior semester are carried forward, but new ones will need to be manually created. Similarly, any manually-created Section Groups from a prior like semester will also carry forward.Please review all Section Groups for your departments to make sure they still apply to the new semester. They may need to change based on the changes to the sections being offered from the previous year.If the Section Group is good, click “Done” in the Section Group List.If the Section Group is not good, either delete it or open it to edit and deactivate. To deactivate, click the white box next to the green circle with the white check, turning it into a red circle with a line.To add a new Section Group:Click the “Plus” icon on the Section Group List screen.Pick the sections you would like to group in the Group Members area by clicking the “Plus” icon. Then, select the Group Constraint (how you would like to group them). Finally, click Generate a Group ID to create the Group ID. Select the lowest numbered Course or Section for the name.To delete a Section GroupFrom the Section Group List, click the white box to the left of the Section Group ID.Click the “Trash” icon.To duplicate a Section Group (and then you can open up and modify):From the Section Group List, click the white box to the left of the Section Group ID.Click the “Duplicate,” (two paper) icon.The Section Group Editing window will open so you can make any changes and save.To see all Section Groups with all details:Click the “Printer” icon. A new window will open up and show all groups, the group constraint (which means the type of Section Group), the members of the Section Group (which sections it includes), and the time/room information for each of those ponent GroupsComponent Groups are used to keep components together in one of four different ways: Lead Section LecturesMeeting Together (same time/prof/room)Same CampusSame Time (but different prof/room).Lead section lecture Component Groups from the prior semester are carried forward, but new ones will need to be manually created. Similarly, any manually-created Component Groups from a prior like semester will also carry forward.Please review all Component Groups for your departments to make sure they should remain intact for the new semester.If the Component Group is good, click “Done” in the Component Group List.If the Component Group is not good, either delete it or open it to edit and deactivate. To deactivate, click the white box next to the green circle with the check, turning it into a red circle with a line.To add a new Component Group:Click the “Plus” icon on the Component Group List screen.Pick the Components you would like to group in the Group Members area by clicking the “Plus” icon. Then, select the Group Constraint (how you would like to group them). Finally, click Generate a Group ID to create the Group ID.To delete a Component Group:From the Component Group List screen, click the white box to the left of the Component Group ID.Click the “Trash” icon.To duplicate a component group (and then you can open up and modify):From the component group list, click the white box to the left of the Component Group ID.Click the “Duplicate” (two paper) icon.The Component Group Editing window will open so you can make any changes and save.To see all Component Groups with all details:Click the “Printer” icon. A new window will open up and show all groups, the group constraint (which means the type of Component Group), the members of the Component Group (which Components it includes), and the time/room information for each of those Components.Spreading Courses OutThere are two main ways to spread out courses so that they do not overlap with one another when scheduled: Course Combinations and manually created Academic Blocks. Course CombinationsCourse Combinations are used for two different reasons: to create cohort-based scheduling for fixed-sized groups of students; and to ensure that groups of single-section courses are scheduled conflict-free. To see the Course Combinations for your department, select the department from the dropdown list on the Navigation Panel.Each course combination from a department will be listed with a Course Combination ID (name). The system schedules courses within Course Combinations so they do not overlap. The resulting course schedules for those combinations are called Academic Blocks and are designated as either “Cohort” or “Conflict-Free.”Add a Course CombinationClick the “Plus” icon on the Course Combination List screen.Then, decide if you are making a Course Combination for a “Cohort” or to spread out single sections (“SSS”) of courses.CohortsAdd a name in the Course Combination field (see naming convention below); select Type (“Cohort of Students”); leave Description blank; and enter Number of students (the size of the “Cohort”).Then, “Add” or “Edit” the Course Requests.Program can be left blank. Select Department and Course from dropdownsRequested Section should be left blankCategory should be “Optional” or “Required”If “Optional” is chosen, there needs to be another course combination with all of the same required courses and a different “Optional” course. Names for “Cohorts”: CM###J (for majors), CM###N (for minors), or CM###G (for graduate programs), where ### is the subject code of the program. Add a ‘-1’ for first year fall, ‘-2’ for first year spring, ‘-3’ for sophomore fall, ‘-4’ for sophomore spring, etc. Then, ‘-A-’ for the first possible way to complete the “Cohort,” ‘-B-’ for the second way, etc. In the end, the format of the names will be “CM###J-#-@-.”SSS (Spreading Single Sections)Add a name (see naming convention below); select Type (“Conflict-Free”); leave Description blank; and enter the number of students (Note: always use “500” for conflict-free). Then, “Add” or “Edit” the Course Requests. Enter Program (“SSS 1” at the bottom of the scroll-down list)Select Department and Course from dropdownsLeave Requested Section blankEnter Category as “Required.” Names for “SSS”: SSS-CM###J-1-@- (for fall) and SSS-CM###J-2-@- (for spring), where ### is the subject code of your department, and @ is a letter of the alphabet, starting with A, for each group of courses.An example for fall would be: SSS-CM202J-1-A. An example for spring would be: SSS-CM470J-2-A.Delete a Course CombinationFrom the Course Combination List, click the white box to the left of the Course Combination ID.Click the “Trash” icon.Duplicate a Course CombinationFrom the Course Combination List, click the white box to the left of the Course Combination ID.Click the “Duplicate,” (two paper) icon.The Course Combination Editing window will open so you can make any changes and save.See All Course CombinationsTo see all Course Combinations with all details, click the “Printer” icon. A new window will open up and show all Course Combinations, the Academic Block Type (“Cohort” or “Conflict-Free”), the members of the Course Combination (which courses it includes), and whether the members are “Required” or “Optional.”2540019727300Academic BlocksAcademic Blocks are a list of Components (lectures, recitations, labs, etc.) that should be scheduled at different times. The can be created using Components from multiple sections of the same course or multiple courses.To see the Academic Blocks for your department, select the department from the dropdown list on the Navigation Panel.Each Academic Block from a department will be listed with an Identification (name). The Type will always be “Conflict-Free.”Add an Academic BlockClick the “Plus” icon on the Academic Block List screen.Once in the Academic Block Editing screen, select all Components that should be scheduled “Conflict-Free” by clicking on the “Plus” icon in the Components area on the bottom of the window. If you include a lecture, and that lecture is part of a lead section lecture Component Group (say, sections 01-06 all have lectures that meet together), please only add the lead section’s lecture Component (in this case, just the lecture for section 01). The Identification should be the name of the department (format ##:### - see the Department value; example 52:135) and then a short identifier, like upper-level courses. Size should remain as “0.” Description and Academic Block Requirements can remain blank.INSTRUCTORS:Adding Instructor silem treats this in the “negative” – not when an Instructor is available, but when they are NOT available. This can also be referred to as “block-offs”. To ADD an unavailability, go to INSTRUCTORSSelect the DEPARTMENTSelect the INSTRUCTOR NAMEOn that page, go down to Instructor UnavailabilitiesClick on + to add a new oneSelect TYPE (tier 2), TERM (20201), START DATE (defaults usually), END DATE (defaults usually)Select DAY of the week, and the START and END time (military format) of the time the instructor is NOT available. You can also DELETE unavailabilities by clicking in the small white box and then on the TRASH icon.NOTE: TYPE 1 unavailabilities are determined by HR, and will be automatically entered for the instructors by the system.MeetingsMeetings can be entered by a department to block off meeting time for a group of instructors from one or multiple departments. This can be done in lieu of one-by-one block offs done in the Faculty and Instructor Teaching Availability portal.To see the meetings for your department, select the department from the dropdown list on the Navigation Panel.Adding a MeetingClick the “Plus” icon on the Meeting List screen.Select the Meeting Type “Departmental Meeting.”Identification is a free-form text field – make the name meaningful to you and your department.In Forced Time:Select the available Term, which will fill in the start and end dates.Keep Frequency as “1.”Choose a Day.Choose a Start and End time.You can add additional days/times as well if needed with the “Plus” icon.Add instructors:Click the “Plus” icon in the Instructors area.Click the white checkboxes next to each instructor you would like to add. Click “Ok.”If you would like to add instructors from other departments, click the “Plus” icon again, and in the popup window, change the Department dropdown to a different department and add additional instructors. Click “Ok.”RoomsUsing the Rooms link in the Navigation Panel will display all active rooms that are currently stored in the database. A printer friendly version is available to print the room inventory. Once the schedule is created (during the review period), this list will show all Deliveries assigned to each of the rooms.You may also use the rooms link to see any course requesting to use one of your department’s restricted rooms. If there are any courses requesting use that you did NOT approve, please contact your scheduling officer.ReportsThe Reports link in the Navigation Panel links to reports that are available for your department, including Conflict Reports, which display conflicting resources within a particular department for a Delivery or Deliveries.These reports will be important to review within the initial scheduling window (when the DCU first opens for a new semester’s scheduling) to find conflicts between Academic Blocks, Instructors, and course-level requests ahead of the schedule creation process.Departmental Checklist to Create a New Semester ScheduleAdd New SectionsWhen the course already has other active sectionsWhen it is the first section of a course being activated from the MCLDelete SectionsEdit Attributes of CoursesCourse levelSection levelDelivery levelModify Room and Time/Pattern RequestsRestricted RoomsGeneral Purpose ClassroomsAdd/modify Instructors Listed on CoursesGroup Courses TogetherCross-listingLead Section LecturesMeeting Together (Same time/room/prof)Same Time Only (Different room/prof)Same CampusSpread Courses OutCohort of StudentsSpreading Single Sections (SSS)Multiple sections of the same or different coursesCreate Departmental MeetingsDouble Check Data Before the DCU ClosesReview the Conflict ReportCourses that conflict with each otherCourses that conflict with professor blockoffsCheck that max enrollments match in multi-component sectionsLook at your Restricted Rooms to see what is assignedPrint Out All Course Lists for Each DepartmentClick Done on All Reviewed:CoursesMeetingsAcademic BlocksSection GroupsComponent GroupsCourse CombinationsContact Scheduling Officer When CompleteAppendix A: Course HierarchyViewing Courses in the DCUClick on CoursesDropdown with the departments you can edit and view will appearCourses that have active sections appear hereHierarchy of courses:Department > Course > Section > Component > DeliveryCan click on any blue link in the DCU to get information on that level of the hierarchy:DepartmentUsers have access on the department levelInstructors are assigned to one department as their home, even though they can teach for more than one subject or departmentTo see all courses on the MCL, and not just ones being offered, unclick the “Exclude disabled courses” box at the top of the Course ListCourseHas title, subject, course number listedInformation about course combinationsTotal demand for that courseListing of each course combination the course is in (from any department.Listing of each section being offeredFull timetable for every section of the course for the whole semesterSectionHas subject, course number, and section listedSection attributes: (almost) everything that you would normally edit in CSS (aside from budget codes, time, date, location, and stop point)Temporary stop point (which is used as initial registration stop point)Scheduling GroupsCrosslistings“Courses forced into the same time” from course combo worksheets and DCU entriesListing of each component for that section (02-LEC, 03-RECIT, 05-LAB, etc.)Full timetable for that sectionComponentHas subject, course number, section, and type of meeting listedName and type of component are the same (02-LEC, for example)Contains day/time/location informationMax enrollment = final stop pointDeliveryDepartment, course number, section, and name/type of delivery is listedEnter room request at the delivery levelEnter time request at the delivery levelEnter Instructor at the delivery levelAppendix B: Allow Pop-UpsThe DCU is a “Pop-Up.” Please follow the steps below to “Allow Pop-Ups” for the DCU only.SafariEnter full web address, including “https://”: in through CAS authentication using your University NetID and Password:You will receive an error message alerting you that your browser settings do not allow “Pop-Ups”:Choose “Safari,” “Preferences” from the main menu:Choose “Websites,” “Pop-up Windows,” and choose “Allow” for “”Re-enter complete website address in address field:Firefox Using the “hamburger” on the top right, scroll down to “Options”:Choose “Privacy & Security,” scroll down to “Block pop-up windows, and click on “Exceptions”:Enter full web address, click “Allow,” and click “Save Changes”: Enter full web address: in through CAS authentication using your University NetID and Password:Chrome Choose the three dots on the top right for “Customize and control Google Chrome”:Scroll down and choose “Settings”:Scroll down and choose “Advanced”:Scroll down and choose “Content settings”:Scroll down and choose “Pop-ups and redirects”:Choose “Allow,” “Add”:Type in website address and choose “Add”: full website address: in through CAS authentication using your University NetID and Password:Appendix C: Class Scheduling Grid(found on web at )MONDAY/WEDNESDAY/FRIDAY TUESDAY/THURSDAYAppendix D: Standard Period CombinationsPatterns and Pattern SubsetsPATTERN TYPEDAYS AND TIMESLABEL3 x 55 minutes DayMWF 8:00am-8:55am3 x 55 minutes DayMWF 9:10am-10:05am3 x 55 minutes DayMWF 10:20am-11:15am2 x 80 minutes DayMW 8:00am-9:20am2 x 80 minutes DayMF 8:00am-9:20am2 x 80 minutes DayTuTh 8:00am-9:20am2 x 80 minutes DayWF 8:00am-9:20am2 x 80 minutes DayMW 9:35am-10:55am2 x 80 minutes DayMF 9:35am-10:55am2 x 80 minutes DayTuTh 9:35am-10:55am2 x 80 minutes DayWF 9:35am-10:55am2 x 80 minutes DayTuTh 11:10am-12:30pm2 x 80 minutes DayMW 12:30pm-1:50pm2 x 80 minutes DayMF 12:30pm-1:50pm2 x 80 minutes DayWF 12:30pm-1:50pm2 x 80 minutes DayTuTh 2:00pm-3:20pm2 x 80 minutes DayMW 2:05pm-3:25pm2 x 80 minutes DayMF 2:05pm-3:25pm2 x 80 minutes DayWF 2:05pm-3:25pm2 x 80 minutes DayTuTh 3:35pm-4:55pm2 x 80 minutes DayMW 3:45pm-5:05pm2 x 80 minutes DayMF 3:45pm-5:05pm2 x 80 minutes DayWF 3:45pm-5:05pm2 x 80 minutes DayMW 4:20pm-5:40pm2 x 80 minutes DayTuTh 4:20pm-5:40pm2 x 80 minutes DayWF 4:20pm-5:40pm2 x 80 minutes EveMW 6:00pm-7:20pm2 x 80 minutes EveMF 6:00pm-7:20pm2 x 80 minutes EveTuTh 6:00pm-7:20pm2 x 80 minutes EveWF 6:00pm-7:20pm2 x 80 minutes EveMW 7:35pm-8:55pm2 x 80 minutes EveMF 7:35pm-8:55pm2 x 80 minutes EveTuTh 7:35pm-8:55pm2 x 80 minutes EveWF 7:35pm-8:55pm1 x 60 minutes DayM 8:00am-9:00am1 x 60 minutes DayTu 8:00am-9:00am1 x 60 minutes DayW 8:00am-9:00am1 x 60 minutes DayTh 8:00am-9:00am1 x 60 minutes DayF 8:00am-9:00am1 x 60 minutes DayM 9:35am-10:35am1 x 60 minutes DayTu 9:35am-10:35am1 x 60 minutes DayW 9:35am-10:35am1 x 60 minutes DayTh 9:35am-10:35am1 x 60 minutes DayF 9:35am-10:35am1 x 60 minutes DayTu 11:10am-12:10pm1 x 60 minutes DayTh 11:10am-12:10pm1 x 60 minutes DayM 12:30am-1:30pm1 x 60 minutes DayW 12:30am-1:30pm1 x 60 minutes DayF 12:30am-1:30pm1 x 60 minutes DayTu 2:00pm-3:00pm1 x 60 minutes DayTh 2:00pm-3:00pm1 x 60 minutes DayM 2:05pm-3:05pm1 x 60 minutes DayW 2:05pm-3:05pm1 x 60 minutes DayF 2:05pm-3:05pm1 x 60 minutes DayTu 3:35pm-4:35pm1 x 60 minutes DayTh 3:35pm-4:35pm1 x 60 minutes DayM 3:45pm-4:45pm1 x 60 minutes DayW 3:45pm-4:45pm1 x 60 minutes DayF 3:45pm-4:45pm1 x 60 minutes EveM 6:00pm-7:00pm1 x 60 minutes EveTu 6:00pm-7:00pm1 x 60 minutes EveW 6:00pm-7:00pm 1 x 60 minutes EveTh 6:00pm-7:00pm1 x 60 minutes EveF 6:00pm-7:00pm1 x 60 minutes EveM 7:35pm-8:35pm1 x 60 minutes EveTu 7:35pm-8:35pm1 x 60 minutes EveW 7:35pm-8:35pm1 x 60 minutes EveTh 7:35pm-8:35pm1 x 60 minutes EveF 7:35pm-8:35pm1 x 160 minutes DayM 8:00am-10:50am1 x 160 minutes DayTu 8:00am-10:50am1 x 160 minutes DayW 8:00am-10:50am1 x 160 minutes DayTh 8:00am-10:50am1 x 160 minutes DayF 8:00am-10:50am1 x 160 minutes DayTu 9:35am-12:25pm1 x 160 minutes DayTh 9:35am-12:25pm1 x 160 minutes DayM 12:30pm-3:20pm1 x 160 minutes DayW 12:30pm-3:20pm1 x 160 minutes DayF 12:30pm-3:20pm1 x 160 minutes DayTu 2:00pm-4:50pm1 x 160 minutes DayTh 2:00pm-4:50pm1 x 160 minutes EveM 6:00pm-8:50pm1 x 160 minutes EveTu 6:00pm-8:50pm1 x 160 minutes EveW 6:00pm-8:50pm1 x 160 minutes EveTh 6:00pm-8:50pm1 x 160 minutes EveF 6:00pm-8:50pm2 x 160 minutes DayMW 8:00am-10:50am2 x 160 minutes DayMF 8:00am-10:50am2 x 160 minutes DayTuTh 8:00am-10:50am2 x 160 minutes DayWF 8:00am-10:50am2 x 160 minutes DayTuTh 9:35am-12:25pm2 x 160 minutes DayMW 12:30pm-3:20pm2 x 160 minutes DayMF 12:30pm-3:20pm2 x 160 minutes DayWF 12:30pm-3:20pm2 x 160 minutes DayTuTh 2:00pm-4:50pm2 x 160 minutes EveMW 6:00pm-8:50pm2 x 160 minutes EveMF 6:00pm-8:50pm2 x 160 minutes EveTuTh 6:00pm-8:50pm2 x 160 minutes EveWF 6:00pm-8:50pm1 x 180 minutes DayM 8:00am-11:00am1 x 180 minutes DayTu 8:00am-11:00am1 x 180 minutes DayW 8:00am-11:00am1 x 180 minutes DayTh 8:00am-11:00am1 x 180 minutes DayF 8:00am-11:00am1 x 180 minutes DayM 12:30pm-3:30pm1 x 180 minutes DayW 12:30pm-3:30pm1 x 180 minutes DayF 12:30pm-3:30pm1 x 180 minutes DayTu 2:00pm-5:00pm1 x 180 minutes DayTh 2:00pm-5:00pm1 x 180 minutes DayM 2:05pm-5:05pm1 x 180 minutes DayW 2:05pm-5:05pm1 x 180 minutes DayF 2:05pm-5:05pm1 x 180 minutes EveM 5:45pm-8:45pm1 x 180 minutes EveTu 5:45pm-8:45pm1 x 180 minutes EveW 5:45pm-8:45pm1 x 180 minutes EveTh 5:45pm-8:45pm1 x 180 minutes EveF 5:45pm-8:45pm1 x 220 minutes DayM 7:15am-11:05am1 x 220 minutes DayW 7:15am-11:05am1 x 220 minutes DayF 7:15am-11:05am1 x 220 minutes DayTu 7:30am-11:20am1 x 220 minutes DayTh 7:30am-11:20am1 x 220 minutes DayM 12:30pm-4:20pm1 x 220 minutes DayW 12:30pm-4:20pm1 x 220 minutes DayF 12:30pm-4:20pm1 x 220 minutes DayTu 1:55pm-5:45pm1 x 220 minutes DayTh 1:55pm-5:45pm1 x 220 minutes EveM 6:00pm-9:50pm1 x 220 minutes EveTu 6:00pm-9:50pm1 x 220 minutes EveW 6:00pm-9:50pm1 x 220 minutes EveTh 6:00pm-9:50pm1 x 220 minutes EveF 6:00pm-9:50pm1 x 110 minutes DayM 7:15am-9:05am1 x 110 minutes DayW 7:15am-9:05am1 x 110 minutes DayF 7:15am-9:05am1 x 110 minutes DayTu 7:30am-9:20am1 x 110 minutes DayTh 7:30am-9:20am1 x 110 minutes DayM 9:15am-11:05am1 x 110 minutes DayW 9:15am-11:05am1 x 110 minutes DayF 9:15am-11:05am1 x 110 minutes DayTu 9:35am-11:25am1 x 110 minutes DayTh 9:35am-11:25am1 x 110 minutes DayM 12:30pm-2:20pm1 x 110 minutes DayW 12:30pm-2:20pm1 x 110 minutes DayF 12:30pm-2:20pm1 x 110 minutes DayTu 1:55pm-3:45pm1 x 110 minutes DayTh 1:55pm-3:45pm1 x 110 minutes DayM 2:30pm-4:20pm1 x 110 minutes DayW 2:30pm-4:20pm1 x 110 minutes DayF 2:30pm-4:20pm1 x 110 minutes DayTu 3:55pm-5:45pm1 x 110 minutes DayTh 3:55pm-5:45pm1 x 110 minutes EveM 6:00pm-7:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveTu 6:00pm-7:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveW 6:00pm-7:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveTh 6:00pm-7:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveF 6:00pm-7:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveM 8:00pm-9:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveTu 8:00pm-9:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveW 8:00pm-9:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveTh 8:00pm-9:50pm1 x 110 minutes EveF 8:00pm-9:50pm2 x 110 minutes DayMW 7:15am-9:05am2 x 110 minutes DayMF 7:15am-9:05am2 x 110 minutes DayWF 7:15am-9:05am2 x 110 minutes DayTuTh 7:30am-9:20am2 x 110 minutes DayMW 9:15am-11:05am2 x 110 minutes DayMF 9:15am-11:05am2 x 110 minutes DayWF 9:15am-11:05am2 x 110 minutes DayTuTh 9:35am-11:25am2 x 110 minutes DayMW 12:30pm-2:20pm2 x 110 minutes DayMF 12:30pm-2:20pm2 x 110 minutes DayWF 12:30pm-2:20pm2 x 110 minutes DayTuTh 1:55pm-3:45pm2 x 110 minutes DayMW 2:30pm-4:20pm2 x 110 minutes DayMF 2:30pm-4:20pm2 x 110 minutes DayWF 2:30pm-4:20pm2 x 110 minutes DayTuTh 3:55pm-5:45pm2 x 110 minutes EveMW 6:00pm-7:50pm2 x 110 minutes EveMF 6:00pm-7:50pm2 x 110 minutes EveWF 6:00pm-7:50pm2 x 110 minutes EveTuTh 6:00pm-7:50pm2 x 110 minutes EveMW 8:00pm-9:50pm2 x 110 minutes EveMF 8:00pm-9:50pm2 x 110 minutes EveWF 8:00pm-9:50pm2 x 110 minutes EveTuTh 8:00pm-9:50pmAppendix E: Classroom Building CodesCODEBuilding NameATGArmitage HallATSArtis Building (Childhood Studies)BSBBusiness and Science BuildingCCCCamden Campus Center (only for NCR)CNSCamden Nursing and Science BuildingCS319 Cooper Street (Honors College, General)CSWCamden Social Work Building (Social Work)FAFine ArtsGYM Athletic Center HPRHistory/Philosophy/Religion BuildingLAWLaw SchoolLIBPaul Robeson Library (NOT including Penn 401)PENNPaul Robeson Library, Penn 401 entranceSCIScience BuildingSOCSociology Building (405/7 Cooper St.)WRTWriters House (305 Cooper St)WWCWalt Whitman Center ................

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