MBES 4th Grade

Monday’s To-Do's??Today’s Independent work:?Phonics:?Finish the front and back of Sort 36 Long Vowels ie, ei?(pgs. 143 & 145)?in your Words Their Way workbook.?iReady Reading Lesson ???Small Group Work:?Today in small group you will need to bring your Words Their Way workbook and a pencil to our call. I will be teaching you the phonics pattern and then I will guide you through Sort 36?(pg. 143 & 145).??Whole Group Grammar Lesson:?Today in whole group you will need to bring your iReady book and a pencil to our call. I will be teaching you about Linking Verbs.???Grammar Independent Practice (After Whole Group Call):?Finish the Grammar practice for Linking Verbs in your iReady book on pg. 470-471 .Tuesday’s To-Do's??Today’s Independent work (before & after small group):?ReadContinue working on your rough draft of your Realistic Fiction writing.?Small Group Work:?Today in small group you will need to bring your iReady Book and a pencil. We will be learning about Main Ideas and Details. We will be working on pgs. 10-11. (Please be on time, we will start immediately??)??Whole Group Writing Lesson:?Today in whole group I will be teaching you our Session 13?Writing Lesson. We will be talking?about?Revising our Rough Drafts. (Please be on time, we will start immediately??)??Writing Independent Practice (After Whole Group Call):?Make a new page in your writing notebook and title it:??Session 13: RevisingHere is where you will copy and paste your rough draft. You will need to read through your rough draft, scene by scene, and check to see in you have all of the events in your story. You should make sure that your characters are developed, that your problem was solved, that you have a strong lead and a strong ending. You should also make sure that you have used lots of details and descriptive words in your writing. When I read your writing, I should be able to picture exactly what is happening in your story. You will need to look at the Writers checklist in your Classnotebook, in the writing tab to make sure you have everything that you need in your story and have not left anything out. It is important to read your writing more than once and to add things to it to make it better.When ever you add something to while you are revising, please highlight what you are adding or add it in a different color font. This way I can see what you have added to make your draft even better!You should add more than one thing to your writing when you are revising. We can ALWAYS make our writings more detailed and descriptive!Mrs. DeRosa’s Revising Rough Draft example:??The two friends continued to cheer for their team and celebrated, along with the crowd for their big win against the Chatahoochee Cougars. Bryan was overwhelmed with excitement, not only for his team and their big win, but for Taylor. He was so proud of himself for helping him, but even more proud that Taylor lead their team to victory! Bryan looked over at Taylor, a huge smile plastered across his face, laughing with some of their teammates. Taylor looked as if he was going to explode with happiness, and Bryan helped make that happen. As the team began to pack up their gear, and one by one began to make their way to their families to head home for the night, Bryan looked up at the scoreboard and smiled. “What a wonderful way to start out the season,” he said to himself. “Man I love football.”Wednesday’s To-Do's??Today’s Independent work (before & after small group):?iReady Reading Lesson Continue working on your rough draft of your Realistic Fiction writing.?Small Group Work:?Today in small group you will need to bring your iReady book and a pencil to our call. We will be working on Main Idea and details and will be working on pages 12-13. (Please be on time, we will start immediately??)??Whole Group Writing Lesson:?Today in whole group I will be teaching you our Session 14?Writing Lesson on Editing! (Please be on time, we will start immediately??)??Writing Independent Practice (After Whole Group Call):?Make a new page in your writing notebook and title it:??Session 14: EditingHere is where you will copy and paste your rough draft from yesterday that you have revised. Today you will read through your rough draft again, but this time looking for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes. (When checking for spelling, it helps to read your writing backwards, one word at a time, to make sure you spelled it correctly! Also because you are typing your writing, spell check can help you!)You will need to look at the Writers checklist in your Classnotebook, in the writing tab to make sure you have everything that you need in your story and have not left anything out. It is important to read your writing more than once and to add things to it to make it better. You will see an anchor chart called CUPS and ARMS. This will help you check off what you need and to help you edit your writing.There is always something that we can do to make our writing better. Sometimes when we read our writing out loud, a sentence does not flow right and we need to change it. Make sure you read your writing out loud to yourself or to a parent!Thursday’s To-Do's??Today’s Independent work (before & after small group):?ReadWork on your rough draft of your writing.Small Group Work:?Today in small group you will need to bring your iReady book and a pencil to our call. We will be working on Main Ideas and Details on pages 14 & 15. (Please be on time, we will start immediately??)??Whole Group Writing Lesson:?Today in whole group I will be teaching you our Session 15 Writing Lesson on Publishing your Writing (Final Drafts). (Please be on time, we will start immediately??)??Writing Independent Practice (After Whole Group Call):?For today’s session, you will begin publishing your writing, writing your Final Draft.You will make a new Tab Titled: Final Draft in your class notebooks.Here you will copy and paste your most up to day writing, the one that you have edited and revised, and this is where you will “turn it in” to me to be graded.If you would like to email me your final draft instead, that if okay with me, however, you will need to let me know that you are emailing me your writing. Remember, this writing is worth a test grade, so it is VERY important that you do your absolute best and follow the checklist to make sure your writing has everything. The checklist will follow how I will be grading your writings.Final Drafts will be Due on next Friday. However, we will be starting our new writing next Tuesday so it is important that you do not fall behind.Friday’s To-Do's??Today’s Independent work (before & after small group):?Catch up on any unfinished work from this week.?Take your Grammar quiz Finish your Final Draft of your Realistic Fiction Writing.Assignments/Quizzes:?Today you have?a Grammar Quiz on Linking Verbs. You may take?this quiz?up to 3 times. Please email me to let me know if you have taken the quiz more than once. This lets me know that I need to update your grade??.??You can find your quizzes in the Assignments Tab.? (Remember, if you are using an?ipad, you must click on the “More” tab and then click on the Assignments tab.) If you would like to retake the quiz, click on the link below.?4th- Linking Verbs QuizTAG- Make sure that you complete your To-Do’s from Thursday (Especially keeping up with your writing).?Writing Independent Practice:?Make sure you are caught up on your writing entries in your writing notebook from this week. *Remember, it is important to make sure you are writing in your notebook and keeping up with your entries so that when it is time to start our BIG writing, you have some pieces of writing to use!?You should be working on finishing your Final Draft!?Office Hours with Mrs. DeRosa:?Friday’s are days where you have the day to catch up on independent work from the week and where you can schedule times to meet with me during the day.?There are no class calls with me on Fridays unless you schedule a 1-1 with me.?If you need help on something, have questions for me, or don’t understand something, please email me so we can set up a one-on –one TEAMS meeting. Remember, my email is?Derosam@?On Fridays, I am available to meet with you from 8:40 AM- 10:40 AM and from 2:20 PM- 2:50 PM? ................

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