Mr. Mitchell's Geography

Directions: Mark 25 questions that you want on the quiz tomorrow by circling the number at the beginning of the questionAustralia QuestionsWhat percent of Aborigines were killed with the Small Pox? 40% - 60%XWhat part of Australiais the has temperate climate part of Australia? The coastlineXcoastlineHow many territories are there in Australia? 7What is the oldest native cultural group in Australia? Australia AboriginesXAboriginesHow long did it take British for prisoners to earn to work for land? 7 yearsHow many people per square mile live in Australia? (round up to whole number) 3 per square mileXmileWhat is the holiday called that is celebrated by the natives and the Australians on May 26th of each year? National Sorry DayXDayDescribe why we sayHow is Australia is like an Island? It is surrounded by waterWhat is the largest living structure in the world located off the coast of Australia? Great Barrier ReefWhat year did the English arrive to Australiacome? 1606XHow long would it take to go to all the beaches in Australia if you went to one beach per year? Just over 27 yearsXyearsHow many Aborigine groups do sociologist say there are werethere? 500 tribes or groupsXgroupsWhat disease did the British bring to the Aborigine people during the 1800’s? SmallpoxXSmallpoxWhat is the Great Barrier Reef? A living structure made primarily from coralXcoralWhat does indigenous mean? To be from primarily one areaIs the landscape flat or rocky?What island off the coast of Australia has been declared to have has the cleanest air? TasmaniaWhat does indigenous mean?What percentage of Australians live within 65 miles of the coast? 85%Before colonization, how many languages were estimated to be spoken? 250-300XHow many people in Australia are there, per square mile?What was one of the main cultural traditions in Australia? Oral history or storytellingXstorytellingIs Australia a continent?What did the English do to the Aborigine people?How many tribes are there?XthereWhat disease killed 40%-60% of Australian Aborigines? Small poxHow many territories are in Australia?Upon death of a husband, how long do women have to stay by themselves? Tradition says that women have to stay in the widow’s camp for one or two years.Xyears’How many different tribes of Aborigine were there?How many people, per square mile, live in Australia?How long would it take to visit the beaches if you visited one per day?Where are most of the large cities of Australia located? Most cities are along the coasts of Australia.XAustraliaWhat is the most dangerous animals in Australia? Boxed jellyfishWhat is the most venomous snake? Brown snakeHow longold is the Great Barrier Reef? Over 2,000 milesXmilesWhat affects the climate of Australia? Wind and mountainsWhat color does the Blue Ringed Octopus’s skin turn when it is mad? yellowWhat percent of the Great Barrier Reef is being protected? 33%XWhere typically does the is the Monsoon rains land on Australiatype located? Northeast cornerXcorner What is the only carnivorous animal?Where doesis the Ttropic of Capricorn located around Australiaed? Right through the middleXmiddleHow many humans can a snail kill? 15How do Kangaroos get water?How much do Koalas hurt humans? None.How old is the oldest coral in the Great Barrier Reef?What tree leaves are the source of Koala Bear’s food? Eucalyptus tree leavesWhat is affecting the Tasmanian Devil?What animal is at the top of the food web? Dingos (wild Australian Dogs)Name two sounds the Lyric Bird can imitate?What is different aboutseason is Christmas in Australia? It’s during the summer months. Where are Dingoes located in Australia? In the middle of Australia mostlyXmostlyWhat do Kangaroos eat?True or false, can you see the Great Barrier Reef from space?How many deaths are credited to the Box Jellyfish?14 per yearXyearWhat happened in 1922?What slides like little silver/blue submarines?What snake is the 2nd most venomous? Brown SnakeXSnakeAre you allowed to fish in all of the Barrier Reef? No. Only 66.6 % of it.XtixWhat are Dingoes?What strange meat are Australians encouraged to eat? Kangaroois more commonly eaten, Kangaroos or Beef?Whenhy would a Taipan Snake bite most likely bite? When it is cornered.Xcornered What side of Australia is the Great Barrier Reef on?How many people live in Australia, per square mile?How long is the Great Barrier Reef?What percent of animals in Australia are only found in Australia?What is the capital of Australia? CanberraXCanberraHow many deaths are caused by Crocodiles every year? 1 or 2What is the most dangerous Jellyfish?What do Australians call Cotton Candy? Fairy FlossWhat animals travel thousands of miles to lay eggs on sandy beaches? TurtlesWhat months are the outback dry season? December and JanuaryXJanuaryHow long is Australia? 6,400 milesXmilesWhat happens if you get stabbed in the chest by a Stonefish? Most likely dieXdieWhat ocean is the Great Barrier Reef in? IndianXIndianWhat shark can grow up to 300lbs? Bull SharkWhat is Australia’s full name? Commonwealth of AustraliaXAustraliaAustralians eat Crocodile and ____________.In 1851, Australia had a big ____________ Rush. GoldXGoldThe Great Barrier Reef is like an underwater ____________. GardenXGardenTrue or false, do Dingoes eat?What is the world’s 3rd most venomous snake located in ?Australia? Taipan snakeXsnakeMost Australians die from what?What season is Christmas in?What happens when the Box Jellyfish stings you?What percent of the Great Barrier Reef is protected from fishing?50%-90% of Tasmanian Devils die because of what?How many Kangaroos live in Australia?How many convicts were sent to Australia?What is one theory people have about Molt?Why he disappeared?Approximately when did the Australian Aborigines migrate to Australia? 40,000 to 70,000 years ago.XagoWhat kind of beak does the Platypus have? Like a duck.What is the large rock located in the middle of Australia? Ayers RockXRockWhat country is south of Australia? New ZealandXZealandName two invasive species of Australia. (frogs, horses, camels, and rabbits)What is an atoll? An island or circular land that was once part of a volcano located in the ocean.XoceanWhat is a marsupial? An animal that is a mammal that has a pouch to care for it’s young.The next 10 questions (63 – 72) will be on the quiz for sure . _______________________________________________________________________________Which continent is Adriatic Sea, Thames River, and Swiss Alps associated with? EuropeWhat happens to temperature the higher the elevation? It gets colderPassing stories by word of mouth generation to generation is called ___________. Oral historyWhat is an empire? A group of countries under one ruler’s controlWhat were the Romans notable for? Developing a republic and aqueductsWhat was the social organization called during the Middle Ages? FeudalismWhat landmarks are Romans and Greeks known for? Coliseum, Parthenon, and AcropolisWhat changed the most during the Renaissance? Trade, art, and scienceWhat is Martin Luther known for? Reformation of church ideasWhich continent do Archeologist believe had the first cultural group? AustraliaVenom from what animal is used the most?Is the population of Australia the highest, lowest, or in the middle in the world? ................

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