List of Acronyms

The Revised Total Coliform RuleGuidance Manual for Public Water Systems Serving 1,000 or Fewer PersonsReview DraftOffice of Water (4606M)EPA 815-R-XX-XXXMONTH YEARDISCLAIMERThis manual is intended to provide information to assist small public water systems serving 1,000 or fewer persons in complying with the requirements of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR). This guidance is not a substitute for applicable legal requirements, nor is it a regulation itself. Thus, it does not impose legally-binding requirements on any party, including EPA, states or the regulated community. While EPA has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the discussion in this guidance, the obligations of the regulated community are determined by statutes, regulations or other legally binding requirements. In the event of a conflict between the discussion in this document and any statute or regulation, this document would not be controlling.Interested parties are free to raise questions and objections to the guidance and the appropriateness of using it in a particular situation. Although this manual describes suggestions for complying with the RTCR requirements, the guidance presented here may not be appropriate for all situations and alternative approaches may provide satisfactory performance.Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute an EPA endorsement or recommendation for use.EPA may decide to revise this guidance without public notice and comment period to reflect the changes to EPA’s approach to implementing the Revised Total Coliform Rule or to clarify or update text.About This DocumentThis document aims to assist small water systems serving 1,000 persons or fewer in complying with the requirements of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR). It is divided into three major parts, Parts A, B and C. Part A, The Revised Total Coliform Rule At A Glance, gives concise information about the requirements of the RTCR and is intended as a quick reference material. Part B, The Revised Total Coliform Rule In Detail, presents in more detail the requirements of the RTCR as compared to Part A and intends to provide a deeper understanding of the rule. Part C, Compliance Checklist, provides a checklist to help water systems determine their compliance with the rule. Each part is designed as a stand-alone document and can be used independently of the other parts of the guidance manual.Table of ContentsPart A. The Revised Total Coliform Rule At A Glance7Part B. The Revised Total Coliform Rule In Detail29Part C. Compliance Checklist 83THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKPart AThe Revised Total Coliform Rule At A GlanceTHIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKPart ATable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u List of Acronyms PAGEREF _Toc414027088 \h 101Is this Guide for Me? PAGEREF _Toc414027089 \h 112What Is the RTCR? PAGEREF _Toc414027090 \h 123What Does the RTCR Require of Me? PAGEREF _Toc414027091 \h 133.1Monitoring PAGEREF _Toc414027092 \h 143.2Contaminant Levels (MCLG and MCL) PAGEREF _Toc414027093 \h 203.3Assessments and Corrective Actions PAGEREF _Toc414027094 \h 213.4Reporting and Recordkeeping PAGEREF _Toc414027095 \h 253.5Violations and Public Notification PAGEREF _Toc414027096 \h 27List of AcronymsMCLMaximum Contaminant LevelMCLGMaximum Contaminant Level GoalRTCRRevised Total Coliform RuleIs this Guide for Me?-4953017780THE REVISED TOTAL COLIFORM RULE (RTCR) REQUIREMENTS PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENTThe requirements presented here are the federal requirements of the RTCR. Drinking water primacy agencies may have additional requirements specific to their programs. Systems should check with their primacy agency to make sure they are complying with all their RTCR requirements.020000THE REVISED TOTAL COLIFORM RULE (RTCR) REQUIREMENTS PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENTThe requirements presented here are the federal requirements of the RTCR. Drinking water primacy agencies may have additional requirements specific to their programs. Systems should check with their primacy agency to make sure they are complying with all their RTCR requirements.This At A Glance Guide is Part A of the guidance manual. It is designed for use by public water systems serving 1,000 or fewer persons, either community water systems or non-community water systems, using either surface water or ground water as the source, to help them comply with the requirements of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR). Primacy agencies and technical assistance providers may also benefit from reading this guide.This part of the guidance manual is intended as a summary document of the key points of the RTCR’s requirements. For a more comprehensive discussion of the rule, water systems can check out Part B of this guidance manual.Systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency to determine if there are other requirements specified by the primacy agency with which they need to comply. What Is My System Type?It is important for water systems to determine what their system type is as requirements vary depending on whether they are a community water system or non-community water system, a system that uses ground water or surface water, or additionally if they are a seasonal system. Systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency if they are not sure about their proper classification.What Is the RTCR?The RTCR is one of the primary regulations that protect the safety of drinking water of Americans. It protects public health by limiting the levels of certain microbial organisms in drinking water. It is a revision of the Total Coliform Rule, which systems must comply with until March 31, 2016 (unless your drinking water agency starts to implement the RTCR earlier). Starting no later than April 1, 2016, systems must comply with the requirements of the RTCR. The RTCR sets limits on the presence of total coliforms and E. coli in drinking water. Total coliforms are a group of closely related bacteria that are natural and common inhabitants of soil and surface waters. Their presence in drinking water suggests that (1) there has been a breach or failure in the water system (e.g., a hole in the pipe); and (2) pathogens, which are disease-carrying organisms, could have entered into the drinking water. E. coli, on the other hand, is a type of bacteria that is a subset of total coliforms, most often fecal in origin. The presence of E. coli, therefore, can indicate that the water has been contaminated with fecal waste, which can contain pathogenic organisms.The RTCR sets a maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) and a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for E. coli. The MCL is the level with which systems must comply with. Certain levels of total coliforms in the water can trigger the system to perform an assessment of their infrastructure and sampling practices.What Does the RTCR Require of Me?The requirements of the RTCR can be grouped into the following categories. All water systems must comply with these requirements.571500574040Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. The RTCR Requirements at a GlanceMonitoring Public water systems must monitor for the presence of total coliforms and E. coli in their water on a regular basis based on a sample siting plan. The water system must develop a sample siting plan that sets out when and where the samples will be taken. Samples must be taken in a location that is representative of the water quality in the distribution system. The sample siting plan is subject to state review and revision.9144002404532What Steps Do I Need to Take?1) Develop a sample siting plan that has your schedule and location of water samples.2) Take a sample of your water on a regular basis and have it tested for the presence of total coliforms. This is your routine sample.3) If your routine sample is total coliform-positive: (a) have it tested for E. coli and (b) take repeat samples.4) Have your repeat samples analyzed for total coliforms and, if positive, for E. coli.See REF _Ref399492057 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 8 for an illustration of the steps.300000What Steps Do I Need to Take?1) Develop a sample siting plan that has your schedule and location of water samples.2) Take a sample of your water on a regular basis and have it tested for the presence of total coliforms. This is your routine sample.3) If your routine sample is total coliform-positive: (a) have it tested for E. coli and (b) take repeat samples.4) Have your repeat samples analyzed for total coliforms and, if positive, for E. coli.See REF _Ref399492057 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 8 for an illustration of the pliance Samples1) Routine – These are water samples that water systems are required to take on a regular basis – whether that frequency is annually, quarterly, or monthly – to monitor for the presence of total coliforms. A water sample that is positive for total coliforms must be further tested for the presence of E. coli.Systems should check with their drinking water agency to determine how many total coliform samples they need to take and at what frequency (i.e. one per month, one per calendar quarter, or one per year, etc.).For systems on a quarterly or annual monitoring schedule:You must collect 3 additional routine samples the month following a total coliform-positive sample. You must continue to do so until all the samples return total coliform-negative or you are triggered into monthly monitoring.The RTCR specifies certain conditions that will trigger a system to take samples more frequently (i.e., increased monitoring frequency). For example, a system on annual or quarterly monitoring with test results repeated showing the presence of total coliforms and E. coli in its water may be required to monitor monthly. These trigger events and conditions are found in Part C of this guidance manual, under Items J to M of the Compliance Checklist.2) Repeat – These are follow-up water samples that water systems are required to take each time a routine sample is positive for total coliforms. Repeat samples, like routine samples must be tested for the presence of total coliforms, and if positive, for the presence of E. coli. Water systems must collect 3 repeat samples (each water sample is at least 100 mL) within 24 hours after being notified of the total coliform-positive sample result. For systems with only a single service connection, the repeat samples can be taken over a period of three days (one sample for each day) or a larger volume sample of at least 300 mL can be taken in one day. REF _Ref408404376 \h \* MERGEFORMAT REF _Ref414030460 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 2 shows where the repeat samples must be taken and REF _Ref414030521 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 3 shows how systems with only a single service connection can take their repeat samples. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2. Location of Repeat SamplesFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3. Collecting Repeat Samples for a System with a Single Service ConnectionFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4. Diagram Showing the RTCR Monitoring Requirements21888454083685 Compliance TipsHave your sample siting plan in an accessible place. Keep it up to date.Have sampling kits available and ready to use when you need to take a sample of your water.Contact your drinking water agency if you have any questions about the requirements.00 Compliance TipsHave your sample siting plan in an accessible place. Keep it up to date.Have sampling kits available and ready to use when you need to take a sample of your water.Contact your drinking water agency if you have any questions about the requirements.Sending Samples to the LabSystems must send their samples to a state certified laboratory for testing. Send the sample(s) as soon as possible keeping in mind that the laboratory must start the tests within 30 hours of sample collection. It is recommended that samples be shipped below 10°C (50°F). Packing the samples in ice would help ensure that the recommended temperature is maintained.9220202598420I am a seasonal system. What other requirements do I need to comply with?1) Completion of primacy agency-approved start-up procedures before serving water to the public.2) Certification to the primacy agency of completion of start-up procedures.3) Designation in sample siting plan of vulnerable time period to take sample, if monitoring quarterly or annually.Typical examples of seasonal systems300000I am a seasonal system. What other requirements do I need to comply with?1) Completion of primacy agency-approved start-up procedures before serving water to the public.2) Certification to the primacy agency of completion of start-up procedures.3) Designation in sample siting plan of vulnerable time period to take sample, if monitoring quarterly or annually.Typical examples of seasonal systemsAdditional Requirements for Seasonal SystemsA seasonal water system is a non-community water system that starts up and shuts down operations at the beginning and end of each operating period. Typical examples are state and national parks, campgrounds, and ski resorts.Start-up ProceduresSome examples of start-up procedures that a drinking water primacy agency may require of seasonal systems include the following:Flushing all pipesCleaning all water storage tanksDisinfectingInspecting and repairing componentsCollecting samplesCertification of Completion of Start-up ProceduresSeasonal systems are required to certify to the drinking water primacy agency that they have completed the start-up procedures. Each primacy agency will have different methods of certification. Some may require a system to use a form while others may require an online submission. Systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency to determine how they will complete the certification process. Sampling During the Vulnerable Time Period2002790339090 Tips for Seasonal SystemsCheck with your drinking water primacy agency to determine what start-up procedures you need to complete ahead of your opening for the season.Submit your certification on time.Contact your drinking water primacy agency if you have any questions about the requirements.00 Tips for Seasonal SystemsCheck with your drinking water primacy agency to determine what start-up procedures you need to complete ahead of your opening for the season.Submit your certification on time.Contact your drinking water primacy agency if you have any questions about the requirements.Seasonal systems on a quarterly or annual monitoring period must state in their sample siting plan the time period when they will take their routine sample. This period is based on site-specific conditions. Consider for example, when the demand for water is the highest, when the source water is most vulnerable to contamination (e.g., during the wet season), or when there’s a source of contamination that might affect the area surrounding the well (e.g., spreading of animal waste for fertilizer). The drinking water primacy agency must approve the sample siting plan and the system must monitor during the period identified in the sample siting plan. Contaminant Levels (MCLG and MCL)9144001485900Maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG)Level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. It allows for a level of safety.Maximum contaminant level (MCL) Highest level of contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. It is set as close to the MCLG as feasible using the best available technology and taking cost into consideration. The MCL is the level the systems must comply with.300000Maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG)Level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. It allows for a level of safety.Maximum contaminant level (MCL) Highest level of contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. It is set as close to the MCLG as feasible using the best available technology and taking cost into consideration. The MCL is the level the systems must comply with.MCLG for E. coliThe MCLG for E. coli is set at zero. MCL for E. coliThe MCL for E. coli is based on the results of the routine sample and its associated repeat samples. The system is out of compliance with the MCL if:The system has an E. coli-positive repeat sample following a total coliform-positive routine sample.20154904183380 Compliance TipsAlways take your three repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified that your routine sample is total-coliform-positive.Make sure that your laboratory is testing for E. coli when a sample is total coliform-positive.Contact your drinking water primacy agency if you have any questions about the requirements.0 Compliance TipsAlways take your three repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified that your routine sample is total-coliform-positive.Make sure that your laboratory is testing for E. coli when a sample is total coliform-positive.Contact your drinking water primacy agency if you have any questions about the requirements.The system has a total coliform-positive repeat sample following an E. coli-positive routine sample.The system fails to take all required repeat samples following an E. coli-positive routine sample.The system fails to test for E. coli when any repeat sample tests positive for total coliforms.Assessments and Corrective Actions9144002743200How do I comply with the assessment and corrective action requirements of the RTCR?1) Determine if you have triggered either a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment.2) Determine who can conduct the assessment and what form to use.3) Conduct the assessment as soon as practical.4) Correct any sanitary defects identified during the assessment.5) Complete the assessment form and submit it to the drinking water primacy agency within 30 days of learning of the trigger.300000How do I comply with the assessment and corrective action requirements of the RTCR?1) Determine if you have triggered either a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment.2) Determine who can conduct the assessment and what form to use.3) Conduct the assessment as soon as practical.4) Correct any sanitary defects identified during the assessment.5) Complete the assessment form and submit it to the drinking water primacy agency within 30 days of learning of the trigger.Public water systems are required to conduct a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment when certain conditions occur in their system. The Level 2 assessment is a more comprehensive and more in-depth examination of the system compared to a Level 1 assessment. Any problem (i.e., sanitary defect) found during the assessment must be corrected. The assessment and corrective action(s) must be completed within a required timeframe. Sanitary DefectsA sanitary defect (1) could provide a pathway of entry for microbial contamination into the distribution system or (2) indicates a failure or imminent failure in a barrier that is already in place. Examples include:Level 1 Assessment TriggersTwo or more total coliform-positive samples in the same sampling period (include the results of all routine and repeat samples)Failure to take every required repeat sample after any single routine total coliform-positive sampleLevel 2 Assessment TriggersAn E. coli MCL violationA second Level 1 trigger within a rolling 12-month periodFor systems that conduct annual monitoring, a Level 1 trigger in two consecutive yearsPersons Allowed to Conduct a Level 1 AssessmentA responsible party of the public water system can conduct a Level 1 assessment. The water system should consult with their drinking water primacy agency to determine who in their water system can conduct the assessment.Persons Allowed to Conduct a Level 2 AssessmentThe Level 2 assessment must be conducted by someone approved by the drinking water primacy agency which could be a primacy agency staff, a third party (such as outside contractors), or one of the system’s staff or management with the required certification or qualification specified by the drinking water primacy agency.Assessment FormsWater systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency to determine which assessment forms they are required to use and complete and where to submit them.Conducting a Level 1 or Level 2 Assessment REF _Ref414030637 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 5 is a suggested progression of the assessment that systems can follow. Depending on the configuration of the system, not all elements maybe present.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5. Suggested Steps in Conducting an AssessmentTimeline for Completing a Level 1 or Level 2 AssessmentA system must complete a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment, correct any sanitary defects found, and submit the form to the drinking water primacy agency within 30 days after learning that it has triggered the assessment. For corrective actions not completed at the time of the submission of the form, the system must also include a timetable for completing the rest of the corrective actions and report to their drinking water primacy agency when each outstanding corrective action has been completed.1912620-1487805Tips for Preparing for an AssessmentDetermine who can conduct a Level 1 and Level 2 assessment.Be familiar with the required forms and submittals.Create a standard operating procedure (SOP) for what to do when sampling results trigger an assessment.Understand which data source(s) to use to fill out the various sections of the form.Contact your drinking water primacy agency if you have any question about the requirements.00Tips for Preparing for an AssessmentDetermine who can conduct a Level 1 and Level 2 assessment.Be familiar with the required forms and submittals.Create a standard operating procedure (SOP) for what to do when sampling results trigger an assessment.Understand which data source(s) to use to fill out the various sections of the form.Contact your drinking water primacy agency if you have any question about the requirements.Reporting and RecordkeepingSystems need to report certain items and information to their drinking water primacy agencies within a required timeframe and keep records. REF _Ref399517376 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Table 31 lists the items to report and REF _Ref399517385 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 32 lists the records to keep.Table STYLEREF 1 \s 3 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Items Water Systems Need to ReportWhat to reportWhen to report to /submit to / notify the drinking water primacy agencyMonitoring resultsWithin the first 10 days following either the month the monitoring was completed, or the end of the required monitoring period, whichever is soonest. The system does not need to report this in the case where the state laboratory does the analysis and submits the results directly to the primacy agency.E. coli-positive routine sampleBy the end of the day when the system is notified of an E. coli-positive routine sample, unless they are notified of the result after the primacy agency office is closed and the primacy agency does not have either an after-hours phone line or an alternative notification procedure. In this case, the system must notify the agency before the end of the next business day.E. coli MCL violationBy the end of the day when the system learns of an E. coli MCL violation, unless it learns of the violation after the primacy agency office is closed and the primacy agency does not have either an after-hours phone line or an alternative notification procedure. In this case, the system must notify the primacy agency before the end of the next business day, and notify the public within 24 hours of the violation.Coliform treatment technique violationNo later than the end of the next business day after the system learns of the violation. The public must be notified within 30 days.Monitoring violationWithin 10 days after the system learns of the violation. The public must be notified within a year of the pleted assessment form Within 30 days after learning that the system has triggered an assessment.Corrective action(s) not completed when assessment form was submittedWhen corrective action is completed.Seasonal systems – certification of completion of primacy agency-approved start-up procedurePrior to serving water to the public.Certification of compliance with public notice requirementsWithin 10 days of completing the public notification (whether initial notification or repeat notification).Failure to comply with any of the requirements of the RTCR not already mentioned aboveWithin 48 hours of failing to comply with the requirement. Table STYLEREF 1 \s 3 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 2. Records Water Systems Need to Keep RecordsPeriod of Time to Keep RecordsMonitoring results (microbiological and turbidity analyses)No less than 5 yearsAssessment forms i and documentation of corrective actions completed iiNo less than 5 years after completion of the assessment and corrective action(s)Repeat samples taken that meets drinking water primacy agency criteria for extension of 24-hour period for collectionNo less than 5 yearsCopies of public notice issuedNo less than 3 years after issuanceCertificationsNo less than 3 years after issuanceSample siting plansNo less than 5 years (same period as records of microbiological analyses)i Regardless of who conducted the assessmentii Or other available documentation of sanitary defects and corrective actions. EPA recommends that the system keep any photos, receipts, sample results, etc., related to assessments and corrective actions.Violations and Public NotificationSystems that fail to perform a requirement will receive a violation, some of which require a public notification, as shown in REF _Ref399518491 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Table 33. Systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency about the required language for public notices.Table STYLEREF 1 \s 3 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 3. List of Violations and the Required Public NotificationViolationPublic Notification E. coli MCLRoutine total coliform-positive; Repeat E. coli-positiveRoutine E. coli-positive; Repeat total coliform-positiveRoutine E. coli+; System fails to take all repeat samplesRepeat total coliform-positive; System fails to test for E. coliTier 1(issued within 24 hours)Treatment techniqueSystem fails to conduct the required assessment within required timeframe after exceeding a trigger.System fails to complete required corrective action within required timeframe after identifying a sanitary defect.Seasonal system fails to complete primacy agency-approved start-up procedure prior to serving water to the public. Tier 2(issued within 30 days)MonitoringSystem fails to collect all required routine or additional routine samples in a compliance period.Routine total coliform-positive; System fails to test for E. coliTier 3(issued within a year)ReportingSystem fails to submit monitoring report or completed assessment form after properly conducting monitoring or assessment in a timely manner.System fails to notify its primacy agency of an E. coli-positive sample in a timely manner.Seasonal system fails to submit certification of completion of a primacy agency-approved start-up procedure.Tier 3(issued within a year)THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKPart BThe Revised Total Coliform Rule In DetailPart BTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Glossary of Terms PAGEREF _Toc411329106 \h 32List of Acronyms PAGEREF _Toc411329107 \h 331Introduction PAGEREF _Toc411329108 \h 341.1Is This Guidance Manual For Me? PAGEREF _Toc411329109 \h 341.2What Will I Learn From This Guidance Manual? PAGEREF _Toc411329114 \h 351.3What Is The Revised Total Coliform Rule? PAGEREF _Toc411329115 \h 351.4Why Is Ensuring Safe Drinking Water Important? PAGEREF _Toc411329116 \h 361.5How Is This Document Organized? PAGEREF _Toc411329117 \h 372Contaminant Level Requirements (MCLG and MCL) PAGEREF _Toc411329118 \h 392.1What Are The Contaminants Of Concern Addressed By The RTCR? PAGEREF _Toc411329119 \h 392.2How Does The RTCR Address These Contaminants Of Concern? PAGEREF _Toc411329120 \h 403Monitoring Requirements PAGEREF _Toc411329121 \h 423.1What Does the RTCR Require? PAGEREF _Toc411329122 \h 423.2What Types of Samples Must I Take? PAGEREF _Toc411329123 \h 433.2.1Routine samples PAGEREF _Toc411329124 \h 453.2.2Additional routine samples PAGEREF _Toc411329125 \h 463.2.3Repeat samples PAGEREF _Toc411329126 \h 463.2.4Testing for E. coli PAGEREF _Toc411329127 \h 493.3What Is A Sample Siting Plan? PAGEREF _Toc411329128 \h 493.4Where Can Water Systems Take Their Samples? PAGEREF _Toc411329129 \h 503.5What Do My Sampling Results Mean? PAGEREF _Toc411329130 \h 513.6Are There Requirements Specific To Seasonal Systems? PAGEREF _Toc411329131 \h 524Assessment And Corrective Action Requirements PAGEREF _Toc411329132 \h 534.1What Does The RTCR Require? PAGEREF _Toc411329133 \h 534.2Why Does The RTCR Require Assessment And Corrective Action? PAGEREF _Toc411329134 \h 534.3What Are Examples Of Sanitary Defects? PAGEREF _Toc411329135 \h 544.4What Types of Assessments Are Required under the RTCR? PAGEREF _Toc411329136 \h 564.4.1What is a Level 1 assessment? PAGEREF _Toc411329137 \h 564.4.2What is a Level 2 assessment? PAGEREF _Toc411329138 \h 604.5What Happens If The Assessor Identifies A Sanitary Defect During An Assessment? PAGEREF _Toc411329139 \h 634.6What If The Assessor Did Not Identify A Sanitary Defect? PAGEREF _Toc411329140 \h 634.7What Is The Timeline For Completing The Assessments And The Corrective Actions? PAGEREF _Toc411329141 \h 644.8What Happens If There Are Corrective Actions Not Completed By The Time The Assessment Form Is Due To The Drinking Water Primacy Agency? PAGEREF _Toc411329142 \h 644.9What Happens If I Do Not Do an Assessment Or Do Not Complete the Corrective Actions? PAGEREF _Toc411329143 \h 655Reporting and Recordkeeping PAGEREF _Toc411329144 \h 665.1What Do I Need to Report to My Primacy Agency? PAGEREF _Toc411329145 \h 665.2What Records Do I Need to Keep? PAGEREF _Toc411329146 \h 686Violations And Public Notification Requirements PAGEREF _Toc411329147 \h 696.1What Types Of Violations Can I Incur Under The RTCR? PAGEREF _Toc411329148 \h 696.2What Are The Different Tiers Of Public Notification? PAGEREF _Toc411329149 \h 706.3Am I Required To Issue A Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)? PAGEREF _Toc411329150 \h 71Appendix A PAGEREF _Toc411329151 \h 72Appendix B PAGEREF _Toc411329152 \h 75Appendix C PAGEREF _Toc411329153 \h 79Glossary of Terms Clean compliance history - Clean compliance history, for the purposes of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR), is a record of no maximum contaminant level (MCL) violations under the TCR and RTCR, no monitoring violations under the TCR and RTCR, and no coliform treatment technique trigger exceedances or treatment technique violations under the RTCR. Clean compliance history is used as one of the criteria water systems must comply with to be eligible for a reduced monitoring frequency. Sanitary defect - A defect that could provide a pathway of entry for microbial contamination into the distribution system or that is indicative of a failure or imminent failure in a barrier that is already in place. A missing well seal or a hole in a pipe are examples of sanitary defects.Seasonal system – A non-community water system that is not operated as a public water system on a year-round basis and starts up and shuts down at the beginning and end of each operating season. Typical examples are state and national parks, campgrounds, fairgrounds, and ski areas.Treatment technique – A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water. In the RTCR, the treatment technique is the assessment and corrective action requirements of the rule.List of AcronymsCCRConsumer Confidence ReportCWSCommunity Water SystemECEscherichia coli / E. coli EC+E. coli-positiveGWGround WaterGWRGround Water RuleMCLMaximum Contaminant LevelMCLGMaximum Contaminant Level GoalNANot ApplicableNCWSNon-community Water SystemPNPublic NotificationPWSPublic Water SystemRTCRRevised Total Coliform RuleSWSurface WaterTCTotal ColiformsTC+Total Coliform-positiveTCRTotal Coliform RuleIntroductionIs This Guidance Manual For Me?0372110THE REVISED TOTAL COLIFORM RULE (RTCR) REQUIREMENTS PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENTThe requirements presented here are the federal requirements of the RTCR. Drinking water primacy agencies may have additional requirements specific to their programs. Systems should check with their primacy agency to make sure they are complying with all the RTCR requirements.020000THE REVISED TOTAL COLIFORM RULE (RTCR) REQUIREMENTS PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENTThe requirements presented here are the federal requirements of the RTCR. Drinking water primacy agencies may have additional requirements specific to their programs. Systems should check with their primacy agency to make sure they are complying with all the RTCR requirements.344424058420What Is My System Type?It is important for water systems to determine what their system type is as requirements vary depending on whether they are a CWS or NCWS, a system that uses GW or SW, or additionally if they are a seasonal system. Water systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency if they are not sure about their proper classification.00What Is My System Type?It is important for water systems to determine what their system type is as requirements vary depending on whether they are a CWS or NCWS, a system that uses GW or SW, or additionally if they are a seasonal system. Water systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency if they are not sure about their proper classification.This guidance manual is designed for use by public water systems (PWSs) serving 1,000 or fewer persons, either community water systems (CWSs) or non-community water systems (NCWSs), using either surface water (SW) or ground water (GW) as the source, to help them comply with the requirements of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR).Primacy agencies and technical assistance providers may also benefit from reading this guidance manual.Readers who want a quick reference material regarding the requirements of the RTCR can refer to Part A of this guidance manual. This part goes into more detail on the requirements of the rule.What Will I Learn From This Guidance Manual?507492065151000Public water systems have the important job of ensuring the safety of the drinking water provided to their customers. This guide aims to help water system personnel do their job by providing information about the RTCR and how to comply with it. In this guide, PWSs will learn about:The different requirements of the RTCR in the areas of (1) contaminant levels, (2) monitoring, (3) assessment and corrective action, (4) reporting and recordkeeping, and (5) violations and public notification with which systems need to comply.The importance of monitoring drinking water to ensure its quality and protect public health.The importance of doing assessments of the system when certain trigger events occur signaling the possible presence of contamination.The importance of correcting any defects found during the assessment. Preventing the future occurrence of contamination that could lead to waterborne disease by complying with the requirements of the RTCR.What Is The Revised Total Coliform Rule?The RTCR is a National Primary Drinking Water Regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act that protects public health by limiting the levels of certain microbial organisms in drinking water. It is a revision of the Total Coliform Rule (TCR), which has been in effect since 1989. Water systems must comply with the RTCR beginning April 1, 2016. The RTCR retains the objectives and the basic monitoring requirements of the TCR. It requires water systems to periodically collect samples of water and have them analyzed for the presence of bacteria called total coliforms. Additional actions are required depending on the results of this periodic monitoring. The RTCR offers greater opportunity for public health protection by the addition of new requirements. The changes include the following:The maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) and maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total coliforms in drinking water have been replaced with a requirement for water systems to conduct an assessment of their system if certain conditions (e.g., presence of E. coli or repeated presence of total coliforms) indicate that they might be vulnerable to contamination, and to correct for any problems identified during the assessment. The RTCR refers to the assessment and corrective action part of the rule as the treatment technique requirements.Small systems need to follow specific criteria to remain on or qualify for a reduced monitoring schedule.Small systems monitoring less frequently than monthly that experience specific events indicating non-compliance or high vulnerability to contamination are required to increase their monitoring. Seasonal systems, such as campgrounds and some state and national parks, are required to comply with new requirements to minimize the risk of microbial contamination associated with the depressurization of the distribution system.The requirements of the RTCR are discussed in the following sections of Part B of this guidance manual. Copies of the Federal Register Notice (February 13, 2013) of the RTCR can be downloaded from the Total Coliform Rule website at Is Ensuring Safe Drinking Water Important?473392549085500Regulated public water systems are required, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, to provide water that meets federal standards to their customers. If the water supply becomes contaminated, consumers can become seriously ill. Operators, one of the most important assets of any public water system, should take many steps to ensure that the public is provided with safe drinking water. One of the most important steps is to regularly test for coliform bacteria.Contaminated drinking water is one of the oldest known public health concerns. Preventing waterborne disease is one of the primary objectives of any drinking water system. Although waterborne disease outbreaks are relatively uncommon in the United States, they do occur. In most cases, the results are diarrhea, cramps, nausea, and other symptoms. But in some cases – particularly among the young, the elderly, and persons with weakened immune systems – waterborne diseases can lead to severe illness.The risk of waterborne disease is greatly reduced when the water system is designed and operated to provide multiple barriers of protection. The key barriers are:Source water protectionTreatmentDistribution system integrityMonitoring and public awarenessComplying with the RTCR ensures that these barriers are in place.How Is This Part Organized?This part of the document is organized as follows:Glossary of Terms. This section of Part B gives the definitions of terms that are used in the RTCR.List of Acronyms. This section of Part B gives a list of acronyms, and what they stand for, that are used in this document.Chapter 1 – Introduction. This chapter of Part B introduces the guidance manual, discusses what water systems will learn from it, discusses the importance of protecting water quality and summarizes each section of the document.Chapter 2 – Contaminant Level Requirements (MCL and MCLG). This chapter of Part B discusses the contaminants of concern addressed by the RTCR and the acceptable levels of these contaminants set by the RTCR. Chapter 3 – Monitoring Requirements. This chapter of Part B discusses the monitoring requirements that systems serving 1,000 or fewer persons must comply with. It also discusses the new requirements that are applicable to seasonal systems.Chapter 4 – Assessment and Corrective Action Requirements. This chapter of Part B discusses the assessment and corrective action requirements of the RTCR. Topics discussed include examples of sanitary defects, the two levels of assessments, the required assessors, the process of conducting an assessment, and what to do after an assessment.Chapter 5 – Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements. This chapter of Part B discusses the items that systems must report to their drinking water primacy agencies and what information must be kept on record.Chapter 6 – Violations and Public Notification Requirements. This chapter of Part B discusses the types of violations systems incur when they do not comply with the requirements of the RTCR. It also goes over the public notification that systems must issue with each type of violation.Appendix A – Routine Monitoring Requirement for Non-Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 Persons. This appendix of Part B discusses the routine monitoring requirements, including the criteria to qualify for and stay on reduced monitoring and the conditions that will trigger increased monitoring, for non-seasonal ground water non-community water systems serving 1,000 or fewer persons.Appendix B – Routine Monitoring Requirement for Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 Persons. This appendix of Part B discusses the routine monitoring requirements, including the criteria to qualify for and stay on reduced monitoring and the conditions that will trigger increased monitoring, for seasonal ground water non-community water systems serving 1,000 or fewer persons.Appendix C – Routine Monitoring Requirement for Ground Water Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 Persons. This appendix of Part B discusses the routine monitoring requirements, including the criteria to qualify for and stay on reduced monitoring and the conditions that will trigger a return to monthly monitoring, for ground water community water systems serving 1,000 or fewer persons.Contaminant Level Requirements (MCLG and MCL)9144001371600What will I learn from this chapter? Contaminants of concern addressed by the RTCR The levels of these contaminants in drinking water that water systems must comply with Maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG)Level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. It allows for a level of safety.Maximum contaminant level (MCL) Highest level of contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. It is set as close to the MCLG as feasible using the best available technology and taking cost into consideration. The MCL is the level the systems must comply with.300000What will I learn from this chapter? Contaminants of concern addressed by the RTCR The levels of these contaminants in drinking water that water systems must comply with Maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG)Level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. It allows for a level of safety.Maximum contaminant level (MCL) Highest level of contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. It is set as close to the MCLG as feasible using the best available technology and taking cost into consideration. The MCL is the level the systems must comply with.What Are The Contaminants Of Concern Addressed By The RTCR?The RTCR addresses the presence of total coliforms and E. coli in drinking water. The presence of these contaminants can indicate the (1) presence of pathways (e.g., a pipe leak) that can introduce other contaminants into the system and the (2) vulnerability of the system to fecal contamination. Fecal contamination can contribute to the spread of disease. By monitoring for total coliforms and E. coli and complying with the rest of the RTCR requirements (such as performing assessment and corrective action), the risk from other chemical and microbial contaminants will be reduced as well. Total coliforms are a group of closely related bacteria that are natural and common inhabitants of soil and surface waters (such as lakes and rivers). Their presence in the drinking water suggests that: (1) there has been a breach, failure, or other change in the integrity of the water system; and (2) that pathogens could have entered into the drinking water.Pathogens are organisms that can cause disease. Many different pathogens may be present in water. It is not practical to test for them all individually. Instead, systems rely on monitoring for indicator organisms. The RTCR uses total coliforms as the first indicator organism (see Section REF _Ref283452645 \r \h 3 of this part for further discussion). Coliform bacteria may or may not be harmful themselves, but their occurrence indicates the potential presence of other harmful organisms.The basis for the RTCR is that if total coliforms are found in the system, the water system may be vulnerable to pathogens, whether pathogens are actually present or not. Additional sampling is required to determine the extent of any contamination problem within the system. Detection of total coliforms is a warning sign that the system may also be vulnerable to fecal contamination. Fecal contamination could be caused by a number of factors including main breaks, cross-connections, or compromised sources. The RTCR specifies that operators should attempt to determine the source of the total coliform contamination and address the problem as quickly as possible to protect public health.Escherichia coli (E. coli), the second indicator organism, is a type of bacteria that is a subset of total coliforms, most often fecal in origin. Detection of E. coli can indicate that the system is contaminated with fecal waste. Fecal wastes may contain pathogenic organisms that are harmful to humans when ingested. Immediate steps to inform and protect consumers may be necessary, as noted further on Section REF _Ref404260338 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part. E. coli is a good indicator of fecal contamination and of the potential presence of waterborne pathogens associated with fecal contamination.How Does The RTCR Address These Contaminants Of Concern?The RTCR sets limits on the presence of E. coli and total coliforms in drinking water that are protective of public health and requires water systems to monitor regularly in the distribution system. 3699379-5036Conditions that will result in an E. coli MCL violationAn E. coli-positive repeat sample following an E. coli-positive routine sample.A total coliform-positive repeat sample following an E. coli-positive routine sample.Failure to collect all required repeat samples following an E. coli-positive routine sample.Failure to test for E. coli when any of the repeat samples is total coliform-positive.400000Conditions that will result in an E. coli MCL violationAn E. coli-positive repeat sample following an E. coli-positive routine sample.A total coliform-positive repeat sample following an E. coli-positive routine sample.Failure to collect all required repeat samples following an E. coli-positive routine sample.Failure to test for E. coli when any of the repeat samples is total coliform-positive.For E. coli, the RTCR establishes a maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) of zero and a maximum contaminant level (MCL) based on its presence in the distribution system. The box on this page describes when the E. coli MCL has been exceeded.The monitoring requirements, from which the E. coli MCL is based, are discussed in the next section. Further discussion about the E. coli MCL violation is in Section REF _Ref404259875 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6.1 of this part of the guidance manual.For total coliforms, EPA is requiring water systems to conduct an assessment of their system when they exceed a specified frequency of total coliform occurrence. Other events such as an MCL violation or failure to take repeat samples following a routine total coliform-positive sample will also trigger an assessment. Any sanitary defects identified during an assessment must be corrected by the water system. These are the treatment technique requirements of the RTCR. Conducting assessments and corrective actions could prevent future incidences of contamination and exposure to fecal contamination and waterborne pathogens.2082800652145Compliance TipsAlways take your three repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified that your routine sample is total coliform-positive.Make sure that your laboratory is testing for E. coli when a sample is total coliform-positive.Contact your drinking water primacy agency if you have any questions about the requirements.00Compliance TipsAlways take your three repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified that your routine sample is total coliform-positive.Make sure that your laboratory is testing for E. coli when a sample is total coliform-positive.Contact your drinking water primacy agency if you have any questions about the requirements.EPA has removed the MCLG and MCL for total coliforms previously set in the TCR; therefore, under the RTCR, public notification is no longer required for a total coliform-positive alone.The assessment and corrective action requirements are discussed further in Section REF _Ref404259896 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 4 of this part of the guidance manual.Monitoring RequirementsThis chapter provides guidance on implementing the monitoring requirements of the RTCR. It also goes over the additional requirements for seasonal systems.9144002060171What will I learn from this chapter? The types of samples water systems need to take under the RTCR What a sample siting plan is Where samples can be taken Consequences of monitoring results Additional requirements for seasonal systemsMonitoring Requirements at a Glance1) Develop a sample siting plan that sets out schedule and location of water samples.2) Take routine water samples on a regular basis and have them tested for the presence of total coliforms. 3) If the routine sample is total coliform-positive: (a) have it tested for E. coli and (b) take repeat samples.4) Have the repeat samples analyzed for total coliforms and, if positive, for E. coli.300000What will I learn from this chapter? The types of samples water systems need to take under the RTCR What a sample siting plan is Where samples can be taken Consequences of monitoring results Additional requirements for seasonal systemsMonitoring Requirements at a Glance1) Develop a sample siting plan that sets out schedule and location of water samples.2) Take routine water samples on a regular basis and have them tested for the presence of total coliforms. 3) If the routine sample is total coliform-positive: (a) have it tested for E. coli and (b) take repeat samples.4) Have the repeat samples analyzed for total coliforms and, if positive, for E. coli.What Does the RTCR Require?Systems are required regularly to take samples of their finished water in the distribution system and test it for the presence of total coliforms. Depending on the results of the routine sampling, systems may be required to take additional samples of total coliforms and further test the sample for the presence of E. coli. Systems can refer to Section REF _Ref404259924 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.2 of this part of the guidance manual for a more detailed discussion of the types of samples that systems must take. Systems must have a sample siting plan that sets out when to take the samples and where in the distribution to take them. The locations must be representative of the quality of the water in the distribution system. Systems will find additional discussion of the sample siting plan in Section REF _Ref404259947 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.3 of this part of the guidance manual. There are special procedures systems will want to follow for taking samples to help ensure they are representative of the water in the system. Systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency or their certified laboratory regarding the proper way to take samples. Remember that holding time is important for all coliform samples and they must be submitted quickly to a certified laboratory for testing in order to meet RTCR requirements regarding testing.-3048038100Sending Samples for TestingSystems must send their samples to a certified laboratory for testing. Send the samples as soon as possible keeping in mind that the laboratory must start the tests within 30 hours of sample collection. It is recommended that samples be shipped below 10°C (50°F) (e.g., by packing them in ice).00Sending Samples for TestingSystems must send their samples to a certified laboratory for testing. Send the samples as soon as possible keeping in mind that the laboratory must start the tests within 30 hours of sample collection. It is recommended that samples be shipped below 10°C (50°F) (e.g., by packing them in ice).What Types of Samples Must I Take?As mentioned previously, water systems are required to take regular samples of their water and test it for the presence of total coliforms. The presence of total coliforms triggers additional sampling of the water and testing for the presence of E. coli. This section discusses the different types of samples that systems must take under the RTCR. Routine samples – Section REF _Ref400031227 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.2.1 of this partAdditional routine samples (for systems monitoring quarterly or annually) – Section REF _Ref400031307 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.2.2 of this partRepeat samples – Section REF _Ref400031336 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.2.3 of this partTesting for E. coli – Section REF _Ref400031368 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.2.4 of this part45720705485Results of Routine and Repeat Samples Systems must include the results of all routine and repeat samples taken during the monitoring period to determine whether they triggered an assessment and/or violated the E. coli MCL.00Results of Routine and Repeat Samples Systems must include the results of all routine and repeat samples taken during the monitoring period to determine whether they triggered an assessment and/or violated the E. coli MCL.In general, systems follow the sequence outlined in REF _Ref399162434 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 1 when complying with the monitoring requirements of the RTCR.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. RTCR Monitoring Requirements for Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 persons4572060960Special SamplesSpecial samples are collected during repairs, responses to complaints, or for other maintenance reasons. Collection of these types of samples is often necessary to ensure that coliform has not entered the distribution system as a result of events such as installation of new mains, break repairs, or routine maintenance. Special samples are not included in compliance calculations.020000Special SamplesSpecial samples are collected during repairs, responses to complaints, or for other maintenance reasons. Collection of these types of samples is often necessary to ensure that coliform has not entered the distribution system as a result of events such as installation of new mains, break repairs, or routine maintenance. Special samples are not included in compliance calculations.Routine samples3589020358140Additional total coliform samples for surface water systems not practicing filtrationSystems that do not practice filtration, in addition to their monthly routine sample, are also required to take additional coliform samples when the turbidity level of their source water exceeds 1 NTU. They have to collect this sample ? near the first service connection, and? within 24 hours of exceeding 1 NTU.Systems must include these total coliform samples in determining whether they have exceeded the E. coli MCL or triggered an assessment.020000Additional total coliform samples for surface water systems not practicing filtrationSystems that do not practice filtration, in addition to their monthly routine sample, are also required to take additional coliform samples when the turbidity level of their source water exceeds 1 NTU. They have to collect this sample ? near the first service connection, and? within 24 hours of exceeding 1 NTU.Systems must include these total coliform samples in determining whether they have exceeded the E. coli MCL or triggered an assessment.These are samples that systems are required to take on a regular basis. This could be monthly, quarterly or annually. The number of samples systems need to take during a monitoring period depends on the system type. If unknown, systems should check with their drinking water primacy agencies to determine what their routine monitoring schedule is. The primacy agency may allow systems to monitor less frequently than their baseline frequency if they meet certain criteria. On the other hand, if systems are monitoring either quarterly or annually, certain conditions will trigger them to monitor more frequently. To go back to a less frequent monitoring schedule, systems will need to meet certain criteria. REF _Ref399150369 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Table 31 gives a summary of the monitoring frequency that is available for each system type under the federal requirements of the RTCR. Water systems can go to Appendices A to C of this part of the guidance manual to see the criteria for qualifying for and staying on reduced monitoring, and the conditions that can trigger them to go to a more increased monitoring frequency. Table STYLEREF 1 \s 3 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Routine monitoring frequency for systems serving ≤ 1,000 personsSystem Type FrequencySee AppendixIncreasedBaselineReducedGW non-seasonal1 / month1 / quarter1 / yearANon-Community Water System (NCWS)GW seasonalNA1 / month1 / quarteror1 / yearBSWNA1 / monthNA--Community Water SystemGWNA1 / month1 / quarterC(CWS)SWNA1 / monthNA--3474720124460Additional Routine Samples: An ExampleSystem A takes one sample every quarter. The routine sample they took in January (for the 1st quarter of the year) turned out to be total coliform-positive. They are required to take three additional routine samples in February. If one or more of the three samples is total coliform-positive, they will continue to collect three additional routine samples in March. System A will continue to collect the additional routine samples until total coliforms are not detected in their system or the rest of the monitoring results trigger the system into an increased monitoring frequency.00Additional Routine Samples: An ExampleSystem A takes one sample every quarter. The routine sample they took in January (for the 1st quarter of the year) turned out to be total coliform-positive. They are required to take three additional routine samples in February. If one or more of the three samples is total coliform-positive, they will continue to collect three additional routine samples in March. System A will continue to collect the additional routine samples until total coliforms are not detected in their system or the rest of the monitoring results trigger the system into an increased monitoring frequency.Additional routine samplesThese are the routine total coliform samples that systems on a less-than-monthly monitoring schedule (e.g., quarterly or annual) need to take the month following a total coliform-positive sample (either a routine sample or a repeat sample). Systems that are required to take these samples need to take a total of at least three additional routine samples. These samples must be included in the compliance calculations. Systems should consult with their drinking water primacy agency to determine if additional routine samples are required following total coliform-positive samples.Repeat samples517715525336500These samples are required for each total coliform-positive sample and must be collected within 24 hours after the system receives notification of a total coliform-positive sample. Repeat samples help to identify the source and characterize the extent of the coliform contamination within the system.Systems are required to take three repeat samples for each routine total coliform-positive sample detected. The repeat samples must be taken at the following locations:One at the same location as the original total coliform-positive sample (TC+)One at five locations upstream of the original location (or at an alternative location)One at five locations downstream of the original location (or at an alternative location)Systems have the flexibility to propose the two alternative locations to their drinking water primacy agency if they think that these locations best verify and determine the extent of potential contamination of the distribution system (e.g., near a storage tank) rather than having to sample within five connections upstream and downstream of the total coliform-positive (TC+) sample location. Systems that do not wish to propose alternative sampling locations may stay with the default locations of within-five-connections-upstream-and-downstream of the total coliform-positive sample location.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2. Location of Repeat SamplesFor systems with a single service connection, i.e., there is only one sample location, the drinking water primacy agency may allow the system to collect the required set of repeat samples over a three-day period or to collect a larger volume repeat sample(s) in one or more sample containers of any size, as long as the total volume collected is at least 300 ml.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3. Collecting Repeat Samples for Systems with a Single Service ConnectionDual-Purpose SamplesGround water systems with only one well and required to conduct triggered source water monitoring under the Ground Water Rule (GWR), with written drinking water primacy agency approval, can take one or more of their repeat samples at the location where they will take their GWR-triggered source water sample and count that same sample as both a repeat sample under the RTCR and a triggered source water sample under the GWR (also known as a dual-purpose sample). Note that since the sample is for compliance for both the RTCR and the GWR, there are consequences under both rules for having an E. coli-positive result. See REF _Ref399150188 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Table 32 below.Table STYLEREF 1 \s 3 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 2. Consequences of Getting an E. coli-positive Result with a Dual-Purpose SampleNumber of Dual-Purpose Samples TakenResultConsequences Under Each RuleRTCRGWR1(§141.853(a)(5)(ii)(A))EC+MCL violationComply with §141.402(a)(3)Take corrective action if directed by the drinking water primacy agency; orCollect five additional source water samples2 or 3(§141.853(a)(5)(ii)(A) and (B)1 EC+MCL violationComply with §141.402(a)(3)Take corrective action if directed by the drinking water primacy agency; orIf two dual purpose samples were taken at the approved location, collect five or four (see RTCR §141.853(a)(5)(ii)(A)) additional source water samplesIf three dual purpose samples were taken at the approved location, collect five or three (see RTCR §141.853(a)(5)(ii)(A)) additional source water samples≥ 2 EC+MCL violationComply with §141.403(a)(1)Corrective action requiredTesting for E. coliAny routine or repeat sample that is positive for total coliforms must be further tested for the presence of E. coli. The certified laboratory should know to perform this when any of the routine or repeat samples is total coliform-positive. The presence of E. coli in the water signifies that fecal contamination may be present in the distribution system; therefore, additional actions are required from the system (e.g., primacy agency notification of result and public notification). The reporting and public notification requirements are discussed in Sections REF _Ref404259995 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 5 and REF _Ref404260009 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part of the guidance manual, respectively.What Is A Sample Siting Plan?A sample siting plan designates the locations of their sampling sites and schedule of sampling. All systems are required to develop one. It specifies where in the building or distribution system samples will be taken in order to ensure that they are representative of the water supplied to every consumer. Having a written sample collection protocol helps ensure that all sampling is done correctly, even when the system personnel changes. The details of sample siting plan depend on the characteristics of the system and on the requirements of the drinking water primacy agency. Contact the primacy agency to see if there are any required forms or if there are specific elements that need to be included in the sample siting plan in addition to those suggested in this document. The things that should be considered when preparing a sample siting plan include:The location and type of water sources, treatment facilities, storage tanks, pressure stations, and service connections.The location of dead-end pipes, loops, and other areas of the piping system’s configuration.Cross-connection hazards and shared connections.Areas of low water pressure and slow water movement.Varying population densities.When do I need primacy agency approval of my sample siting plan?25400451485Primacy Agency Review of Sample Siting PlansSample siting plans are subject to drinking water primacy agency review and revision. Systems should check with their primacy agencies to determine the process for review and revision of sample siting plans. In particular situations, primacy agency approval is necessary before systems can begin sampling. 400000Primacy Agency Review of Sample Siting PlansSample siting plans are subject to drinking water primacy agency review and revision. Systems should check with their primacy agencies to determine the process for review and revision of sample siting plans. In particular situations, primacy agency approval is necessary before systems can begin sampling. In general, the system must make the sample siting plan available for state review and revision. Whether the plan needs to be submitted to the primacy agency for review and revision depends on the requirements of the primacy agency. The system should check with its primacy agency to determine whether it has to submit the sample siting plan for the agency to review and approve before the system can begin sampling.In the following situations, the system is required to submit the sample siting plan to the primacy agency for review and, in certain cases, approval.Use of alternative repeat sampling locations (instead of using locations five connections upstream and downstream of the original total coliform-positive sample) – When using alternative repeat sampling locations, the system must submit the sample siting plan to the primacy agency. The primacy agency may modify the plan as needed before the system can begin samplingSeasonal systems monitoring less frequently than once a month – Seasonal systems on less than monthly monitoring frequency must specify in their sample siting plan the time period when they will take their routine sample (see Section REF _Ref404259221 \r \h 3.6 of this part of the guidance manual for further discussion). The primacy agency must approve the sample siting plan before the system can begin sampling.Use of dual purpose samples – Systems allowed to take dual purpose samples (see Section REF _Ref400031336 \r \h 3.2.3 of this part of the guidance document for further discussion) must have their sample siting plan approved by the primacy agency before the system can take dual purpose samples.Where Can Water Systems Take Their Samples?The sample locations(s) should be selected carefully so that a representative sample for the entire system can be obtained, whether the system consists of one building or multiple buildings. It is especially important to identify and include in the sample siting plan the areas that may adversely affect the microbiological quality of the water. Sampling locations to consider include:Main lineAreas of low water pressure and slow water movementBranch lineDead-end pipeNear a storage tankFaucets and specially installed sampling taps are the two most common types of sampling sites. If faucets are to be used, each faucet should be examined carefully to ensure its suitability. Some examples of unsuitable sites are:Swivel-type faucets that have a single valve for hot and cold water.Faucets that have leaky packing material around the stem.Faucets that supply areas, such as janitorial or commercial sinks, where bacterial contamination is likely.Faucets close to or below ground level.Faucets that point upward.Faucets that have threads on the inside of their spouts.Faucets that have aerators. (If such faucets are to be used, the aerators must be removed before a sample is collected.)For locations of the repeat samples, systems should refer to Section REF _Ref400031336 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3.2.3 of this part of the document.What Do My Sampling Results Mean?Depending on the results of the monitoring during a sampling period (could be either a month, a quarter, a year, or whatever period the primacy agency specifies), a system might have to conduct an assessment, incur a violation, get triggered into an increased monitoring schedule (if system is on a reduced schedule), or all of the above. For discussion of when a system triggers an assessment see Section REF _Ref404259503 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 4 of this part of the document. The conditions that trigger a violation are in Section REF _Ref404259527 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part of the document. Systems should check with their primacy agency to determine if they are also triggered to an increased monitoring schedule.It is also important that systems take all their required samples as failure to do so could also result in an assessment trigger or a violation.Are There Requirements Specific To Seasonal Systems?Complying with primacy agency-approved start-up proceduresSeasonal systems must comply with primacy agency-approved start-up procedures before serving water to the public. This is to ensure that no contamination is present in the water that might have entered the system when it was not in operation. Seasonal systems should check with their primacy agency to determine which procedures they need to conduct and complete for their particular system. Start-up procedures may include the following:FlushingCleaning water storage tanksInspection and repair of system componentsDisinfectionWater sample collectionCertifying to the primacy agency of completion of start-up proceduresAfter completing the start-up procedures, seasonal systems are also required to certify to their primacy agency that they have completed the start-up procedure. Systems should check with their primacy agency to determine how they will need to complete their certification process.Sampling during the vulnerable periodSeasonal systems on a quarterly or annual monitoring period must state in their sample siting plan the time period when they will take their routine sample. This period is based on site-specific conditions. Consider, for example, when the demand for water is the highest, when the source water is most vulnerable to contamination (e.g., during the wet season), or when there is a source of contamination that might affect the area surrounding the well (e.g., spreading of animal waste for fertilizer). The primacy agency must approve the sample siting plan and the system must monitor during the period identified in the sample siting plan.Assessment And Corrective Action Requirements9144001955800What will I learn from this chapter? The importance of conducting assessment and corrective actions The conditions that trigger a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment What to do when an assessment is triggered What to do after an assessmentAssessment and Corrective Action Requirements at a Glance1) Determine if you have triggered either a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment.2) Determine who can conduct the assessment and what form to use.3) Conduct the assessment as soon as practical.4) Correct any sanitary defects identified during the assessment.5) Complete the assessment form and submit it to the primacy agency within 30 days of learning of the trigger.300000What will I learn from this chapter? The importance of conducting assessment and corrective actions The conditions that trigger a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment What to do when an assessment is triggered What to do after an assessmentAssessment and Corrective Action Requirements at a Glance1) Determine if you have triggered either a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment.2) Determine who can conduct the assessment and what form to use.3) Conduct the assessment as soon as practical.4) Correct any sanitary defects identified during the assessment.5) Complete the assessment form and submit it to the primacy agency within 30 days of learning of the trigger.This chapter provides guidance on implementing the assessment and corrective action requirements of the RTCR. What Does The RTCR Require?Water systems are required to conduct an assessment of their system if monitoring results (e.g., repeated presence of total coliforms) indicate that they might be vulnerable to contamination, and to correct for any problems identified during the assessment. Additional information about conducting an assessment and completing a corrective action can be found in the Revised Total Coliform Rule Assessments and Corrective Actions Guidance Manual. Why Does The RTCR Require Assessment And Corrective Action?The RTCR aims to increase public health protection through the identification and reduction of defects that could either:provide pathways that allow fecal contamination and/or waterborne pathogens to enter into the distribution system; orindicate a failure or imminent failure in a barrier that is already in place. This proactive approach is intended to prevent serious contamination by early identification and intervention to solve problems. The RTCR uses the term sanitary defects to refer to these deficiencies.What Are Examples Of Sanitary Defects?Sanitary defects can allow the entry of microbial contamination into the distribution system. Examples of sanitary defects include:Cross connection and backflow issuesRequired cross connection control devices not in place or not operating properlyUnprotected cross connection (e.g., hoses connected from the hydrant to the raw sewage masher spray bar in a wastewater facility; potable water plumbed directly to the raw water system in a recreational vehicle)Unauthorized connections to water mainsOperational issuesFailure to follow sample siting planUntrained sample collectorSample collection and transportation problemsInadequate disinfection during and after pipe repair / replacement activitiesFailure to monitor and replace chlorine supplyDistribution system issuesInadequate inspection and maintenance of distribution systemFailure to maintain adequate pressure or low pressure eventPump failureImproper of lack of flushing programsImproper construction of new, replaced, or renovated lines or service connectionsStorage issuesOverflow, vents, hatches, and other penetrations not configured, screened, or sealed properlyHoles in tanks that could allow entry of insects or small animalsLeaks in tanks that could be harboring growthBladder pressure tanks that can become waterloggedInadequate inspection and maintenance of storage facilitiesInadequate disinfection during and after pipe repair / replacement activitiesSource water issuesCracks or holes in well seals or casingsLeaking sewer lines or septic tanksSewage overflow upstream of the sourceLack of wellhead protectionUnsanitary conditions at the wellheadContamination during pump or motor repair or replacementWatertight seal at wellhead not presentDisinfection issuesInability to maintain required residual throughout the distribution systemFailure of chlorination equipmentImproper settings on chemical feedFailure in redundant disinfectionLoss of powerFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4. Examples of Sanitary DefectsWhat Types of Assessments Are Required under the RTCR?3550920236220 Completing the Assessment and Assessment Form Whether it is a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment, the system must complete the assessment and the assessment form required by the primacy agency, and must submit the form to the primacy agency within 30 days of learning that an assessment has been triggered.4000020000 Completing the Assessment and Assessment Form Whether it is a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment, the system must complete the assessment and the assessment form required by the primacy agency, and must submit the form to the primacy agency within 30 days of learning that an assessment has been triggered.Systems are required to conduct either a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment depending on the condition that triggered the assessment. A Level 2 assessment is triggered by conditions that pose a more immediate and more severe public health risk compared to conditions that trigger a Level 1 assessment. Therefore, the Level 2 assessment is a more detailed assessment than a Level 1 assessment and may involve more effort and resources. The two levels of assessment recognize the difference in the severity of the situation and the varying level of effort required for the assessment. In cases where the results of total coliform monitoring also triggered Ground Water Rule (GWR) requirements in addition to triggering an assessment under the RTCR, it might be possible to combine the assessments required under both rules into one assessment, as long as the combined assessment complies with the requirements of both rules. Systems should check with their primacy agency before performing such combined assessments.What is a Level 1 assessment?A Level 1 assessment is a basic examination of the source water, treatment, distribution system and relevant operational practices. It is intended as a self-assessment and will be performed by a responsible party of the water system in most cases. However, systems should consult additional experts if they think that they need assistance to properly conduct the assessment.A Level 1 assessment is triggered by the following events:Two or more total coliform-positive samples (routine and repeat samples factor into this determination) in the same sampling period; or Failure to take every required repeat sample after any single routine total coliform-positive sample.Why is it important to conduct a Level 1 assessment?3558540685800Failure to Conduct a Level 1 AssessmentFailure to conduct a Level 1 assessment is a treatment technique violation that disqualifies a system from having a clean compliance history; hence, it affects the system’s ability to stay on or qualify for a reduced monitoring frequency. Also, a treatment technique violation requires a Tier 2 public notice under the RTCR. See Section REF _Ref404259322 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part of the document.020000Failure to Conduct a Level 1 AssessmentFailure to conduct a Level 1 assessment is a treatment technique violation that disqualifies a system from having a clean compliance history; hence, it affects the system’s ability to stay on or qualify for a reduced monitoring frequency. Also, a treatment technique violation requires a Tier 2 public notice under the RTCR. See Section REF _Ref404259322 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part of the document.The purpose of performing assessments, either a Level 1 or Level 2 assessment, is to enhance public health protection by identifying the presence of sanitary defects that allow the entrance of contamination into the system. Performing assessments will also help identify any problems with the sampling practices.Identifying and correcting sanitary defects early will provide some assurance that the water system has addressed issues that may compromise public health. While the Level 1 assessment is intended to be a basic and a relatively simple assessment, it should be conducted thoroughly enough to capture the possibility that there may be multiple sanitary defects. In some cases, the system may not find a sanitary defect despite conducting a thorough assessment. Ideally, a well-performed Level 1 assessment will prevent most systems from developing conditions that lead to fecal contamination or a Level 2 assessment. 3550920652780Preparing for an AssessmentWater systems should be familiar with the forms and required submittals so that they are prepared for an assessment in advance, should one be required. For example, systems may wish to create a standard operating procedure (SOP) for what to do when coliform results trigger an assessment. When developing the SOP, systems should verify with their primacy agency whether there is a specific version of the assessment form that needs to be used, and understand which data source(s) they can use to fill out the various sections.020000Preparing for an AssessmentWater systems should be familiar with the forms and required submittals so that they are prepared for an assessment in advance, should one be required. For example, systems may wish to create a standard operating procedure (SOP) for what to do when coliform results trigger an assessment. When developing the SOP, systems should verify with their primacy agency whether there is a specific version of the assessment form that needs to be used, and understand which data source(s) they can use to fill out the various sections.For small systems at a reduced frequency (i.e., less than monthly), it is also important that they conduct a Level 1 assessment as failing to do so might result in them being placed into a more frequent monitoring category. Also keep in mind that if a system has been required to perform monthly monitoring, it needs to have a clean compliance history (i.e., no history of RTCR violations within the last 12 months) to be able to return to a reduced monitoring frequency. Who conducts a Level 1 assessment?A Level 1 assessment can be conducted or managed by a responsible and knowledgeable party of the water system. This should be someone familiar with the system to answer the questions in the Level 1 assessment form or to gather correct information from others who work for the system. The system may also seek assistance from external parties, if desired. External assistance may be provided by a primacy agency personnel, a certified operator from a similar system, a circuit rider, consultant or other utility expert. Systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency to determine if they have the appropriate person conducting the Level 1 assessment.How is a Level 1 assessment documented?The water system must use a Level 1 assessment form to document the assessment. The form must be completed and submitted to the drinking water primacy agency within 30 days after the system has determined that it has triggered an assessment. Systems should check with their primacy agency to determine what Level 1 assessment form to use. The primacy agency makes the final determination on the adequacy and completeness of information provided in the assessment. The primacy agency will review the assessment form and if it determines that the assessment is insufficient, it will consult with the system on follow-up efforts that may be required. How is a Level 1 assessment conducted?3516861252095Completing the Assessment and Assessment FormThe assessor should go over and complete the entire assessment form, even if the apparent cause is understood, to ensure that he/she has a complete picture of the overall integrity of the system and does not inadvertently overlook a potential sanitary defect. It is also possible that the coliform positive samples resulted from multiple causes.020000Completing the Assessment and Assessment FormThe assessor should go over and complete the entire assessment form, even if the apparent cause is understood, to ensure that he/she has a complete picture of the overall integrity of the system and does not inadvertently overlook a potential sanitary defect. It is also possible that the coliform positive samples resulted from multiple causes.Systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency to get the right assessment form they would need to fill out. The assessment form the primacy agency provides should have the elements the system needs to look at. At a minimum the assessment should include a review of the following elements:Unusual events that may have affected water quality (e.g., loss of pressure)Any changes in the maintenance and operation of the distribution systemCondition of the source water and changes in treatmentExisting water quality monitoring dataInadequacies in sample sites, sampling protocol and sample processing REF _Ref398825704 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Table 41 provides a checklist of the typical elements that the assessor should review or consider when conducting a Level 1 assessment. Take note that not all those elements would be applicable to all water systems. It might be the case that the system does not have any treatment process or an extensive distribution system. In this case, the assessment will only 4458335344459focus on those elements that are present in the system such as the source water (e.g., wells) and the limited distribution system. If the system is a school, a church, or any type of building where they have their own source water and do not supply water beyond their premises, then an assessment of the pipes inside the building (what is typically considered premise plumbing) is also warranted. Table STYLEREF 1 \s 4 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Typical Items to Evaluate and Consider When Conducting a Level 1 AssessmentItems to Evaluate / ConsiderReviewed and checked?(If applicable)1. Sample siteWhat is the condition or location of the tap?What is the regular use of the connection??2. Sample collection protocolWas the sampling protocol followed and reviewed – e.g., tap was flushed, aerator was removed, fresh sample bottles were used, sample was stored and shipped properly?3. Occurrence of possible causal events prior to the collection of total coliform samples, for exampleinterruptions in the treatment processreported loss of pressure events operation and maintenance activities that could have introduced total coliformsreported vandalism and/or unauthorized access to facilitiesreported visible indicators of unsanitary conditionsfirefighting event, flushing operation, sheared hydrant, etc.4. Recent operational changes to the systemnew sources introducedtreatment or operational changespotential sources of contamination (e.g., low pressure, high turbidity, loss of disinfection)?5. Distribution Systemsystem pressure (occurrence of low or negative pressure)presence of cross connectioncondition of the pump stationcondition of air relief valvescondition of backflow prevention devicescondition of pipes and valves 6. Storage Tankcondition of the tankcondition of the screens, access opening, vent, drain overflowsecuritystatus of operation and maintenance (O&M) procedures 7. Treatment Processinterruptions in treatment (e.g., loss of disinfection, filter malfunction, etc.)condition of point of entry (POE) / point of use (POU) treatment unitssoftenersstatus of O&M procedures8. Source – Wellcondition of the well cap / well sealscreened ventpresence of air gapspresence of cross connections9. Source – Springcondition of the spring developmentcondition of the spring boxsecurity 10. Source - Surface Water Supplyoccurrence of heavy rainfalloccurrence of rapid snowmeltWhat is a Level 2 assessment?A Level 2 assessment is a more detailed examination of the system, its operational practices and monitoring program and results. The elements of a Level 2 assessment are the same as those of a Level 1 assessment, but each element is investigated in greater detail. This is because the incidents that trigger a Level 2 assessment are of a more critical nature and may result in direct public health impact. A Level 2 assessment will likely include field investigations, additional sampling and additional inspections of facilities beyond those performed in a Level 1 assessment. It may involve the engagement of additional parties and expertise. A Level 2 assessment is triggered by the following:An E. coli MCL violation; orA second Level 1 trigger within a rolling 12-month period; orFor systems on approved reduced annual monitoring, a Level 1 treatment technique trigger in two consecutive years.Why is it important to conduct a Level 2 assessment?-443351365365Failure to Conduct a Level 2 AssessmentFailure to conduct a Level 2 assessment is a treatment technique violation that disqualifies a system from having a clean compliance history; hence, it affects the system’s ability to stay on or qualify for a reduced monitoring frequency. Also, a treatment technique violation requires a Tier 2 public notice under the RTCR. See Section REF _Ref404259361 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part of the document.020000Failure to Conduct a Level 2 AssessmentFailure to conduct a Level 2 assessment is a treatment technique violation that disqualifies a system from having a clean compliance history; hence, it affects the system’s ability to stay on or qualify for a reduced monitoring frequency. Also, a treatment technique violation requires a Tier 2 public notice under the RTCR. See Section REF _Ref404259361 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part of the document.The purpose of performing Level 2 assessments is to enhance public health protection by identifying the presence of sanitary defects, or to identify defects in the sampling practices. It is important that they are conducted, given that they are triggered by events that either (a) pose a potential immediate acute public health threat (i.e., trigger associated with the presence of E. coli) or (b) may pose a potential serious health impact because of the persistence of the contamination (i.e., a second Level 1 trigger). EPA anticipates that Level 2 assessments following triggers associated with the presence of E. coli may be more involved than the Level 2 assessments following triggers in which there is no E. coli present, given the differing potential of public health concern.For systems eligible to monitor at a reduced frequency (i.e., less than monthly), it is also important that they conduct a Level 2 assessment as failing to do so might result in these systems being placed into more frequent monitoring. Furthermore, systems that have been required to perform monthly monitoring need to have a clean compliance history (i.e., no history of violations within the last 12 months) to be able to return to a reduced monitoring frequency. Failure to conduct a Level 2 assessment is a treatment technique violation (see Section REF _Ref404259414 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part of the document). A treatment technique violation under the RTCR requires a Tier 2 public notice (see Section REF _Ref283454344 \r \h 6 of this part for further discussion).Who is responsible for conducting a Level 2 assessment?Since a Level 2 assessment is triggered by a more significant event, the Level 2 assessment is a more comprehensive assessment compared to a Level 1 assessment. A Level 2 assessment must therefore be conducted by a party approved by the primacy agency due to the higher level of complexity. The approved party conducting the assessment could be the primacy agency itself, a 355092068580Determining Who Will Conduct the Level 2 AssessmentSystems should check with their drinking water primacy agency soon after learning that they have triggered a Level 2 assessment to determine who will conduct the assessment.400000Determining Who Will Conduct the Level 2 AssessmentSystems should check with their drinking water primacy agency soon after learning that they have triggered a Level 2 assessment to determine who will conduct the assessment.third party, or one of the system’s staff or management with the required certification or qualifications specified by the primacy agency. Though the Level 2 assessment must be performed by someone approved by the primacy agency, note that the system is ultimately responsible for making sure that the assessment is conducted properly and completely.How is a Level 2 assessment documented?Similar to a Level 1 assessment, the assessor must document the assessment using a Level 2 assessment form. Systems should check with their primacy agency to obtain the required assessment form. The form must be completed and submitted to the primacy agency within 30 days after the system has determined that the trigger has been exceeded. The primacy agency will determine whether the Level 2 assessment was properly conducted and the assessment form properly completed.How is a Level 2 assessment conducted?A Level 2 assessment looks at the same elements as a Level 1 assessment. At a minimum the assessment should include a review of the following elements:Unusual events that may have affected water quality (e.g., loss of pressure)Any changes in the maintenance and operation of the distribution systemCondition of the source water and changes in treatmentExisting water quality monitoring dataThe Level 2 assessment requires a more comprehensive investigation and the engagement of additional parties and expertise compared to a Level 1 assessment, as discussed in the previous sections of this part of the document. 0273050Conducting the Level 2 AssessmentAlthough the Level 2 assessment must be performed by someone approved by the primacy agency, note that the system is ultimately responsible for making sure that the assessment is conducted properly and completely. In all likelihood, the system and the approved assessor will have to work closely together to compile and review all the information relevant to the successful completion of the assessment at the water system.00Conducting the Level 2 AssessmentAlthough the Level 2 assessment must be performed by someone approved by the primacy agency, note that the system is ultimately responsible for making sure that the assessment is conducted properly and completely. In all likelihood, the system and the approved assessor will have to work closely together to compile and review all the information relevant to the successful completion of the assessment at the water system.What Happens If The Assessor Identifies A Sanitary Defect During An Assessment?The water system must correct all sanitary defects identified during the assessment. The system should consult with its primacy agency as necessary and as early as possible to complete corrective actions that the primacy agency will consider to be sufficient. All the sanitary defects identified must be described in the assessment form. In addition, the form must also include all completed corrective actions and a proposed timetable if there are still corrective actions that are yet to be completed by the time the form is due to the primacy agency (which is 30 days from when the system learns of the assessment trigger).What If The Assessor Did Not Identify A Sanitary Defect?It is possible that even after conducting an assessment, the cause of the positive sample cannot be conclusively linked to a given sanitary defect due to the complexity of the distribution system configuration and transport of contaminants throughout the system. In this case, water systems must document this conclusion in their assessment form. The primacy agency may require that the system provide them with supporting documents to back up its conclusion. Even though the assessor might not identify a sanitary defect, EPA recommends some actions the system might consider performing after it has been triggered to conduct an assessment. Examples of common actions are flushing, increasing disinfectant residual, collecting additional investigative samples, examining whether samples were collected from appropriate sample sites, and re-training staff/sampler on proper sampling procedures. The RTCR also identifies a list of “best technologies, treatment techniques, or other means” (also known as best available technologies or BATs) to help systems comply with the rule (see §141.63(e) of the RTCR). Water systems may choose to take advantage of these BATs when they trigger an assessment in order to avoid future triggers and/or violations, even if they are unable to find a likely cause/sanitary defect. What Is The Timeline For Completing The Assessments And The Corrective Actions?5257800536575Water systems must complete the assessment or have the assessment completed as soon as practical after they learned that a trigger has been exceeded. The completed assessment form must then be submitted to the primacy agency for review within 30 days after the system has determined that a trigger had been exceeded. Remember that the assessment form must include any sanitary defect identified and the corrective actions taken to address the defect.The primacy agency determines the completeness of the assessment and the assessment form. Assessments may be considered insufficient if they are not fully executed (e.g., the conditions at the well were not fully assessed) or if the assessment was incomplete (e.g., not all of the required elements were examined). The primacy agency may require the system to resubmit a revised assessment. Systems must make sure they resubmit the form by the due date specified by the primacy agency. What Happens If There Are Corrective Actions Not Completed By The Time The Assessment Form Is Due To The Drinking Water Primacy Agency?If there are corrective actions that are not completed or cannot be completed by the time of submission of the assessment form (e.g., in the case where parts need to be ordered and may take longer than 30 days to be delivered and installed), the water system must inform the primacy agency and propose a schedule for the completion of the unfinished corrective actions. The proposed timetable must be included in the assessment form. The water system must complete the corrective action(s) according to a schedule agreed upon by both parties and notify the primacy agency when each scheduled corrective action is completed.What Happens If I Do Not Do an Assessment Or Do Not Complete the Corrective Actions?Failure to conduct an assessment or complete the corrective action(s) within the required time period will result in a treatment technique violation. Failure to submit the completed assessment form within the required time period will result in a reporting violation. See Section REF _Ref404259109 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of this part of the document for a discussion of the different types of violations and their associated tiers of public notification. Note that triggering an assessment is not a violation in itself but failure to conduct an assessment is a violation. Reporting and Recordkeeping9498721713865What will I learn from this chapter? The items / information that need to be reported to the primacy agency When to report these items / information to the primacy agency What records to keep and for how long to keep them300000What will I learn from this chapter? The items / information that need to be reported to the primacy agency When to report these items / information to the primacy agency What records to keep and for how long to keep themWhat Do I Need to Report to My Primacy Agency? Systems are required to report certain items to their primacy agencies as part of their compliance with the RTCR. These items are listed in REF _Ref398821053 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Table 51. Each of these items has a specified time period. These requirements are found in 40 CFR 141.31 and 40 CFR 141.861(a). Table STYLEREF 1 \s 5 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Items Water Systems Need to ReportWhat to ReportWhen to Report to / Submit to / Notify the Primacy AgencyMonitoring resultsWithin the first 10 days following either the month the monitoring was completed, or the end of the required monitoring period, whichever is soonest. The water system does not need to report this in the case where the state laboratory does the analysis and submits the results directly to the primacy agency.E. coli-positive routine sampleBy the end of the day when the water system is notified of an E. coli-positive routine sample, unless they are notified of the result after the primacy agency office is closed and the primacy agency does not have either an after-hours phone line or an alternative notification procedure. In this case, the water system must notify the primacy agency before the end of the next business day.E. coli MCL violationBy the end of the day when the water system learn of an E. coli MCL violation, unless they learn of the violation after the primacy agency office is closed and the primacy agency does not have either an after-hours phone line or an alternative notification procedure. In this case, the system must notify the primacy agency before the end of the next business day, and notify the public within 24 hours of the violation.Coliform treatment technique violationNo later than the end of the next business day after the water system learns of the violation. The public must be notified within 30 days.Monitoring violationWithin 10 days after the water system learns of the violation. The public must be notified within a year of the pleted assessment formWithin 30 days after learning that the water system has triggered an assessment.Corrective action(s) not completed when assessment form was submittedWhen corrective action is completed.Seasonal systems – certification of completion of primacy agency-approved start-up procedurePrior to serving water to the public.Certification of compliance with public notice requirementsWithin 10 days of completing the public notification (whether initial notification or repeat notification).Failure to comply with any of the requirements of the RTCR not already mentioned aboveWithin 48 hours of failing to comply with the requirement.What Records Do I Need to Keep?Under the RTCR, water systems are required to keep records of their coliform monitoring results and work done as part of assessments (40 CFR 141.861(b)). 40 CFR 141.33 has additional recordkeeping requirements that systems must comply with and are shown in REF _Ref398821533 \h \t \* MERGEFORMAT Table 52.Table STYLEREF 1 \s 5 SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 2. Records Water Systems Need to KeepRecordsPeriod of Time to Keep RecordsMonitoring results (microbiological and turbidity analyses)No less than 5 yearsAssessment forms i and documentation of corrective actions completed iiNo less than 5 years after completion of the assessment and corrective actionRepeat samples taken that meets drinking water primacy agency criteria for extension of 24-hour period for collectionNo less than 5 yearsCopies of public notifications issuedNo less than 3 years after issuanceCertificationsNo less than 3 years after issuanceSample siting plansNo less than 5 years (same period as records of microbiological analyses)i Regardless of who conducted the assessment.ii Or other available documentation of sanitary defects and corrective actions. EPA recommends that the water system keep any photos, receipts, sample results, etc., related to assessments and corrective actions.Violations And Public Notification Requirements9144001257300What will I learn from this chapter? The different types of violations that systems can incur if they do not comply with the RTCR requirements. The required public notification for each type of violation.300000What will I learn from this chapter? The different types of violations that systems can incur if they do not comply with the RTCR requirements. The required public notification for each type of violation.Water systems incur violations if they do not comply with the requirements of the RTCR. Some violations require public notification, i.e., water systems need to notify the public if they did not comply with certain requirements of the RTCR. The type of public notification depends on the severity of the violation. Violation Public Notification (PN)E. coli MCL Tier 1Treatment TechniqueTier 2Monitoring Tier 3ReportingTier 3Section REF _Ref404259643 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6.1 of this part of the document goes over the conditions that define the violations. Section REF _Ref404259663 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6.2 of this part goes over the different tiers of PN. Section REF _Ref412129701 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 6.3 of this part briefly discusses the Consumer Confidence Report.What Types Of Violations Can I Incur Under The RTCR?3589020283210 Boil Water AdvisoriesIn addition to requiring a Tier 1 public notification, an E. coli MCL violation may also trigger a boil-water advisory. Water systems should consult with their primacy agency on requirements for boil-water advisories.4000020000 Boil Water AdvisoriesIn addition to requiring a Tier 1 public notification, an E. coli MCL violation may also trigger a boil-water advisory. Water systems should consult with their primacy agency on requirements for boil-water advisories.The following are the types of violations water systems can incur under the RTCR.E. coli MCL Violation – occurs if any of the following events happens.E. coli-positive repeat sample following a total coliform-positive routine sample.Total coliform-positive repeat sample following an E. coli-positive routine sample.Failure to collect all required repeat samples following an E. coli-positive routine sample.Failure to test for E. coli when any of the repeat samples is total coliform-positive.Treatment Technique Violation – occurs when any of the following events happens:Failure to conduct the required assessment after exceeding a trigger.Failure to complete the required corrective action after identifying a sanitary defect.Failure of a seasonal system to complete the drinking water primacy agency-approved start-up procedure prior to serving water to the public.Monitoring Violation – occurs when any of the following events happens:Failure to collect all required routine or additional routine samples in a compliance period.Failure to test for E. coli following a total coliform-positive routine sample.Reporting Violation – occurs when any of the following events happens:Failure to submit a monitoring report or completed assessment form after a system properly conducts monitoring or assessment in a timely manner.Failure to notify the primacy agency following an E. coli-positive sample in a timely manner.Failure to submit certification of completion of a primacy agency-approved start-up procedure by a seasonal system.What Are The Different Tiers Of Public Notification?The following are the different tiers of public notification. Notices must be provided to persons served and not just customers billed.More information on public notification including example language can be found at: 1 Public Notification – Immediate; results from violations and situations with significant potential to have serious adverse effects on human health53035203873500Water systems are required to issue a Tier 1 public notification as soon as practical but no later than 24 hours after learning of the E. coli MCL violation. The notification must be delivered by broadcast media, posting of a notice in a conspicuous location, hand delivery of notifications, or other methods approved by the primacy agency that will reasonably reach affected customers within a 24-hour period. Tier 2 Public Notification – Results from violations and situations with potential to have serious adverse effects on human health not requiring Tier 1 public notification.5257800114300Water systems are required to issue a Tier 2 public notification as soon as practical but no later than 30 days after learning of the treatment technique violation. The notification may be made in writing by mail or posting the notice in conspicuous locations. Posted notices about the violation must remain in place for no less than seven days, even if the situation has been resolved. Tier 3 Public Notification – Results from violations and situations not requiring Tier 1 or Tier 2 public notification.524065529337000Water systems are required to issue a Tier 3 public notification within one year of learning of the monitoring violation or reporting violation. Community water systems may provide Tier 3 public notification using the annual Consumer Confidence Report. Non-community water systems, which are not required to issue a Consumer Confidence Report, must provide public notification in other forms or methods consistent with the requirements of the RTCR (e.g., mailing out individual notifications). Non-community water systems should consult with their primacy agency to determine which methods are appropriate.Am I Required To Issue A Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)?In addition to public notification triggered by violations (if there are any), community water systems are also required to issue an annual report called the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) or water quality report to their customers that contain information about the sources used (i.e., rivers, lakes, reservoirs, or aquifers), any detected contaminants, compliance and educational information. The CCR is due to customers by July 1st of each year. Community water systems should check with their primacy agencies to determine the format and other required information that need to go in the CCR.Appendix ARoutine Monitoring Frequency for Non-Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsBaseline: one sample per calendar quarterReduced:one sample per yearIncreased:one sample per month or one sample per quarter Water systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency to determine if they are allowed to reduce their monitoring frequency below their baseline monitoring frequency.Figure A - SEQ Figure_A_- \* ARABIC 1. Diagram Showing the Available Routine Monitoring Frequency for Non-Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsTable A - SEQ Table_A_- \* ARABIC 1. Reduced Monitoring Criteria for Non-Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsReduced MonitoringQuarterly Annual (B A)§141.854(e)The primacy agency may allow a system to monitor less frequently than once per quarter to once per year if they meet the following criteria:A clean compliance history for a minimum of 12 months;The most recent sanitary survey shows that the system is free of sanitary defects or has corrected all identified sanitary defects, has a protected water source, and meets approved construction standards; andAn annual site visit from the primacy agency within the last 12 months and system has corrected all identified sanitary defects. A voluntary Level 2 assessment can be substituted for the annual site visit.Table A - SEQ Table_A_- \* ARABIC 2. Conditions that Will Trigger Increased Monitoring for Non-Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsIncreased MonitoringQuarterly Monthly(B C)§141.854(f)(1) to (4)Annual Monthly(A C)§141.854(f)(1) to (3)Annual Quarterly(A B)§141.854(f)(5)The system must return to monthly monitoring from quarterly monitoring if any of the following conditions occur:A Level 2 assessment or two Level 1 assessments are triggered under the provisions of §141.859 in a rolling 12-month periodAn E. coli MCL violationA coliform treatment technique violationTwo monitoring violations in a rolling 12-month periodOne monitoring violation and one Level 1 assessment in a rolling 12-month periodThe system must return to monthly monitoring from annual monitoring if any of the following conditions occur:A Level 2 assessment or two Level 1 assessments are triggered in a rolling 12-month period.An E. coli MCL violation.A coliform treatment technique violation.The system must return to quarterly monitoring from annual monitoring if the following condition occurs:One monitoring violation.Appendix BRoutine Monitoring Frequency for Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsBaseline: one sample per monthReduced:one sample per calendar quarter or one sample per yearIncreased:one sample per month or one sample per quarter Water systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency to determine if they are allowed to reduce their monitoring frequency below their baseline monitoring frequency.Figure B - SEQ Figure_B_- \* ARABIC 1. Diagram Showing the Available Routine Monitoring Frequency for Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsTable B - SEQ Table_B_- \* ARABIC 1. Reduced Monitoring Criteria for Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsReduced MonitoringMonthly Quarterly(A B)§141.854(g) and §141.854(i)(2)(i)Monthly / Quarterly Annual(A C or B C)§141.854(h) and §141.854(i)(2)(i)The primacy agency may reduce a system’s monitoring frequency to no less than quarterly monitoring if they demonstrate that they meet the following criteria:An approved sample siting plan that designates the time period for monitoring based on site-specific considerations (e.g., during periods of highest demand or highest vulnerability to contamination). Compliance samples must be collected during this time period. Within the last 12 months, a completed sanitary survey or a site visit by the primacy agency or a voluntary Level 2 assessment by a party approved by the primacy agency, be free of sanitary defects, and have a protected water source.A clean compliance history for a minimum of 12 months.The primacy agency may reduce a well-operated system’s monitoring frequency to no less than annual monitoring if they demonstrate that they meet the following criteria:Meet the criteria for reduced monitoring from monthly to quarterly.An annual site visit by the primacy agency and correction of all identified sanitary defects. A voluntary Level 2 assessment by a party approved by the primacy agency may be substituted for the primacy agency annual site visit in any given year.Have in place or adoption of one or more additional enhancements to the water system barriers to contamination.Cross connection control, as approved by the primacy agency.An operator certified by an appropriate primacy agency certification program or regular visits by a circuit rider certified by an appropriate primacy agency certification program.Continuous disinfection entering the distribution system and a residual in the distribution system in accordance with criteria specified by the primacy agency.Demonstration of maintenance of at least a 4-log removal or inactivation of viruses as provided for under § 141.403(b)(3) of the Ground Water Rule.Other equivalent enhancements to water system barriers as approved by the primacy agency.Table B - SEQ Table_B_- \* ARABIC 2. Conditions that Will Trigger Increased Monitoring for Seasonal Ground Water Non-Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsIncreased MonitoringQuarterly Monthly(B A)§141.854(f)(1) to (4)Annual Monthly(C A)§141.854(f)(1) to (3)Annual Quarterly(C B)§141.854(f)(5)The system must return to monthly monitoring from quarterly monitoring if any of the following conditions occur:A Level 2 assessment or two Level 1 assessments are triggered under the provisions of §141.859 in a rolling 12-month period.An E. coli MCL violation.A coliform treatment technique violation.Two monitoring violations in a rolling 12-month period.One monitoring violation and one Level 1 assessment in a rolling 12-month period.The system must return to monthly monitoring from annual monitoring if any of the following conditions occur:Level 2 assessment or two Level 1 assessments are triggered in a rolling 12-month period.An E. coli MCL violation.A coliform treatment technique violation.The system must return to quarterly monitoring from annual monitoring if the following condition occurs:One monitoring violation.Appendix CRoutine Monitoring Frequency for Ground Water Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsBaseline: one sample per monthReduced:one sample per calendar quarter Water systems should check with their drinking water primacy agency to determine if they are allowed to reduce their monitoring frequency below their baseline monitoring frequency.Figure C - SEQ Figure_C_- \* ARABIC 1. Diagram Showing the Available Routine Monitoring Frequency for Ground Water Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsTable C - SEQ Table_C_- \* ARABIC 1. Reduced Monitoring Criteria for Ground Water Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsReduced MonitoringMonthly Quarterly(A B) §141.855(d)The primacy agency may reduce the monitoring frequency of a well-operated system to no less than once per quarter if the system meets the following criteria:Compliance with the primacy agency-certified operator provisions.A clean compliance history for a minimum of 12 months.The most recent sanitary survey shows that the system is free of sanitary defects (or has an approved plan and schedule to correct them and is in compliance with the plan and the schedule), has a protected water source and meets approved construction standards.Meet at least one of the following criteria: An annual site visit by the primacy agency that is equivalent to a Level 2 assessment or an annual Level 2 assessment by a party approved by the primacy agency and correction of all identified sanitary defects (or an approved plan and schedule to correct them and is in compliance with the plan and schedule).Cross connection control, as approved by the primacy agency.Continuous disinfection entering the distribution system and a residual in the distribution system in accordance with criteria specified by the primacy agency.Demonstration of maintenance of at least a 4-log removal or inactivation of viruses as provided for under § 141.403(b)(3) of the Ground Water Rule.Other equivalent enhancements to water system barriers as approved by the primacy agency.Table C - SEQ Table_C_- \* ARABIC 2. Conditions that Will Trigger a Return to Monthly Monitoring for Ground Water Community Water Systems Serving ≤ 1,000 PersonsReturn to Monthly MonitoringQuarterly Monthly(B A)§141.855(e)The system must return to monthly monitoring from quarterly monitoring if any of the following conditions occur:Loss of certified operator.A Level 2 assessment or two Level 1 assessments triggered in a rolling 12-month period.An E. coli MCL violation.A coliform treatment technique violation.Two RTCR monitoring violations in a rolling 12-month period.THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKPart CCompliance ChecklistTHIIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKWhat Do I Do If I Have A / An …?429006042481500Systems need to determine if violations or certain events have occurred during their monitoring period so they can take the appropriate action to protect public health – notify the drinking water primacy agency, issue public notification, conduct an assessment, monitor at a more frequent rate, etc. – in a timely manner. The following checklist can help systems determine the actions they will need to take after certain events. It is recommended that systems go through the entire checklist, excluding the items that are not applicable to them – e.g., for community water systems, skip the items that are specific to non-community water systems. Compliance ChecklistITEMS TO CHECKYESNOA. Do you have a total coliform-positive routine sample?If you answered yes, take the following action(s):Take 3 repeat samples within 24 hours of being notified of your result. Send these samples to the lab immediately.Make sure that your lab tests the total coliform-positive routine sample for the presence of E. coli.If you answered no, continue with your routine monitoring.B. Do you have a total coliform-positive repeat sample?If you answered yes, take the following action(s):Make sure that your lab tests the total coliform-positive routine sample for the presence of E. coli.C. Do you have an E. coli-positive routine sample?If you answered yes, take the following action(s):Notify your drinking water primacy agency by the end of the day when you learn of the positive result, or by the end of the next business day if you learn of the positive result after the agency office is closed and the agency has no after-hours notification system.D. Do you have an E. coli MCL violatiTon? An E. coli-positive repeat sample following a total coliform-positive routine sampleA total coliform positive repeat sample following an E. coli-positive routine sampleFailure to collect all required repeat samples following an E. coli-positive routine sampleFailure to test for E. coli when any of the repeat samples is total coliform-positiveIf you answered yes to any of the items in “D” above, take the following action(s):Report the violation to your drinking water primacy agency as soon as practical but no later than 24 hours after learning of the violation.Notify the public by issuing a Tier 1 public notification as soon as practical but no later than 24 hours after learning of the violationConduct a Level 2 assessment. See Item F.If you are on quarterly or annual monitoring, go to monthly monitoring beginning the following month.E. Did you trigger a Level 1 assessment?Two or more total coliform-positive samples in the same sampling period (include results of both routine and repeat samples)Failure to take every required repeat sample after any single routine total coliform-positive sampleIf you answered yes to any of the items in “E” above, take the following action(s):Check with your drinking water primacy agency to determine who can conduct a Level 1 assessment and which forms to use.Conduct the Level 1 assessment, correct all sanitary defects found, and submit form to your drinking water primacy agency within 30 days of learning of the trigger.F. Did you trigger a Level 2 assessment?An E. coli MCL violationA second Level 1 trigger within a rolling 12-month periodFor systems on approved reduced annual monitoring, a Level 1 treatment technique trigger in two consecutive yearsIf you answered yes to any of the items in “F” above, take the following action(s):Check with your drinking water primacy agency to determine who can conduct a Level 2 assessment and which forms to use.Conduct the Level 1 assessment, correct all sanitary defects found, and submit form to your drinking water primacy agency within 30 days of learning of the trigger.G. Do you have a treatment technique violation?Failed to conduct a required assessment within the required time periodFailed to perform corrective actions within the required timeframeSeasonal system: Failed to complete a primacy agency-approved start-up procedureIf you answered yes to any of the items in “G” above, take the following action(s):Report the violation to your drinking water primacy agency no later than the end of the next business day after you learn of the violation.Notify the public by issuing a Tier 2 public notification as soon as practical but no later than 30 days after learning of the violation.H. Do you have a monitoring violation? Failure to take all required routine and additional routine samplesFailure to analyze for E. coli following a total coliform-positive routine sampleIf you answered yes to any of the items in “H” above, take the following action(s):Report the violation to your drinking water primacy agency within 10 days of learning the violation.Notify the public by issuing a Tier 3 public notification within a year of learning of the violation.I. Do you have a reporting violation?Failure to submit the monitoring report at the end of the monitoring period after system properly conducts monitoringFailure to submit the assessment form within required timeframe after system properly conducts an assessmentFailure to notify your drinking water primacy agency of an E. coli-positive sample within the required timeframeFailure of a seasonal system to certify to the drinking water primacy agency that they have completed the start-up procedure before serving water to the publicIf you answered yes to any of the items in “I” above, take the following action(s):Notify the public by issuing a Ter 3 public notification within a year of learning of the violation.J. If you are a non-community water system (including seasonal systems) on a quarterly monitoring schedule, did any of the events occur? A Level 2 assessment or two Level 1 assessments are triggered in a rolling 12-month periodAn E. coli MCL violationA coliform treatment technique violationTwo monitoring violations in a rolling 12-month periodOne monitoring violation and one Level 1 assessment in a rolling 12-month periodIf you answered yes to any of the items in “J” above, take the following action(s): Begin monthly monitoring the month following the trigger event(s).K. If you are a non-community water system (including seasonal systems) on an annual monitoring schedule, did any of the following events occur?Level 2 assessment or two Level 1 assessments are triggered in a rolling 12-month periodAn E. coli MCL violationA coliform treatment technique violationIf you answered yes to any of the items in “K” above, take the following action(s): Begin monthly monitoring the month following the trigger event(s).L. If you are a non-community water system (including seasonal systems) on an annual monitoring schedule, did the following event occur?A monitoring violationIf you answered yes to any of the items in “L” above, take the following action(s):Begin quarterly monitoring the calendar quarter following the trigger event(s).M. If you are a community water system on a quarterly monitoring schedule, did any of the following events occur?Loss of certified operatorA Level 2 assessment or two Level 1 assessments triggered in a rolling 12-month periodAn E. coli MCL violationA coliform treatment technique violationTwo monitoring violations in a rolling 12-month periodIf you answered yes to any of the items in “M” above, take the following action(s): Begin monthly monitoring the month following the trigger event(s). ................

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