Will this work

New Mexico Dental Health Care


Friday, April 22, 2016

Albuquerque, NM



At 10:42 a.m. the Board Chair, Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS, called the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care April 22, 2016 meeting to order.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Schumacher, DDS

Burrell Tucker, DDS

Jolynn Galvin, DDS

Leo Paul Balderamos, DDS

Melissa Barbara, RDH

Richard Hatch, Public Member


Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH

OTHERS PRESENT: Jennifer Salazar, Assistant Attorney General

STAFF PRESENT: Roberta Perea, Board Administrator

Vanessa Montoya, Compliance Liaison

Roll Call was taken by Roberta Perea and a quorum was determined present.


Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS made a MOTION to approve the agenda as amended. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


January 29, 2016 Regular Meeting

Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS made a MOTION to approve the minutes of the January 29, 2016 Regular Meeting as written. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

2. REPORTS - The following agenda items are for discussion and possible action:

A. Chair’s Report – Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS

Verbal Report

B. Administrator’s Report – Ms. Roberta Perea

Written Report (Attachment A)

C. Compliance Laison Report – Ms. Vanessa Montoya

No Report

D. CODA Report – Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS

No Report

E. NMDHA Report – Catherine Sovereign, RDH

Written Report (Attachment B)

F. NMDA Report –

Verbal Report

G. Dept. of Health Report –

Verbal Report

H. NM Health Services Medicaid Report – Dr. Devi Gajapathi

No Report

I. PIMA Report – Ms. Melissa McDougal-Plese

Written Report (Attachment C)

J. AADB Report – Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS

No Report

K. WREB Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH

Written Report (Attachment D)

L. CRDTS Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH

No Report

M. CDCA Report – Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH

Written Report (Attachment E)

N. SRTA Report –

No Report

O. ADEX Report – Dr. Robert Gherardi, DMD

No Report

P. CITA Report – Ms. Eremelinda Baca, RDH

No Report

Q. Prescription Drug Misuse and Overdose and Pain Management Advisory Council Report – Dr. Balderamos

Written Report (Attachment F)

R. Rules Committee- Dr. Charles Schumacher

Verbal Report

S. Statutes Committee – Dr. Charles Schumacher

No Report

T. Ad Hoc Committees

No Report


A. Confirm Future Meeting Dates

July Board Meeting – July 29, 2016, Albuquerque

October Board Meeting – October 28, 2016, Santa Fe


A. Elections:

1. Election of Board Officers

a. Chair

Mr. Richard Hatch made a MOTION to keep the officers as present which is Dr. Charles Schumacher, Chiar, Dr. Paul Balderamos, Vice Chair, and Dr. Burrell Tucker as Secretary. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

2. Election of Two (2) Board Representatives for Dental Hygienists Committee

Mr. Richard Hatch made a MOTION to keep the officers as present for Representative from the NM Board of Dental Health Care to the NM Dental Hygienist Committee which are Dr. Burrell Tucker and Dr. Jolynn Galivn. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

B. Secretary’s Report – Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS

Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS reported to the board that from January 7, 2016 through April 8, 2016 the following licenses were issued:

13 Dental licenses issued by Examination

10 Dental licenses issued by Credentials

54 Dental Assistant Certificates

0 Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary Certificates

0 Community Dental Health Coordinator Certificates

4 Non-Dentist Owner

Mr. Hatch made a MOTION to enter the Boards Secretaries report into record and to ratify the licenses into the record. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

C. Dental Hygienist Committee Report – Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH

Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to ratify the recommendations of the Dental Hygienist Committee. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Licenses Issued for Period 01/7/16 thru 04/08/2016

3 Dental Hygienists by Examination

0 Dental Hygienists by Credentials

D. Anesthesia Committee Report – Dr. John Mitchell, DDS

Dr. John Mitchell, DDS reported to the board that from January 7, 2016 thru April 8, 2016 the following permits were issued:

6. Nitrous Oxide Permits,

3 Conscious Sedation I permit,

3 Conscious Sedation II permits

0 Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia permits

Mr. Richard Hatch made a MOTION to enter the Anesthesia Committee report into record and to ratify the licenses. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

7. Correcti

E. Open Meetings Act Resolution – Ms. Jennifer Salazar

After a short explanation of the Open Meetings Act by Ms. Salazar, Mr. Hatch made a MOTION to adopt the Open Meetings Act Resolution. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

F. Botox and Dermal Filler Continuing Education Application – Dr. Tucker

Mr. Richard Hatch made a MOTION to approve the Botox and Dermal Filler Continuing Education Application. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

G. Approval of Schumacher Study Club

Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS made a MOTION to approve the Schumacher Study Club. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL, with Dr. Shcumacher recusing himself from the vote.

H. Discussion on Requirements for Clinical Exams for Licensure – Dr. Schumacher

FYI – No Action Taken

I. Appointment of Prescription Drug Misuse and Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Advisory Council Member

Mr. Richard Hatch made a MOTION to authorize Dr. Charles Schumacher, DDS to appoint someone to this committee. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

J. Discuss adding a rule to require hygienists, dentists and dental assistants to take jurisprudence exam every triennial as part of required CE – Ms. Melissa Barbara

Discuss adding a rule to allow dental hygienists to adjust Night Guards after taking a course – Ms. Melissa Barbara

Mr. Richard Hatch made a MOTION to refer these agenda items to the rules committee. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

K. X-Ray Grading – Ms. Melissa Barbara

Mr. Richard Hatch made a MOTION to refer this agenda item to the rules committee. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


A. Advertising Concerns from Pacific Dental – Stefan Chacon

Mr. Stefan Chacon did a presentation on advertising concerns on behalf of Pacific Dental Services.


Chair: I will hear a motion for closure of the meeting to enter into Executive Session.

Board Member Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION that the New Mexico Dental Health Care Board close this meeting in order to enter into Executive Session to discuss the items listed in the agenda. Pursuant to Sections 10-15-1.H (1) and 7 of the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed sessions for matters related to issuance, suspension, renewal, revocation of a license. Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS SECONDED the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Charles Schumacher, DDS – Yes

Burrell Tucker, DDS - Yes

Leo Paul Balderamos, DDS - Yes

Jolynn Galvin, DDS - Yes

Melissa Barbara, RDH - Yes

Richard Hatch, Public Member - Yes

The motion was approved by a unanimous approval. Let the record show that at 12:36 p.m. the Board entered into closed session and the recorder has been turned off.

Back in Open Session

The Chair stated, that at 2:18 p.m., the recorder was turned back on and the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care was back in open session. Pursuant to 10-15-1 H 1, 3, & 7 of the Open Meetings Act the matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to the items listed in the motion to go into executive session.


Applications for Consideration:

15-110-APP – No Action Taken

Consideration for Retirement Status:

Leonard D. Nelson, DDS

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to accept retirement status for Leonard D. Nelson, DDS. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED.

Charley R. Smith, DDS

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to accept retirement status for Charley R. Smith, DDS. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED.

Diana Chavez, RDH

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to deny retirement status for Diana Chavez, RDH and refer to rule 16.5.26. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED.

Jennifer Rodgers, RDH

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to deny retirement status for Jennifer Rodgers, RDH and refer to rule 16.5.26. Dr. Burrell Tucker SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED.


Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to dismiss the following case(s):15-109-COM, 15-112-COM, D-16-01-COM, D-16-02-COM, D-16-03-COM, D-16-04-COM, D-16-05-COM, D-16-06-COM, D-16-08-COM, D-16-12-COM, and D-16-18-COM: Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED with Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS abstaining.

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to dismiss with Advisory Letter, the following case(s): 15-110-COM and D-16-07-COM: Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED with Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS abstaining.

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to refer the following cases to the AGO for a the issuance of a NCA for violation of Rule with the following terms of proposed for early resolution: 1) Respondent shall pay a $1000 fine to the Board within 30 days of Settlement. 2) Respondent shall take and pass the NM Dental Jurisprudence Exam within 30 days of Settlement: 15-100-MAL, 15-101-MAL, D-16-13-MAL and D-16-16-MAL Dr. Burrell Tucker, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED with Dr. Jolynn Galvin, DDS abstaining.


Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to refer to the AGO for a the issuance of a NCA for violation of Rule and Rule with the following terms of proposed for early resolution: 1) Respondent shall pay a $2000 to the Board within 30 days of Settlement. 2) Respondent shall take and pass the NM Dental Jurisprudence Exam within 30 days. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED with Dr. Jolyn Galvin abstaining.


07-74-COM – Request from Respondent for Board to approve supervision

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to table and request additional information.

Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

12-81-COM – Robert Wartell-Request to approve chart audit

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to ratify approval of Richard Parker, DDS.

Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

13-20-COM- Loretta Fudzinski-Approve of CE in Ethics

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to approve the request and close the case.

Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to uphold the previous decision of the Board.

Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED with Dr. Jolynn Galvin abstaining.

11-59-COM & 12-37-COM – William Gardner

No action taken. Informational purposes only.


12-93-COM – Matthew Harvey

Ms. Melissa Barbara, RDH made a MOTION to issue a Default Order revoking the Respondent’s License. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


New Mexico Monitored Treatment Quarterly Report – FYI Only No Action Taken


There being no other business to come before the Dental Board, Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 2:30p.m. Dr. Paul Balderamos, DDS SECONDED the motion. All in Favor. All Opposed. All Abstained. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Submitted by: Roberta Perea 7/29/16

Roberta Perea, Board Administrator Date

Approved by: [pic] 7/29/16

Charles Schumacher, DDS, Chair Date

(Attachment A)

Board status sheet

Board of dental health care 4/22/2016

Board membership

|Member |Name |Start Date |Expiration Date |Term # |

|Professional Member, Board Chair |Charles Schumacher, DDS |9/6/2013 |7/1/2018 |1 |

|Professional Member, Vice Chair |Leo Paul Balderamos, DDS |12/10/2013 |7/1/2017 |1 |

|Professional Member, Secretary |Burrell Tucker, DDS | |7/1/2016 |2 |

|Professional Member |David Warren III, DDS |7/1/2015 |7/1/2020 |1 |

|Professional Member |Jolynn Galvin, DDS |11/7/2013 |7/1/2014 |1 |

|Dental Hygiene Committee Representative |Ermelinda Baca, RDH |12/17/2012 |7/1/2016 |1 |

|Chair of the Hygiene Committee | | | | |

|Dental Hygiene Committee Representative |Melissa Barbara, RDH |6/6/2013 |7/1/2014 |1 |

|Vice Chair of Hygiene Committee | | | | |

|Professional Member of Dental Hygiene Committee |Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH |11/28/2012 |7/1/2015 |1 |

|Professional Member of Dental Hygiene Committee |Sarah Kay Thiel, RDH |4/15/2014 |7/1/2017 |1 |

|Professional Member of Dental Hygiene Committee |Paula Jenkins, RDH |9/3/2014 |7/1/2018 |1 |

|Public |Vacant | | | |

|Public |Richard Hatch |7/2/2013 |7/1/2018 |1 |

issues pending with or topics that could affect the board:

• Board staff is still trying to get emails from all licensees in order to go paperless with the renewals and all documents sent from the board office.

• There are 1830 licensee’s renewing this year out of the 1830 we don’t have emails for 150 licensees. Renewal postcards will be mailed to these 150 licensees all other licenses will receive notification via email.

• Board staff has started testing renewals and renewals were generated mid-April.

• The board has one public member vacant position.

• There are three professional members whose terms expired on July 1, 2014 and July 1, 2015.

• New licensing clerk was hired in February her name is Felicia Martinez.

statute/rule changes wanted by the board:

• New adopted rules went into effect on March 25, 2016.

the numbers


DD’S = 1,564 CDHC = 1

DA’S = 2,750 EFDA’s =3

DH’S = 1,360 NON-DENTIST OWNER = 24 ***Total Number of Complaints Received in 2016: 30

(Attachment B)

Report of the New Mexico Dental Hygienists' Association

to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and the Dental Hygienists Committee

April 22, 2016

Since the last meeting of the NM Board of Dental Health Care and Dental Hygienists Committee meeting, the New Mexico Dental Hygienists' Association (NMDHA) has been involved with the following:

Attended PMI Dental Hygiene Program Student Poster Sessions, January 22, 2016

• Promoted the NM Mission of Mercy to be held in Santa Fe. April 8-10, 2016

• Attended the High Desert Dental Hygienists' Society ABQ Day CE held in Albuquerque, March 11, 2016

• Actively promoting the joint NMDA & NMDHA Dental Access Legislative Task Force Agreement with legislators, legislative candidates and other stakeholders

• Participated with UNM DH Student American Dental Hygienists' Association to educate legislators about RDH

• Promoted support for the NM Special Olympics to be held in Albuquerque in May

• Attended PMI Dental Hygiene Program Pinning Ceremony and gave Poster Session Awards in Albuquerque, March 11, 2016

Future activities include:

• Attendance at the UNM DDH Student Table Clinics, April 21, 2016 at UNM DDH in Albuquerque

• Co-sponsoring of a RDH Hands-on Laser course with PMI, May 6, 2016 in Albuquerque

• NMDHA Mid-Year Meeting along with OSHA, CE and CPR certification, May 7, 2016 in Albuquerque

• Attendance at the San Juan Community College Dental Hygiene Program Pinning Ceremony May 13, 2016 in Farmington

• Attendance of members and Delegates at the ADHA Annual Meeting and CE , June 8- 14, 2016 in Pittsburgh, PA

• Participation in NM Special Olympics May, 28, 2016 in Albuquerque

• NMDHA Annual Meeting & Scientific Session September 23-24, 2016 in Albuquerque Respectfully Submitted,

Catherine Sovereign, MSNutr,, BSDH, RDN, RDH President, NMDHA

(Attachment C)

Pima Medical Institute

Dental Hygiene Program

Report to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care & Dental Hygiene Committee April 4, 2016

Current Demographics of Cohorts: The current census of the two cohorts enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program reflects the following statistics:

There are currently 51 active students enrolled in the program. Cohort 5 has 21 students and Cohort 6 has 30 students.

The average age of the student population is 31 years. The student population is 87% female and 13% male.

Faculty and Staff: The Program has four (4) full-time faculty; eleven (11) part-time faculty and 3.5 clinical support staff.

Graduating Class of 2016/Cohort 4:

The Program graduated our forth cohort on March 11, 2016. The graduating class consisted of 19 graduates.

Graduation Rate, Exam Pass Rate, and Employment Rate

• Program Completion/Graduation Rate = 19/30; 63%

• National Board Dental Hygiene Exam Pass Rate = Pending results. All 19 students sat for exam in late March; results not returned at time of report

• WREB Local Anesthesia Exam Pass Rate = 18/18; 100% (one student opted to not sit for WREB)

• CRDTS Clinical Exam Pass Rate = Scheduled for April 8-11, 2016 at PMI

• Employment Rates= Pending board results and subsequent licensure

New Cohort/Cohort 6:

The program started a new cohort on March 21, 2016. The Program accepted 30 students in cohort 6 and currently students are within their 3rd week in semester one.

Community Outreach/Clinical Activities:

Students are scheduled to partake in the Mission of Mercy event in Santa Fe, New Mexico April 9, 2016

Students and faculty will also participate in Special Olympics Special Smiles Event at the State Summer Games on May 21, 2016.

Community/Professional Activities:

Students in cohort 4, (the most recent graduating class) presented at the Program’s Annual Poster Session on January 22, 2016. The Program offered two (2) CE credits for attendance to licensed dental professionals. The Poster Session was very successful with a total of 86 dental professionals attending; 19 of which were PMI Dental Hygiene alumni.

Pima Medical Institute has collaborated with the New Mexico Dental Hygienists Association (NMDHA) to sponsor a hands-on simulation continuing education course, titled Laser Training for the Dental Hygienists presented by Janet Press, RDH on Friday, May 6 2016.

Programmatic Updates:

The program has expanded enrichment experiences for students to include outside entities as a means to provide exposure to non-traditional practice settings. Enrichment experiences that students participate in include the following:

• Health Care for the Homeless

• Dental Care in Your Home, Inc.

• Transdisciplinary Evaluation and Support Clinic (TEASC), UNM School of Family & Community Medicine

• Sandia Pediatrics, Danen Sjostrom, DDS, PhD

The program has implemented a peer teaching clinical rotation within our level II student clinic that has proven to be successful in facilitating critical thinking and extended thinking in students.

The program recently updated the student clinic to include chair-side computers in every operatory.

Regulatory Affairs:

The Program’s formal accreditation status of the program remains unchanged and the Program is in good standing with the Commission on Dental Accreditation.

Pima Medical Institute at large is in the process of preparing for a site visit with the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) in the fall of 2016. To date the Albuquerque campus has yet to be notified of the exact date the site team will visit.

In closing, Pima Medical Institute’s Albuquerque Dental Hygiene Program is proud of our accomplishments thus far and looks forward to continuing the development of future dental hygienists.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa (Missy) McDougal-Pleše, RDH, MS

Dental Hygiene Program Director

Pima Medical Institute- Albuquerque Campus 4400 Cutler Avenue, NE

Albuquerque, NM 87110 mplese@pmi.edu

(Attachment D)


APRIL 22, 2016



I attended the WREB HERB meeting in Phoenix. Arizona on March 11, 2016. The Committee was updated on all of WREB's dental hygiene exams which include Local Anesthesia, Restorative and Dental Hygiene. I am happy to report that WREB will include the Extra Oral, Intra Oral exam in the 2016 dental hygiene exam as a non-graded portion. In 2017, WREB plans to have this as a graded portion.

The Committee was informed of all the exams' content and plans for future changes. The year end statistics were then reviewed.

Board reports were then given. Of interest, the Oregon State Dental Board is going through strategic planning. They are also looking at removing the rule of how may assistants a dental hygienist can supervise as there is no rule for how many a dentist can supervise. Missouri is reviewing their limited teaching statute. North Dakota is now allowing Class I and Class V restoration placement by hygienists and dental assistants. A WREB Restorative exam or equivalent is required. This Board is continuing to monitor the contents of all the regional exams. Arizona is using the Buffalo model and has passed some expanded functions. Alaska has passed a radiology bill that will affect dental assistants. Alaska is considering accepting other regional exams. Wyoming is buttoning up inspections for practices giving conscious sedation. Assistants can now apply sealants. They are now looking at rules for radiology for assistants. Testing may be required. Hawaii accepts all regional boards for dental hygiene. Hawaii accepts only ADEX for dental. They added a CE requirement for dentists and dental hygienists that must include an ethics course.

(Attachment E)





APRIL 22, 2016

I am pleased to report that CDCA has appointed me to their Nominating Committee.

(Attachment F)


As related to DENTISTRY:

SB 263-opiod Prescription Monitoring (DOH B bill). Enacted. Required a PMP check before initial opioid prescription and every 3 months thereafter. Bill provides an exception for opioid prescriptions written for less than a 4 day supply.

This goes into effect January of 2017.

The Advisory Council is developing language for the guidelines and wants input from each Board and information on how each board will address and implement this law.

HB 277/SB262 – Administration of Opioid Antagonists (DOH bill). Enacted. Expands access to naloxone.

Allows standing orders to be written by a licensed prescriber. Anyone can store/possess/distribute naloxone.

CDC recommendations for prescribing opioids are attached. These are being evaluated and discussed by the Advisory Council as this relates to New Mexico.

I think that Dentistry should have an input into these conversations and a board staff should attend these meetings. As these meetings are held during normal working hours the Professional Members of the NMBDHC may not be able to attend due to practice commitments.


New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department


New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and

New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee

Toney Anaya Building ª% P.O. Box 25101 ª% Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

(505) 476-4680ª% Fax (505) 476-4545 ª% rld.state.nm.us


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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