Is Testing a Waste of Time and Money?

Is Testing a Waste of Time and Money?

A Free RBCS Webinar: 1.5 PDU Credits

Is software testing a waste of time and money? Many people outside of the testing profession seem to think so, and, based on the relative paucity of money devoted to testing compared to other activities in the lifecycle, it's certainly not a high priority for many organizations. Is that smart? Why do we test software? What benefits, goals, and objectives does testing serve? Attend this presentation to learn solid, hardheaded, convincing reasons why testing is one of the smartest investments you can make, and why organizations that invest in testing receive long-lasting benefits from doing so. Rex will lay out the case for software testing and answer your questions.

Register now for November 19, 2019, 1:00 PM ? 2:30 PM CST See upcoming RBCS webinars and other training events (1.5 PDU credits or more for attendees).


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