Small Group Questions - Clover Sites

The HIStory of Redemption

Small Group Study Guide “God’s Glory is Our Good”

Week 36 Ezekiel 36:16-32

Opening Question:

What do the words “glory”, “glorious” and “glorify” mean? Besides God what do you find glorious and why?

Review the Message:

What were some of the key points that you took away from Sunday’s message?

Study Questions:

1. Read Ezekiel 36:16-23

a. What did God do to His people Israel? Why?

b. Why was God’s name being profaned?

c. How did God feel about His name being profaned?

d. What was God going to do about the fact that His name was being profaned? Why was he going to do this?

2. Read Ezekiel 36:24-32

a. What good does God promise to do for His people?

b. What does God want to make sure the people understand about why He is going to do these good things for them?

3. If a person (no matter how great) acts for their own glory, we call that self-centeredness. How do you feel about God acting for the sake of His glory? Is God acting for His glory different from a person acting for their glory? If so how?

4. In light of what we have seen about God in Ezekiel, how would you answer the question, “Why did God send Jesus into our World?”

Application Questions:

1. Given that God desires and delights in his own glory. What does that mean for how we live our lives? What does that mean for those of us who are His people?

2. How would your attitudes and actions be different if you were truly living for the Glory of God?

3. When we face difficult times, what does it mean to live for God’s glory?


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