Executive - Blackpool Council



|Report to: |EXECUTIVE |Decision number: | |

|Earliest date for decision: |21st JULY 2010 | | |


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|1.0 |Matter for consideration: |

|1.1 |The North West England and North Wales Shoreline Management Plan review (SMP2), which sets the management policy for the |

| |Blackpool Coastline for the next 100 years. |

|2.0 |Recommendation(s): |

|2.1 |To adopt the policies set out in the North West England and North Wales Shoreline Management Plan for the Blackpool Coastline. |

| | | |

|3.0 |Category grouping: |Corporate/Strategic |

|4.0 |Corporate Performance Plan Objective : |

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| |Goal 2: Develop a Safe, Clean and Pleasant Place to Live, Work and Visit |

|5.0 |Information |

|5.1 |Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs) are part of the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management planning framework. The SMP sets |

| |the long term policy for the management of the coast and is taken forward through shoreline strategies and schemes. |

| | |

| |This is the first review of the Shoreline Management Plan that was undertaken over 10 years ago and the review was started in |

| |2008. Blackpool is part of Coastal Cell 11, which runs from Great Ormes Head in Llandudno to the Scottish Border in the Solway|

|5.2 |Firth, and in this review there is one SMP2 for the whole length, including the many large estuaries. |

| | |

| |As part of the North West England and North Wales Coastal Group, Blackpool Council has taken the lead on procuring a consultant|

| |to undertake the SMP2 and managing the SMP2 process on behalf of all the Coastal Authorities and the Environment Agency. |

| |Blackpool Council gained funding from Defra (now administered through the Environment Agency) to undertake the SMP for the |

| |English coastline and Conwy County Borough Council gained funding from the Welsh Assembly Government for the Welsh coastline. |

|5.3 |Following the relevant procedure Blackpool Council contracted with Halcrow Group consultants to assist with production of the |

| |SMP2. |

| | |

| |The SMP2 has been undertaken in stages in accordance with the Defra 2006 guidance, which is supported by the Welsh Assembly |

| |Government. The guidance gives four possible policy options: |

| |Hold the Line- maintain the existing coastline position |

| |Advance the Line- move the coastline seaward |

| |Managed Realignment- manage the movement of the coastline either landward or seaward |

| |No Active Intervention- No significant public money put into management of the coastline. |

| |The guidance states that a policy needs to be assigned to lengths of coastline over 100 years in each of three time epochs: |

|5.4 |Short term- 0-20years |

| |Medium term- 20-50years |

| |Long term- 50-100years |

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| |The draft SMP2 was published for public consultation from October 2009 to February 2010 with comments in some areas being |

| |allowed until the end of March 2010. The draft SMP2 was available at various council buildings along the coastline and press |

| |releases were issued from each council to advertise the public consultation. In addition all of the documents were available on|

| |the Coastal Group website at . There were also public meetings and more local meetings to discuss the draft|

| |plan with stakeholders and the public. |

| | |

| |All the comments that were received were reviewed by the project team to assess whether changes needed to be made to the draft |

| |plan. The consultant has amended the documentation as the result of changes and has written a consultation report. The |

| |consultation report which gives responses to the comments received, has been published on the Coastal Group website for |

| |Stakeholders to see. A copy of the relevant parts of this report is included in Annex 2. |

| | |

|5.5 |The SMP2 has had to undergo a Habitats Regulations assessment to assess the impacts on European designate habitats. If there is|

| |likely to be an adverse impact on a European site then the SMP will need to go to the Secretary of State to be approved. This |

| |will have no impact on the policies for the Blackpool Coastline. |

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| |Implications for Blackpool |

| | |

| |The draft policies for the Blackpool frontage were Hold the Line for all three time epochs and there were no objections to this|

| |during consultation. As a result there are no changes to the policies for this frontage and this will mean a continuation of |

| |the management that has been ongoing in Blackpool. The main SMP2 document along with the Policy Statements and Action Plan |

|5.6 |which cover the Blackpool Frontage, have been circulated to members under separate cover. There are also a number of appendices|

| |to the SMP2 containing supporting information which have not been included with this report. |

| | |

| |Part of the SMP documentation is the Action Plan which sets out actions that need to be undertaken to achieve the policy. |

| |Delivery of the SMP Action Plan forms part of the NI189 score for Blackpool Council. |

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|5.7 | |

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|5.8 | |

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|5.9 | |

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|5.10 | |

|5.11 |Does the information submitted include any exempt information? |NO |

|6.0 |Legal considerations: |

|6.1 |None |

|7.0 |Personnel considerations: |

|7.1 |None |

|8.0 |Financial considerations: |

|8.1 |Without adoption of the Shoreline Management Plan2, the Council will jeopardise its ability to apply for grant funding from the|

| |Environment Agency for Coast Protection Works |

|9.0 |Performance management considerations: |

|9.1 |None |

|10.0 |Risk management considerations: |

|10.1 |The proposal will provide the Council with a tool to deliver sustainable development, flood and coastal erosion risk management|

| |over the long term. It should be used as evidence in the Local Development Frameworks. |

|11.0 |Relevant Officer: |

|11.1 |Clare Nolan-Barnes, Head of Capital Projects |

| | |

|12.0 |Relevant Cabinet Member |

|12.1 |Councillor Mrs M. Callow JP, Tourism and Regeneration |

|13.0 |Consultation undertaken: |

|13.1 |The SMP2 for North West England and North Wales underwent full public consultation between October 2009 and February 2010. The |

| |public were invited to make comments either in writing, via email, or in person at one many consultation events that were held |

| |along the coast. A report detailing the consultation in the Blackpool area is included in Annex 2. |

|14.0 |Background papers: |

|14.1 |North West England and North Wales Shoreline Management Plan 2 Main Document and Policy Statements covering the Blackpool |

| |Coastline (Annex 1) Relevant parts of the SMP2 Consultation Report (Annex 2) |

|15.0 |Key decision information: | |

|15.1 |Is this a key decision? |YES |

|15.2 |If so, Forward Plan reference number: |8/2010 |

|15.3 |If a key decision, is the decision required in less than five days? |NO |

|15.4 |If yes, please describe the reason for urgency: |

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|16.0 |Reasons for Recommendations |

|16.1 |Adoption of the SMP2 will allow Blackpool Council to continue to apply for Grant in Aid from the Environment Agency for Flood |

| |and Coast Protection Schemes. Adoption of the SMP2 will give Blackpool Council a tool to deliver sustainable development, flood|

| |and coastal erosion risk management over the long term. Adoption of the SMP2 will meet Defra's Outcome Measure 9 target. |

|16.2a |Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy adopted or approved by the Council? |NO |

|16.2b |Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved budget? |YES |

|16.3 |Other alternative options to be considered: |

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| |None |

|17.0 |Call-in information: |

|17.1 |Are there any grounds for urgency, which would cause this decision to be exempt from the call-in | |

| |process? |NO |

|17.2 |If yes, please give reason: |

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|18.0 |Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairman (where appropriate): |

| |Date informed: |13th July 2010 |Date approved: |N/A |

|19.0 |Declarations of interest (if applicable): |

|19.1 | |

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|20.0 |Executive decision: |

|20.1 | |

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|20.2 |Date: |

|20.3 |Reason(s) for decision: |

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|21.0 |Date of publication: |

|22.0 |Call-in: |

|22.1 | |

|23.0 |Notes: |

|23.1 | |


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