Mater Lakes Academy Middle / High

Biochemistry & Cytology____1.When water dissolves a substance, weak charges carried by water molecules attract the substance’s oppositely charged atoms and pull them away from their molecules. This is a function of which property of water?a.pHc.cohesionb.polarityd.surface tension____2.In classifying life-forms from cells to ecosystems, what form would follow animal cells?a.anismsb.societiesd.populations____3.What is one way in which all eukaryotic cells and all prokaryotic cells are similar?a.They reproduce sexually.c.They are contained in a cell membrane.b.They are roughly the same size.d.They share the same kinds of organelles.____4.A cell nucleus sends out molecules that carry instructions for protein synthesis. What is the destination of these molecules?a.enzymesc.cytoskeletonb.ribosomesd.cell membrane____5.Which structural component do DNA and RNA have in common?a.uracilc.phosphate moleculeb.deoxyribose sugard.double-stranded backbone____6.What is the smallest biological unit?a.cellc.anism____7.What do the cell wall of a plant cell and the plasma membrane of an animal cell have in common?a.They both are strong and rigid.b.They both perform active transport.c.They both consist of double layers of lipids.d.They both allow particles to enter and exit the cell.____8.Which statement best describes a stem cell’s ability to change into specialized cell types?a.Metabolism occurs in cells.b.Some organisms are unicellular.c.Stem cells result from viral infections of healthy cells.d.All cells in an organism have the same hereditary material.____9.What do the structure and function of a cell membrane most resemble?a.water permeating a tea bagb.a tea bag that does not allow water to permeatec.grains of tea that break through a tea bag and float into the cup of waterd.a tea bag that is permeated by water but does not allow grains of tea to be released____10.This figure below shows an animal cell.Which number corresponds to the organelle that produces cellular energy?a.1c.3b.2d.4____11.What is an example of the human body achieving homeostasis through thermoregulation?a.Sweat is produced when exercising to expel excess water.b.Sweat is produced when exercising to keep the body cool.c.In order to lower body temperature, extra melanin is produced in the skin.d.In order to keep the body warm in the winter, extra blood flows out to the fingers and toes.____12.Water is essential for life. Its special properties make water the single most important molecule in plant life. Which of the following properties of water enable it to move from the roots to the leaves of plants?a.Water expands as it freezes.c.Water exhibits cohesive behavior.b.Water is an excellent solvent.d.Water is able to moderate temperatures.____13.An osmosis investigation was conducted using chicken eggs to represent cells with semipermeable membranes. The mass of each egg was measured to determine how much water diffused into or out of the eggs. The eggs were first soaked in vinegar to dissolve the shell. Each egg was then placed in one of three different solutions for 24 hours. The table below shows the results of the investigation.OSMOSIS IN CELLSSolutionAverage Mass of Eggs Before Soaking (grams)Average Mass of Eggs After Soaking (grams)Difference in Average Mass (grams)Percent Change in Average MassVinegar(95% water)71.298.627.4+38.5Corn syrup(5% water)98.664.534.1-34.6Distilled water(100% water)64.5105.340.8+63.3Based on this experiment, which of the following should be inferred about cells with semipermeable membranes?a.Substances other than water may also cross the cell membrane.b.Substances other than water may block pores in the cell membrane.c.Water enters the cell when placed in environments of high water potential / concentration.d.Water leaves the cell when placed in environments with a low concentration of solutes.Figure 1A cell membrane is composed of a double layer of lipids in which many kinds of proteins are embedded. Many of these proteins act like gates, allowing only certain particles to enter or leave the cell.When a particle has to go against its concentration gradient through one of these gates, energy is supplied by the cell to the correct protein to move the particle through the membrane. A sodium-potassium ion pump is an example of a type of carrier protein that uses a large portion of the cell’s energy to move sodium ions through the cell membrane.____14.Use Figure 1 to answer this question. The sodium-potassium ion pump found in some cell membranes is made of which of the following basic structural components?a.amino acidsc.monosaccharidesb.fatty acidsd.nucleotides____15.Use Figure 1 to answer this question. What is a primary function of the cell membrane?a.determining genetic traitsc.breaking down proteins for energyb.defending against foreign particlesd.generating energy from mineral nutrients____16.Use Figure 1 to answer this question. Why does the study of cell membranes lead to a better understanding of cell function?a.All cell functions occur in the cell membrane.b.All energy transfers occur at the cell membrane.c.All cell membranes contain the information for making proteins.d.All materials needed for cell functions must pass through the cell membrane.____17.The cell theory was first proposed in 1838. Evidence obtained through additional scientific investigations resulted in the current cell theory. Which statement describes a component of the original cell theory that was removed because of the new scientific knowledge?a.All living things are made of cells.b.All cells come from other preexisting cells.c.Cells form through spontaneous generation.d.Cells are the basic structural and functional units of life.____18.There are some similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Which of the following structures is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?a.lysosomec.nucleusb.mitochondriond.ribosome____anisms classified as fungi have unique characteristics. Which of the following characteristics is found only in organisms classified in the kingdom Fungi?a.single cells without a nucleusb.multicellular with chloroplastsc.multicellular filaments that absorb nutrientsd.colonies of single, photosynthetic cells that reproduce asexually____20.Which of the following best describes a result of the polar nature of water molecules?a.Ionic compounds dissolve easily in water.b.The volume of water decreases by nearly half when it is frozen.c.Water molecules repel each other.d.Water molecules repel most other substances.____21.Water has a much higher specific heat than most other covalent compounds. What do you predict might happen if water had a low specific heat instead?a.Flooding would occur and animals would be forced to migrate.b.Harmful organisms living in water would reproduce at a rapid rate.anisms that are sensitive to changes in temperature would die.d.Plants would not have enough water to effectively carry out photosynthesis.____22.Which of the following best describes the difference between the functions of nucleic acids and enzymes?a.Nucleic acids are used as the building blocks of proteins, while enzymes are used as the building blocks of phospholipids.b.Nucleic acids contain the genetic code for protein synthesis, while enzymes catalyze chemical reactions.c.Nucleic acids inhibit biochemical reactions, while enzymes provide structural support in cells.d.Nucleic acids transmit signals that begin biochemical processes, while enzymes convert carbohydrates into lipids and proteins.____23.Which of the following best summarizes why the technological invention of microscopes was important to biology?a.It allowed for development of the cell theory.b.It created a means of funding for cell research.c.It created public interest and support for research.d.It proved that cells could form spontaneously.____24.Which statement best compares a eukaryote and a prokaryote?a.Eukaryotes have a cell wall, while prokaryotes have a cell membrane.b.Eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles, while prokaryotes have few specialized structures.c.Eukaryotes use active transport to move substances across the cell membrane, while prokaryotes use facilitated diffusion.d.Eukaryotes use flagella to move themselves through substances, while prokaryotes are not able to move.____25.Which of the following best compares the structures found in plant cells and animal cells?a.Animal cells contain cell walls and a large central vacuole while plant cells contain cell membranes and many small vacuoles.b.Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts, cell walls, or a large central vacuole while plant cells do.c.Plant cells contain rough endoplasmic reticulum and a Golgi apparatus while animal cells contain smooth endoplasmic reticulum surrounded by lysosomes.d.Plant cells have rigid cell walls and do not contain mitochondria or ribosomes while animal cells do.____26.Which of the following best compares the membranes found in different types of cells?a.Animal cells have cell membranes and cell walls, but plant cells do not have cell membranes.b.Animal cells have membrane-bound organelles, while plant cells carry out the functions necessary for life in the cytoplasm.c.Prokaryotes have only cell membranes, while eukaryotes have both cell walls and cell membranes.d.Prokaryotes and eukaryotes both have cell membranes, but eukaryotes also have membrane bound organelles.____27.Cells use passive and active transport to move materials across cell membranes in order to maintain a constant internal environment. What is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment called?a.diffusionc.homeostasisb.evolutiond.respiration____28.Which of these is a beneficial effect of prokaryotes?a.the breakdown of celluloseb.survival in hot, acidic environmentsc.production of billions of offspring per dayd.conjugation as a means of sexual reproduction____29.Of the following, which is considered a living organism?a.bacteriumc.nucleusb.mitochondriond.sperm____30.Which of the following examples illustrates osmosis?a.Water leaves the tubules of the kidney in response to the hypertonic fluid surrounding the tubules.b.Digestive enzymes are excreted into the small intestine.c.White blood cells consume pathogens and cell debris at the site of an infection.d.Calcium is pumped inside a muscle cell after the muscle completes its contraction.____31.If placed in a hypertonic solution, a plant cell willa.swellc.shrink in sizeb.burstd.remain constant in size____32.Which of the following “organisms” is considered to be an exception to the cell theory?a.bacteriac.amoebab.virusesd.yeast____33.The function of the cell organelle circled below is to produce energy.What is the name of this organelle?a.Golgi apparatusc.nucleusb.mitochondriond.ribosome____34.Athletes are often concerned with the question of how much protein they need in their diets because of the requirement of growing muscles for protein. Just as muscles need the basic building block of protein, protein itself has basic building blocks also. Which of the following are the basic building blocks of protein?a.nitratesc.monosaccharidesb.amino acidsd.nucleotides____35.Sodium chloride (table salt) is an example of which of the following? elementc.a chemical compoundb.a radioactive isotoped.a chemical formula____36.The drawing below illustrates a small portion of the molecules that make up a cell membrane.The phospholipid molecules serve cells recognize each otherb.allow glucose molecules into the cellc.prevent the passage of certain molecules into the celld.line up amino acids for protein synthesis____37.What is the main function of a selectively permeable cell membrane? of waterc.breaks down molecules within the of chemicalsd.regulates what enters and leaves the cell____38.A strand of DNA is exposed to intense heat. Which of these best describes what will happen to the strand of DNA?a.The chemical bonds of the DNA molecule will be broken.b.More nitrogen base pairs will add on to the DNA molecule.c.The chemical bonds of the DNA molecule will be strengthened.d.The nitrogen base pairs in the DNA molecule will switch places.____39.What is the role of hydrogen bonds in the structure of DNA? code for separate the synthesize connect the base pairs____40.Which structure is primarily responsible for directing all processes of a plant cell?a.chloroplastc.mitochondriab.lysosomed.nucleus____41.The following cell structures are located within cells that make proteins. Which description best explains the relationship among these cell structures in making a protein? ?nucleus ?ribosome ?endoplasmic reticulum (ER)a.nucleus makes protein; protein winds through the ER;protein folds into its active shapeb.nucleus directs ER to assemble the protein; ribosomes surround protein; protein folds into its active shapec.ER creates protein; DNA in the nucleus codes for ribosomes to surround protein; protein folds into its active shaped.DNA in nucleus codes for protein; protein assembled in ribosomes and moves to ER; protein folds into its active shape____42.Which of these would be least likely to diffuse across the phospholipid bilayer of a cell membrane?a.waterc.sodium ionsb.oxygend.carbon dioxide____43.What will happen if an animal cell that has a solute concentration of 1% is placed in a 5% saltwater solution?a.It will shrink because there is less water outside of the cell than there is on the inside.b.It will burst because there is more water on the outside of the cell than there is on the inside.c.It will burst because there is more water on the inside of the cell than there is on the outside.d.It will remain the same size because there is equal amount of water on the inside and outside of the cell.____44.Enzymes are classified as which of the following biological organic compounds?a.carbohydratesc.nucleic acidsb.lipidsd.proteins____45.Protein synthesis occurs at which of the structures shown below?a.Ic.IIIb.IId.IV____46.In examining a picture of a cell taken with an electron microscope, a student observes that the cell has a nucleus and a cell membrane, but not a cell wall. The student can correctly conclude that the cell probably comes froma.a sea-weedc.a fungusb.a animal____47.Placing wilted lettuce in cold water will make it crisp again. Which statement best describes what happens to restore the lettuce to its original condition?a.Water left the lettuce cells by diffusion.b.Water entered the cells of the lettuce by osmosis.c.Osmosis caused salts to enter the lettuce cells.d.Salts in the leaf caused water to leave the cells.____48.Which cell process will move substances against a concentration gradient?a.diffusionc.osmosisb.facilitated transport____49.The structure of the digestive tube in the grasshopper and earthworm consists of many folds. The folds affect the efficiency of food absorption by which of the following functions?a.increasing surface areac.increasing hormone secretionb.reducing transpirationd.reducing storage of sugar____50.An iodine solution is placed on the cut side of a potato. Within seconds, a blue-black color appears. What is most likely occurring?a.a positive test for proteinsc.a negative test for proteinsb.a positive test for starchesd.a negative test for starches____51.This diagram represents a cell.Which organelle is the site where amino acids are synthesized into proteins?a.1c.3b.2d.4____52.scientist treats a cell with a chemical that destroys the ribosomes. As a result, which cell process will be stopped?a.osmosisc.protein synthesisb.photosynthesisd.respiration____53.Sandworms are annelid worms that live on the sea floor. They absorb oxygen and excrete wastes through their skin. Which characteristic will best help the worm carry out these functions?a.Large number of heartsb.large diameter blood vesselsc.largemouth compared to body volumed.large surface area compared to body volume____54.A scientist performs an experiment to see if acids have an effect on the health of a particular type of plant. Three sets of plants were treated with acidic solutions of known pH while the control set was treated with a solution of neutral pH 7.Which is the best conclusion for this experiment?a.Acid has no effect on the health of this type of plant.b.High acidity is helpful to this type of plant.c.Low acidity is harmful to this type of plant.d.High acidity is harmful to this type of plant.____55.Which is the most likely function of a group of cells that contains a high number of chloroplasts?a.respirationc.fermentationb.transpirationd.photosynthesis____56.In humans, glucose is kept in balance in the bloodstream by insulin. Which concept does this best illustrate?a.adaptationc.metabolismb.anization____57.Some insects can stand on the surface of the water because:a.water has a high specific heatb.water has a high boiling pointc.water is a good evaporative coolantd.water’s molecules are cohesive and adhesive____58.Proteins are formed from monomers (subunits) calleda.amino acidsc.nucleic acidsb.fatty acidsd.ribonucleic acids____59.A student adds an unknown solution to a slide containing an animal cell. The student observes a decrease in the volume of the cell. This unknown solution isa.isotonicc.hypotonicb.osmoticd.hypertonic____60.The information was collected in the field while studying the effect of pH on the growth of the duckweed plant. The data shows that duckweed has optimum growth at a pH of a.4c.8b.6d.12____61.Certain poisons are toxic to organisms because they interfere with the function of enzymes in mitochondria. This results directly in the inability of the cell proteinsc.dispose of metabolic informationd.release energy from nutrients____62.The main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that –a.eukaryotic cells have no organellesb.prokaryotic cells are always much largerc.prokaryotic cells do not have a plasma membraned.eukaryotic cells have a more advanced cellular organization____63.According to this label, which nutrient is obtained mainly from the cereal?a.Calciumc.Proteinb.Niacind.Carbohydrate____64.Which organelle has the most control over a cell’s functions?a.Cell membranec.Nucleusb.Ribosomesd.Vacuole____65.The human body uses carbohydrates as aa.source of energyc.carrier of oxygenb.material for muscle productiond.coenzyme of metabolism____66.Which technology contributed most to the development of the cell theory?anic stainsc.Heat-resistant pound microscopesd.Adjustable gas burners____67.According to this label, one serving of this product would provide about 1/3 of the average daily value of —a.fatc.carbohydratesb.cholesterold.protein____68.Anton van Leeuwenhoek is credited with developing the first microscope. Which theory of biology was a direct result of Leeuwenhoek’s work?a.The theory of natural selectionc.The theory of independent assortmentb.The Gaia theoryd.The cell theory____69.Which molecule resembles the shape of a twisted ladder?a.DNAc.ATPb.Sugard.Lipid____70.Loriciferans are microscopic multicellular animals that live in various marine sediments. Scientists have discovered genera of Loriciferans in a deep-sea habitat that lacks oxygen. Before this discovery, some prokaryotes and some unicellular eukaryotes were known to inhabit anaerobic environments. Among the newly discovered Loriciferans is Spinoloricus sp. nov., which is pictured below.Spinoloricus sp. nov.Scientists determined that organisms of the genus Spinoloricus were eukaryotes and not prokaryotes because Spinoloricus cells have —a.flagellac.cell wallsb.hereditary materiald.nuclear membranes____71.The diagram below shows how a paramecium maintains homeostasis. A paramecium normally lives in a hypotonic environment in which water continually diffuses into the cell. To maintain homeostasis, the paramecium must pump out large amounts of water using its contractile vacuole.If the paramecium is then placed in a hypertonic environment, which of the following will occur?a.Water will diffuse into the paramecium.b.Water will diffuse out of the paramecium.c.Salt will be pumped out of the paramecium by the vacuole.d.Salt will be pumped into the paramecium by the vacuole.____72.Like complex carbohydrates, proteins are biomolecules that serve many functions and can be chemically broken down and restructured. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates are which of the following?a.Polymers of smaller subunitsc.Lipids of large moleculesb.Sequences of sugarsd.Nucleotides of DNA____73.a.b.c.d.____74.a.b.c.d.____75.a.b.c.d.____76.a.b.c.d.____77.a.c.b.d.____78.a.c.b.d.____79.a.c.b.d.____80.a.c.b.d.____81.Which of these statements is supported by the data shown in the table?a.Most kingdoms are made up of prokaryotic cells.b.All cells have nuclei for control of cell functions.c.Eukaryotic cells vary in covering and in food production.d.Each of the kingdoms has different organelles for metabolism.____82.The picture shows a coverslip correctly being lowered onto a slide. This method is used because it —a.allows microorganisms to move freely in the waterb.reduces the possibility of air bubbles on the slidec.prevents the escape of microorganisms found in the waterd.prevents the coverslip from moving____83.A microorganism which releases water into its environment to regulate its salinity during osmosis is undergoing a process that is similar to a human being who releases moisture on a hot day. This process that helps keep both the microorganism and the human body fluids in balance is known as —a.heredityc.cell divisionb.homeostasisd.mutation____84.\The above diagram shows the process of osmosis. Only the water molecules could enter the cell because water molecules —a.have more energy than the protein moleculesb.are more numerous than the protein moleculesc.are smaller than the protein moleculesd.contain more hydrogen atoms than the protein molecules____85.a.b.c.d.____86.According to this simplified water cycle, the process of transpiration is the process that —a.speeds the evaporation of waterc.causes photosynthesis in plantsb.increases the rate of the water cycled.releases water vapor from plants____87.Which of these statements best summarizes the cell theory?a.Cells contain a nucleus and other parts.b.Cells can be seen through a microscope.c.Cells come in different shapes and sizes.d.Cells are the building blocks of living things.____88.a.c.b.d.____89.a.It has ribosomes to make proteins.c.It has no membrane-bound nucleus.b.It has a cell membrane.d.It stores its genetic information in DNA.____90.Cells are the functional units that make up tissues. Tissues then become the functional units that make up —a.enzymesc.other cellsb.ans____91.The concentration of glucose must be maintained within a fairly narrow range in most vertebrates. This statement is an example of —a.excretionc.homeostasisb.fermentationd.glycolysis____92.Bacteria are tremendously successful unicellular organisms, yet all large organisms are multicellular. Unicellular organisms cannot grow very large because the — expenditures would be too greatb.diffusion of nutrients into the cell’s interior would be too slowc.locomotion of the organisms would be too slowd.respiratory rate would be too high____93.a.Attachmentc.Movementb.Catching preyd.Circulation____94.Which characteristic do viruses possess in common with living cells?a.They make their own food.b.They contain a nucleus and organelles.c.They are inactive outside the body of living cells.d.They contain nucleic acids such as DNA or RNA.____95.a.4c.3b.2d.1____96.a.?c.?b.?d.?____97.a.Milkc.Beansb.Applesd.Shrimp____98.a.c.b.d.____99.a.c.b.d.____100.a.c.b.d.____101.a.c.b.d.____102.a.b.c.d.____103.a.c.b.d.____104.a.c.b.d.____105.a.c.b.d.____106.a.c.b.d.____107.a.c.b.d.____108.a.c.b.d.____109.a.c.b.d.____110.a.c.b.d.____111.a.b.c.d.____112.a.c.b.d.____113.a.c.b.d.____114.a.c.b.d.____115.a.c.b.d.____116.a.c.b.d.____117.a.c.b.d.____118.a.c.b.d.____119.a.c.b.d.____120.a.c.b.d.____121.a.c.b.d.____122.a.b.c.d.____123.a.c.b.d.____124.a.c.b.d.____125.a.c.b.d.____126.a.b.c.d.____127.a.b.c.d.____128.a.c.b.d.____129.a.b.c.d.____130.a.b.c.d.____131.a.b.c.d.____132.a.c.b.d.____133.In 1665 Robert Hooke observed a thin slice of cork under a microscope and presented a drawing similar to the one shown. Hooke called the structures he observed —a.Chloroplastsc.stomatab.root hairsd.cells____134.In a typical animal cell, which component contains the greatest amount of water?a.Cell membranec.Ribosomesb.Cytoplasmd.Nucleus____135.Students in a biology class thought that salt water would affect the movements of planaria. They put 25 planaria in salt water and recorded their observations. Which flaw was present in the design of their experiment?a.There was no hypothesis.c.The sample was too big.b.There was no control.d.The procedure was too complicated.____136.The diagram shows a section of a cell membrane that includes a channel protein. The function of this protein is to —a.strengthen the outer boundary of the cellb.connect reproductive cells during fertilizationc.allow certain substances to enter or leave the organelles or chromosomes between specialized cells____137.Which set of materials would be best to use to prepare a wet mount slide of onion skin cells?a.b.c.d.____138.Under a microscope, a series of cells are observed that lack membrane-bound internal organelles. Which of these is the most likely cell type?a.Plant cellc.Eukaryotic cellb.Animal celld.Prokaryotic cell____139.As represented in the diagram below, bacteria have cell walls like plant cells do.Unlike the plant cell walls, however, the bacterial cell wall is made of which of the following?a.cellulose and starchesc.sugars and amino acidsb.chitin and fatsd.cellulose and sugars____140.To help patients replenish bodily fluids quickly during an illness, doctors need to understand how cells behave in their environment. Doctors have confidence in what they know about how cells behave becausea.cell theory has been tested, refined, and observed to be true over hundreds of yearsb.large medical institutions have conducted their own experiments justifying cell theoryc.the basics of cell theory have not changed much since the original experimentsd.what we know about cell theory has been published in reputable journals____141.Early elements of the cell theory followed soon after the development of Hooke's light microscope. What does this relationship suggest about the evolution of the cell theory since Hooke?a.Improvements in technology are closely related to changes in the cell theory.b.Isolated scientists contributed pieces of the cell theory to form the whole.c.Progress on the cell theory was delayed by a lack of technological progress.d.Scientists needed to focus less on cells and more on microscope development.____142.Which of the following characteristics defines a cell as a eukaryote?a.Being able to movec.Having a nucleusb.Being able to reproduced.Having ribosomes____143.When an animal has to survive without food for a long time, it will eventually break down proteins for energy. However, this process occurs only after exhausting the animal’s reserves ofa.DNA and RNA.c.carbon dioxide and water.b.carbohydrates and lipids.d.enzymes and nucleic acids.____144.A person fills a drinking glass with water until the water is bulging slightly over the glass rim. The property of water that prevents the water from spilling isa.pH.c.cohesion.b.osmosis.d.solubility.____145.Which property of water is shown below?a.pHc.adhesionb.polarityd.solubility____146.What is the primary difference between diffusion and osmosis?a.Diffusion requires energy input but osmosis does not.b.Diffusion does not require energy input but osmosis does.c.Diffusion is the movement of water from high to low concentration, while osmosis is the movement of any substance from high to low concentration.d.Diffusion is the movement of any substance from high to low concentration, while osmosis is the movement of water from high to low concentration.____plex molecules are broken down during cellular respiration and converted into smaller molecules containing energy. What are these complex molecules called?a.proteinsc.nucleic acidsb.enzymesd.carbohydrates____148.Which two transport mechanisms are considered to be passive?a.diffusion and osmosisc.endocytosis and osmosisb.diffusion and exocytosisd.exocytosis and endocytosis____149.Which subunit makes up a protein molecule?a.fatty acidsc.amino acidsb.nucleotidesd.monosaccharides____150.The presence of which cell structure can be used to differentiate between Bacteria and Eukarya?a.nucleusc.ribosomeb.cell walld.plasma membrane____151.Which set of organelles would be found in both human cells and plant cells?a.chloroplast, nucleus, and cell wallb.nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and cell wallc.mitochondria, nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulumd.mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, and centrioles____152.Which two types of molecules are found in all viruses and all protists?a.lipids and nucleic acidsc.nucleic acids and proteinsb.carbohydrates and lipidsd.carbohydrates and proteins____153.An amoeba can take in a large food particle by surrounding it and creating a vacuole. What is this method of feeding called?a.lysisc.exocytosisb.osmosisd.phagocytosis____154.Which process would be directly affected if all of a cell’s ribosomes were weakened?a.replicating DNAb.producing new proteinc.metabolizing glucose to produce ATPd.transporting nutrients across the cell membrane____155.Which best distinguishes between a plant cell and an animal cell?a.Plant cells have cell membranes, while animal cells have cell walls.b.Plant cells contain centrioles, while animal cells contain chloroplasts.c.Plant cells contain chloroplasts, while animal cells contain centrioles.d.Plant cells have small vacuoles, while animal cells have large vacuoles.____156.Unlike prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells have the capacity toa.assemble into multi-cellular organismsb.establish symbiotic relationships with other organismsc.obtain energy from the genetic information in the form of DNA____157.Inside eukaryotic cells are membrane-bound structures calleda.cell anellesb.ciliad.cytoplasm____158.Proteins are long chains or polymers made up ofa.nucleotidesc.amino acidsb.carbohydratesd.lipids____159.If scientists search other planets for possible life, they are likely to focus on the presence of molecules containing which of the following elements?a.carbonc.potassiumb.irond.sodium____160.Many land plants store energy in starch. When energy is needed, the starch molecules can be broken down quickly.This chemical reaction produces which of the following?a.amino acidsc.monosaccharidesb.lipidsd.RNA chains____161.Which of the following functions does active transport perform in a cell?a.packaging proteins for export from the cellb.distributing enzymes throughout the cytoplasmc.moving substances against a concentration gradientd.equalizing the concentration of water inside and outside the cell____162.Which of the following is a main function of the cell wall? store carbohydrates for later package proteins for give the cell a rigid carry out photosynthesis____163.Which of the following functions does active transport perform in a cell?a.packaging proteins for export from the cellb.distributing enzymes throughout the cytoplasmc.moving substances against a concentration gradientd.equalizing the concentration of water inside and outside the cell____164.Which of the following statements correctly matches a cell part with its function?a.The cell membrane packages lipids for export.b.The mitochondria perform photosynthesis.c.The lysosome digests molecules.d.The nucleus produces energy.____165.Many plants have waxy coatings on some surfaces. This coating reduces water loss because it is not water-permeable. This waxy coating is which of the following types of organic molecule?a.carbohydratec.nucleic acidb.lipidd.protein____166.If an animal cell is placed in distilled water, it will swell and burst. The bursting of the cell is a result of which biological process? transportc.osmosisb.enzyme activityd.respiration____167.In which of the following ways does a bacterial cell differ from an animal cell?a.A bacterial cell is much larger than an animal cell.b.A bacterial cell has more mitochondria than an animal cell.c.A bacterial cell has RNA for its genetic material, whereas an animal cell does not.d.A bacterial cell does not have membrane-bound organelles, whereas an animal cell does.____168.Scientists believe that the first organisms that appeared on Earth were prokaryotic. Which of the following best represents what the cell structure of these organisms may have looked like?a.c.b.d.____169.In the human body, fibrinogen is necessary for sealing cuts and stopping the loss of blood. Since fibrinogen is made of chains of amino acids, it is an example of which type of organic molecule?a.carbohydratec.fatty acidb.proteind.nucleic acid____170.A scientist is analyzing a sample of tissue from a plant. Which of the following elements will be most abundant in the sample?a.zinc and copperc.carbon and hydrogenb.sodium and chlorined.magnesium and calcium____171.The table below lists the concentrations of water inside and outside a cell under four different conditions.WaterWaterConditionConcentrationConcentrationin Cellin Environment190%95%290%100%395%90%495%95%Under which condition will the cell experience a net loss of water to its environment?a.Condition 1c.Condition 3b.Condition 2d.Condition 4____172.A biologist looks at an organism through a microscope. Which of the following observations tells the biologist that the organism is eukaryotic?a.The organism is unicellular.b.The organism moves with flagella.c.The organism has a cell membrane.d.The organism has membrane-bound organelles.____173.In the human digestive system, the enzyme trypsin acts on proteins. The optimal temperature for the enzyme is approximately 4?C. Which of the following graphs shows how the activity of the enzyme most likely relates to the temperature of the reaction environment?a.c.b.d.. ____174.A cell releases a chemical into the space surrounding it to communicate with nearby cells. Which of the following must occur for the communication to be successful?a.The chemical must be received by the nearby cells.b.The nearby cells must divide to produce more cells.c.The nearby cells must generate and send a nerve impulse.d.The same chemical signal must be produced within the nearby cells____anism A is eukaryotic, is unicellular, and lacks a cell wall. Organism B is eukaryotic, is multicellular, has a cell wall, and contains chloroplasts. In which kingdoms should these organisms be classified?anism A in Protista and organism B in anism A in Protista and organism B in anism A in Animalia and organism B in anism A in Animalia and organism B in Plantae____176.Which of the following lists of elements contains the most common elements in organic compounds?a.calcium, iron, and potassiumc.chlorine, phosphorus, and sodiumb.carbon, hydrogen, and oxygend.copper, magnesium, and sulfur____177.A diagram of a plant cell is shown below.Which number identifies the organelle that functions to store water and dissolve salts?a.1c.3b.2d.4____178.A lab technician needs to determine whether cells in a test tube are prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The technician has several dyes she could use to stain the cells. Four of the dyes are described in the table below. DyeTestacridine orangestains DNA and RNAosmium tetroxidestains lipidseosinstains cell cytoplasmNile bluestains cell nucleiWhich dye could the technician use to determine whether the cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic?a.acridine orangec.eosinb.osmium tetroxided.Nile blue____179.Which of the following statements best explains why oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood?a.The diaphragm draws oxygen into the alveoli at a rapid speed.b.Alveoli cells contain hemoglobin to transfer gases to the blood.c.The concentration of oxygen is greater in the alveoli than in the blood.d.Red blood cells move one at a time through the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.____180.Which of the following examples best illustrates the process of evolution by natural selection?a.A person with asthma has trouble breathing.b.A group of species has common DNA sequences.c.A man and a woman have 10 children over the course of their lifetime.d.A population becomes immune to a lethal disease over many generations.____181.One category of organic compounds contains molecules composed of long hydrocarbon chains. The hydrocarbon chains may be saturated or unsaturated. Which of the following categories of organic compounds contains these molecules?a.carbohydratesc.nucleic acidsb.lipidsd.proteins____182.In a cell, which of the following organelles most likely contains digestive enzymes?a.centriolec.lysosomeb.chloroplastd.ribosome____183.Which element is the main component of all organic molecules?a.carbonc.potassiumb.nitrogend.sodium____184.If a cell’s lysosomes were damaged, which of the following would most likely occur?a.The cell would produce more proteins than it needs.b.The cell would have chloroplasts that appear yellow rather than green.c.The cell would be less able to break down molecules in its cytoplasm.d.The cell would be less able to regulate the amount of fluid in its cytoplasm.____185.Prokaryotes are structurally simple organisms that have existed for over two billion years. Which of the following are prokaryotes?a.bacteriac.plantsb.fungid.protists____186.Which of the following best describes the composition of a nucleotide?a.a pair of six-carbon rings attached to each otherb.a carbon atom joined to hydrogen and three functional groupsc.a chain of carbon atoms with a carboxyl group bonded to one endd.a five-carbon sugar attached to a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base____187.Which of the following is the main reason that humans need to include carbohydrates in their diet?a.Carbohydrates are broken down in cells for energy.b.Carbohydrates combine to form many different proteins.c.Carbohydrates act as catalysts to speed up chemical reactions.d.Carbohydrates are the building blocks for cell growth and repair.____188.The diagrams show how carrier molecules allow passive and active transport. In the diagram of active transport, the letter X represents another molecule. This molecule provides energy for active transport but is not needed for passive transport.Which molecule is most likely represented by the letter X?a.waterc.ATPb.DNAd.oxygen____189.Vitamin D is an organic molecule that regulates the absorption of calcium by the body. Which of the following elements is most common in a molecule of vitamin D?a.aluminumc.magnesiumb.carbond.sodium____190.What do disaccharides, such as sucrose, and polysaccharides, such as starch, have in common?a.They are lipids made of fatty acids.b.They are proteins made of amino acids.c.They are nucleic acids made of nucleotides.d.They are carbohydrates made of simple sugars.____191.Which type of molecule in the yolk of a chicken egg provides the most energy for a developing chick?a.lipidc.saltb.nucleic acidd.water____192.Many animals have either internal or external skeletons that provide support and structure. Which of the following parts of plant cells play a similar role?a.cell membranesc.chloroplastsb.cell wallsd.cytoplasm____193.What is the function of the selectively permeable plasma membrane? store chemical and heat energy inside the control the movement of substances into and out of the control the movement of red blood seep up chemical reactions____194.Which structure is in all living cells?a.vacuolec.ribosomeb.chloroplastd.nucleous____195.Stem cells are cells that do not have a specific function. What must happen to these cells for them to become specialized cells like heart muscle cells?a.Certain genes in the cell have to become activated to cause special enzymes to form.b.The nucleus in the stem cell must become bigger and more DNA has to be produced.c.The cells must begin to divide by mitosis.d.The cells must begin to divide by meiosis____196.This diagram represents a plant cell.What is most likely found in the structure marked?a.Carbonc.Waterb.Chloroplastsd.DNA____197.Which function do cilia perform?municationc.excretionb.digestiond.movement____198.What are the main molecules that make up muscle fibers?a.lipidsc.carbohydratesb.proteinsd.nucleic acids____199.Which base bonds with adenine in DNA?a.Uracylc.Cytosineb.Thymined.Guanine____200.Which substance provides the instructions for producing proteins?a.ATPc.H2Ob.DNAd.FAT____201.What process best explains how a nerve cell and a muscle cell can both develop from the same fertilized egg?a.differentiationc.selective breedingb.natural selectiond.genetic engineering____202.Which statement best describes the relationship that exists among proteins, DNA, and cells?a.Proteins combine to produce cells, which produce DNA.b.Proteins are made up of DNA, which determines the cells that are produced.c.DNA is made up of proteins, which tell a cell how to function.d.Cells contain DNA, which controls the production of proteins.____203.What are the subunits of DNA and their function?a.nucleotides that store informationb.monosaccharides that provide quick energy for the cellc.lipids that store energy and provide insulationd.proteins that provide the building blocks for the structural components of organisms____204.This diagram shows a plant cell. Which structure is found in a plant cell but is absent in an animal cell? a.1c.3b.2d.4____205.Which best explains why muscle cells are different from blood cells?a.A mutation occurs during the development of muscle cells but not in blood cells.b.Different genes are activated in muscle cells than in blood cells.c.Muscles cells experience different environmental influences than blood cells.d.Muscle cells are produced by the brain, but blood cells are produced by the heart.____206.A freshwater plant is placed in a container of saltwater. What will most likely happen to the cells of the plant?a.They will swell because water will move into them.b.They will swell because salt will move into them.c.They will shrink because water will move out of them.d.They will shrink because salt will move out of them.____207.If energy is needed to move materials into or out of a cell, what is most likely occurring? transportc.osmosisb.passive transportd.diffusion____208.How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells similar?a.Both contain a nucleus.b.Both contain ribosomes.c.Both contain membrane-bound organelles.d.Both contain cell walls.____209.These diagrams represent a Euglena and a Paramecium. Euglena ParameciumWhich function do the pointed structures have in common?a.digestionc.movementb.gathering foodd.reproduction____210.Which would be the best evidence that a cell is using active transport to move a substance across its cell membrane?a.Substances are moving rapidly across the cell membrane.b.ATP is being rapidly consumed near the cellular membrane.c.Substances are moving from high to low concentrations.d.Substances are moving through channels in the cell membrane.____211.A sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base form the building blocks of which organic compound?a.carbohydratesc.nucleic acidsb.lipidsd.proteins____212.A student learns about the special characteristics of water in biology class. She knows that water will rise through a narrow tube through capillary action. Which of the following experiments would demonstrate that water has this ability?a.placing a bouquet of white carnations in water containing blue dye and noting that after a time, the flowers turn blueb.filling a container to the very top with water and noting that after the water is placed in freezing conditions, the ice has expanded above the brim of the containerc.heating an identical mass of water and metal to the same temperature and noting that after a time, the metal has cooled faster than the water hasd.taking the pH of water and finding that it is exactly neutral____213.The illustration below depicts a paramecium. Paramecia have star-shaped organelles called contractile vacuoles that move water from inside to outside the cell. The data presented in the table below were obtained in an experiment in which paramecia were placed in different salt concentrations. The rate at which the contractile vacuole contracted to pump out excess water was recorded.How could you explain the observed relationship between the rate of contractile vacuole contraction and the salt concentration?a.When the salt concentration outside the cell is very high, diffusion causes water to move inside the cell, and the contractile vacuole has to contract more rapidly.b.When the salt concentration outside the cell is very low, diffusion causes water to move outside the cell, and the contractile vacuole has to contract more rapidly.c.When the salt concentration outside the cell is very high, diffusion causes water to move outside the cell, and the contractile vacuole does not need to contract as rapidly.d.When the salt concentration outside the cell is very low, diffusion causes water to move outside the cell, and the contractile vacuole does not need to contract as rapidly.____214.The ion (salt) concentration of sea water is three times that of most marine fishes’ tissues. As a result, these fishes lose water to the environment through osmosis. To make up for the lost water, fishes drink sea water and pump out the excess salt through their gills. Freshwater fishes have the opposite problem. Their bodies contain more salt than the surrounding water, so they tend to take in water by osmosis. The additional water dilutes their body salts. Freshwater fishes regain salts by actively taking them in from their environment. Because of these challenges, few fish can move between salt water and fresh water.The figure shows ion excretion in a fish as it moves from one body of water to another. What kind of water is the fish initially swimming in?a.fresh waterc.brackish waterb.salt waterd.hypersaline water____215.A florist places a bouquet of white carnations in water containing blue dye. After a time, the flowers turn blue. What process helped the carnations to change color?a.water’s ability to form crystalsb.formation of covalent bonds between hydrogen and oxygen moleculesc.ability of H2O to dissolve NaCld.cohesion and adhesion of water molecules____216.What is the attractive force between two of the same kind of particle?a.adhesionc.cohesionb.capillary actiond.polarity____217.Surface carbohydrates, branching chains of sugar units on the surface of some bacteria, are MOST similar to which of the following?a.artificial sweetenerc.a metal personal identification braceletb.wood used for a campfired.the hide of an animal____218.Water is one of the most important nonliving (abiotic) components of any ecosystem. Water passes through plants and evaporates from their leaves in a process known asa.photosynthesis.c.respiration.b.precipitation.d.transpiration.____219.The combined observations of Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchin resulted in the formation of the cell theory. Which of the following is NOT part of this theory?a.All cells come from existing cells.b.The cell is the basic unit of all living things.c.All organisms are made up of one or more cells.d.All cells contain a nucleus.____220.Susan finds some old celery in the refrigerator. When she picks it up, she finds that it is limp and bendable. She places the celery in a bowl of water for an hour. When she returns, she finds that the celery stalk is rigid. Which organelle in the cells of the celery is responsible for this change?a.cell membranec.chloroplastb.nucleusd.central vacuole____221.A student conducted an experimental investigation of the gas production of a water plant. She placed a beaker upside down over a water plant submerged in water and collected the gas that the water plant produced when kept in sunlight.After six hours, the contents of the test tube were analyzed and a significant amount of oxygen was measured. Which of the following organelles was responsible for this change?a.central vacuolec.chloroplastb.nucleusd.cell wall____222.Which of the following does NOT describe a function of the cell membrane?a.Cell membranes maintain homeostasis by controlling the movement of substances into and out of the cell.b.The cell membrane contains many different proteins that enable a cell to detect and respond to its surroundings.c.The cell membrane participates in both active and passive transport.d.The cell membrane aids in both mitosis and meiosis.____223.A student made this sketch of a paramecium during a laboratory investigation.A paramecium is able to move on its own. Which of the following allows a paramecium to move?a.contractile vacuolec.flagellab.micronucleusd.cilia____224.Which of the following properties could be used to distinguish between an organism in the domain Bacteria and an organism in the domain Eukarya?a.uses energy to carry out multiple functionsb.uses simple mechanical motion to move aroundc.contains membrane-bound composed of organic chemicals such as amino acids____225.Which of the following would happen if the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the cell of an organism lost all of its ribosomes?a.Protein production in the organism would stop.b.Storage of proteins within the cell would increase.c.ATP production in the cell would stop.d.Proteins would no longer be exported from the cell.____226.How are cells that form tissues different from cells that form colonies?a.All cells can be organized to form tissues, but only independent unicellular prokaryotic cells can form colonies.b.Independent cells of unicellular prokaryotes form tissues, but individual cells of multicellular eukaryotes can only form colonies.c.Interdependent cells of multicellular eukaryotes form tissues, but individual cells of some unicellular organisms can only form colonies.d.All cells can form either tissues or colonies, but only interdependent cells of multicellular eukaryotes form tissues.____227.An oxygen molecule comes into contact with the outside of a cell’s lipid bilayer. What process would allow the molecule to move into the cell?a.osmosisc.facilitated diffusionb.simple transport____228.The diagram below shows a cell with several structures identified.Which structure is MOST like a town library, where information to help run the town is stored?a.endoplasmic reticulumc.nucleusb.mitochondriond.ribosome____229.Which of these is capable of moving quickly in response to its environment?a.b.c.d.____230.According to endosymbiotic theory, which kingdom represents organisms that may have given rise to mitochondria and chloroplasts?a.Archaebacteriac.Fungib.Eubacteriad.Protists____231.A student mistakenly transfers a protozoan from a marine culture to a drop of fresh water ona microscope slide. While observing the slide, the student notices that the protozoan begins to swell and quickly transfers the organism back into a drop of salt water. What process did the student observe? transportc.endocytosisb.osmosisd.exocytosis____232.Which of the following BEST describes the factors that influence protein folding?a.Protein folding depends on the sequence of amino acids and fatty acids that make up the protein.b.Protein folding results from the interactions of the double helix and the nucleotide bases that form it.c.Protein folding is completely dependent on how amino acids interact with transfer RNAmolecules.d.Protein folding depends on the sequence of amino acids, the interactions of amino acids with each other, and the interaction of amino acids with water.____233.What are the bonds between water molecules called?a.covalent bonds onlyc.ionic and covalent bondsb.hydrogen bonds onlyd.covalent and hydrogen bonds____234.What is the name of a cell vesicle that contains enzymes that destroy damaged cell organelles?a.endoplasmic reticulumc.lysosomeb.Golgi complexd.mitochondria____235.Which of the following is a characteristic of active transport?a.It moves substances with a concentration gradient.b.It requires energy from the cell.c.It involves facilitated diffusion.d.It relies on vesicles that often function as pumps.____236.The single-celled organism shown in the illustration below uses a whiplike structure to move.What is the whiplike structure called?a.nucleusc.ciliab.chloroplastd.flagellum____237.Which organelles consist of membranous tubes and sacs and serve as part of the cell’s packag- ing and transport system?a.mitochondria and lysosomesb.mitochondria and chloroplastsc.ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulumd.Golgi apparatus and smooth endoplasmic reticulum____238.Which of the following are found in eukaryotes but NOT in prokaryotes?a.mitochondriac.cell membranesb.DNAd.receptor proteins____239.The movement of materials across the cell membrane is vital to the health of the cell and the organism as a whole. Which of the following movements would require active transport?a.moving a substance down a concentration gradientb.moving a substance against a concentration gradientc.moving a substance from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentrationd.moving a substance by osmosis____240.A community of plants growing in a terrarium can grow even if the terrarium is sealed.Which of these possible explanations is NOT a reasonable hypothesis to explain how this can happen?a.A particular plant in the terrarium does not appear as healthy as other plants.b.There was enough carbon dioxide initially to support the growth for a long time.c.Some kind of decomposer that releases carbon dioxide is growing in the terrarium.d.The sealed terrarium actually has small openings that allow exchange of air with the out- side environment.____241.In all organisms and viruses, what type of biological molecules contains instructions for specifying the characteristics of living things?a.carbohydratesc.nucleic acidsb.lipidsd.proteins____242.Look at the diagram of a cell below.Which structure is MOST like a furnace that heats your home?a.endoplasmic reticulumc.nucleusb.mitochondriond.ribosome____243.Which of the following are proteins in your body?a.collagen and hemoglobinc.glycogen and fructoseb.cholesterol and antibodiesd.chlorophyll and hemoglobin____244.Enzymes in your body probably work BEST at what temperature?a.25°Cc.37°Cb.30°Cd.98°C____245.A red blood cell has a flattened disc shape, as illustrated below.What advantage does the shape of a red blood cell provide?a.increases its surface area-to-volume ratio so it can take in nutrients efficientlyb.decreases its surface area-to-volume ratio in order to limit cell growthc.increases its surface area-to-volume ratio so that the cell can grow much largerd.decreases its surface area-to-volume ratio so more cells can fit in a blood vessel____246.The table below compares bacteria and eukaryotes.Which of the comparisons in the table is NOT correct?parison parison parison parison D____247.Which membrane proteins transmit information into the cell by responding to signal molecules?a.carrier proteinsc.marker proteinsb.receptor proteinsd.structural proteins____248.Why does the human body require carbohydrates, proteins, and fats?a.The body uses these nutrients to synthesize inorganic compounds.b.The body uses these vitamins to synthesize and maintain bones and nerves.c.The body uses these organic compounds to provide energy to maintain life processes.d.The body uses these inorganic compounds to maintain life processes and reproduce.____249.As the pH of an aquatic ecosystem decreases, there is a gradual decline in the plant and animal population. At a pH of 5.5, bacterial decomposers begin to die. At a pH of about 4.5, mostfish are dead. How does pH = 4.5 compare to pH = 5.5? A pH of 4.5 isa.5 times less acidic.c.2 times more acidic.b.5 times more acidic.d.10 times more acidic.____250.The following section focuses on different lemur species of Madagascar.Read the information below and use it to answer the four multiple-choice questions and one open-response question that follow.Madagascar is an island located off the east coast of Africa, as shown on the map below.Madagascar has a unique animal community. Lemurs are one of the animal groups that have diversified extensively on Madagascar. Lemurs are primates, which is an order of mammals that also includes monkeys and apes. Lemur species vary widely in habitat, diet, size, and color. Lemurs only live on the island of Madagascar. However, fossil evidence shows that lemur ancestors existed on Africa’s mainland. Scientists hypothesize that lemur ancestors reached Madagascar by floating across the Mozambique Channel on matted clumps of vegetation.Lemurs’ bodies are adapted to efficiently store energy for times when food is scarce. This adaptation may help to explain how lemur ancestors survived the trip across the Mozambique Channel from mainland Africa to Madagascar. Which of the following types of molecules are primarily used for long-term energy storage in the lemur?a.lipidsc.nucleic acidsb.monosaccharidesd.proteinsBiochemistry & CytologyAnswer SectionMULTIPLE CHOICE1.ANS:BPTS:12.ANS:APTS:13.ANS:CPTS:14.ANS:BPTS:15.ANS:CPTS:16.ANS:APTS:17.ANS:D6N1401NX PTS:18.ANS:DPTS:19.ANS:DPTS:110.ANS:APTS:111.ANS:BPTS:112.ANS:CPTS:113.ANS:CPTS:114.ANS:APTS:115.ANS:BPTS:116.ANS:DPTS:117.ANS:CPTS:118.ANS:DPTS:119.ANS:CPTS:120.ANS:APTS:121.ANS:CPTS:122.ANS:BPTS:123.ANS:APTS:124.ANS:BPTS:125.ANS:BPTS:126.ANS:DPTS:127.ANS:CPTS:128.ANS:APTS:129.ANS:APTS:130.ANS:APTS:131.ANS:CPTS:132.ANS:BPTS:133.ANS:BPTS:134.ANS:BPTS:135.ANS:CPTS:136.ANS:CPTS:137.ANS:DPTS:138.ANS:APTS:139.ANS:DPTS:140.ANS:DPTS:141.ANS:DPTS:142.ANS:CPTS:143.ANS:APTS:144.ANS:DPTS:145.ANS:CPTS:146.ANS:DPTS:147.ANS:BPTS:148.ANS:DPTS:149.ANS:APTS:150.ANS:BPTS:151.ANS:BPTS:152.ANS:CPTS:153.ANS:DPTS:154.ANS:DPTS:155.ANS:DPTS:156.ANS:BPTS:157.ANS:DPTS:158.ANS:APTS:159.ANS:DPTS:160.ANS:CPTS:161.ANS:DPTS:162.ANS:DPTS:163.ANS:DPTS:164.ANS:CPTS:165.ANS:APTS:166.ANS:BPTS:167.ANS:CPTS:168.ANS:DPTS:169.ANS:APTS:170.ANS:DPTS:171.ANS:BPTS:172.ANS:APTS:173.ANS:CPTS:174.ANS:DPTS:175.ANS:BPTS:176.ANS:DPTS:177.ANS:APTS:178.ANS:APTS:179.ANS:DPTS:180.ANS:CPTS:181.ANS:CPTS:182.ANS:BPTS:183.ANS:BPTS:184.ANS:CPTS:185.ANS:DPTS:186.ANS:DPTS:187.ANS:DPTS:188.ANS:BPTS:189.ANS:CPTS:190.ANS:DPTS:191.ANS:CPTS:192.ANS:BPTS:193.ANS:CPTS:194.ANS:DPTS:195.ANS:APTS:196.ANS:APTS:197.ANS:BPTS:198.ANS:APTS:199.ANS:APTS:1100.ANS:CPTS:1101.ANS:BPTS:1102.ANS:BPTS:1103.ANS:DPTS:1104.ANS:DPTS:1105.ANS:BPTS:1106.ANS:DPTS:1107.ANS:BPTS:1108.ANS:CPTS:1109.ANS:CPTS:1110.ANS:DPTS:1111.ANS:DPTS:1112.ANS:CPTS:1113.ANS:CPTS:1114.ANS:DPTS:1115.ANS:DPTS:1116.ANS:DPTS:1117.ANS:APTS:1118.ANS:DPTS:1119.ANS:CPTS:1120.ANS:APTS:1121.ANS:CPTS:1122.ANS:DPTS:1123.ANS:CPTS:1124.ANS:APTS:1125.ANS:CPTS:1126.ANS:DPTS:1127.ANS:APTS:1128.ANS:CPTS:1129.ANS:BPTS:1130.ANS:CPTS:1131.ANS:APTS:1132.ANS:CPTS:1133.ANS:DPTS:1134.ANS:BPTS:1135.ANS:BPTS:1136.ANS:CPTS:1137.ANS:DPTS:1138.ANS:DPTS:1139.ANS:CPTS:1140.ANS:APTS:1141.ANS:APTS:1142.ANS:CPTS:1143.ANS:BPTS:1144.ANS:CPTS:1145.ANS:BPTS:1146.ANS:DPTS:1147.ANS:DPTS:1148.ANS:APTS:1149.ANS:CPTS:1150.ANS:APTS:1151.ANS:CPTS:1152.ANS:CPTS:1153.ANS:DPTS:1154.ANS:BPTS:1155.ANS:CPTS:1156.ANS:APTS:1157.ANS:CPTS:1158.ANS:CPTS:1159.ANS:APTS:1160.ANS:CPTS:1161.ANS:CPTS:1162.ANS:BPTS:1163.ANS:CPTS:1164.ANS:CPTS:1165.ANS:BPTS:1166.ANS:CPTS:1167.ANS:DPTS:1168.ANS:CPTS:1169.ANS:BPTS:1170.ANS:CPTS:1171.ANS:CPTS:1172.ANS:DPTS:1173.ANS:APTS:1174.ANS:A.PTS:1175.ANS:BPTS:1176.ANS:BPTS:1177.ANS:CPTS:1178.ANS:DPTS:1179.ANS:CPTS:1180.ANS:DPTS:1181.ANS:BPTS:1182.ANS:CPTS:1183.ANS:APTS:1184.ANS:CPTS:1185.ANS:APTS:1186.ANS:DPTS:1187.ANS:APTS:1188.ANS:CPTS:1189.ANS:BPTS:1190.ANS:DPTS:1191.ANS:APTS:1192.ANS:BPTS:1193.ANS:BPTS:1194.ANS:CPTS:1195.ANS:APTS:1196.ANS:CPTS:1197.ANS:DPTS:1198.ANS:BPTS:1199.ANS:BPTS:1200.ANS:BPTS:1201.ANS:APTS:1202.ANS:DPTS:1203.ANS:APTS:1204.ANS:BPTS:1205.ANS:BPTS:1206.ANS:CPTS:1207.ANS:APTS:1208.ANS:BPTS:1209.ANS:CPTS:1210.ANS:BPTS:1211.ANS:CPTS:1212.ANS:APTS:1213.ANS:CPTS:1214.ANS:APTS:1215.ANS:DPTS:1216.ANS:C‘PTS:1217.ANS:CPTS:1218.ANS:DPTS:1219.ANS:DPTS:1220.ANS:DPTS:1221.ANS:CPTS:1222.ANS:DPTS:1223.ANS:DPTS:1224.ANS:CPTS:1225.ANS:DPTS:1226.ANS:CPTS:1227.ANS:BPTS:1228.ANS:CPTS:1229.ANS:DPTS:1230.ANS:BPTS:1231.ANS:BPTS:1232.ANS:DPTS:1233.ANS:BPTS:1234.ANS:CPTS:1235.ANS:BPTS:1236.ANS:DPTS:1237.ANS:DPTS:1238.ANS:APTS:1239.ANS:BPTS:1240.ANS:APTS:1241.ANS:CPTS:1242.ANS:BPTS:1243.ANS:APTS:1244.ANS:CPTS:1245.ANS:APTS:1246.ANS:DPTS:1247.ANS:BPTS:1248.ANS:CPTS:1249.ANS:DPTS:1250.ANS:APTS:1 ................

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