New Orleans District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Illness/Exclusion PolicyAR 608-10: 4–28. Illness criteria for denial of serviceChildren who appear to be ill or show visible signs of fever will be closely screened and may be denied admission based upon following symptoms:a. Temperature in excess of 100.5?F auxiliary for children under three months of age, and in excess of 101?F auxiliary for children over three months of age.b. Inability to participate in daily activities.c. Obvious illness such as—(1) Impetigo—Red oozing erosion capped with a golden yellow crust that appears stuck on.(2) Scabies—Crusty wavy ridges and tunnels in the webs of fingers, hand wrist and trunk.(3) Ringworm—Flat, spreading ring–shaped lesions.(4) Chicken pox—Crops of small blisters on aired base that become cloudy and crusted in two to four days.(5) Head lice–nits—Whitish–grey clot attached to hair shafts.(6) Culture–proven strep infections that have not been under treatment for at least 24 hours.(7) Conjunctivitis (pink eye)—Red watery eyes with thick yellowish discharge.(8) Persistent cough, severe diarrhea or vomiting.(9) Symptoms of other contagious diseases such as measles, mumps, hepatitis, and strep infections.(10) Pinworm infestation.AR 608-140: 4–29. Readmission following illnessThe installation will develop an SOP which outlines the criteria for return of a child to the program after demonstrating symptoms of a contagious disease. Children may be readmitted after treatment has begun, the contagious stage of the illness has passed as defined by the installation health SOP, and the child is physically able to function in the program setting. Children may return to programs only if they are well enough to participate in usual daily activities and the fol-lowing conditions exist:a. Fever has been absent for 24 hours.b. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea has subsided for 24 hours.c. Lesions from impetigo are no longer weeping.d. Scabies is under treatment.e. Lice are under treatment.f. Pinworm treatment has occurred 24 hours before readmission.g. The child has completed the contagious stage of the illness.h. Conjunctivitis has diminished to the point that eyes are no longer discharging.i. The appropriate number of doses of antibiotics have been given over a 24–hour period for known strep and other bacterial infections, the child’s physician has approved readmission and child does not require additional CDS staff to care for him.j. Chicken pox lesions are crusted, usually five to six days after onset.Illness Exclusion Policy, Parent Handbook 2017:If your child becomes ill while in our care, you will be called to come and pick him or her up immediately. Parents will have one hour from the time of notification to pick up the child and arrange for an appropriate follow-up medical appointment. If you cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time (approximately 30 minutes), one or more of the people listed as an emergency contact in your child’s file will be notified.Parents/designees not able to pick up their child within 1 hour of notification will be denied services for a period of up to 2 weeks. A second offense will result in services being denied for up to 4 weeks, and a permanent suspension will be imposed should this occur a third time.INFECTIOUS DISEASES THAT PROHIBIT SCHOOL ATTENDANCEIllness/SymptomsRequirements to Return to SchoolFEVER (temperature of 101 or higher)Fever free for 24 hours (without aid of fever reducing medications – i.e. Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, etc.)VOMITING (two or more times; once if accompanied with other signs of illness)Free for 24 hours or evaluated and cleared by child’s physician.DIARRHEA (two or more loose stools or over and above what is normal for that child. This also includes diarrhea induced by antibiotics)Free for 24 hours or evaluated and cleared by child’s physician.Diarrhea must be controlled (contained in diaper or toilet).UNDIAGNOSED GENERALIZED RASH (Skin rash of unknown origin)MUST be seen by child’s physician and must return with a doctor’s note stating the child is not contagious.PURULENT CONJUNCTIVITIS (Pink eye; bacterial & viral. Pink, red, water, or puffy appearance of eye(s) with white or yellow discharge that is unusual for that child)MUST be seen by child’s physician and must return with a doctor’s note stating the child is not contagious. 24 hours after medical treatment begins and once discharge has ended and eyes are no longer pink.Note: If your child develops an eye irritation that is not attributed to pink eye, then a physician’s note is needed, and it must state the specific diagnosis and that the child is not contagious.RINGWORM (skin rash appears flat, growing and ring-shaped. Edges of the circle usually are reddish and may be raised, scaly and itchy)24 hours after medical treatment begins and a physician’s note stating the child is not contagious.HEAD LICE24 hours after treatment begins and the empty box or receipt verifying proof of medication purchase is needed.CHICKEN POX (skin rash accompanied with a mild fever. The rash appears with small red bumps on the stomach or back and spreads to the face and limbs)Six days after onset of rash or until all lesions have dried and crusted over completely and a physician’s note is required for readmission to the Center.IMPETIGO (skin infection starting as oozing at an injured spot on the skin (e.g., insect bite, cut, or burn). The rash looks oozy, red, and round; may have flat, honey-colored crust)24 hours after treatment begins, lesions are no longer weeping and a physician’s note stating the child is not contagious.HAND, FOOT, AND MOUTH DISEASE / HERPANGINA / ROSEOLA (causes fever and blister-like eruptions in the mouth and/or a skin rash)Free for 24 hours and must be cleared by child’s physician.ILLNESS THAT REQUIRES ANTIBIOTICS24 hours on medical treatment and a physician’s note stating the specific diagnosis and the child in not contagious.Note: We will not administer the first dosage of any medication. Medication must be administered by the parent for 24 hours. This allows time for any reactions to be monitored at home.SUDDEN ONSET OF VOMITING, IRRITABILITY, PERSISTENT CRYING, UNCONTROLLED COUGHING, WHEEZING, DIFFICULTY BREATHING, EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, OR OTHER UNUSUAL SIGNS Evaluated and cleared by child’s physician.For additional reading, refer to Castle Kids Parent Handbook, 2017 and AR 608-10. ................

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