Speed School District 802


Dear Parent/Guardian:

A case of scabies has been reported in your child’s classroom. I am passing this information on to you so that you can help control the spread of this infestation caused by a mite, and protect the health of your child. Please observe your child and if he/she presents with symptoms of scabies, keep him/her at home, and contact your child’s physician.


Scratching of small raised red bumps or blisters on the skin, especially on skin folds such as between the fingers and toes, the bend of the elbow, and under the arms. Itching can be intense, especially at night.


The physician will advise you about the treatment for your child.

Method of Control

Incubation period is 2 to 4 weeks in newly infected people, and between 1 to 4 days for repeat infections. The disease is spread through direct skin to skin contactor by the sharing of bedding, towels, or clothing used by an infected person.

Please call me at (708) _________________________________ if you have any questions.


SPEED School Health Services


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