Smart Notebook/Smart Board Traing

|Smart Notebook/Smart Board Integration |

|Half Day Training for Kindergarten Teachers |

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|Keena Crenshaw |

|January 29, 2011 |

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Smart Board/Smart Notebook Training Agenda

January 29, 2011


Introductions (15 minutes)

a. Provide name and how you have used your Smart Board/Smart Notebook in the past two months.

Where are things located for use throughout the session (5 minutes)

a. Post It Notes and markers

b. Wall Charts

c. Smart Notebook help guides

How can Smart Boards be used in the classroom? (15 minutes)

a. Glogster Videos

b. Discussion: Types of Smartboard activities they noticed

Sample Lesson (30 minutes)

• Active participation in sample Smart Board lesson for Kindergarten LINK

a. Discussion: Types of Smartboard activities they noticed

b. Other ways to find Smart Board Lessons:

1 Smarttech

2 Kindergarten Smartboard Sites

3 Smart Board Favorites for ESL

4 Smart Board

Group Collaboration (15 minutes)

a. List ways Smart Notebook lessons can be used to engage JKC students

Active learning (1 hour)

a. Creation of your own Smart Board lesson using Smart Notebook 10

Reflection (10 minutes)

a. Reflection worksheet

Evaluation (10 minutes)

a. Training evaluation

Instructional Guide for Presenter

Presenter: Must have knowledge of Smart Notebook 10 and Smart Board. Smart Training manual is available if needed.

Lesson: Smart Board/Smart Notebook Training for Kindergarten Teachers

Objectives: Upon completion of this unit of instruction teachers will be able to:

1. Create a lesson they can use in their classroom which has been equipped with a Smartboard.

2. Collaborate with each other to create useful Smartboard lessons using Smart Notebook 10 that promote student engagement.

Learner Background: Participants have had previous one hour training in Smart Board integration in the past month. They have also had the SmartBoard in their classrooms for some time. Installations began in October 2010.

Materials: Chart paper, Post it Notes, and markers

Technology: Computer with internet access and a Smartboard

Handouts: Copies of Reflection Worksheet and Training Evaluation.

Throughout the training:

Formative Evaluation: Question to gain feedback on how the process is going so far. Questions such as:

• Are you learning anything new?

• Is there anything else that needs to be included in the training?

• Is this too much information for you at one time?

• Am I presenting too fast/slow?

• Are you missing any information to continue with what you are doing

This information should be collected and changes in the process should accommodate the current situation. This process should continue throughout the training session.

Facilitator will need Learner/Needs analysis sheet to keep with him/her throughout the meeting to record individual strengths/weaknesses and needs. Make goals for the participant and list on the chart as well.

Pre-workshop activities: Hang 2 pieces of chart paper on wall and label them: Daily Lesson to use with Smartboard and types of Smart Notebook activities we would like to learn

1. Introductions: Have all participants give their name and tell what ways they have used their SmartBoard/SmartNotebook software over the last 2 months. Make notes on each of their progress on the learner/needs analysis of participants

2. Explain that the charts are for collaborative efforts. We may find that more than one person may want to learn something. They can use the post it notes and markers to put their ideas on the wall.

3. To gain the attention of the learner watch the videos that are include on the Glogster on Smart Boards. The web address is

After the video is over, participants can list any ideas they would like to incorporate into their lessons on the chart.

4. Participants will participate in a sample Vowel smart notebook lesson. After the lesson, they will discuss what things they liked and may want to incorporate into their lessons. Lesson is located at . After the lesson ask questions to collect information on the learner and their needs:

• How did this Smartboard lesson facilitate engagement?

• Would your students prefer this type of instruction? Why?

• In what ways could you use the Smartboard to help your students learn?

Discuss other ways to find Smart Notebook lessons or Smart Board activities. Review Links:

1 Smarttech

2 Kindergarten Smartboard Sites

3 Smart Board Favorites for ESL

4 Smart Board

5. Group Collaboration: Discuss ways that Smart Notebook/ Smart Board activities can help engage Jonesboro Kindergarten students.

Instruct participants to begin to put together a list of daily lesson activities that could be made more engaging by using the Smartboard. (ie: Word Work Calendar Math etc.)

As teachers begin to make a list, make references to different parts Smart Notebook 10 Toolbar.

• Math: Shape and Line Tool, notebook files and pages

• Discovery Streaming: Attachment tool

• Spelling: Flash Games in the Gallery

• Writing: Backgrounds, pen properties, magic pen

• Science: Gallery Search

Continue to make notes in the learner/needs analysis and begin making goals and objectives for active learning.

6. Active Learning: Participants will begin to construct their own Smart Notebook/Smart Board lessons. As participants begin, make notes in the learner/needs analysis chart. Provide assistance only when needed. Participants will incorporate some of the ideas gathered earlier in the session. They may collaborate with each other for ideas and suggestions. Sample questions to promote learning:

• What else can you try?

• What can you add to make things more engaging?

• Did you search the gallery for other ideas?

• Do any of the other participants have ideas for your project?

7. Reflection: Participants will fill out the reflection worksheet and share with the group. They will again gather ideas from each other about what works well and what does not.

8. Evaluation: Participants will fill out the training evaluation to leave with the presenter. They will also set up a meeting with the district technology coach to view the completed lesson integrated into the classroom. All lessons will be saved in the JKC shared drive for others to use as well.

Learner/Needs Analysis Chart

|Participant Name |Background with Smart |Difficulties |Successes |Individual Goal/Objective |

| |Notebook | | | |

|1. | | | | |

|2. | | | | |

|3. | | | | |

|4. | | | | |

|5. | | | | |

|6. | | | | |

|7. | | | | |

Reflection Worksheet



What Works Well ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What Needs to Change


Is my lesson ready to present to my students? Why?


Training Evaluation

Thank you for participating in our technology training. Please complete this survey to tell us how we might improve your training experience.

1. Training Title _____________________________________________

2. Trainer (s) Name __________________________________________

3. Workshop objectives were clearly stated or explained. (select one)

Agree Neutral Disagree N/A

4. The trainer covered the course objectives. (select one)

Agree Neutral Disagree N/A

5. The trainer was knowledgeable in the content area. (select one)

Agree Neutral Disagree N/A

6. The trainer clearly explained the content.

Agree Neutral Disagree N/A

7. The workshop pace was appropriate.

Agree Neutral Disagree N/A

8. Training handouts were well organized, easy to follow and easy to understand.

Agree Neutral Disagree N/A

9. The trainer told the class how to locate additional resources and information.

Agree Neutral Disagree N/A

10. I will be able to apply the skills I learned in my current position.

Agree Neutral Disagree N/A

11. The most useful parts of the training were:

12. I would improve future training by:

13. How would you rate your overall experience with this workshop?

Excellent Good Fair Unsatisfactory

If you chose Fair or Unsatisfactory, please explain:

14. Do you have any suggested topics or ideas for future workshops?

Helpful Documents

(To be provided to participants, if needed)

Toolbar Quick Reference:

Lesson Activity Toolkit:

Working with Smart Notebook Gallery:

Having Trouble

You will have to log in to the work order system to request assistance.

username: jkc

password: jkc****

Technical help: Jonesboro Kindergarten Center Technician, Brent Wheaton: brent.wheaton@

Smart Notebook/Smart Board Integration Help or Need a model lesson:

Kylene Lichucki: kylene.lichucki@

Keena Crenshaw: keena.crenshaw@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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