Search Web Service - Copyright © 2004 Lindorff Match AS

Search Web Service


Description of public methods encapsulated in the Search Web Service


string XmlFulltextOperator(string)

The methods purpose is to query the search engine for information.

Parameter #1: string


Specifies credential, search parameters and the actual query item(s).

Sample data:


















Haugerudveien 82 Oslo

Granstangen 10 B Oslo

|InputSearchService05 |Root element. The numeric part, i.e. 05, defines the version of the XML to be read by |

| |the message web service. In future releases the XML might change and the number will be |

| |increased, i.e. InputSearchService06 but it will not break compatibility with |

| |InputSearchService05 and all applications built upon the InputSearchService05 will |

| |function as expected and is unaffected. |

|Authentication |A Collection of authentication items used to authorize against the account. |

|UserName |The username to be used in the authorization process. |

|Password |The password to be used in the authorization process. |

|CustomerInfo |A Collection of items that identifies the customer |

|ChannelNo |Numeric. The value must be between 1 and 3. The values defines the origin of the search,|

| |e.g. if the origin of the search is a web-application then the value is 3. |

| | |

| |1 = SMS application |

| |2 = Java mobile application |

| |3 = Web application |

|MobileNo |Specifies the mobile no. of the person committing the search |

| |See SortRule for more information. |

|CustomerNo |n/a |

|CustomerName |n/a |

|SearchParams |A collection of search parameters |

|SearchMode |The value must be between 0 and 4: |

| | |

| |0 = Exact |

| |1 = Phonetic |

| |2 = Exact & Phonetic |

| |3 = Smart Exact + Phonetic |

| |Search first for exact match. If none is found then |

| |continue with phonetic search. |

| |4 = Smart Strip |

| |First search with all words. If no match then remove a word |

| |and try again. Note: The process strips away single |

| |standalone characters and numeric characters before |

| |whole words. |

|OnlyFoundWords |Boolean. The value must be an either true or false: |

| | |

| |true = Hit on all word in search-string |

| |false = Hit on any word in search-string |

|ResultLayout |Numeric. The value indicates which format the XML output would be returned in. |

|ResultLimitSearch |Numeric. The maximum number of records returned. |

|ResultLimitUnit |Numeric. The maximum number of units to be returned. |

|ResultLimitPerUnit |Numeric. The maximum number of records to be returned within a unit. |

|ResultUnitLevel |Numeric. The value must be either 1 or 2: |

| | |

| |1 = ListingLevel |

| |2 = UnitLevel |

|ServiceType |Numeric. The value is always 3: |

| | |

| |3 = Master Search Engine |

|HideRepeatingInfo |Boolean. Filters away repeating information within a unit (ref. UnitID in the result, |

| |output XML). The value must be an either true or false: |

| | |

| |true = Hide repeating information |

| |false = Show repeating information |

|OnlyPhoneListings |Boolean. The value must be an either true or false: |

| | |

| |true = Show only phone listings |

| |false = Show all |

|HideBusinessMobiles |Boolean. The value must be an either true or false: |

| | |

| |true = Hide internal business mobiles |

| |false = Show internal business mobiles |

|HideInternalPhones |Boolean. The value must be an either true or false: |

| | |

| |true = Hide internal business phones |

| |false = Show internal business phones |

|SortRule |Numeric. The value must be either 1 or 2: |

| | |

| |1 = SortRule #1 |

| |2 = SortRule #2 |

| |Depends on the value entered in MobileNo sibling |

| |in CustomerInfo. It looks up the mobile no. for the |

| |person committing the search and finds the municip no. |

| |e.g. A search for Pizza will return results with restaurants |

| |in Oslo if the mobile no. owner is a resident there. This |

| |feature is mainly used by SMS content providers. |

|ListingType |Numeric. The value must be between 0 and 2: |

| | |

| |0 = Show all |

| |1 = Companysearch |

| |2 = Personsearch |

|SearchItems |A collection of search items. It can contain multiple SearchItem used to commit a series|

| |of searches in a sequence. |

|SearchItem |A search item. The item encapsulates information to be queried by the search engine with|

| |the parameter specified in SearchParams. |

|SearchItem ID |A sequential number that starts at 1 and is incremented by one for each SearchItem added|

| |to the search SearchItems collection. The number is required. |

|FullTextString |A free text search string. The alphanumeric words and characters to be used in the |

| |lookup. Born date must be prefixed with a F to be considered as a valid born date. The |

| |format for the born date is yyyyMMdd, e.g. F19700101. |

|Name |Used with refined search. The full name. |

|Address |Used with refined search. The address. |

|ZipCode |Used with refined search. The zip code. |

|Born |Used with refined search. The born date. The format must be yyyyMMdd e.g. F19700101 |

|PhoneNo |Used with refined search. The phone no. |

Return: string


Returns an XML string with the result for each SearchItem (ref. Parameter #1: string).

The elements returned in the XML string is depended upon the value of the ResultLayout (ref. Parameter #1: string)

Sample data:











































|OutputSearchService11 |Root element. The numeric part, i.e. 11, corresponds to the ResultLayout passed in by |

| |the search XML (see the XML sample of the input parameter). |

|SearchResultItems |A collection of SearchResultItem. |

|SearchResultItem |Encapsulates all resulting information for a SearchItem passed in by the search XML |

| |(see the XML sample of the input parameter). |

|SearchResultItem ID |Corresponds to the identity of the SearchItem ID passed in the SearchItem in the |

| |search XML (see the XML sample of the input parameter). |

|ResultRows |A collection of ResultRow. |

|ResultRow | |

|RowID | |

|HitType | |

|History | |

|UnitID | |

|Sequence | |

|SubUnitID | |

|SubSequence | |

|UnitType |String. Determines the type of unit: |

| | |

| |C = Consumer |

| |B = Business |

| |H = Hybrid (typically a consumer with OrganizationNo) |

| |U = Unknown |

| | |

| |Also used in conjunction with EquipmentType |

|SourceID | |

|OrganizationNo |String. The official organization number. Only applied if UnitType is B (Business) or |

| |H (Hybrid). |

|Born |String. The birth date in the format yyyyMMdd. In example 19700110 equals 01.10.1970 |

| |or 10/01/1970 |

|Gender |Numeric: |

| | |

| |1 = Unknown |

| |2 = Male |

| |3 = Female |

| |9 = Hybrid, the name is equally weighted as both male and female |

|Name1 |String. The last name. In this example the italic part will appear in Name1: |

| | |

| |Andreas Wilhelm Kongelstad |

|Name2 |String. The first name. In this example the italic part will appear in Name2: |

| | |

| |Andreas Wilhelm Kongelstad |

|Name3 |String. The first name. In this example the italic part will appear in Name3: |

| | |

| |Andreas Wilhelm Kongelstad |

|StreetName |String. The name part of a street address. In this example the italic part will appear|

| |in Name3: |

| | |

| |Granstangen 10 Entrance B, 1051 Oslo |

|HouseNo |String. The house number. In this example the italic part is undetermined and will |

| |appear in HouseNo: |

| | |

| |Granstangen 10 Entrance B, 1051 Oslo |

|Entrance |String. The entrance number or identity. In this example the italic part is |

| |undetermined and will appear in Entrance: |

| | |

| |Granstangen 10 Entrance B, 1051 Oslo |

|AddrExt |String. The part of the address string (which we receive from our sources) we are |

| |unable to determine. In this example the italic part is undetermined and will appear |

| |in AddrExt: |

| | |

| |Granstangen 10 Entrance B |

|ZipCode |Numeric string. A part of the system of postal codes. In this example the italic part |

| |will appear in ZipCode: |

| | |

| |Granstangen 10 Entrance B, 1051 Oslo |

|City |String. A part of the system of postal codes. In this example the italic part will |

| |appear in City: |

| | |

| |Granstangen 10 Entrance B, 1051 Oslo |

|Municip | |

|Country |String. The country code. In example the country code NO will be applied if Norway. |

|FieldArea | |

|StreetNumber | |

|CoordinateX |UTM Zone 33N (Northing) |

|CoordinateY |UTM Zone 33N (Easting) |

|CoordinateZ | |

|BoxText | |

|BoxNumber | |

|BoxOffice | |

|BoxZipCode | |

|BoxCity | |

|BoxMunicip | |

|BoxCountry | |

|PhoneNo | |

|NumberType |Numeric. Determines whether it is an wired phone or a mobile phone: |

| | |

| |1 = Wired phone |

| |2 = Mobile phone |

| | |

| |Used in conjunction with EquipmentType |

|EquipmentType |Numeric. Specifies the equipment. The following values are valid: |

| | |

| |0 = Ukjent |

| |1 = Vanlig |

| |2 = Automat |

| |3 = Faks |

| |4 = Vanlig og Faks |

| |5 = Sentralbord |

| |6 = VoIP |

| |7 = Bedriftsmobil |

| |8 = Internnummer |

| |9 = Privat bedriftsmobil |

| | |

| |Also used in conjunction with UnitType and NumberType. The following test can be |

| |performed to determine type and usage (in the following order): |

| | |

| |Mobile |

| |NumberType = 2 |

| | |

| |Switchboard |

| |EquipmentType = 5 |

| | |

| |Fax |

| |NumberType = 1 and EquipmentType = 3 |

| | |

| |Phone |

| |(UnitType = C or UnitType = H) and EquipmentType 5 |

|ServiceType |Numeric. Indicates the line type. Expected values are: |

| | |

| |0 = Unknown |

| |1 = Regular |

| |2 = ISDN |

| |3 = ISDN Flexi |

| |4 = ADSL |

| |5 = Sub record |

|ElAddress |String. For future use. |

|ReservationCode |String. Made up of Boolean indicators in a three position spread, in example: 010. |

| |Each of the position can either be 0 or 1 (true or false). |

| | |

| |First position determines whether the current occurrence is reserved against direct |

| |mail (D), second position defines reservation against phone sale (T). Third and last |

| |position defines reservation against charity organizations (H). |

| | |

| |The following values are available: |

| | |

| |000 = No reservation |

| |001 = Reservation against H |

| |011 = Reservation against T and H |

| |010 = Reservation against T |

| |110 = Reservation against D and T |

| |101 = Reservation against D and H |

| |100 = Reservation against D |

| |111 = Total reservation |

| | |

|Display |Used to show and hide repeating information |

|QualityIndicator | |

|Source |Numeric. The value specifies the origin of the record data. The following values are |

| |available: |

| | |

| |100 = Telecom |

| |507 = Public Mail Service (Norwegian: Posten) |

| |101 = Public Source |

| |501 = Business |

|DeadDate |String. The date of death, if available, in the format yyyyMMdd. In example 19980510 |

| |equals 10.05.1998 or 05/10/1998. |

|InsertDate |String. The date when we first time received the data from the specific source on |

| |current record, in the format yyyyMMdd. In example 19980510 equals 10.05.1998 or |

| |05/10/1998. The value is mandatory. |

|UpdateDate |String. The date when we last received an update from the specific source on current |

| |record, in the format yyyyMMdd. In example 19980510 equals 10.05.1998 or 05/10/1998. |

| |The value of this field might be omitted (empty string) if no update is registered. |

|MoveDate |String. The date when we received new data (that is radically different from previous |

| |data) from the specific source on current record, in the format yyyyMMdd. In example |

| |19980510 equals 10.05.1998 or 05/10/1998. The value of this field might be omitted |

| |(empty string) if new data is not registered. |

|ResultInfo | |

|ElapsedMilliseconds | |

|Accuracy | |

|Messages | |

|RemainingQueries | |

|DateExpires | |

|ErrorMessage | |

|VersionSearchEngine | |

|VersionWebService | |

|CustomerInfo | |

|CustomerNo | |

|CustomerName | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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