Ch 2 – Chemistry Test Review Sheet - Hartland High School

Anatomy & Physiology Unit 2 Test Review Name_______KEY_______________________Hr______

Study Chapter 3, Class Notes, and Lab Handouts

Match the tissue type with the description below:





1. __Epithelial________ forms membranes

2. __Muscle__________ allows for movement of limbs and for organ movement within the body

3. __Nervous_________ uses electrochemical signals to carry out its functions

4. __Connective______ supports and reinforces body organs

5. __Epithelial_______ cells of this tissue may absorb and/or secrete substances

6. __Nervous__________ are the units for the major controlling system of the body

7. __Muscle__________ its cells shorten to exert force

8. __Epithelial________ forms endocrine and exocrine glands

9. __Connective_______ surrounds and cushions body organs

10. __Connective_______ characterized by having large amount of extracellular material

11. __Muscle__________ allows you to smile, grasp objects, swim, ski, and throw a ball.

12. __Connective_______ most widely distributed tissue type of the body

13. __Nervous_________ forms the brain and spinal cord

14. __Epithelial________ forms the outer layers of the skin

Individual Tissue Practice

1. Epithelial cells in several layers are said to be __stratified____________________

2. Epithelial cells in single layers are said to be __simple______________________

3. Epithelial cells that are taller than wide are called __columnar_________________________

4. Another name for fatty tissue is __adipose_____________________________

5. Flat epithelial cells with bulging centers are called __squamous___________________________

6. Involuntary muscle tissue that is un-striated would be called __smooth_____________________

7. Muscle tissue which is striated but involuntary would be called __cardiac______________________

8. Most connective tissues are well vascularized, meaning they have a good blood supply. Which connective tissues represent an exception? __dense connective (tendons & ligaments)_________________________

9. What are the functions of adipose tissue? __insulation, protection, cushioning, long term energy storage___

10. The thin epithelium that lines a blood vessel or an air sac in the lungs (alveoli) is called: _simple squamous_

11. The major type of tissue that covers the body surfaces, lines cavities and forms glands is _epithelial___tissue.

12. _B__ Which one of the following list of cells is not a type of epithelial cell?

A. Stratified squamous

B. Dense fibrous

C. Pseudostratified columnar

D. Simple cuboidal

13. The type of epithelial capable of stretching or distention with cells of different shapes is called ___transitional__________

14. The type of epithelial tissue that is ciliated and lines the inside edge of the trachea and bronchi is called _psueudostratified columnar____

15. The type of epithelial tissue prevalent in the kidney tubules where only a single layer of cells is necessary is called __simple cuboidal________.

16. The type of epithelial tissue that lines the majority of our digestive organs and works in conjunction with the mucus producing goblet cells is called __simple columnar_________.

17. The out 5 layers of skin (epidermis) where friction/abrasion is common are composed of _stratified squamous epithelium_____.

18. The inner lining of the esophagus and mouth is composed of __stratified squamous epithelium_____________.

19. What type of tissue has long projections/extensions called axons and dendrites? __nervous tissue____________

Matching: Connective Tissues

Adipose Connective

Areolar Connective

Reticular Connective

Dense Connective

Elastic Cartilage

Hyaline Cartilage


Bone or Osseous


__Dense Connective ___ full of collagen fibers, makes up tendons and ligaments of the body

__Adipose Connective__ stores fat globules for insulation and protective coatings

__Dense Connective & Areolar Connective_ the skins dermis is primarily this type of tissue

__Bone or Osseous___ hardest tissue of our “skull cap”

__Areolar Connective__ gel-like matrix capable of reducing edema (swelling), contains all fiber types

__Hyaline Cartilage___ forms entire fetal skeleton, also prevalent in the cartilage of ribs and rigid parts of trachea

__Adipose Connective__ used for long-term energy storage

__Bone or Osseous___ cells are arranged in concentric circles around a central canal, hard matrix of mineral salts

__Fibrocartilage_____ contains collagen fibers, forms the intervertebral disks where compression is frequent

__Reticular Connective__ makes the supporting framework (stroma) of lymphoid organs

__Elastic Cartilage____ found the supporting structures of the external ear, highly flexible

__Blood___________ provides the medium for nutrient transport throughout the body

__Reticular Connective __ loaded with white blood cells, prevalent in organs like the spleen and lymph nodes

Matching: Epithelial Vocabulary










1. One single layer of cells __Simple____________

2. Cube shaped cells __Cuboidal___________

3. Cell tissue that discharges into ducts __Exocrine___________

4. Many layers of cells___Stratified_______________

5. A group of cells with the same specialized purpose___Tissue______________

6. A group of cells that appear to be in layers __Stratified____

7. Tissues whose cells change from squamous to cuboidal __Transitional__________

8. Tissue cells that secrete directly into the blood __Endocrine____________

Matching Epithelial Tissue

Simple Squamous Simple Cuboidal Simple Columnar Transitional

Pseudostratified Columnar Stratified Squamous Stratified Cuboidal Stratified Columnar

1. Long cells with nuclei near basement membrane Simple Columnar, Stratified Columnar, Pseudostratified

2. Single layer of flat cells __Simple Squamous____

3. Tissue for absorbing & secreting in the digestive system ___Simple Columnar_______________

4. Tissue whose flat cells are in a single layer for easy diffusion _Simple Squamous______

5. Tissue which has specialized cells with microvilli for absorption __Simple Columnar_________

6. Tissue that is found lining the tubules of the kidney __Simple Cuboidal__________

7. Tissue that protects in many layer, such as in areas of high friction __Stratified Squamous______________

8. Tissues that make up the outer five layers of skin __Stratified Squamous_________________

9. Tissues that line blood vessels and air sacs of the lungs (alveoli) __Simple Squamous___________

10. Tissues that is capable of distention (stretching) __Transitional_____________

11. Column shaped cells with varying height levels __Pseudostratified Columnar________

12. Single layer of elongated cells __Simple Columnar_____

13. Layers of cube shaped cells __Stratified Cuboidal___________

Matching: Muscle Tissue (CAREFUL! Some may have more than one answer!)

Skeletal Muscle

Cardiac Muscle

Smooth Muscle

__Skeletal Muscle_&_Cardiac Muscle_____ striated (striped)

__Smooth Muscle____________________ spindle-shaped cells

__Skeletal Muscle______________________ voluntary (under conscious control)

__Skeletal Muscle______________________ multinucleate (more than one nucleus)

__Cardiac Muscle_____________________ found only in the heart

__Skeletal Muscle____________________ attached to bones

__Cardiac Muscle_&_Smooth Muscle______ involuntary (not under conscious control)

__Cardiac Muscle________________________ has intercalated disks

__Skeletal Muscle_&_Cardiac Muscle_&_Smooth Muscle_ has the ability to shorten or contract

__Cardiac Muscle_______________________ has branching cell fibers

__Smooth Muscle_______________________ found in the hollow organs of the digestive system

Nervous Tissue

1. What are the two functional characteristics of nervous tissue? __irritability__ & __conductivity___

2. __B___ The ability of nervous tissue to send and receive electrochemical messages is known as _____________; the ability of nervous tissue to respond to a stimulus is known as ______________.

A. irritability; conductivity

B. conductivity; irritability

C. irritability; contractility

D. contractility; conductivity

3. Nervous tissue is made up of neurons and nerve support cells. What are the functions of these nerve support cells? Support, Insulate, and Protect the delicate neurons

Label Epithelial Tissues

Simple Squamous Simple Cuboidal Simple Columnar Transitional

Pseudostratified Columnar Stratified Squamous Stratified Cuboidal Stratified Columnar

1. _Pseudostratified Columnar____ [pic]

2. _Transitional_____________ [pic]

3. _Simple Cuboidal___________ [pic]

4. _Stratified Squamous_________ [pic]

5. __Simple Columnar__________[pic]

Identify the tissues in the pictures below. Write the name of the tissue in the space below the picture.

Elastic Cartilage Areolar Connective Adipose Connective

Bone/Osseous Tissue Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Stratified Squamous Epithelium

Smooth Muscle Hyaline Cartilage Cardiac Muscle

Reticular Connective Blood Nervous Tissue


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