Easter Bellringer



The Anglican Parish of St. George, Transcona

Holy Week and Easter Services

24th March - Palm Sunday (Liturgy of the Palms) - 10:30 am

25th March – Contemplative Eucharist – 7:00 pm

28th March - Maundy Thursday Service – 7:00 pm

29th March - Good Friday Service - 10:30 am

31st March - Easter Sunday - 8:00 am - Sunrise Eucharist

                         Breakfast between services

                         10:30 am – Easter Eucharist

Come and celebrate with us

the Resurrection of Our Lord!

Volume 27 Easter 2013 Number One

If you're getting a print copy & have email, please email the office to switch & ‘go green’!

St. George’s Anglican Church

321 Pandora Avenue West

Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2C 1M6

Phone: 204-222-1942

Web Site: stgeorgestranscona.ca

Email: stgeo321@

|RECTOR |The Reverend Helen Kennedy |204-222-1942 |

|RECTOR’S WARDEN |Dan Thagard | |

|PEOPLE’S WARDEN |Jim Fuller | |

|TREASURER |Terry Leah | |




|VESTRY MINUTES |Elizabeth Beazley | |


|Val Adrian |Elizabeth Beazley |Debbie Buxton |

|Lynn Findlay |Theresa Gibson |Penny Single |

|Doris Termeer |Alison Ward-Westervelt | |


|Ron Bodner |Vera Sherman |Rowena Slater |

|Claudine Thagard | |Penny Single* |




| |10:30 AM |SUNDAY SCHOOL |


|(except holidays) | | |


The Bellringer is published three times a year. The editor always welcomes suggestions, letters, articles and news items that are not protected by copyright (unless permission to reproduce has been granted). Items may be handed in to the sidespersons on Sunday, to the parish office, or to the editor (mailbox #8).

EDITOR: Elizabeth Beazley (222-1610)

The Pascal Candle

Easter or the Pascha (which means “Passing Over”) is the main Christian festival that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament. Part of marking that occasion we will often have in our church a new Pascal Candle, it is the big white one that is usually at the back of the church. It is lit during the 50 days after Easter Sunday, at Baptisms and at Funerals. If the candle is still fairly tall we make do for another year, but when we get a brand new one there is a bit of a ritual as the candle is prepared. As it is usually the priest who prepares this, you don’t very often get to witness how the candle is prepared, so allow me to explain...

Firstly the cross is always the central motif, as it is for our faith. It also identifies this particular candle as the ‘passing over’ candle. Either side of the cross are the Greek Letters Alpha and Omega, signifying Christ being the beginning and the end, the first and the last. The year is marked, as we mark time until Christ returns. Finally there are five grains of incense are embedded in the candle, sometimes encased in wax "nails" that represent the five wounds of Jesus: one in each hand, one in each foot, and the spear thrust into his side. As this is being put together, the symbols are traced as the words are spoken: "Christ, yesterday and today, the beginning and the ending. To Christ belongs all time and all the ages; to Christ belongs glory and dominion now and forever. Amen."

At St George’s we don’t have a Saturday Night Vigil, instead we have our Sunday Morning Sunrise Service at which a "new fire" is lit and blessed. The Paschal candle is the first candle to be lit with a flame from this sacred fire, representing the risen Christ, as a symbol of light (life) dispelling darkness (death). The candle is raised three times during the procession, accompanied by the chant "The light of Christ" to which the congregation responds "Thanks be to God". Following the procession the Exultet is chanted, Bob Webster made me learn it one year and I have done it ever since. I am one of the few priest in the Diocese who actually sings the whole thing! He didn’t tell me this at the time. It was seen as one of the things I had to do, so being the obedient student, I did; only to find my fellow clergy had skipped that class and were off the hook! Jamie Howison has never sung it in his life.

Moving on...As part of our Easter celebration, the ritual of processing with the Pascal Candle and singing the Exultet has become part of the church year that I love very much. It bring a somber reminder that however dark our world can seem to be, the Light of Christ is always with us.

May the passing over of the Pascal Light of Christ illumine your life, and your Easter.

Many Blessings

Rev'd Helen

A Meditation on Easter

You ask so much, Lord.


I’m meant to see the invisible.

Discern you in the unexpected.

Allow infinity into my life.

You offer me eternity,

but just the simple, not so simple, act

of living out today,

demands all I can give.

My little mind asks certainty,

the comfort of particularity.

Of knowing where I am,

and what I’m meant to do.

I seek the refuge of routine,

blinker myself in pettiness.

My mind can’t span

the wonder of your love.

My pigmy courage can’t accept

the challenge of your presence.

Sometimes I think it’s easier

to stand outside your empty tomb

and weep,

than look into your eyes

and see the resurrection.

Lord, let me understand

that caution kills the joy of knowing you.

That life with you

goes far beyond the safe.

That I must make the leap of faith

into the dark.

But, making it,

my senses come alive.


shake off constriction,

unfold their wings, and fly.

And, life enriched,

I see your face

in people I have never seen before.

I hear your voice

in ways I couldn’t comprehend.

Easter is every day. Ed Askew

Gifts of Grace Street Mission

690 Munroe Avenue

Winnipeg, MB

R2K 1J2


“Street People: NEAT PEOPLE! . . . . . . Powered by Faith”

Our Mission’s Mandate:

To provide Food, Friendship and Compassion

to our Homeless Friends in Winnipeg.

Gifts of Grace Street Mission is a grassroots, faith-based mission run entirely by volunteers as part of the mission and outreach efforts of St. Saviour’s Anglican Church. We provide a weekly Sunday breakfast and Thursday supper meals, 52 weeks a year. We have a fantastic group of core volunteers, some of whom have been serving on the street for over four years now. We are passionate about what we do, and why we do it.

We serve outdoors in the Henry Avenue loop adjacent to the Main Street Project or in the Main Street Project itself. Many of the patrons we serve have substance abuse or mental health issues and are not always served at other soup kitchens or shelters. Our Sunday breakfasts are served in the outdoor location in warmer weather (May-October) and indoors in colder weather (November-April) at the Red River Lodge as ‘breakfast and a movie.’

We are blessed to receive food and supplies from a number of sources, as well as monetary donations from people who want to assist us in feeding the homeless and the working poor in our city. There are several opportunities or ways that folks like you can support our cause:

❖ Manpower: We always welcome volunteers to serve on the streets, to prepare food, to help with fundraising and to offer organizational ideas that can make us better. We all have skills or gifts to give.

❖ Goods or services: Disposable or recyclable plates, spoons, forks, knives, food staples for casseroles, sandwich meats and other suitable spreads or content for sandwiches – ANYTHING that would help us in the preparation and serving of nutritious meals. Warm outer wear, underwear and socks.

❖ Financial: Financial gifts are always welcome. Cheques may be made payable to St. Saviour’s Church with ‘Gifts of Grace’ specified on the front of the cheque. We would issue you an income tax receipt, along with our thanks.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this. We would be happy to provide further information personally to you if that would be helpful.


Bob Buchanan Bonnie Scott 204-222-6986

Communications Officer Baking and Casserole Coordinator

Note: Rev. Helen and Liz Beazley are involved with Gifts of Grace and would be happy to offer information and/or receive donations


|Clergy Travel | $ 1,500.00 | $ 1,500.00 | $ 1,500.00 | |

|Clergy Assistant | | $ 400.00 | $ 400.00 | |

|Clergy Discretionary Fund | $ 300.00 | $ 300.00 | $ 300.00 | |

|Clergy Salary | $ 45,204.48 | $ 45,210.00 | $ 48,004.08 | |

|Clergy CPP | $ 2,072.64 | $ 2,200.00 | $ 2,212.08 |* EST |

|Clergy EI | $ 1,158.24 | $ 1,200.00 | $ 1,263.36 |* EST |

|Clergy Pension | $ 5,883.60 | $ 5,900.00 | $ 6,138.72 |* EST |

|Clergy Manulife | $ 1,447.07 | $ 2,350.00 | $ 1,692.24 |* EST |

|Clergy Education | $ 450.00 | $ 450.00 | $ 450.00 |* EST |

|Clergy EAP | $ 51.36 | $ 52.00 | $ 60.00 |* EST |

|Secretary Salary | $ 10,859.42 | $ 11,600.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|Secretary CPP | $ 385.98 | $ 425.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|Secretary EI | $ 278.16 | $ 300.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|G. C. Employee | $ 2,340.00 | $ 1,015.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|G.C. Employee CPP | $ 101.40 | $ 140.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|G.C. Employee EI | $ 59.95 | $ 80.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|Salary administration | $ 240.00 | $ 260.00 | $ 240.00 | |

|Apportionment | $ 10,000.00 | $ 10,000.00 | $ 10,000.00 | |

|Bank Charge | $ 870.40 | $ 800.00 | $ 850.00 | |

|Bellringer | $ 273.74 | $ 250.00 | $ 250.00 | |

|Cleaning | $ 1,680.00 | $ 1,850.00 | $ 1,850.00 | |

|Church Copyright | $ 288.00 | $ 300.00 | $ 300.00 | |

|Insurance | $ 1,958.00 | $ 1,900.00 | $ 2,150.00 | |

|Maintenance | $ 4,861.39 | $ 2,000.00 | $ 2,000.00 | |

|Miscellaneous expenses | $ 7,815.80 | $ 1,500.00 | $ 1,500.00 | |

|Music Ministry | $ 1,350.00 | $ 2,000.00 | $ 3,000.00 | |

|Office Equipment | $ 667.91 | $ 1,000.00 | $ 700.00 | |

|Office Expense | $ 1,637.67 | $ 2,000.00 | $ 1,500.00 | |

|Outreach | $ 500.00 | $ 1,661.34 | | |

|Parish Advertisng | $ 310.99 | $ 300.00 | $ 200.00 | |

|Parish Education | $ 1,594.75 | $ 1,000.00 | $ 1,000.00 | |

|Pastoral Care/Funerals | $ 11.58 | $ 200.00 | $ 100.00 | |

|Postage | $ 72.46 | $ 200.00 | $ 100.00 | |

|Sanctuary | $ 373.69 | $ 600.00 | $ 500.00 | |

|Railing, landing, parking lot | $ 10,892.93 | $ 3,000.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|Stewardship | $ - | $ 400.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|Summer Student | $ 3,650.40 | $ 1,800.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|S.S. CPP | $ 159.04 | $ 170.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|S.S. E.I. | $ 93.52 | $ 100.00 | $ | |

| | | |- | |

|Sunday School/Youth Min. | $ 1,183.11 | $ 2,000.00 | $ 2,000.00 | |

|Mortgage | $ 8,376.00 | $ 8,376.00 | $ 8,376.00 | |

|Taxes | $ 840.00 | $ 840.00 | $ 840.00 | |

|Telephone/internet | $ 1,155.78 | $ 1,200.00 | $ 1,200.00 | |

|Utilities - Hydro/Gas | $ 2,367.93 | $ 3,800.00 | $ 2,500.00 | |

|Utilities - Water | $ 417.77 | $ 1,600.00 | $ 800.00 | |

|Wainscotting/basement | $ - | $ 1,000.00 | | |

|GST RECEIVABLE | $ 600.64 | | | |

|Transfer out of acct | | | | |

|TOTAL | $ 136,335.80 | $125,229.34 | $ 103,976.48 | |


| | | | |

|RECEIPTS | | | |

|Envelopes | $ 46,030.44 | $ 45,000.00 | $ 45,000.00 |

|Direct Deposit | $ 47,320.40 | $ 40,000.00 | $ 45,000.00 |

|Open | $ 979.17 | $ 1,200.00 | $ 1,000.00 |

|Initial Envelopes | $ 167.00 | $ 150.00 | $ 150.00 |

|Youth/Sunday/School | $ 370.40 | $ 700.00 | $ 500.00 |

|Donations Fridge/stove | $ 1,714.54 | | $ |

| | | |- |

|Railing, Landing, Parking Lot | $ 3,115.00 | $ 3,000.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

|Easter/Thanksgiving/Christmas | $ 1,475.00 | $ 2,300.00 | $ 1,500.00 |

|Advent | $ 424.00 | $ 200.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

|CSI Student Grant # 1 | $ 2,000.00 | $ 2,500.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

|CSI Student Grant # 2 | $ 3,367.00 | $ 4,800.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

|Donations | $ 2,018.24 | $ 1,000.00 | $ 1,000.00 |

|Calendars | $ 135.00 | $ 140.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

|Misc. donations | $ 2,403.00 | $ 1,000.00 | $ 1,000.00 |

| GST Rebate | $ 877.45 | $ 875.00 | $ 900.00 |

| Lunches | $ 689.50 | | $ |

| | | |- |

|Parish Activities | | | |

| Bazaar | $ - | $ 3,000.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

| BBQ Dinner | $ 725.00 | | $ |

| | | |- |

| Whist Party | $ 1,265.10 | $ 1,700.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

| Garden Centre | $ 3,954.46 | $ 6,000.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

| VBS | $ - | $ 150.00 | $ |

| | | |- |

| | | | |

|PWRDF | $ 912.25 | | |

|ORPHANS | $ 317.08 | | |

|FOOD BANK | $ 813.00 | | |

|ANGLICAN APPEAL | $ - | | |

|RUPERTS LAND NEWS | $ 40.00 | | |

|FLOWERS | $ 789.25 | | |

|  | | | |

|TRANSFER TO ACCOUNT | $ 20,000.00 | | |

|  | | | |

|TOTALS | $141,902.28 | $113,715.00 | $ 96,050.00 |

|  | | | |

|BUDGET OVER/UNDER | $ (14,433.52) | $ (11,514.34) | $ (7,926.48) |


Oh yes we did.

At the last vestry meeting before our Annual Meeting for 2013 the Vestry instructed Terry Leah to take out the line item for Parish Activities/Fund Raising from our budget. We have not been meeting this line item for a few years. It causes many people to stress out because the activities they organize and work so hard at are not meeting their financial expectations. This left our parish with a deficit of $7,626.48.

I stated at the Annual Meeting that I am tired of working so hard just to keep our church operating. I believe that we should be self-supporting. Our work as Christians should be to support outreach programs in our community.

Those who are involved in parish activities soon realize that they spend a great deal of time and money to support the different functions in our church. A lot of the costs are hidden, such as baking supplies, decorations, gas money and the many miscellaneous items that come along with organizing these activities.

I would like to offer you an alternative to the revolving door of fund raising. According to the Canadian Income Tax System, if you donate under $200.00 per year, you will receive a tax credit of about 22 cents, and if you exceed $200.00, your tax credit jumps to 43 cents for every dollar donated. Increasing your offering by a few dollars every week, month or year gives you the satisfaction of supporting our Church and paying less income tax to the Federal Government. I would much rather do this than bust my butt organizing a fund raising event that will not give me a tax deductible receipt at the end of the year.

Fellowship is an important part of any Parish. This is when you get to learn about your pew neighbours. You can rejoice with them, support them in a time of need and above all laugh with them. This does not mean that St. George’s will not have fellowship activities, and if they happen to make money, those funds will go into Outreach.

At this time of year I am overwhelmed by the knowledge that God gave His Son so I might have everlasting life. Over the next little while, I am asking you to take some time to think about, to pray about what part of your treasure God calls you to offer.

Yours in Christ,



The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.

The Will of God never takes you to where the Grace of God will not protect you.

We don’t change the message; the message changes us.

Prayer: Don’t give God instructions; just report for duty!

Blessed Sacrament Knights of Columbus

Good Friday Fish Fry

Friday, March 29, 4:30 pm

Blessed Sacrament Parish Centre

710B Roanoke Street

Adults: $15.00

3 – 10 years: $8.00

Under 3 years: Free

Advance ticket sales only:

Claude Proulx 204-224-1865

Henry MacNeil 204-224-5397

Have you been to the . . .


If not, you’re in for a treat.

If you have, please come again.

Please help support people

with intellectual disabilities in our community.

Hours of operation:

Mon.-Fri. – 8:00 am-3:00 pm

Sat. – 8:00 am-2:00 pm

Sun. – Closed

They make wonderful tuna salad sandwiches!!!

Here and There

The next Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 13th, at 9:00 am. All men of the parish are welcome to come for a delicious meal and good fellowship!

For the first time in almost two decades, St. George’s will not be having a Garden Centre. There are many reasons for this decision to retire what has almost become an institution, among them, increased expenses and, therefore, less profit, fewer volunteers to call upon and more competition from large retail outlets. Nevertheless, the Centre will be missed by many for the fun and fellowship it provided, not to mention the opportunity to purchase good quality bedding plants and soil. Over the years, a great deal of hard work and many good ideas have gone into the Centre for which the parish is truly thankful.

Movie Night continues on every second Friday at 6:30 pm at 569 St. Mary’s Road. All are welcome to attend.

The last few summers, St. George’s and Transcona Memorial United Church have collaborated in holding a Vacation Bible School. This year will be no exception; however, the dates for it have not yet been finalized. Please watch your Sunday bulletin for more information.

The Pastoral Care Committee asks that if anyone knows of an ill or shut-in person who wishes to have a visit and/or holy communion, please notify Claudine or Liz.

News of the Thelma Wynne Project: Barb Gustafson reports that, at the present time, St. Matthew’s Church, where the Project is situated, is undergoing massive renovations, and the Project’s space will also be refurbished. However, the Project is carrying on as usual despite a lot of dust! Barb has welcomed new volunteers from St. George’s, Sharon, Gail and Jeannie, and would be happy to have even more volunteers for this very worthy project. Because of the renovations, however, please check with Barb before you go.

The New A.C.W.

The A.C.W. group has undergone some changes. In the absence of a president, we are sharing the job. Each of the members will take a turn, as they are willing and able, to plan and chair the meeting. We continue with our short worship service, and then share the news of any important going on in the parish. There could be a craft or a game, if someone comes up with something. Then we have tea and treats, and lots of visiting. We invite any of the ladies who are interested to join us. We continue to meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 1:15 pm downstairs in the church. The contact person for more information is Gwen.

Thelma Wynne Project: Many thanks to all of you who so generously contributed to the Baby Shower held on February 3rd. There were lots of beautiful items, and cash donations which are very welcome also. The new mothers are always so appreciative of these gifts. Thank you!


St. George’s Youth

For some time, our young people have been hard at work under the

able leadership of Rowena. Their project concerns a great deal of

sewing, but I won’t say anything more about it. Please think of coming to church on Good Friday to discover

what their wonderful project is!


You are invited to . . .


Flapjack Fundraiser

In support of St. George’s Outreach

Sunday, April 21, 8:am-10:am

At Applebee’s, 1598 Regent Ave.

Tickets: $10.00, available from

Val (204-878-3737) or Gail

A ticket entitles one to 3 pancakes,

3 slices of bacon, and coffee, tea or milk.

Required: 12 volunteers to help seat people,

to serve and to refill drinks. If you can help here,

please call Val (number above).

Applebee’s will be all ours for that morning,

and St. George’s receives 70% of the ticket price!

Let’s gather our family and friends for

a time of fellowship and fun!!!

Our Amazing Manitoba Spring

“My goodness, the days are getting longer!”

“My goodness, it’s still light after supper!”

“My goodness, how the sun warms up my car!”

So much astonishment,

So much amazement,

That spring should be in the air, in the sun, in our very souls;

As if we’d never had a spring before,

As if Manitoba had been forever locked in a horror of ice and snow and slippery roads and north wind and dark days and boots and scarves and the weatherman’s new favourite, ‘wind chill;”

After months of frigid air, why shouldn’t it seem as if we’d never had a spring?

So now that March’s lion threat is past,

We can begin to believe that, indeed, winter may be drawing to a close,

That spring may be close approaching –

A real spring, not just the date on the calendar –

That soon we will celebrate the Resurrected Christ.

Not only are the days longer,

We are now in daylight saving time, an early herald of summer to come;

The sun has eaten the sleet and ice off the streets;

Its voracious appetite has nibbled the snow off south-facing banks;

And my favourite: they have dug out the ditches on the Dugald Road in preparation for the run-off!

You know, I would really hate living somewhere like Southern California,

Where they never get to anticipate spring,

Where they never get to turn their faces to the strengthening sun as to a new born miracle,

Where they never get to hear the first delightful tricklings of the melt water,

Only in Manitoba (and, I suppose in Alberta and Saskatchewan) is the advent of spring-like symptoms hailed as a never-before-experienced manifestation of the impossible,

Our amazing Manitoba spring!!!


St. George’s Outreach

In July, St. George’s will be preparing food for one lunch for the workers at Habitat for Humanity during the ‘Blitz Days.’ This will occur during the week of July 8-13. Please think of helping in this worthy cause, and please watch your weekly bulletin for more specific information.

Another form of outreach that our parish is considering is holding a neighbourhood barbeque/block party for our neighbours around the church. Again, please watch your Sunday bulletin for more information about an event which should be a lot of fun!

Oar and Anchor Scripture Cake

1 ½ cups Judges, chapter 5, verse 25

2 cups Jeremiah, chapter 6, verse 20

4 ½ cups Kings, chapter 4, verse 22

2 cups 1st Samuel, chapter 30, verse 12

2 cups Naham, chapter 3, verse 12

1 cup Numbers, chapter 17, verse 8

½ cup Judges, chapter 4, verse 19

2 tsp. 1st Samuel, chapter 14, verse 25

2 tsp. Amos, chapter 4, verse 5

6 tsp. (whole) Jeremiah, chapter 17, verse 11

1 pinch Leviticus, chapter 2, verse 13.

Season to taste according to 2nd Chronicles, chapter 9, verse 9

Follow Solomon’s prescription for making the cake:

Proverbs, chapter 14, verse 23.


Future Events


March 24 Sunday 10:30 am Palm Sunday

(Liturgy of the Palms)

March 25 Monday 7:00 pm Meditative Eucharist

March 28 Thursday 7.00 pm Maundy Thursday Service

March 29 Good Friday 10:30 am Good Friday Meditation

March 31 Easter Sunday 8:00 am Sunrise Service


10:30 am Easter Eucharist

April 21 Sunday 8:00-10:00 am Applebee’s Flapjack


Summer Vacation Bible School – dates to be determined.

From the Editor

To all who have contributed to this issue of The Bellringer in any way or form, my heartfelt thanks. It is really a group effort!

To one and all – A Joyous and Blessed Easter and a Sunny Summer!!!


|Welcome to all newcomers to St. George’s! |

|If you wish to be part of one or more of the groups listed below, please contact the appropriate contact person (below or via office*).|

| |


|Group/Committee |Contact Person |Phone |

| | | |

|Adult Education |Rev. Helen Kennedy | |

|Advertising/Communications |Pat Allan | |

|Altar Guild |Anne Leibl | |

|Anglican Church Women |Gwen Hoare | |

|Cleaner |Randy Rentz | |

|Collection Count |Peggy Rentz | |

|Envelope Secretary |Penny Single | |

|Ecumenism |Elizabeth Beazley | |

|Finance (treasurer) |Terry Leah | |

|Flowers (Altar) | |204-222-1942* |

|Food Bank |Doug & Florence Madden | |

|Funeral Ministry |Charlotte Wells | |

| |Elizabeth Beazley | |

|Healing |Rev. Helen Kennedy | |

|Liturgy |Rev. Helen Kennedy | |

|Memorial Fund/Board |Dan Thagard | |

|Men’s Group |Derrick Slater | |

|Music Ministry |Debbie Buxton | |

|Newly Baptized | |204-222-1942* |

|Parish Newsletter (Bellringer) |Elizabeth Beazley | |

|Park Manor (services & tea) |Pat Allan | |

|Pastoral Care Team |Claudine Thagard | |

|Prayer Circle |Alison Ward Westervelt | |

|Property & Maintenance |Jim Fuller | |

|Servers |Rev. Helen Kennedy | |

|Sidespersons & Welcoming |Gerald Hillier | |

|Social Events/Parish Activities |Charlotte Wells | |

| |Barbara Gustafson | |

| |Elizabeth Beazley | |

|Stewardship | |204-222-1942* |

|Sunday School |Vicky Taylor | |

| |Rowena Slater | |

|Web Page |Kirby Pearson | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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