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1.     Alberti A, Paciaroni M, Caso V, Venti M, Palmerini F, Agnelli G. Early seizures in patients with acute stroke: Frequency, predictive factors, and effect on clinical outcome. Vascular Health and Risk Management. 2008; 4(3):715-720.

2.     Alon G, Levitt AF, McCarthy PA. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) may modify the poor prognosis of stroke survivors with severe motor loss of the upper extremity: A preliminary study. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2008; 87(8):627-636.

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5.     Arenillas JF, Ispierto L, Millan M, et al. Metabolic syndrome and resistance to IV thrombolysis in middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke. Neurology. 2008; 71(3):190-195.

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32.     Descombes S, Dumont T. Numerical simulation of a stroke: Computational problems and methodology. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology. 2008; 97(1):40-53.

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35.     Domac FM, Misirli H. The role of neutrophils and interleukin-8 in acute ischemic stroke. Neurosciences. 2008; 13(2):136-141.

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38.     Dromerick AW, Edwards DF, Kumar A. Hemiplegic shoulder pain syndrome: Frequency and characteristics during inpatient stroke rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2008; 89(8):1589-1593.

39.     Dronne MA, Grenier E, Chapuisat G, Hommel M, Boissel JP. A modelling approach to explore some hypotheses of the failure of neuroprotective trials in ischemic stroke patients. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology. 2008; 97(1):60-78.

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57.     Gillum LA, Johnston SC. Influence of physician specialty on outcomes after acute ischemic stroke. Journal of Hospital Medicine (Online). 2008; 3(3):184-192.

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66.     HaferMacko CE, Ryan AS, Ivey FM, Macko RF. Skeletal muscle changes after hemiparetic stroke and potential beneficial effects of exercise intervention strategies. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2008; 45(2):261-272.

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202.     Zittel S, Weiller C, Liepert J. Citalopram improves dexterity in chronic stroke patients. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2008; 22(3):311-314.

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