Residence Hall Association

Residence Hall Association

February 11th, 2008

CUE Room 219

I. Call to Order (7:00p.m.)

a. Rules of Order

i. Sign ups for Spring Hall week will be going around at the end of the meeting

b. Roll Call

c. Additions/Changes to the Agenda

i. Chinook will present after Dining

ii. DD- move to move Special Before Old Business; From experience it’s a long wait

iii. Waller-seconds, Yield

iv. DD- it can be quite long for candidates and would be beneficial for them if they could present first

v. DPA- It doesn’t matter, if they are expecting to get the position they should get used to how long the meetings will be

vi. Rogers- it would help to calm the nerves of our potential execs

vii. SC- This is just making the meeting longer

viii. DD- Consent

ix. South- objects

x. Motion passes

d. Approval of the Minutes

i. February 4th Minutes

a. DD-move to approve the minutes

b. Rogers- seconds

c. DD- Consent

e. Media Introductions

f. Guests

i. Residence Life

1. Thank you for all your help with the Tunnel of Oppression

2. DD- where will it be next year?

3. We will make the decision to where it will be next year


1. Executives

2. Senate

a. Most execs are at Coug Day at the Capital, bus broke down

b. Open senate positions, can do write in campaigns, most residence halls have open positions

c. Feb 20, city council meeting Wed 5:30 CUE 518

d. Senate meeting in SC date is TBA

e. Greek debate next week

f. The one for res halls will be next week

3. SEB

a. Thank you for attending the Porno debate, any feedback?

b. DD- we passed a couple thousand dollars, where did it go?

c. Used for the debate to rent Beasley

d. This weekend Repo Man playing in Todd

e. Drew Davis Band next week at Ensminger Pavilion

f. Next Thursday Open Mic at Northside Café

g. Next weekend Enchanted playing in Todd Aud

h. Info session about what SEB does for elections, date is TBA

iii. Dining

iv. Chinook Yearbook

1. Want to buy a page in the Chinook? If you buy a page, you can bring your own pictures or we could take them for you

2. Would like the participation from RHA to update because it’s a big part of WSU

3. Stimson bought a page, Rogers maybe

4. Waller- what are the prices

5. 135 per page 240 for a spread, could knock 40 off depending on interest

6. Rogers- cost?

7. 45, after taxes its 47

8. GG- Didn’t get a handout

9. Community- why is it so expensive?

10. Cost of producing the book $50000, we don’t make enough money from selling to put you in for free

11. Community- Selling at this price, have you thought of going out into the student community for this book and how they should be divided?

12. I have not been part of it, most of it is tradition and discretion of the editor

13. President- Late fee?

14. No deadline, it’s a blank spot, extended it to next Friday for you guys

15. All the stories in the yearbook are written by students, if you want to write something, come to the office

II. Public Testimony

III. On the Ball Award

IV. Special Elections

a. Director of Public Relations

i. Javin Bakke

1. DD- What type of cuisine would you be?

2. Lasagna- great skill to make correctly, many layers, I have evolved in my education and progressively getting better

3. Orton- What are some of your ideas

4. Make shirts and pass them out at basketball games, people go crazy

5. GG- what are your goals is to retain students in the res halls

6. Build great communities in Res halls by putting on good programs, to show pride in the place they live and want to stay

7. DPA- Talk to people, send people to come talk to us, what makes you qualified for this position

8. I’m a very passionate person and I already talk to a lot of people. At last week’s dinner, President Floyd came up to me and knew my name.

9. DD- Human Development?

10. Cross between psychology and physiology, focusing on ages 16-25

11. DPA- Were you the one who got the government to come, what makes you qualified to be the person who represents RHA to different parts of the community

12. I’m very outgoing; I’m not the only one who brought the government. I’m excited for this position, building relationships with other groups

ii. Quinn Ianniciello

1. DD- You are a sponsor in Stimson, do you have time for this position

2. Definitely, graphic design is a hobby of mine and I can incorporate time, and I have a lot of free time to go to other hall meetings

3. DD- what is hospitality/business entail?

4. Tourism industry, I want to own a hotel one day

5. Want to see a packet about RHA for Alive!

6. President- if you were elected, I would ask you to help with the election debate, what are some of your ideas for the purpose of it

7. I’m on the RAC committee and we’re doing a forum and would like it to be professional, I would like to see professionalism and show banners as well as print materials on how to get involved and extend its tendrils.

8. DPA- how good are you in dealing with people?

9. I’m in hospitality, and Res life so I definitely know how to deal with issues with people, I would talk to them one on one and try to resolve the issue.

b. Discussion

i. Rogers- Javin is on our hall government and we are having and Iron Chef Contest. He suggested and followed through with getting the WSU executive head chef coming to judge the program

ii. DD- both are more than qualified, Quinn has graphic design skills and it is something we could definitely use

iii. VP- Quinn seems to have the exec board in mind when he talks about core values, and I worked with him on the Stimson government

iv. Regents- Both are great, but I like Quinn’s logo, he has a plan, talked to people in RAC really well

v. Stimson- I liked Quinn’s proposal, broken up into 3 bullets

vi. South- Quinn’s responsibilities are quite strenuous , might not have enough time to balance it

vii. Waller- both equally qualified, Quinn looks like he has a more structure

viii. Stimson- I’ve worked with Quinn, most organized person I know, can’t imagine him being overwhelmed with anything, time management

ix. GG- Stimson, RA’s cannot hold a position on government, how does that work?

x. He is the RHA rep, not an executive

xi. South- Quinn is more charismatic has a good plan, Javin is qualified but doesn’t have specific ideas

xii. Stimson- the rule we have at Stimson, execs are not allowed to hold other positions, he doesn’t hold an executive office

xiii. POI no stipulation on being and RA and on exec board

xiv. North- Quinn brings a lot of energy, but Javin can build a lot of relationships with other people on campus

c. Congratulations Quinn!

V. Old Business

a. Regents-Lucky Charms Dance

i. Got it approved by Campus Involvement, March 1, 9pm-12am, wear green?

ii. DD- finance wants to give $300, what would you miss out if we only give you that much?

iii. Going to other halls, will be doing everything as planned

iv. Waller- will you have Lucky Charms

v. I don’t believe so, no

vi. Rogers- I think we should give them more than $300 so they can get some Lucky Charms, ask dining maybe?

vii. DD- can we make that a stipulation

viii. If you would like to

ix. Waller- we fully back this program

x. DPA- if you would like them to have Lucky Charms

xi. Roger- move to pass $350 from PPS, I think it’s a great idea

xii. DD- second, Lucky Charms sounds hilarious

xiii. Waller- friendly amend to increase the amount to $400, must obtain $100 Lucky Charms because of the amount of people to show up

xiv. Rogers- accepts

xv. DPA- $100 for LC is a lot of LCs

xvi. POI cannot specifically say they have to spend $100 on LCs

xvii. Rogers- friendly amend to $350

xviii. Rogers- accepts

xix. Stimson- that’s a lot of LCs

xx. DD- What do you think Regents?

xxi. Regents- we’re here to make you happy

xxii. Waller- yield

xxiii. South- move to previous question

xxiv. North- consent

xxv. Motion passes

b. RHA- Speed Dating

i. Honors- need $300? Should that number be reduced?

ii. We still need $350

iii. Rogers- I think it’s a good event and we should fund it, move to pass $350 from PPS

iv. DD- second, did a similar program and it went well so this should be even better

v. Motion passes

c. ASWSU GLBTA- Q & A (Queer and Allies)

i. Queer Prom is moved to March 29, 80’s theme

ii. DD- why was this even scheduled for that day

iii. It’s the national day of silence, a big queer holiday, no protest just shirts

iv. Rogers- could people in this room get shirts?

v. We would like some manpower, if you would rock a shirt we would like to give you one

vi. Honors- RHA gave $1500 maybe last year, I’m not sure on that

vii. DD- if we only gave you $800, what would that affect?

viii. I really want to be able to hand out 1000 shirts, Power of One conference is coming up so not as many people would be able to be sponsored by our group. I would appreciate the money you are willing to give.

ix. North-are the shirts already made?

x. No, can’t promise the money we don’t have so we are going to purchase them as soon as we get the money

xi. North- would you put our logo on it?

xii. It would cost a lot more, but I would be willing to incorporate it into the shirt design

xiii. DF- tables? Are you going to have banners?

xiv. Yes, we will have 6 different tables

xv. DF- could we put it on a banner?

xvi. Handouts going out too, RHA’s logo will be on that

xvii. DD- move to give $800 from PPS

xviii. Honors- second, $800 is what they are giving so it’s legit

xix. DD- friendly amend to take it from unallocated, PPS is for programming, this is a little different

xx. DD- accepts

xxi. DD- willing to accept friendly amendments

xxii. Rogers- friendly amend to $1000

xxiii. DD- accepts

xxiv. Stimson- I think it’s a great way to get our name out there, possibly with the logo

xxv. North- good PR move, it’ll increase retention for people to feel safe

xxvi. Waller- $2000 from unallocated?

xxvii. Yes, its $4700

xxviii. DD- move money from one line item to another?

xxix. Yes

d. Lambda Chi Alpha-Fur Ball

i. Rogers- can we table that indefinitely?

ii. Yes you can but sometimes its just a miscommunication

e. WSU Housing Apartment Coordinators- Family Fun Day: One World, One Dream

i. Got donations from Coke.

ii. Honors- are you planning on going to individual halls?

iii. Yes, we would like to build that connection with RHA and SSA, we would love to have booths from different halls, we are going to res halls

iv. North- you’re a coordinator, how does it benefit the single students?

v. They can participate and help out to have the connection with families and interaction

vi. DD- director of finance? Has the committees’ recommendation changed?

vii. DF- yes, we agreed on $200 because we are trying to get away from one time events, but that’s what has been given in the past

viii. Stimson- our hall is pretty opposed because they can go to individual governments

ix. North- why are we trying to shy away from these events?

x. DF- it’s a one time event so if they were to have it as an annual event it would be more reasonable

xi. Rogers- our hall supports this event, this event happened last year

xii. Rogers- I heard we gave them money last year

xiii. Regents- our hall liked this idea

xiv. Stimson- we don’t like the idea because it’s not directly affecting the res halls because it’s their money and it’s not going towards them

xv. DPA- how many people went to their hall

xvi. North- it’s not affecting the res halls, promoting a positive atmosphere around us, last year, many people got involved so having the event is a good thing

xvii. GG- our hall was very interested and excited, we donated $400 out of our budget and are setting up committees to go to this program, it’s what you make it

xviii. South- our hall wants to put $100 from RHA but we would like to donate money from our hall

xix. Rogers- can we go hall by hall to see what they thought

xx. WD- heated debate, agreed that RHA shouldn’t feel obligated but if they are going to individual

xxi. Honors- donated funds

xxii. Stevens- a lot wanted to give manpower but not money, no

xxiii. Community- still don’t like the idea, don’t feel that hall students will benefit

xxiv. DD- liked it

xxv. SC- weren’t opposed to donating a small amount

xxvi. Regents- experience, and glad to support it

xxvii. Orton- objective, wanted it to affect our res halls

xxviii. Rogers- hall liked it

xxix. Stimson- students could participate and hall funds

xxx. Waller- mostly opposed, excellent program but because it has nothing to do with residence halls support manpower

xxxi. GG- liked it

xxxii. East- good program, no money because they approached the wrong groups for money but we would give them money

xxxiii. North-

xxxiv. South- no more than $100

xxxv. DPR- shouldn’t be giving money to programs outside of RHA, but we should support it and have some involvement

xxxvi. Rogers-move to pass $200 from unallocated, good event, should be able to put our name out there

xxxvii. DD- second, ditto

xxxviii. DD- are we going to give these people money or not? Consider the future programs

xxxix. Stimson- it’s important to look at people in residence halls

xl. Rogers-unallocated not PPS, students will not have a problem

xli. DD-call to previous question

xlii. Rogers- second

xliii. North-consent

xliv. Motion does not pass

xlv. DPO- I’m appreciated that people are concerned, I’m for this, I know it’s been a long meeting, we spent $50 on Lucky Charms

xlvi. Waller- would like to apologize for the Lucky Charms

xlvii. DD- kids did not contribute money, it’s residence hall money

xlviii. Rogers- move to pass $150 from unallocated

xlix. GG- second

l. Community- no sense revoting if no one will change their vote

li. South- we will

lii. SC-if you voted no are you planning on approaching these people to come to your governments?

liii. Motion passes

VI. New Business

a. Gannon-Goldsworthy- Toga Party

i. Dan Anchal

ii. BYOBedsheet

iii. We have a 5 person committee

iv. Trying to come up with a clever name

v. March 21 but we haven’t decided on the time yet. We have to pay more for jousting

vi. Contact Jesse Andrews if you have questions

vii. We want to bridge the gap between res halls and Greek houses, formal invitations to the Greek houses and clubs around campus

viii. Looking to get advertisements on radio stations and flyers, possibly Cable 8

ix. Waller- will you be showing Animal House?

x. No, our hall director recommended against it

xi. DPO- during spring hall week, will this be your program?

xii. GG- most likely

xiii. Regents- how are you planning on making the Parthenon?

xiv. Got some wood from the Roto and we have other stuff


i. Asking for $2000 for NACURH

ii. NCC, Advisor, President are required to go + some delegates

iii. Budget for conferences this semester is $600 less than last semester

iv. NCC Stays here ($1000) includes plane ticket and food etc.

v. GG-$2000 goes to plane ticket and for stay here?

vi. Yes, my plane ticket and to stay here

vii. GG- $1000 goes where and how is it used?

viii. Goes to registration and booking late ticket

ix. DD- movement from one line item to another? Why have to do proposal?

x. Because of big fiasco last year…although spending money to stay not on herself.

xi. President – reason for doing funding proposal take back to halls to get word from res. Halls

xii. Don’t have enough money to take all 5 deligates

xiii. President-how does this represent/benefit the res. Halls?

xiv. Benefits because it’s a program to develop res halls i.e. programming events and how to resolve programs. Really good way to get programming ideas and to network for wsu and get wsu name out there.

xv. Stimson – how many schools attend the conference?

xvi. Every school in the nation…Florida Washington etc.

xvii. Honors – are you the only exec that stays?

xviii. Yes because I am the one required to go.

c. Habitat for Humanity Collegiate Challenge Team

i. Tabled

d. Finance Recommendations

i. GG Toga party- Michelle $500.01 it’s a lot, its an inbetween number

ii. 4 delegates, return to res halls, are pressed for money, basically what RHA is all about, $2000, full amount

VII. Open Forum

i. DD- move to open line item 36, RAC

ii. Stimson- seconds

iii. Rogers- DD cannot do that

iv. POI don’t know if the line item is already open

v. POI did move to open certain line items last semester, but we have not done that this semester, recommend to open presidents focus and programming discretionary line items

vi. DD- friendly amend to open RAC, presidents focus and programming discretionary

vii. GG- how would RAC use it?

viii. VP- so we can put on forums

ix. Rogers- is there a reason we are opening programming?

x. POI technicality, it’s a discretionary so that programming if needed

xi. GG- programming for what?

xii. DPA- we can tap into money for additional necessary supplies and emergencies

xiii. Rogers- how is allowing them more money useful?

xiv. DD- the purpose of the discretionary fund is for unforeseen events that should happen

xv. DPA- one of the big reasons we have the fund is for when things come up, the liaison for Coke quit and they didn’t have any for the event. So for emergencies like that. If we don’t spend it, it goes back

xvi. DPR-open advertising line item? For banners

xvii. GG- what has to be opened tonight?

xviii. Rogers-DPR cannot make a motion to friendly amend

xix. DD- friendly amendment

xx. Community- friendly amend to open the advertising

xxi. GG-what line items are we opening

xxii. President- the motion is to open RAC, President’s Focus, Programming discretionary and advertising

xxiii. GG- why do we need to open RAC now? It would be beneficial for council to know what they will be doing with it

xxiv. President- we don’t find it necessary to go to council for every expenditure

xxv. GG-it seems silly, RAC can buy whatever they want, but programming can’t?

xxvi. Rogers-Roll call

xxvii. GG- Crimson Gray and Green, I had to triple check these results because they were so high, Community in first saving 85% in electricity, 71% in Honors, and 30% in Wilmer Davis

xxviii. DF- business cards? $180 for business cards

xxix. GG-Yield

xxx. DD-what is the motion you’d like?

xxxi. DF- to pass $180 from unallocated

xxxii. DD-yeild

xxxiii. Rogers- yield

xxxiv. GG- working with our senator on March of Dimes, please put flyers in your hall, thanks

xxxv. DD-POI, if you want to have them posted in all halls you can take them to SP to have them delivered to the REDs

xxxvi. GG- we wanted people to be able to see them because some of the RA’s put them with all the other flyers in the halls

VIII. Position/Committee Report

a. President

i. Thank you for your patience and input, great discussion

ii. Starting old business going around the room?

iii. Rogers- good idea

iv. It’ll give a consensus on what motions will and will not pass

v. No meeting next week

vi. Check your alerts

vii. ASWSU Q&A is a week from tomorrow, 7pm in the Stephenson dining center, think of questions and come participate

b. Vice President

i. RAC forum is going to be March 4, dining forum, director and the new nutritionist will be there

ii. RAC I need to meet with you really quick

c. DAA

i. If you’re new, please give me your email address so you can get the minutes

d. Director of Finance

i. Thank you to finance

ii. No meeting next week, no funding proposals

e. NCC

i. No Frills is coming up this Thursday

ii. NACURH is underway

f. DPA and DPO

i. Thank you to the halls that signed up for programs

ii. Its not too late to sign up

iii. Speed dating

iv. DD- when is spring hall week?

v. March 17-22

vi. Feb 22, illusionist 7pm Kimborough

vii. Programming is meeting tonight

g. DPR

i. Working with Kinkos to make banners and such


i. Letter Bombs and Liter of the week

i. Hall of the Year Bid requirements are out

IX. Jesse’s Moment

i. New Budget

X. Announcements

XI. Adjournment


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