The sum of two consecutive numbers is 71

Name _____________________________

Period _____ Date ________________

On this worksheet, the word “number” is used to indicate a positive whole number.

Show your work clearly for each problem. Guess-and-check will earn no credit.

1. The sum of two consecutive numbers is 71. Find the smallest number in the lsit.

2. The sum of four consecutive numbers is 82. Find the smallest number in the list.

3. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 342. Find all three numbers.

4. The sum of four consecutive odd numbers is 216. Find all four numbers.

5. The sum of six consecutive numbers is 129. Find the largest number in the list.

6. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 84. Find the middle number in the list.

7. A certain number is 11 less than three times the next number. Find the number.

8. A certain even number is 32 less than twice the next even number. Find the number.

9. Multiplying a certain even number by 4 then subtracting 16 gives you the next consecutive even number. Find the original number.

10. Doubling a certain odd number then subtracting 23 gives you the next consecutive odd number. Find the original number.

11. a. Write a word problem about consecutive integers that can be solved using the equation x + x + 1 + x + 2 + x + 3 + x + 4 = 170.

b. Solve the equation. Explain what your answer means about your word problem.

12. a. Write a word problem about consecutive integers that can be solved using the equation x + x + 2 + x + 4 = 78.

b. Solve the equation. Explain what your answer means about your word problem.


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