Utah Agricultural Education

Utah Agricultural Education

I. Unit: Intro. to the FFA Instructor: Christensen Date: December 1, 2004

II. Goal: Students will learn the importance of FFA in the Agriculture Curriculum.

III. Objectives:

At the Completion of this Unit of Instruction the Student will be able to:

A. Match up important dates and incidents relating to the history of the FFA;

B. State the FFA Motto;

C. Memorize the FFA Creed;

D. Recognize the FFA Emblem and states the meanings of the symbols;

E. Name the four types of membership;

F. Define the FFA Degrees; and

G. Recognize the FFA Mission statement.

IV. Interest Approach:

- What is the FFA?

- Show video

V. Curriculum and Instruction:

Curriculum Instruction

|Match up important dates and incidents relating to the history of the FFA; |A1. PowerPoint Presentation. |

|1917- The Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act establishes vocational agriculture courses.| |

|1926- Father of the FFA: Henry C. Groseclose. |OR |

|1928- FFA was established, | |

|1st President: Leslie Applegate, |A2 Transparencies |

|Dues set at $ .10 cents | |

|National convention was held at Kansas City, MO. | |

|1929- Official Colors: National Blue and Corn Gold. | |

|Utah received there Charter | |

|1930- 3rd National Convention, Official Creed was adopted: | |

|Written By E. M. Tiffany. | |

|1933- Official Dress was introduced. | |

|1935- New Farmers of America (NFA) was formed for African- American boys. | |

|1944- The National FFA Foundation Inc, was Established in Washington D.C. | |

|Located today in Indianapolis, IN. | |

|1950- Congress passes | |

|Public Law 81-740, | |

|Grants the FFA a Federal Charter, | |

|FFA is an intracurricular part of the educational program. | |

|Revised in 1998, now PL 105-225. | |

|1953- FFA celebrates its Silver Anniversary: | |

|Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 1st President to speak at a National FFA Convention, | |

|U.S. Post Office issues stamp. |A3. Draw on the board the |

|1965- NFA merges with FFA. |three circles: |

|1969- Girls are allowed national membership. |-FFA |

|1971- National FFA Alumni Association is founded. |-Classroom Instruction |

|1988- Name changes to National FFA Organization, |- SAE. |

|FFA membership is opened to Middle School students. | |

|1996- National FFA Convention moves from Kansas City to Louisville, KY. | |

|FFA website; goes live. | |

|1998- National FFA Center was moved to Indianapolis, IN. | |

|Houses: National FFA Organization, National FFA Foundation and the National FFA Alumni Association. |A |

|1999- National Convention held in Louisville, KY. |L |

|2002- FFA at 75 years. |U |

| |M |

| |N |

| |I- 1971 |

|State the FFA Motto; |B1. PowerPoint |

|Learning to do, Doing to learn | |

|Earning to live, Living to serve |OR |

| | |

| |B2 Transparency |

|Memorize the FFA Creed; |C1. PowerPoint; have the |

| |students say it out load with |

|The creed was written by E. M. Tiffany and adopted at the Third National Convention of the FFA. It |you. |

|was revised at the 38th and 63rd Conventions. | |

|I believe in the future of agriculture with a faith born not of words but of deeds--achievements won|OR |

|by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better | |

|ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years. |C2. Transparency |

|I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is | |

|pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold |** In form them that this is |

|an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny. |one of there assignments and |

|I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work|that is to memorize the Creed |

|efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of |*** |

|progressive agriculturists to serve our won and public interest in producing and marketing the | |

|product of our toil. | |

|I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and | |

|enough honest wealth to help make it so--for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and | |

|more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends | |

|on me. | |

|I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national | |

|life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part | |

|in that inspiring task. | |

| | |

| | |

|Recognize the FFA Emblem and states the meanings of the symbols; |D1. PowerPoint |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] |OR |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] |D2. Transparencies |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] | |

|Names the four types of membership; |E1. PowerPoint |

|Active | |

|Honorary |OR |

|Collegiate | |

|Alumni |E2. Transparency |

| | |

|Define the FFA Degrees; and |F1. PowerPoint |

|Discovery FFA | |

| |OR |

|Greenhand FFA | |

| |F2. Transparency |

|Chapter FFA | |

| | |

|State FFA | |

| | |

|American FFA | |

|Recognize the FFA Mission statement. |G1. PowerPoint |

| | |

|FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of members by developing their potential for premier |OR |

|leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. | |

| |G2. Transparency |

Information about events:


The Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act establishes vocational agriculture courses.


Henry Groseclose, an agriculture teacher trainer and former agricultural education instructor, helps organize the Future Farmers of Virginia for boys in agriculture classes.  Soon similar groups are established across the country.  The FFV would be used as a model for creation of the FFA in 1928.


During the National Livestock Judging Contests, 33 students from 18 states establish the Future Farmers of America to provide leadership training for high school students of vocational agriculture.  During this first annual convention, Leslie Applegate of Freehold, N.J., is elected president and dues are set at 10 cents annually.  The national convention was held in Kansas City 1928-1998.


The official colors-national blue and corn gold-are adopted.  They are still used today.


At the 3rd National FFA Convention, The official creed is adopted.


Fredericktown, Ohio, FFA members arrive at the national convention in crisp, blue corduroy jackets with the FFA emblem on the back.  Official delegates vote to adopt the jacket as the organization's official dress.  Members still wear the nationally-recognized jackets today, honoring the tradition and history of FFA.  More than 50,000 are manufactured each year.


New Farmers of America (NFA), an organization for African-American boys interested in agriculture, is formed and eventually includes 13 states.  It is patterned after the New Farmers of Virginia formed in 1927. 


The U.S. Congress passes Public Law 81-740, which grants the FFA a Federal Charter and stipulates that a U.S. Department of Education staff member be the national FFA advisor.  Today FFA continues to be recognized by Congress as an intracurricular part of the educational program.


FFA celebrates its silver anniversary.  President Dwight D. Eisenhower is the first president to address a national FFA convention.  Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George Bush and Ronald Reagan would address the FFA in the future.  The U.S. Post Office issues a special stamp to commemorate the founding of the FFA.


The New Farmers of America (NFA), the organization for African-American agricultural education students, merges with the FFA, adding 50,000 members.


Women are allowed national membership, which made it possible for them to hold office and participate in competitive events at the regional and national level.  Prior to this amendment women were permitted membership only at the local and state level.  Today, 35% of FFA membership is female, while 47% of state leadership positions are held by women.


The National FFA Alumni Association is founded, providing opportunities for former FFA members and other supporters to become involved with their local student chapters.  Today, the Alumni Association has 42,000 members.


Delegates to the national FFA convention change "Future Farmers of America" to the "National FFA Organization" to recognize the growth of agriculture and agricultural education to encompass the more than 300 careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture.  Delegates also opened FFA membership to middle school students.


FFA announces its move of the national FFA convention from Kansas City, Mo., to Louisville, Ky.

The FFA web site, National FFA Online, goes live.  Today, there are more than 35,000 unique visitors per month.


The national convention was held in Kansas City for the last time in November 1998; the convention set an attendance record, drawing 49,240 members, guests and supporters.  Additionally, the National FFA Center was moved from Alexandria, Va., to Indianapolis, In. The National FFA Center houses the National FFA Organization, the National FFA Foundation and the National FFA Alumni Association.  Approximately 1,000 guests attended the dedication ceremonies on July 20, 1998.  And, much like the 1959 dedication, members participating in the State Presidents' Conference placed a cup full of soil from their respective state at the base of the flagpole.


The national FFA convention is held in Louisville, Ky., for the first time and will stay in Louisville through 2005; attendance was 46,918.

V. Review & Evaluation:


- Using the objective sheet, go through and pick out questions and information that will be tested on.

-Teacher digression- Use the game Jeopardy with categories: History, Degrees, Organizations, Legislation, Misc., FFA


- Unit test: 100% on lecture.

- Memorization of the Creed.

VI. Instructional Support

A. References

- 2003-2004 Official FFA Manuel. National FFA Organization.

- National FFA Organization: .

- Glen Rose FFA: .

B. Teaching Aids and Equipment

- Overhead projector and/or computer projector.

- Board with chalk/marker.

C. Facilities

- Agricultural Education Room/Building

Unit Exam for Introduction to the FFA.


Class Period: ________________

Date: __________________________

Matching: One Answer per blank. (24pts)

Dates Events

|FFA celebrates its Silver Anniversary |_____ 1917 |

|FFA was established |_____ 1928 |

|FFA website |_____ 1929 |

|Girls are given National membership |_____ 1930 |

|National Convention held in Louisville, KY |_____ 1935 |

|National FFA Alumni Association |_____ 1944 |

|National FFA Center was moved to Indianapolis. |_____ 1950 |

|National FFA Foundation |_____ 1969 |

|National FFA Organization |_____ 1971 |

|New Farmers of America |_____ 1988 |

|Official Colors were introduced |_____ 1996 |

|Official Dress was introduced. |_____ 1999 |

|Official FFA Creed was adopted | |

|Public Law 81- 740 | |

|Smith- Hughes Act | |

Fill-in-the-Blank: One word per Blank. (6 pts)

13. ______________to ____________,

Doing to _______________,

________________ to live,

_____________ to ____________.

Multiple Choice: Circle the correct answer. (2 pts each)

14. As part of the Emblem: What does the Eagle Represents?

a. Flight

b. Freedom

c. Labor

d. Unity

15. As part of the Emblem: What does the Owl represents?

a. Hard Work

b. Knowledge

c. Promise

d. Unity

16. Which one below is a type of Membership?

a. Active

b. Chapter

c. FFA

d. Local

Short Answer:

17. (4 pts) Name the four Types of Memberships.

18. (5 pts) Name the five degrees associated with Membership.

19. (6 pts) In the Mission Statement of the FFA, there are three things the FFA will do for you. What are these three things?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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