STATE OF CALIFORNIACALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSIONRequest For QuotationFor Information Technology ServicesQUOTE DUE DATE: 5/22/2019PUBLIC COST OPENING: 5/24/2019 Quotes must be delivered to Jessica Chan, Fiscal & Business Services Analyst before 5:00PM on the due date.Supplier name and address:SOLICITATION NO. RFQ 18-01 Streaming Video & Audio ServicesContact:Phone: Fax:For further information contact:Jessica Chan, Fiscal & Business Serv. Analyst415-904-5451Jessica.Chan@coastal.Ship To: (see below or bid document)California Coastal Commission45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000San Francisco, CA 94105ARE YOU CLAIMING PREFERENCEAS A SMALL BUSINESS: YES ________ NO ________IF YES, MANUFACTURER? YES ________ NO ________ARE YOU A NON-SMALL BUSINESS CLAIMING AT LEAST 25% SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTOR PREFERENCE? YES ________ NO ________Name (Print):_______________________________Title:_______________________________Signature:_______________________ Date:_______Federal Employer Identification Number:_______________________________Return bid to:CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSIONATTN: JESSICA CHAN45 FREMONT STREET, SUITE 2000SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105DO NOT OPEN – QUOTE ENCLOSEDSECTION 14838 ET SEQ. OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT A 5% PREFERENCE BE GIVEN TO BIDDERS WHO QUALIFY AS A SMALL BUSINESS AS A NON-SMALL BUSINESS CLAIMINIG AT LEAST 25% CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION FOR REQUIREMENTS SEE TITLE 2, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS SECTION 1896 ET SEQ. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR NONPROFIT VETERAN SERVICE AGENCIES QUALIFYING AS A SMALL BUSINESS ARE CONTAINED IN SECTION 999.50 ET SEQ. OF THE MILITARY AND VETERANS CODE.Bidder offers and agrees if this response is accepted within 45 calendar days following the date the response is due to furnish all the items upon which prices are quoted, at the prices set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s) by the method of delivery and within the times specified and subject to the attached General Provisions. DECLARATIONS UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY; By signing above, with inclusion of the date of signature, the above signed bidder DECLARES UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California as follows: (1) (STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE). The above signed as complied with the non-discrimination program requirements of Government Code 12990 and Title 2, California Administrative Code Section 8103, and such declaration is true and correct. (2) The National Labor Relations Board declaration set forth in Paragraph 48 of the General Provisions is true and correct. (3) If a claim is made for the Small Business or Disabled Veterans Business preference, the information set forth within is true and correct.DESCRIPTIONThe purpose of this Request for Quote for Information Technology (IT) Services is to provide Streaming Video & Audio Services for the California Coastal Commission meetings from June 2019 through May 2020.Attachments: The following documents are considered part of this solicitation and those marked with an asterisk (*) must be returned with the bid response or the bid will be considered invalid and be rejected.Cover Sheet, Attachment 1*Cost Sheet, Attachment 2*Optional Items Cost Worksheet, Attachment 3*Customer Experience Reference Form, Attachment 4*Example of Meeting Room Set-Up Plan, Attachment 5Commission 2019 and 2020 Meeting Schedule, Attachment 6Bidder Declaration form GSPD-05-105, Attachment 7*Payee Data Record (STD. 204), Attachment 8Sample Standard Agreement, Attachment 9Target Area Preferences Act Request (if applicable) *Bidder Instructions (Form 451) - General Provisions (Form 401) - REQUEST FOR QUOTE FOR IT SERVICESTable of ContentsSectionPageI.General Information 3A.Purpose3B.Availability4C.Key Action Dates4E.Written Questions5F.RFQ-ITS Response Guidelines5G.RFQ-ITS Response Content5II.Evaluation Information9A.Evaluation Process9B.Evaluation Criteria10C.Scoring11III.Award and Protest12IV.Statement of Work13AttachmentsAttachment 1 – Cover Sheet17Attachment 2 – Cost Sheet18Attachment 3 – Optional Items Cost Worksheet21Attachment 4 – Customer Experience Reference Form22Attachment 5 – Example of Meeting Room Set-Up Plan23Attachment 6 – Commission Meeting Schedule24Attachment 7 – Bidder Declaration form GSPD-05-10525Attachment 8 – Payee Data Record, STD. 20426Attachment 9 – Sample Standard Agreement27Streaming Video & Audio ServicesRequirementsYou are invited to review and respond to this Request for Quote for IT Services (RFQ-ITS), entitled California Coastal Commission, RFQ 18-01 Streaming Video & Audio Services. In submitting your quote, you must comply with the instructions found herein. The services required are delineated in the Statement of Work. Please read the enclosed document carefully.Quotes must be received no later than the date and time specified on the face of this RFQ-ITS and in Section I.D. Key Action Dates. I.General InformationA.PurposeThe California Coastal Commission carries out the policies of the California Coastal Act dealing with public access to the coast, coastal recreation, the marine environment, coastal land resources and coastal development. The Commission is composed of 12 voting members and 4 non-voting members and holds public meetings at least once a month in coastal areas. These public meetings are broadcast live over the Internet and the video recordings are archived and available at the Commission’s website (). For purposes of this contract, “meeting” will refer to a meeting that stretches over several days consecutively, unless “meeting day” or “1-day meeting” is specified. The purpose of this RFQ is to contract with an outside contractor to provide gavel-to-gavel audiovisual support, live Internet webstreaming (webcasting) services, and video documentation for archive from Commission meetings from June 3, 2019 through May 31, 2020. Meetings are currently scheduled for three days in length; however, meeting length may be reduced or expanded. Meetings are scheduled monthly; however, it is possible that a one- or two- day meeting may be held, in addition to the regular monthly meeting. One meeting a year may also be cancelled; however, this is not common. It is also possible that training workshops or other meetings may be held in addition to the public Commission meetings that require audiovisual support and video documentation. Vendors that have current experience providing live streaming of meeting content, in both audio and multiple video formats are invited to respond. The period of performance for this contract is twelve (12) months with an amendment option to extend for an additional one (1) year period under the same terms and conditions. The current budget allocation to support the services outlined in this document is not to exceed $160,000.00 for the one-year contract period. The contractor shall not be authorized to deliver or commence performance of services as described in this Statement of Work (SOW) until written approval has been obtained from all entities. No delivery or performance of service may commence prior to the execution of the Agreement. The goals of this RFQ-ITS are as follows:Provide the public and the Commission with comprehensive, efficient, courteous and professional audiovisual services at all public meetings.Provide full-service, gavel-to-gavel electronic meeting coverage at all public hearings via live, internet webstreaming. Provide the option for off-site public comment capability in special circumstances. Typically these services will be paid for directly by other parties and shall be billed at the rate submitted.Provide consistent and accessible electronic archival meeting coverage (electronic minutes), with indexing by item, to the public via the Commission’s website. The definition of “electronic minutes” is archived streaming video content, with indexing by item.Provide complete meeting documentation to the Commission and members of the public in hard copy through the production of DVDs and CDs.Provide audiovisual services and video DVD documentation services at training workshops or other meetings.The objectives of this RFQ-ITS are as follows:Assist members of the public, Commissioners and staff in their audio/visual/electronic presentation needs during Commission meetings, as necessary.Promote greater public awareness of, and participation in, current coastal management issues by providing complete electronic coverage of Commission meetings online via live, internet webstreaming.Enhance public accessibility to past Commission actions and proceedings through web-based archives (electronic minutes), DVDs and CDs.3. For more information, please see Section IV. Scope of Work. B.AvailabilityThe selected contractor must be able to meet the requirements of this RFQ and be ready to begin work by the contract start date specified in Section C. Key Action Dates. If personnel offered by the selected contractor leave the contractor’s firm or are otherwise unable to participate in this contract, they must be replaced with comparably qualified personnel who meet the minimum qualifications as stated within this RFQ. All replacement personnel are subject to approval by the State.C. Key Action DatesListed below are the key action dates and times by which the actions must be taken or completed. If the State finds it necessary to change any of these dates, it will be accomplished via an addendum to this RFQ-ITS. It must be understood that time is always of the essence, both for the quote submittal and contract execution.Key Action DatesDate1. Release of RFQ-ITS5/09/20192. Submission of written questions5/13/2019 @5pm3. Commission’s response to written questions5/15/2019 4. Submission of Quotes 5/22/2019 @5pm5. State Evaluation of Administrative and Technical Criteria5/23/20196. Public Cost Opening5/24/2019 @10am7. Notice of Intent to Award5/24/20198. Anticipated Contract Award6/03/20199. Contract Start Date6/03/2019All dates after the Submission of Quotes (date and time) are approximate and may be changed if needed to allow the State additional time for evaluation and contract execution. E. Written QuestionsAll questions regarding the content of this RFQ-ITS must be submitted in writing by mail or electronically to Jessica Chan, Fiscal & Business Services Analyst, 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105, Jessica.Chan@coastal. and must be received by the Key Action Date identified above. Questions not submitted in writing by the Key Action Date for submission of written questions shall be answered at the State’s option. Verbal responses from the Commission are not considered binding.When the State has completed its review of the questions, all of the questions and answers will be issued via an addendum to this RFQ-ITS and distributed in writing by mail or electronically mailed to all bidders.F. RFQ-ITS Response GuidelinesThis RFQ-ITS and the Contractor’s quote in response to this document will be made a part of the contract. Responses to this RFQ-ITS must contain all data/information requested and must conform to the format described in this RFQ-ITS. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to provide all required data and any other information deemed necessary for the State’s evaluation team to determine and verify the Contractor’s ability to perform the tasks and activities defined in the Contractor’s Statement of Work.Responses shall be submitted in a sealed envelope/package with the solicitation number and the bid due date and time clearly marked on the outside of the envelope/package. All cost information must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope that is clearly marked “COST INFORMATION.” If cost information is not submitted in this manner, the quote will be rejected. Facsimile machine bids will not be considered. All responses must be mailed to the California Coastal Commission’s San Francisco Office at 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105 and received by the Commission by 5:00 pm on May 22, 2019.G. RFQ-ITS Response ContentThe following documents must be submitted in the RFQ-ITS response. RFQ-ITS Page 1The vendor must complete, sign, and attach the first page of this RFQ-ITS.Cover Sheet – Attachment 1The vendor must complete, sign, and attach the Cover Sheet – Attachment 1.Cost Worksheet – Attachment 2 (Sealed in a separate cost envelope)The vendor must submit a per day/per public meeting summary cost and itemized cost detail using Cost Worksheet, Attachment 2. Include a detail of cost using appropriate classifications and rates for services to be rendered. It is the responsibility of the vendor to prepare an accurate quote and to consider all detailed costs associated to the meeting when determining the quote amount provided in the vendor’s response. The contractor must provide all labor and equipment necessary to deliver, set-up, test, operate, dismantle and return to the contractor’s location all the audio, visual, video and computer equipment needed for the meetings. The amount of the quote shall include all labor, equipment, materials, travel and lodging costs and other expenses. If requested and available, the contractor’s employees may stay overnight at the same hotel and at the same lodging rate as Commission employees but at the contractor’s expense. Lodging costs must be included in the quote.The contractor will invoice the California Coastal Commission on a per meeting-day basis regardless of the duration of the meeting. No additional amount will be paid for overtime or other expenses, no matter how long an individual meeting day lasts. Meetings usually begin at 9:00 a. m. The Commission cannot predict the length of the agenda for each day of the meeting. Meetings usually last beyond 5:00 p.m., except on the final day of the meeting which generally ends before noon. In the past, some meeting days have ended after midnight.Our experience has shown that our basic audiovisual and webstreaming needs cannot be set up in less than 2-3 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting; however it is preferable to set-up the day/night before the first day of the meeting for purposes of testing systems and to allow time to correct connections issues to webstream. This means that the equipment should be at the meeting location the day before the first day of the meeting and set-up and tested by 7:00 a.m. on the first day of the meeting to allow for a 9:00 a.m. start. Occasionally meetings start at 8:00 a.m. The testing of equipment must be completed two hours prior to the start of the meeting on the first day and no less than one hour prior to the meeting start time for each subsequent day.The total costs cannot exceed $160,000.00 over the one-year period of the contract.Optional Items Cost Worksheet (Sealed in a separate cost envelope)The vendor must provide a cost for optional items using the Optional Items Cost Worksheet, Attachment 3. Include a cost for audio, video, and video DVD documentation services for a training workshop or other meetings (per day cost); additional cost (if any) for alternate internet connection options that may be provided by the vendor; cost for off-site public comment in special circumstances; the hourly rate to create a specially clipped video segment from a meeting for posting on the Commission’s website or website similar to YouTube; the cost for overflow room facilitation; and additional cost (if any) for 251+ concurrent viewers. These costs will be included in the contract as optional items that may be requested by the Commission during the contract term, at the Commission’s sole discretion. The vendor must obtain prior authorization from the Commission before implementing the first five items. The amount of the quote shall include all labor, equipment, materials, travel and lodging costs and other expenses. Response to Statement of WorkThe vendor must provide a description of how the services will be performed including, but not limited to, the following:Approach to ensure professional, respectful, timely, and courteous service to the various parties that will be interacted with at the Commission meetings, such as Commissioners, Commission staff, and members of the public.Field production system including the types and number of camera equipment used (small robotic cameras operated by contractor’s staff within the room to keep the contractor’s foot print to a minimum); types of source mixing boards; audio equipment, including types and number of available microphones; FM headsets or similar devices for the hearing impaired if available; information related to how signal redundancy is captured in order to protect against any type of malfunction; a description of the encoding and/or streaming components used within their solution; and any ancillary equipment generally used by the vendor for meeting facilitation. Diagram to indicate how cameras and other equipment will be placed. Attachment E provides a diagram of the current typical meeting set-up. Please note, human-operated cameras are not allowed behind the dais or between the stanchion barrier line and the dais.Process to record the audio from a “closed session” confidentially. The Commission may have a “closed session” scheduled on the agenda for any day of a meeting, and also the Commission may choose to enter into closed session at any point during a meeting. During the closed session, everyone must leave the room except for the Commissioners and designated persons. The closed sessions must never be live webstreamed, included in the public webcast archive, nor included in the DVD copies of the meeting proceedings. However, the closed sessions must be recorded and given to the Commission’s Chief Counsel (or designee). Currently the vendor starts an MP3 recorder and then leaves the room so that the closed session can begin. Upon completion of the closed session, the file is saved to a USB flash drive and provided to the Chief Counsel. He/she saves the file to his laptop and verifies with the vendor that the file has been transferred successfully. Then the vendor permanently deletes the file from its devices.Video switching equipment that must be capable of providing text information at the bottom of the screen that includes the applicable agenda item, meeting date, and the Coastal Commission’s logo on both the live stream and the archived recording. The Coastal Commission will provide the logo to be used upon award of the contract.Webstreaming components and encoding/streaming processes, including options for lack of/failure of internet connectivity in a venue and a brief general description of its server storage capability, a description of its disaster recovery plan in the event of server crash/failure, and explain how links to archived materials will be provided to the Commission’s website. Please note: for purposes of this RFQ, the vendor should base pricing of their services on 250 concurrent users of the audio-video stream. However, the quote should provide contingency pricing in case of an occasion where usage exceeds 250 concurrent users. The Commission requires a minimum video stream resolution of 640x480 pixels at 15 frames per second. Depending on the network infrastructure at the venue, the bit-rate can be adjusted to provide the highest quality video that the venue’s bandwidth will allow.Description of?how they prepare for possible?problems at a venue including but not limited to the following: adequate sound levels, large crowds, inoperable equipment. Response must include specific?contractor preparedness and experience and redundant equipment, supplies, and tools provided to ensure smooth meeting services.Style and format of the DVD copies they will provide to document the meeting proceedings.Samples of work from other projects, or outlines of what deliverables are proposed for the required tasks including:A minimum of three (3) references demonstrating streaming video and audio service experience for projects with similar scope, schedule and resources to this project. The vendor shall complete one (1) Customer Experience Reference Form, Attachment 4 for each reference. A total of three (3) Customer Experience Reference Forms, Attachment 4, must be submitted. The descriptions of these projects must be detailed and comprehensive enough to permit the State to assess the similarity of those projects to the work anticipated in the award of the contract resulting from this procurement. These references may be contacted by the evaluation team during their evaluation of the quotes if deemed necessary by the evaluation team.A minimum of two (2) examples of their video production and webstreaming work that is similar to the services requested in this RFQ either via DVD’s, links to existing webcast archives, or other accessible anization ChartThe vendor must provide an organization chart that identifies the proposed contract team, including a brief description of the team that will be available to support the services that they provide. Our experience has shown that our basic audiovisual and webstreaming needs require a minimum of three staff to adequately manage the various tasks involved during a Commission meeting. The vendor must identify the number of staff available and general tasks that will be performed during the various phases of the webcast as follows: scheduling, pre-site verifications, set-up, technical assistance to presenters, and production and tear-down. The vendor must also provide the name and phone number of the Principle or Senior Engineer who will oversee the provided services.Resumes for each identified member of the contract team, detailing experience meeting the State’s requirements.Payee Data Record – Attachment 8The successful bidder will be required to submit a Payee Data Record, STD. Form 204 listing their Taxpayer Identification Number.TACPA – (Required for contracts that will exceed $100,000.)If you qualify for more than one bidding preference (TACPA, EZA, LAMBRA, Small Business), the maximum preference allowed by law is 15% or $100,000.If any of these “acts” apply, complete the appropriate form and attach it to your response.TARGET AREA CONTRACT PREFERENCES ACT (TACPA)(STD. 830S for Services)Preference will be granted to California-based Contractors in accordance with Government Code Section 4530 whenever contract for goods and services are in excess of $85,000 and the Contractor meets certain requirements as defined in the California Code (Title 2, Section 1896.30) regarding labor needed to produce the goods or provide the services being procured. Bidders desiring to claim Target Area Contract Preferences Act shall complete Std. Form 830 and submit it with the Final Proposal. Refer to the following website link to obtain the appropriate form: PARTICIPATION – The Commission has elected to exempt this contract from DVBE participation. SMALL BUSINESS REGULATIONS - The Small Business regulations, located in the California Code of Regulations (Title 2, Division 2, Chapter 3, Subchapter 8, Section 1896 et. seq.), concerning the application and calculation of the small business preference, small business certification, responsibilities of small business, department certification, and appeals are revised, effective 09/09/04. The new regulations can be viewed at (pd.dgs.smbus). Access the regulations by Clicking on “Small Business Regulations” in the right sidebar. For those without Internet access, a copy of the regulations can be obtained by calling the Office of Small Business and DVBE Services at (916) 375-4940.NON-SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTACTOR PREFERENCE - A 5% bid preference is now available to a non-small business claiming 25% California certified small business subcontractor participation. If applicable, claim the preference in the box on the right hand side of the first page of this solicitation.SMALL BUSINESS NONPROFIT VETERAN SERVICE AGENCIES (SB/NVSA) - SB/NVSA prime bidders meeting requirements specified in the Military and Veterans Code Section 999.50 et seq. and obtaining a California certification as a small business are eligible for the 5% small business preference. If applicable, claim the preference in the box on the right hand side of the first page of this solicitation.ATTACHMENT WITH QUOTE REQUIRED IF CLAIMING THE SMALL BUSINESS PREFERENCE- All bidders must complete and include the Bidder Declaration form GSPD-05-105, included as Attachment 7. If claiming the non-small business subcontractor preference, the form must list all of the California certified small businesses with which you commit to subcontract in an amount of at least twenty-give percent (25%) of the net bid price. All certified small businesses must perform a “commercially useful function” in the performance of the contract as defined in Government Code Section 14837(d)(4). SMALL BUSINESS CERTIFICATION - Bidders claiming the small business preference must be certified by California as a small business or must commit to subcontract at least 25% of the net bid price with one or more California certified small businesses. Completed certification applications and required support documents must be submitted to the Office of Small Business and DVBE Services (OSDS) no later than 5:00 p.m. on the bid due date, and the OSDS must be able to approve the application as submitted.Small business nonprofit veteran service agencies (SB/NVSA) claiming the small business preference must possess certification by California prior to the day and time bids are due.Questions regarding certification should be directed to the OSDS at (916) 375-4940.DECLARATION FORMS – All bidders must complete the Bidder Declaration GSPD-05-105, included as Attachment 7, and include it with the bid response. When completing the declaration, bidders must identify all subcontractors proposed for participation in the contract. Bidders awarded a contract are contractually obligated to use the subcontractors for the corresponding work identified unless the State agrees to a substitution and it is incorporated by amendment to the contract.Bidders who have been certified by California as a DVBE (or who are bidding rental equipment and have obtained the participation of subcontractors certified by California as a DVBE) must also submit a completed form(s) STD. 843 (Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Declaration). All disabled veteran owners and disabled veteran managers of the DVBE(s) must sign the form(s). Should the form not be included with the solicitation, contact the State contracting official or obtain a copy online from the Department of General Services Procurement Division, Office of Small Business and DVBE Services (OSDS) website at pd.dgs.smbus. The completed form should be included with the bid response.At the State’s option prior to award, bidders may be required to submit additional written clarifying information. Failure to submit the required written information as specified may be grounds for bid rejection.Contract formationThe contract will be created by the California Coastal Commission and two (2) original copies will be mailed to the winning contractor for signature after the contract has been awarded. The contractor must return the two (2) signed copies of the original contract for further processing. One (1) original copy will be mailed to the contractor once the contract has been fully executed. See Contract Sample, Attachment 9.II.Evaluation InformationA.Evaluation ProcessEach RFQ-ITS response will be checked for the presence of requirement information in conformance with the submission requirements of this RFQ-ITS. The department will evaluate each RFQ-ITS response to determine its responsiveness to the requirements. If a vendor wishes to be present at the public cost opening, they must allow time for visitor security procedures. They will need to call Jessica Chan at the California Coastal Commission at 415-904-5451 at least 15 minutes before they arrive so that the Commission can provide your name to the security personnel on the first floor. In the event that Jessica Chan is unavailable, please call the Commission phone attendant at 415-904-5200 (option “0” for attendant).Award of a contract resulting from this RFQ-ITS will be based on a value effective method that combines a comparison of the per-meeting costs and technical criteria as defined below.Evaluation CriteriaThe overall responsiveness of each RFQ-ITS response is based on the complete response from the bidder to the RFQ-ITS requirements, including the statement of work for the project. The following three sub-sections and criteria will be reviewed by the State’s evaluation team.1.Administrative Requirements Evaluation Criteria (Pass/Fail)RequirementYesNoN/A1.Signed RFQ-ITS Page 1 2.Signed RFQ-ITS Cover Sheet – Attachment pleted Cost Worksheet, including Itemized Cost Detail sheet (sealed in a separate envelope) – Attachment pleted Optional Items Cost Sheet (sealed in a separate envelope) – Attachment 35.Response to Statement of Work6.Three Customer Experience Reference Forms – Attachment 47.Two Samples of Work similar in size and scope anization Chart9.Resumes of Contract Team Members10.Bidder Declarations11.List of Subcontractors12.All other Attachments as needed (SB Certification, TACPA, etc.)Technical Requirements Evaluation Criteria (60 points)1. (14 pts)Adequate number of trained, technical personnel to provide service at all Commission meetings. 2. (9 pts)Demonstrated understanding of the Commission’s needs and the importance of courteous service to the Commission, the staff, and the public. 3. (14 pts)Equipment and software to provide audio/visual and internet/video documentation of all meetings. 4. (14 pts)Technical expertise and experience to provide the requested services. 5. (9 pts)Demonstrated ability to handle and resolve unanticipated complications and delays without interrupting the delivery of services and ensure safe set-up of equipment.Cost (40 points)The cost for this RFQ-ITS is weighted at 40% of the total points available. The lowest cost quote will be awarded the full 40 points for cost, with the other quotes awarded cost points in accordance with the State Contracting Manual, Vol. 1, Section 5.25. Each vendor must complete the Cost Sheet (Attachment 2). Evaluation of cost points will be based on the costs for services for a 3-day public meeting at each location and for each month listed in Attachment 6, Commission 2019 Meeting Schedule (there was no January 2019 meeting, so an additional North Central Coast Area is included in the list below for purposes of determining the quote amount). That is, the cost total for each vendor will be based on the vendor’s cost for the following:Cost for a 3-day meeting in San Francisco Bay Area (North Central Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in L.A/Orange County (South Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in Santa Cruz/Monterey/SLO County (Central Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in Santa Barbara/Ventura/L.A. Cty. (South Central Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in San Diego Area, plusCost for a 3-day meeting in Santa Cruz/Monterey/SLO County (Central Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in Mendocino/Humboldt/Del Norte County (North Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in L.A/Orange County (South Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in San Diego Area, plusCost for a 3-day meeting in San Francisco Bay Area (North Central Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in Santa Barbara/Ventura/L.A. Cty. (South Central Coast Area), plusCost for a 3-day meeting in San Francisco Bay Area (North Central Coast Area).The vendor who has the lowest total cost when the above twelve (12) amounts are added will be awarded the full 40 cost points. In cases where the meeting schedule is not specific on location (e.g., L.A. or Orange County) the higher quote, if applicable, will be used for the cost evaluation.Scoring1.Administrative (Pass/Fail)The administrative evaluation criteria will be scored pass/fail. Failure to submit every item will result in a rejection of the bid package.2.Technical (60 points)The technical evaluation criteria will be scored on a scale of 0 through 9 or 0 through 14 (according to the possible points assigned to each criteria), with the following methodology:Exceptional (100% of points) – Vendor’s narrative demonstrates an exceptional understanding of, experience in, or capability to achieve the requirement in question. Response is well thought-out and well presented. Vendor’s response is complete, addresses all aspects of the topic and does not require clarification.Very Good (80% of points) – Vendor’s narrative demonstrates a very good understanding of, experience in, or capability to achieve the requirement in question. Response is generally well thought-out and well presented. Overall, vendor’s response is complete, addresses major aspects of the topic, and requires minimal clarification.Satisfactory (60% of possible points) – Vendor’s narrative demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of, experience in, or capability to achieve the requirement in question. Overall, vendor’s response addresses some aspects of the topic, but may require multiple areas of clarification.Marginal (40% of possible points) – Vendor’s narrative demonstrates a marginal understanding of, experience in, or capability to achieve the requirement in question. Overall, vendor’s response did not address major aspects of the topic and requires multiple areas of clarification.Unsatisfactory (20% of possible points) – Vendor’s narrative did not demonstrate satisfactory understanding of, experience in, or capability to achieve the requirement in question. Overall, vendor’s response did not address a majority of the aspects of the topic.Zero (0) – Vendor’s narrative was blank or missing or deemed non-responsive.3.Cost (40 points)Each bidders cost score will be calculated based on the ratio of the lowest cost proposal to the bidders cost, multiplied by the maximum number of cost points available (40 as shown in the calculation below:Lowest Total Cost BidX Total cost points available Bidder Total CostExample: To help illustrate this process, refer to table below, for an example of the cost score calculation process. Cost figures in the example below explain the calculations and have no other significance.Cost Evaluation and Scoring Methodology ExampleBidderGrand Total CostCalculationCost Points AwardedA$400,000$300,000 X 40$400,00030B$350,000$300,000 X 40$350,00034.3C$300,000$300,000 X 40$300,00040Final Scoring MethodologyBidderTechnical ScoreCost ScoreTotal Points AwardedA523082B4834.382.3C564096In this case the highest scored proposal from Bidder C would be the intended awardee.III. Award and Protest Award of ContractAward of contract, if made, will be in accordance with the RFQ-ITS information on Evaluation to a responsible bidder whose bid complies with all the requirements of the RFQ-ITS documents and any addenda thereto, except for such immaterial defects as may be waived by the State. Award, if made, will be made within forty-five (45) days after the scheduled date for Contract Award as specified in the RFQ-ITS; however, a bidder may extend the offer beyond 45 days in the event of a delay of contract award. Notice of Intent to Award shall be posted in a public place in the office of the California Coastal Commission, 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105 for five (5) business days prior to awarding the contract.The State reserves the right to determine the successful bidder(s) either on the basis of individual items or on the basis of all items included in its RFQ-ITS, unless otherwise expressly provided in the State's RFQ. Unless the bidder specifies otherwise in its bid, the State may accept any item or group of items of any bid. The State reserves the right to modify or cancel in whole or in part its RFQ-ITS. Written notification of the State's intent to award will be made to all bidders. If a bidder, having submitted a bid, can show that its bid, instead of the bid selected by the State, should be selected for contract award, the bidder will be allowed five (5) working days to submit a protest to the Intent to Award, according to the instructions contained in the paragraph titled “Protests” of this RFQ-ITS. Protests Any bidder’s issues regarding solicitation requirements must be resolved (or attempts to resolve them must have been made) before a protest may be submitted according to the procedure below. These issues will first be resolved by the department contact for the solicitation or if they result in a protest the department will submit to the DGS Procurement Division Deputy Director will be heard and resolve issues and whose decision will be final. If a bidder has submitted a bid which it believes to be totally responsive to the requirements of the RFQ and to be the bid that should have been selected according to the evaluation procedure in the solicitation section on Evaluation and the bidder believes the State has incorrectly selected another bidder for award, the bidder may submit a protest of the selection as described below. Protests regarding selection of the "successful supplier" will be heard and resolved by the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB) whose decision will be final. All protests of award must be made in writing, signed by an individual authorized to bind the bidder contractually and financially, and contain a statement of the reason(s) for protest; citing the law, rule, regulation or procedures on which the protest is based. The protester must provide facts and evidence to support the claim. Protests must be mailed or delivered to:Deputy Director Procurement Division, Department of General Services707 Third Street, Second Floor South West Sacramento, CA 95605 All protests to the RFQ or protests concerning the evaluation, recommendation, or other aspects of the selection process must be received by the Deputy Director of the Procurement Division as promptly as possible, but not later than the date indicated in the Notification of Intent to Award. Certified or registered mail must be used unless delivered in person, in which case the protester should obtain a receipt of delivery. IV. Statement of WorkA.STATEMENT OF WORKThis Statement of Work (SOW) reflects the services to be provided by the Contractor for the California Coastal Commission. The Contractor is to provide personnel to assume specific positions and equipment to meet the need as described in this SOW, which provides Streaming Video & Audio Services.For each meeting the Contractor will be expected to perform the following tasks:Provide professional, respectful, timely, and courteous service to the various parties that will be interacted with at the Commission meetings such as Commissioners, Commission staff, and members of the public.Work with the Commission Meeting Coordinator to schedule the meetings and gather general audio and visual requirements, to gather specific “Meeting Coordinator” information and to obtain the technical contact information of the site that will be utilized.Perform the necessary pre-site evaluation and planning with the Meeting Coordinator to ensure that the necessary network, power, room layout and space requirements will be met and/or determine any specific details that must be prearranged that may be outside the terms of the contract.Evaluate internet connectivity at each venue to ensure adequate capacity, etc. to support the required services, to provide alternative connectivity or services when necessary, and to inform Commission staff of any issues that arise. The Commission staff that plans the meetings will ensure that meeting venues selected will each have internet access. Internet connectivity with adequate bandwidth at the venue is the responsibility of the Commission. Any fees needed for internet connectivity will be paid to the venue by the Commission. It is the responsibility of the contractor to evaluate the connectivity and notify the Commission of any foreseeable issues. In the event that there is no connectivity or a loss of connectivity, the contractor may charge the Commission for alternate connectivity at an amount included in their quote as an “optionally priced item” or may provide connectivity at a lower bandwidth at no additional charge. If the proposed Contractor is limited in the services it can provide, the parameters for providing webcasting must be noted in the response. Provide all equipment and perform the necessary set-up. Access to the room for set-up is usually coordinated with the venue. Most of the Councils and Boards meet on Tuesdays and set-up usually begins once their meetings are done. Set-up must be completed, fully operational and tested no less than two hours prior to the start of the meeting on the first day and no less than one hour prior to the meeting start time for each subsequent day. At some locations, where audio/visual equipment is provided by the facility, the contractor may be able or might be required to use the facility’s equipment in place of some or all of the contractor’s equipment. The contractor must set-up equipment in a manner to ensure safety of all meeting attendees by taping down all wires to minimize trip hazards and securing equipment when necessary. Set-up requirements will vary depending on the facility hosting the meeting and may include but is not limited to the following types of equipment: Adequate audio equipment to allow all members of the public, Commissioners and staff to comfortably and easily hear all meeting proceedings and presentations. Separate audio monitors for Commission and staff on a separate channel to ensure quality sound may be provided if the vendor determines they are needed at a particular meeting site. Adequate visual equipment to allow all members of the public, Commissioners and staff to comfortably and easily see all meeting proceedings and presentations, including approximately 50-60” monitors for each as needed in meeting locations where there is a lack of built-in screens or visual obstructions of a larger screen.Adequate number of small, robotic video cameras and related equipment to film every day of the meeting gavel-to-gavel from various angles as appropriate to capture the images of all speakers, presenters, visual presentations, Commissioners and staff. Please note, no human-operated cameras are allowed behind the dais or between the stanchion barrier line and the dais.Video switching equipment that can provide text information at the bottom of the screen that includes the applicable agenda item, meeting date, and the Coastal Commission’s logo on both the live stream and the archived recording. The Coastal Commission will provide the logo to be used upon award of the contract.Visual aids sufficient to support all standard types of audio/visual presentations including computers, connected to a projector, with current software and technical support for PowerPoint presentations by both Macintosh and Windows users, and an 84” x 84” screen or larger. The following visual aids must be provided upon advance request by the Commission: a 35 mm slide projector and empty carousel, a television with VCR, and an overhead transparency projector.Encoding equipment.Stanchions (owned by the Commission but stored, transported, and set-up by the contractor) with a retractable ribbon to use as a barrier between the dais and the public. Equipment to confidentially record the audio (but not webstream) from a “closed session.”Any additional equipment, supplies, and tools needed to ensure smooth meeting services without interruption due to possible problems at a venue such as, but not limited to, inadequate sound levels, inadequate or lack of internet connection, large crowds, or inoperable equipment.Test audio and video feeds and webcast links no less than two hours prior to the meeting start time on the first day and no less than one hour prior to the meeting start time for each subsequent day. Provide technical assistance to meeting presenters and the meeting coordinator with all audio and visual needs of the meeting process, including loading all presentations so they are brought up immediately when the presenter is called upon to speak. There should be little to no delay between when a speaker is called upon by the Commission Chair to start their presentation or comments and when the presentation is brought up on the screens by the contractor.Provide all necessary technical support required to provide the video and audio capture and streaming during the meeting.Provide the encoding and streaming required of every day of all Commission meetings, excluding field trips. The contractor will capture the public portions of all field trips through video documentation, for archival purposes. Tear-down and remove equipment.The expected products of this contract are: Five sets of DVDs will be provided to the Commission free of charge within 10 days after the last day of each meeting. Additional copies will be available for purchase by the Commission at a cost of $15 for the first disc and $5 for each additional disc per each disc of a meeting day. DVDs will be formatted so that each day of the meeting and each agenda item of each day are easily distinguishable. Viewers should also be able to easily advance to separate segments of each meeting item, i.e., staff presentation, public testimony, staff response, Commission discussion, and Commission action/vote. DVDs/CDs will be available to the public for purchase within 10 days after the last day of each meeting at a reasonable cost. The contractor will be responsible for all public requests, sales and distribution of hard copy products. Video recording (electronic minutes) will be indexed to match the meeting agenda items and uploaded to the contractor’s media server within 3 days after the last day of the meeting. Video archives (electronic minutes) will be stored on the contractor’s media server and accessible online (in a format accessible to both Macintosh and Windows users) for a minimum of 5 years, with a plan to coordinate with the Commission for long-term archiving. Web-based meeting coverage must follow the same formatting as the DVD coverage specified above, to facilitate easy access to specified agenda items, and specific portions of individual hearing items. B.OPTIONAL ITEMSOptional items included in this RFQ and the resulting contract will be implemented at the sole discretion of the Commission. The contractor must obtain authorization from the Commission prior to executing the first four items. The optional items that will be included in this contract are:Audiovisual services and video DVD documentation services for training workshops or other meetings. These meetings will not be webstreamed. The set-up for these meetings will be similar to the public meeting set-up with a table in the front of the room and an audience viewing various monitors. Five sets of DVDs will be provided to the Commission free of charge within 10 days after the last day of each meeting. Additional copies will be available for purchase by the Commission at a cost of $15 for the first disc and $5 for each additional disc thereafter per each disc of a meeting day. Alternate internet connection options (if any) that may be provided by the contractor. This item is not a requirement.Off-site public comment in special circumstances. Use of a system such as Skype is acceptable. This item may be paid by the Commission or may be paid by a third party, depending on the circumstances. The Commission will determine who will be invoiced for the services on a case by case basis.Services for a specially clipped video segment from a meeting to post on the Commission’s website or a website like YouTube. This will be paid at an hourly rate for the service.Overflow room facilitation. Occasionally at meetings with a large audience there may be an overflow area or room near the meeting room. Set-up for this area or room will be simple, with a large monitor (approximately 50-60”) and audio so the audience may view and hear the meeting proceedings. This service is required. The Commission will strive to provide at least seven (7) days advance notice when possible. Vendors must include in their response the minimum number of days of advance notice they need in order to provide this service. Over 250 concurrent viewers of the public meeting webstreaming.C.CONTRACTOR TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIESThe Contractor must certify that it has appropriate systems and controls in place to ensure that State funds will not be used in the performance of this contract for the acquisition, operation or maintenance of computer software in violation of copyright laws.The Contractor must provide all necessary staffing, with a highly recommended minimum of three staff members on site during the public meeting, required to meet the specific work details outlined herein. The Contractor’s production team will be responsible for the majority of the tasks associated to this project as follows: pre-site technical verifications, set-up, testing, production, archiving, and tear-down. The Contractor must carry insurance policies that include coverage for non-owned and hired vehicles as well as Worker’s Compensation coverage for all employees. The Commission will not be responsible for stolen, lost or damaged equipment used for the project.The Commission’s Meeting Coordinator will be responsible for all aspects leading up to the meeting such as: finding suitable meeting locations, scheduling and briefing the various presenters, preparing and posting meeting information, and hosting the meetings. The Commission has the right to increase or reduce the number of meeting days per monthly meeting.D.PROCESS FLOWA Commission staff person will contact the contractor in advance, with all information required to coordinate times, locations and equipment needs. The Commission will give as much advance notice as possible, but at a minimum, notice will be given within 10 calendar days of the need for the service with specific location and date of meeting. All due diligence on the part of the Contractor to perform within tight time frames is expected. The Commission will assign a contract manager to work with the contractor and monitor performance of the contract.Attachment 1 – Cover SheetThe submission of this quote does not obligate the California Coastal Commission to fund the proposed contract. If the quote is approved for funding, a contract will be executed between the State of California and the bidder. When funding is authorized, the bidder will be expected to adhere to the terms of the executed contract.The undersigned bidder hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment, to provide services in accordance with the specifications and provisions received with the RFQ-ITS.Full Legal Name of Bidder’s Organization:____________________________________________________________________________2.Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________StreetCityState Zip____________________________________________________________________________TelephoneFAXEmail3.Federal Taxpayer Identification Number:____________________________________________4.Principal who is authorized to bind the bidder:___________________________________________________________________Typed NameTitle____________________________________________________________________Original SignatureDate5.Bidder’s contact person shall be: _______________________________________________(Name and Phone Number)Attachment 2 – Cost SheetCosts Per Meeting Location and LengthPlease note: Cost information must be included in a separate sealed envelope.A cost must be entered for every location and every category of meeting. The costs entered in the column entitled “Total Cost for 3-Day Meeting” will be used by the Commission review committee to determine the cost points to be awarded to each bidder (see “Section II. Evaluation Information”). The successful bidder will be paid for meetings according to costs entered on this Cost Worksheet.Total Cost for Total Cost for Total Cost for Total Cost for Total Cost forLocation1-Day Meeting2-Day Meeting3-Day Meeting4-Day Meeting5-Day MeetingSan Diego ?____ ?____ ?__________________________Los Angeles Co. ?____ ?____ ?___________________________Orange County ?____ ?____ ?___________________________Ventura Co. ?____ ?____ ?___________________________Santa Barbara Co. ?____ ?____ ?___________________________San Luis Obispo Co. ?____ ?____ ?___________________________Santa Cruz/Monterey County ?____ ?____ ?___________________________San Francisco/Bay Area ?____ ?____ ?___________________________Sonoma/Marin Co. ?____ ?____ ?___________________________North Coast Area ?____ ?____ ?___________________________(i.e. Mendocino, Humboldt, Del Norte, Eureka)The amount of the quote shall include all labor, equipment, travel & lodging costs and other expenses.______________________________________ __________________ Authorized Signature Date______________________________________ ______________________Type or Print Signer’s Name and Title Federal I.D. NumberItemized Cost DetailPlease note: Cost information must be included in a separate sealed envelope.Itemized costs must show the detail of the summary costs indicated on the Summary Sheet for a “Total Cost for a 3-Day Meeting” in each location. Below is a sample cost worksheet that must be used for each meeting location to reflect this detail. MEETING IN SAN DIEGO AREATravel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in San Diego Area$MEETING IN LOS ANGELES COUNTYTravel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in Los Angeles County$MEETING IN ORANGE COUNTYTravel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in Orange County$MEETING IN VENTURA COUNTYTravel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in Ventura County$MEETING IN SANTA BARBARA COUNTYTravel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in Santa Barbara County$MEETING IN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTYTravel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in San Luis Obispo County$MEETING IN SANTA CRUZ OR MONTEREY COUNTYTravel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of each item)$Other Cost (include Description of each item)$Total for Meeting in Santa Cruz or Monterey County$MEETING IN SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Travel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in San Francisco Bay Area$MEETING IN SONOMA OR MARIN COUNTYTravel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in Sonoma or Marin County$MEETING IN NORTH COAST AREA (MENDOCINO, HUMBOLDT, DEL NORTE COUNTIES)Travel Costs (not to exceed State rates)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Other Cost (include Description of item)$Total for Meeting in North Coast Area$Attachment 3 – Optional Items Cost WorksheetOptional Item Cost Please note: Cost information must be included in a separate sealed envelope.A cost (if any) must be entered for each item. These costs will not be used for cost evaluation. However, these costs will be included in the resulting contract. The successful bidder will be paid for these items according to costs entered on this Cost Worksheet. These items will be implemented at the sole discretion of the Commission, with prior authorization for items 1 - 5. 1.Training Workshop or Other Meeting – Cost per day in each location (no webstreaming)The amount shall include all labor, equipment, travel & lodging costs and other expenses.LocationTotal One Day CostSan Francisco Bay Area$_______________Humboldt County$_______________Santa Cruz County$_______________Ventura County$_______________Los Angeles County$_______________San Diego County$_______________2.Alternate Internet Connection Options (if available from vendor as this is not a requirement)Description of OptionTotal Cost for Option___________________________$___________________________________________$________________3.Off-site Public Comment in Special Circumstances (may specify locations similar to item #1)Total Cost for One Occurrence $________________4.Video Clip Segment for Commission WebsiteHourly Rate for Service$________________5.Overflow Room Facilitation(if no additional cost, please indicate “$0”)Total Cost for One Occurrence $________________6.251+ Concurrent Viewers of Public Meeting Webstream (if no additional cost, please indicate “$0”)Total Cost$______________________________________________________ __________________ Authorized Signature Date______________________________________ ______________________Type or Print Signer’s Name and Title Federal I.D. NumberAttachment 4 – Customer Experience Reference FormThe bidder must provide three (3) client references for services it has performed within the past three (3) years that are similar in size, scope, and type of service as specified in this RFQ-ITS. Complete this form for each reference. Bidder’s Name:Subcontractor that provided the services (if other than the bidder):Company/Organization:Contact:Address:Telephone:Fax:E-mail:Project Name and/or Description:Bidder or Subcontractor’s involvement:Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy):End Date (mm/dd/yyyy):Project Dollar Amount:Describe corporate experience for this project as it relates to the RFQ-ITS Statement of Work. The description of the project must be detailed and comprehensive enough to permit the State to assess the similarity of those projects to the work anticipated in the award of the contract resulting from this procurement.Attachment 5 – Example of Meeting Room Set-Up Plan8’x2.5’Table 8’x2.5’ Table 8’x2.5’ Table8’x2.5’Table6’x2.5’ Table8’x2.5’TableStaff6’x2.5’ Projector Table Press Table6’x2.5’ TableSmall Table6’x2.5’TableStaffAttachment 6 – Commission Meeting Schedules2019 Meeting Dates and LocationsPlease note: 2019 meeting dates and locations are subject to change during the term of the contract; however, the following dates and locations will be used when calculating the quote amounts. The current meeting schedule and list of locations are posted on the Commission’s website at coastal. once approved by the Commission.JANUARY 9-11, 2019No MeetingJULY 10-12, 2019Santa Cruz/Monterey/San Luis Obispo County(Central Coast Area)FEBRUARY 6-8, 2019San Francisco Bay Area(North Central Coast Area)AUGUST 7-9, 2019Mendocino/Humboldt/Del Norte County(North Coast Area)MARCH 6-8, 2019L.A./Orange County(South Coast Area)SEPTEMBER 11-13, 2019L.A./Orange County(South Coast Area)APRIL 10-12, 2019Santa Cruz/Monterey/San Luis Obispo County(Central Coast Area)OCTOBER 16-18, 2019San Diego AreaMAY 8-10, 2019Santa Barbara/Ventura/L.A. County(South Central Coast Area)NOVEMBER 13-15, 2019San Francisco Bay Area(North Central Coast Area)JUNE 12-14, 2019 San Diego AreaDECEMBER 11-13, 2019Santa Barbara/Ventura/L.A. County(South Central Coast Area) 2020 Meeting Dates and Locations The 2020 Coastal Commission meeting schedule will be adopted by the California Coastal Commission at a Commission meeting in the Spring or Summer of 2019. Once adopted, the schedule will be viewable on the Commission’s website at . The 2019 meeting schedule locations will be used to calculate the quote amount for the months in 2020.Attachment 7 – Bidder Declaration Form All Contractors must complete the Bidder Declaration GSPD-05-105 and include it with the bid response. 8 – Payee Data Record, STD. 204The successful bidder as a result of this RFQ-ITS will be required to complete and sign the Payee Data Record, STD. 204, before contract execution. Refer to the following website link for more details: 9 – Sample Standard AgreementSample Standard AgreementEXHIBIT ASCOPE OF WORKSCOPE OF WORKThe contractor agrees to provide the California Coastal Commission (hereafter referred to as the Commission) with audiovisual and internet services in accordance with the requirements and description of service stated in RFQ 18-01. Pages X through X of RFQ 18-01 which contains the requirements and description of services are set forth in Attachment 1 and made part of this Agreement.The contractor’s response to RFQ 18-01 is set forth in Attachment 2 and made part of this Agreement. A list of Commission meetings for 2019 and 2020 are set forth in Attachment 3 and made part of this Agreement.The term of this agreement will be for a period of one (1) year, with an option to amend the contract to extend for an additional one (1) year period. This option will be executed at the sole discretion of the Commission.The project representatives during the term of this agreement will be:State Agency: California Coastal CommissionContractor:Name: Susan M. Hansch, Chief Deputy DirectorName:Phone: (415) 904-5201Phone:Fax: (415) 904-5400Fax:Direct all inquiries to:State Agency: California Coastal CommissionContractor:Attention: Vanessa Miller, Meeting CoordinatorAttention:Address: 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000 San Francisco, CA 94105Address:Phone: (415) 904-5201Phone:Fax: (415) 904-5400 Fax:Sample Standard AgreementEXHIBIT BBUDGET DETAIL AND PAYMENT PROVISIONSBUDGET DETAIL AND PAYMENT PROVISIONSInvoicingFor services satisfactorily rendered and upon receipt and approval of the invoices, the State agrees to compensate the Contractor for actual expenditures incurred in accordance with the rates specified herein or attached hereto.Invoices shall be submitted in duplicate not more frequently than monthly in arrears to:California Coastal CommissionAttn: Business Services45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000San Francisco, CA 94105-2219Invoices shall contain the following information:Contractor’s name and address as shown on this agreement.Date of the invoice.Time period covered by the invoice.Contract number as shown on this agreement.Original signature of the contractor (not required if printed using preprinted letterhead paper).Itemized costs for the billing period in the same or greater level of detail as indicated in this agreement, with supporting documentation. Only those costs and/or cost categories expressly identified in this agreement may be reimbursed.Budget Contingency ClauseIt is mutually agreed that if the Budget Act of the current year and/or any subsequent years covered under this Agreement does not appropriate sufficient funds for the program, this Agreement shall be of no further force and effect. In this event, the State shall have no liability to pay any funds whatsoever to Contractor or to furnish any other considerations under this Agreement and Contractor shall not be obligated to perform any provisions of this Agreement.B.If funding for any fiscal year is reduced or deleted by the Budget Act for purposes of this program, the State shall have the option to either cancel this Agreement with no liability occurring to the State, or offer an agreement amendment to Contractor to reflect the reduced amount.Prompt Payment ClausePayment will be made in accordance with, and within the time specified in, Government Code Chapter 4.5, commencing with Section 927.Sample Standard AgreementEXHIBIT CIT GENERAL PROVISIONSIT GENERAL PROVISIONSPLEASE NOTE: This page will not be included with the final agreement. The General Terms and Conditions will be included in the agreement by reference to Internet site: Standard AgreementEXHIBIT DSPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSSPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSSettlement of DisputesIn the event of a dispute, Contractor shall file a "Notice of Dispute" with the California Coastal Commission within ten (10) days of discovery of the problem. Within ten (10) days, the Agency Director or Designee shall meet with the Contractor and Project Manager for purposes of resolving the dispute. The decision of the Agency Director or Designee shall be final.In the event of a dispute, the language contained within this Agreement shall prevail over any other language including that of the bid proposal.Evaluation of ContractorPerformance of the Contractor under this Agreement will be evaluated. The evaluation shall be prepared on Contract/Contractor Evaluation Sheet (STD 4), and maintained in the Agreement file. For consultant agreements, a copy of the evaluation will be sent to the Department of General Services, Office of Legal Services, if it is negative and over $5,000.Potential SubcontractorsNothing contained in this Agreement or otherwise, shall create any contractual relation between the State and any subcontractors, and no subcontract shall relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities and obligations hereunder. The Contractor agrees to be as fully responsible to the State for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by any of them as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by the Contractor. The Contractor's obligation to pay its subcontractors is an independent obligation from the State's obligation to make payments to the Contractor. As a result, the State shall have no obligation to pay or to enforce the payment of any moneys to any subcontractor.4.Right to TerminateThe State reserves the right to terminate this agreement subject to 30 days written notice to the Contractor. Contractor may submit a written request to terminate this agreement only if the State should substantially fail to perform its responsibilities as provided herein.However, the agreement can be immediately terminated for cause. The term “for cause” shall mean that the Contractor fails to meet the terms, conditions, and/or responsibilities of the contract. In this instance, the contract termination shall be effective as of the date indicated on the State’s notification to the Contractor.This agreement may be suspended or cancelled without notice, at the option of the Contractor, if the Contractor or State’s premises or equipment are destroyed by fire or other catastrophe, or so substantially damaged that it is impractical to continue service, or in the event the Contractor is unable to render service as a result of any action by any governmental authority. ................

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