Marcelo Raffaelli Cesar

Monday, November 30, 2020“What does [...] mean?” / “What is the meaning/definition of [...]?” (question): Use this to ask for the meaning or definition of a word or sentence.Teacher, what does “wardrobe” mean?What is the definition of “wardrobe,” please?“It depends / It depends on […]” (expression): Use this to say that the answer changes if the situation is one way or another.My answer depends on the question.What do you want to drink? I’ll buy it, but it depends on the price.“How do you say […]?” (question): Use this to ask how to say a certain sentence, verb, or adjective in English.How do you say “excusez-moi” in English?“How/What do you call […]?” (question): Use this to ask the name of a certain noun or object.What do you call that thing we use to sit on?“How do you pronounce […]?” (question): Use this to ask how to pronounce a certain word in English, or how to say it correctly.How to you pronounce “through?” “Th-roo”.“How do you spell […]?” (question): Use this to ask how to spell a certain word in English.How do you spell your name? My name is Marcelo. M-A-R-C-E-L-O.Acronym (noun): A word, usually in all capital letters, where each letter represents another word.The word “FBI” or “USA” are both acronyms. FBI means “Federal Bureau of Investigation” and USA means “United States of America.”Symptom (noun): An indication of a disease, but not showing that you actually have it.Symptoms of a flu can be a fever, a runny nose, coughing, and sneezing.Asymptomatic (adjective): Someone who has a disease, but doesn’t show any symptoms of it.COVID-19 is especially dangerous because some people are asymptomatic and they can spread the disease without knowing.Paper towel (noun): A disposable roll of absorbent paper to clean and dry surfaces.Please wipe down your desks with a paper towel.Hand sanitizer (noun): An alcohol-based disinfectant and cleaner used to wash one’s hands.I bought a bottle of hand sanitizer for the class.Spray bottle (noun): A plastic bottle with a nozzle and trigger that can release particles of liquid, usually used for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.Please use the spray bottle to clean the desk. ................

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