MINUTES OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCILCITY OF OZAWKIE, KANSASNovember 9, 2020A meeting of the City Council of Ozawkie, Kansas was held on November 9, 2020 at the City Hall of Ozawkie, Kansas. The following Council members were present:Chris FeuerbornGary BransonMargie PayneKevin KlenklenNancy LeekLoren Lutes, MayorAlso present were the following persons:Mazi Barnes, City ClerkBarb Thomas, Deputy City ClerkChristy Crews, City ConsultantJamie Klenklen, TreasurerSandy Goetz, Chair Planning and ZoningResidents: Sharon Branson, Ellis Moses, Dana Gettel, Sharon BlankenshipThe Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.Mayor Lutes led those present in the flag salute.Consent Agenda: Mayor Lutes put forth the Consent Agenda. Motion was made by Kevin Klenklen to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Margie Payne. The motion carried unanimously.Treasurer Comment: Treasurer Jamie Klenklen made a comment that reconciliation for the previous month was not finished but was actively being worked on.Regular Agenda: Citizen Comments: Sharon Blankenship discussed a new program brought to Jefferson County called Pawsitively Jefferson County. This is a trap, neuter, release program designed to help reduce the st5ray cat population in the county. This program is a 501 Non-Profit that is in conjunction with the Manhattan veterinarian college. The leaders of the program are asking the city for support moving forward and looking for volunteers. The next meeting is set to be December 1st at the Crooked Post Winery.Dana Gettel representing PRIDE came to discuss two ideas for possible community events the first being a small city parade designed to get the residents out of their homes and uplift their spirits while still following safety guidelines. She would like help with designing the parade route to best avoid any potential problems. The second idea brought to the council’s attention was a potential Christmas tree lighting in which the community can safely come together to celebrate the holiday.OLD BUSINESSUpdate on Waterline ProjectThe contractors are nearly finished with the waterline project, there have been a few small snags when running into some large rocks but everything is still moving along quickly, the lead Contractor Bob Earhart is hoping to be done by Thanksgiving.Update on FEMA ProjectsTanker Cover- This project is completed but the state is very busy and behind with approvals for the reimbursement of this project.Waterline- Invoices have been submitted as received to avoid delay in payment. There is $21,000 left of the $212,000 that FEMA prepaid for this project. An extension request has been submitted as the Contract does state they have until March to finish the project.Water System- This project is close to being fully submitted the city is just waiting on photos & evidence there are some pieces to this project that may not be approved but other pieces should be.Debris- 90% of the debris has been burned, Kevin Klenklen suggested burying the rest to finish this project by December.Drainage- The city consultant is working with CES to provide drawings for the drainage system plans to send to FEMA.Update on SPARK GrantAll the items from the approved list have been ordered and the city is currently only waiting on the arrival of a few of them. The laptops for the Council are set up and ready to be checked out by the council members. There were 9 recipients of the Utility Relief Grant money and checks have been sent to them.Park Committee Council Member Gary Branson has appointed Dr. Richard Gomez to the committee. Council Member Chris Feuerborn has appointed Ellis Dale Moses to the committee. Council Member Margie Payne has appointed both Clay and Olivia Mayer. Council Members Kevin Klenklen and Nancy Leek have not finalized their appointments at this time.Slide RepairGary Branson presented two options to the Council for the repair of the broken playground slide, Option one was to order an exact replacement of the existing slide for $3276.75, or a slightly different slide at $3262.96. The second option was to remove the broken slide and permanently block off the entrance to it. Additional options mentioned were finding a slide via craigslist or commissioning a welder to build one. The mayor recommended the purchase of the exact replacement. A motion was made by Kevin Klenklen to order the exact replacement for $3276.75 and was seconded by Margie Payne. The motion carried unanimously.Sewer Bond RefinanceThe mayor talked with two companies about refinancing the City’s Sewer Bond at the top of the list was Raymond James, this company estimates a cost of $90,000 to refinance and this fee will be rolled into the refinance. They guarantee a 2% savings of the outstanding balance and a decrease of payment years that will not exceed 35 years. The Mayor recommends the hire of Raymond James for the refinance and the hire of Mary Carson to do the Bond Attorney work for an estimated cost between $15,000-$20,000. A motion to authorize the Mayor to sign a resolution to contract Raymond James for the Bond Refinance was made by Gary Branson and seconded by Kevin Klenklen. The motion carried unanimously. A motion to contract Mary Carson to be the bond attorney was made by Margie Payne and seconded by Nancy Leek. The motion carried unanimously.NEW BUSINESSReplace Maintenance Building FurnaceThree bids were made with the low bid being from Carmona Air for $2451.00. Kevin Klenklen did wish to get an additional bid from Chucks Heating and Cooling in Meriden, the mayor approved the additional bid so long as he was allowed to move forward with the lowest bid without an additional council meeting. A motion was made to move forward with the lowest bid subject to receiving the bid from Chucks Heating and Cooling by Margie Payne and was seconded by Kevin Klenklen. The motion passed unanimously.Replace Dump Truck TiresThree bids were received with the lowest being from Loanstar Tire Center for 456.50, the mayor recommends moving forward with this bid. A motion was made by Kevin Klenklen to approve the low bid for the tire replacement and was seconded by Margie Payne. The motion passed unanimously.REPORTSMayors Report The mayor informed the council that the office was closed for ten days due to COVID Exposure. The mayor also talked to attorney Lee Hendricks regarding the statutes about draining into the city’s sewer system, he confirmed it is not permitted. The mayor informed the council that they need to think about possible solutions to this problem and how to move forward. It was recommended that the city do another smoke test but Gary Branson voiced some concern about the follow through and wants to make sure the problem is taken care of.Planning & ZoningSandi Goetz presented two new plans that were brought to the Planning and Zoning Committee. The first was Steve Curran who wanted to enclose his existing porch, this meets all codes and the city inspector has approved it. A motion to approve the building application was made by Margie Payne and seconded by Chris Feuerborn. The motion passed unanimously. The second plan was for Gail Whelan who wants to build a carport, this is a standard build and meets all codes. A motion to approve the building application was made by Kevin Klenklen and was seconded by Nancy Leek. The motion passed unanimously. Sandi reported there will be no Planning and Zoning meeting the month of ernmental AffairsNothing to report.Law Enforcement Nancy Leek presented the Police Report that included three traffic stops and two other reports, shots fired on corps property, and an abandoned boat on corps property as well as eight building checks. A grant was awarded by the Substance Abuse Council and this will be used to outfit the police Chiefs patrol vehicle with a computer, mounting station, and printer, this is a value of around $5500.ParksGary Branson has provided a Sign and Calendar to be placed at the shelter house in order to reserve it. StreetsKevin Klenklen discussed the burning of the debris pile done Friday morning and that it was still smoking Monday morning due to high winds. It will be monitored for changes but should be isolated. The dumpster is in full use and the use of it will be reassessed in the Spring. Kevin asked about the ordinance regarding parking on Sioux, the mayor announced the next step will be to have Police Chief Tim Bacon leave flyers on windshields of cars in violation. Signs will be ordered to reinforce compliance with this ordinance. UtilitiesNothing to report.Motion to adjourn was made by Margie Payne and seconded by Kevin Klenklen, the motion passed unanimously.The Council Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. ................

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