
CLIMATE CHANGE, COVID-19, AND THE GREAT RESETA CLIMATE, ENERGY AND COVID PRIMER FOR POLITICIANS AND MEDIABy Allan M.R. MacRae, April 27, 2021 UPDATE 1dThis treatise was originally sent to Canadian and American politicians and the media in mid-March 2021. Most of them won’t understand it, because they have no scientific competence and have been utterly deceived - programmed for decades by false climate scares and green energy frauds.This update was written in April 2021 to report even more global cooling as measured by satellites and new harsh cold events, particularly in Western Europe that have severely harmed early crops, including grapes and other fruits. Harsh cold events have also struck China, Russia, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, North America and Australia.SUMMARYWe published in 2002 that there was NO catastrophic human-made global warming /climate change crisis, and green energy schemes were NOT green and produced little useful (dispatchable) energy. Dangerous global warming and climate change have NOT HAPPENED and green energy schemes have proved to be COSTLY, UNRELIABLE AND INEFFECTIVE.Global warming is NOT a threat, but global cooling IS dangerous. In 2002 we predicted that global cooling would start circa 2020, based on low solar activity, and that prediction is strongly supported by the evidence.Politicians foolishly accepted very-scary global warming falsehoods and brewed the perfect storm, crippling our energy systems with costly and unreliable green energy schemes that utterly fail due to intermittency, at a time when we will need more cheap, reliable, dispatchable energy due to increased energy demand and imminent global cooling. The good people of Australia, Britain, Germany, California and Texas have all suffered due to green energy failures that were PREDICTABLE AND PREDICTED.THE GREENS’ PREDICTIVE CLIMATE AND ENERGY RECORD IS THE WORSTThe ability to predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence. Climate doomsters have a perfect NEGATIVE predictive track record - every very-scary climate prediction, of the ~80 they have made since 1970, has FAILED TO HAPPEN.“Rode and Fischbeck, professor of Social & Decision Sciences and Engineering & Public Policy, collected 79 predictions of climate-caused apocalypse going back to the first Earth Day in 1970. With the passage of time, many of these forecasts have since expired; the dates have come and gone uneventfully.?In fact, 48 (61%) of the predictions have already expired as of the end of 2020.” The radical Greens have NO credibility, make that NEGATIVE credibility – their core competence is propaganda, the fabrication of false alarm.OUR PREDICTIVE CLIMATE AND ENERGY RECORD IS CORRECT-TO-DATE Our 2002 predictions are among the most accurate on the planet.?In 2002, co-authors Dr Sallie Baliunas, Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian, Dr Tim Patterson, Paleoclimatologist, Carleton U, Ottawa and Allan MacRae, P.Eng. (now retired), McGill, Queens, U of Alberta, published:?1. “Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.”?2. “The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.”?Allan MacRae published in the Calgary Herald on September 1, 2002, based on a conversation with Dr Tim Patterson:3. “If [as we believe] solar activity is the main driver of surface temperature rather than CO2, we should begin the next cooling period by 2020 to 2030.”?MacRae updated his global cooling prediction in 2013:3a. “I suggest global cooling starts by 2020 or sooner. Bundle up.”?CLIMATE AND ENERGY - SUPPORTING EVIDENCE AND CONCLUSIONSPoints 1 and 2 above are now demonstrated correct-to-date. There is no real human-made catastrophic global warming / climate change crisis. Grid-connected green energy has proven to be costly and ineffective – two abject failures by climate alarmists.There is no real global warming crisis – the alleged catastrophic warming has not happened and is not going to happen – that false alarm has been fabricated in faulty climate models that deliberately exaggerate any possible CO2-driven global warming. The catastrophic human-made Global Warming (aka “Climate Change) hypothesis assumes that increased fossil fuel combustion drives catastrophic human-made global warming but that assumption is disproved many times by the evidence. Dr Richard Lindzen of MIT and Dr Will Happer of Princeton are two of the most intelligent and accomplished scientists on the planet. Here is their assurance that there is NO climate emergency.CLIMATE ‘EMERGENCY’? NOT SO FASTBy Richard Lindzen & William Happer, April 16, 2021 [excerpt]We are both scientists who can attest that the research literature does not support the claim of a climate emergency. Nor will there be one. None of the lurid predictions — dangerously accelerating sea-level rise, increasingly extreme weather, more deadly forest fires, unprecedented warming, etc. — are any more accurate than the fire-and-brimstone sermons used to stoke fanaticism in medieval crusaders.One of the strongest disproofs is my 2008 discovery that atmospheric CO2 changes do not lead temperature changes in time - CO2 changes lag temperature changes by ~9 months in the modern data record. The catastrophic human-made global warming hypothesis therefore assumes that the future is causing the past – FALSE!THE CATASTROPHIC ANTHROPOGENIC GLOBAL WARMING (CAGW) AND THE HUMANMADE CLIMATE CHANGE CRISES ARE PROVED FALSE?? January 10, 2020CONCLUSION: There will be no catastrophic human-made warming and no significant increase in chaotic weather due to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations.Grid-connect green energy (wind and solar power generation) is costly and ineffective, primarily because of the fatal flaw of intermittency. There is no widely-available, cost-effective means of solving intermittency in grid-connected wind and solar power generation. Electric grids have been destabilized, electricity costs have soared and Excess Winter Deaths have increased due to foolish green energy schemes. CO2, GLOBAL WARMING, CLIMATE AND ENERGY?? June 15, 2019? Green energy does not even significantly reduce CO2 emissions, because of the need for almost 100% conventional spinning reserve, required when the wind does not blow or the Sun does not shine. CONCLUSION: Wind and solar green energy schemes are not green and produce little useful (dispatchable) energy. Point 3, incipient global cooling?is more and more probable, based on recent evidence. Contrary to political myth, atmospheric CO2 does NOT significantly drive global temperature – the Sun does – global temperature change is natural and follows solar activity. Global cooling is much more dangerous than global warming.This global cooling is primarily solar-induced, driven by the end of very-weak Solar Cycle 24 (SC24) and the beginning of very-weak SC25, as I (we) published in 2002 - one year before Theodor Landscheidt's famous 2003 global cooling prediction.NEW LITTLE ICE AGE INSTEAD OF GLOBAL WARMING??? T. Landscheidt?? May 1, 2003 Analysis of the sun’s varying activity in the last two millennia indicates that contrary to the IPCC’s speculation about man-made global warming as high as 5.8C within the next hundred years, a long period of cool climate with its coldest phase around 2030 is to be expected.In 2019, expert meteorologist Joseph D’Aleo and I co-authored a paper describing the late planting in 2018 and 2019 and the huge Great Plains crop failure of 2019 due to cold, wet weather.THE REAL CLIMATE CRISIS IS NOT GLOBAL WARMING, IT IS COOLING, AND IT MAY HAVE ALREADY STARTED?? October 27, 2019Planting was ~one month across the Great Plains of North America for crop years 2018 and 2019. In 2018 the growing season was warm and the crop recovered, but in 2019 there was a huge crop failure across the Great Plains. In 2019 fully 30% of the huge USA corn crop was never planted because of wet ground. Much of the grain crop across the Great Plains was severely harmed because of early cold and snow in the Fall.See also these crop loss articles. In this winter of 2020-2021, new record cold temperatures have been experienced all over the world, in January 2021 in Asia and in February 2021 in North America, Europe, the Mediterranean countries and the Middle East. I correctly predicted this cold Winter in August 2020:Check out NIno34 temperatures, again down to Minus 0.6C – winter will be cold.Nino34 SST anom’s hit minimums of minus1.4C-1.3C in Oct2020 and Nov2020 – so global coldest temperatures (+4 months) should be Feb2021 and Mar2021.COLD WEATHER KILLS 20 TIMES AS MANY PEOPLE AS HOT WEATHER September 4, 2015In 2015 expert meteorologist Joseph D’Aleo and I co-authored a paper that proved that global cooling was much more dangerous than global warming, even in warm countries. Excess Winter Deaths (more deaths in Winter months than non-Winter months) total ~100,000 per year in the USA and ~5000-10,000 in Canada. Global Lower Tropospheric Temperatures have declined 0.6C in 13 months, from an anomaly of +0.59C in February 2020 to only -0.01C in March 2021.CENTRAL ENGLAND EXPERIENCES HISTORICALLY CHILLY OCTOBER?? November 1, 2019The UK’s October 2019 sure felt like a chilly one, but now official Met Office temperature data has confirmed it — Central England just experienced a month on par with those of the mid-to-late 1600s.20+ WEATHER STATIONS ACROSS CHINA EQUAL/BREAK LOWEST-EVER TEMPERATURE RECORDS FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER January 2, 2021China knows what’s coming. It’s plays on the global scene are clear: from its expansion into the greening north Africa to its desperate increases in domestic energy production, the country is heeding the warnings delivered down from historical documentation and cosmological cycles, and is acting on the advice of its modern-day scientists — global cooling is coming.RECORD COLD WEATHER IN CHINA SENDS POWER DEMAND THROUGH THE ROOF?? January 8, 2021Exceptionally cold weather sweeping through China has caused a huge increase in power demand in the world's largest energy consumer and hampered transportation.ACCORDING TO THE SATELLITES, EARTH HAS COOLED RAPIDLY DURING THE PAST 2 MONTHS?? February 3, 2021During the past two months, Earth has cooled, rapidly. The Version 6.0 Global Average Lower Tropospheric Temperature (LT) Anomaly for January, 2021 has come out at just +0.12 deg. C above the baseline, down 0.03 deg. C from the December, 2020 value of +0.15 deg. C.41 RECORD LOWS SET IN ALBERTA, AS BRITAIN SUFFERS -22.9C (-9.2F)?? February 11, 2021 Extreme cold has been gripping our planet for the past few months, driving its average temperature down (UAH) and the NH snow mass up (FMI).WORST SNOWFALL IN 50+ YEARS HITS MOSCOW, MANITOBA SETS 20 NEW COLD RECORDS ON SATURDAY ALONE (IN BOOKS DATING BACK TO 1879), AND CARS HAVE BEEN BURIED UNDER SNOWDRIFTS IN BRITAIN?? February 15, 2021Record cold and snow has buffeted much of the Northern Hemisphere of late: from northern Asia, to the majority of Europe, to practically ALL of North America — the NH is suffering a truly historic winter of 2020/21 as the Grand Solar Minimum intensifies.RECORD-SMASHING SNOW AND ICE STORMS LEAVE 5 MILLION AMERICANS WITHOUT POWER (AND COUNTING): “THE SITUATION IS CRITICAL”?? February 16, 2021The historic Arctic front crippling Texas’s power system, sending energy prices soaring to record levels, is intensifying with at least 5 million people across the U.S. now plunged into darkness, unable to heat their homes.LIBYA SEES SNOW FOR FIRST TIME IN 15 YEARS; RARE FLAKES ALSO HIT EGYPT, SYRIA, LEBANON, PALESTINE, ISRAEL, JORDAN AND SAUDI ARABIA (AMONG OTHERS) AS THE SUN HITS MILESTONE OF 2 SPOTLESS WEEKS?? February 18, 2021The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.GREECE SUFFERS “MOST INTENSE” SNOWFALL SINCE THE 1970S, AS LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS RECEIVES 6-YEARS WORTH OF SNOW IN A WEEK?? February 19, 2021An exceptionally rare and long-lasting snowstorm battered Attica this week–the historical region that encompasses Greece’s capital city Athens and the surrounding countryside projecting into the Aegean Sea.THIS FEBRUARY (TO THE 20TH), THE U.S. BROKE 9,075 LOW TEMPERATURE RECORDS VS JUST THE 982 FOR WARMTH?? February 23, 2021The Arctic invasion that recently swept the United States was truly historic, and the record books prove it. According to warm-mongers NOAA – who willfully ignore the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect – the month of February, 2021 has so far (to the 20th) seen 9,075 daily cold-minimum and cold-maximum temperature records fall across the United States vs just the 982 for warmth. Of these, 693 also qualified as new monthly record lows. And of these, a staggering 198 were also new all-time never-before-witnessed benchmarks – often in record books dating back 150+ years.MONSTER ARCTIC FRONT ENGULFS ASIA AND CANADA, AS EUROPE’S LONGEST BRIDGE IS CLOSED DUE TO SNOW?? February 24, 2021While parts of the United States and Europe enjoy a brief respite from the frostbite, the majority of Canada, transcontinental Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan continue to suffer from a descended Arctic.N. HEMISPHERE SNOW MASS JUMPS TO 700 GIGATONS ABOVE 1982-2012 AVERAGE + ARCTIC SEA ICE SEES EXPONENTIAL GAINS + ICELAND VOLCANOES STIR?? February 25, 2021 The latest data point from the Finnish Meteorology Institute’s (FMI’s) “Total snow mass for Northern Hemisphere” chart has been plotted, and it reveals pow-pow across the hemisphere as a whole –excluding the mountains– is riding at some 700 Gigatons above the 1982-2012 average:“SWINGS BETWEEN EXTREMES” MUDDLES THE SEASONS IN EUROPE, AS HEAVY SNOW DISRUPTS THE WATER SUPPLY IN JAPAN?? February 26, 2021Plus, Russia’s record-breaking “snowpocalypse” leaves tens of thousands without power and a dozen districts in a state of emergency.NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA JUST SUFFERED ITS COLDEST SUMMER IN A DECADE?? March 1, 2021According to data from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), the eastern Aussie state of New South Wales (NSW) has just suffered its coldest summer season since 2011.COLDEST FEBRUARY ON RECORD IN THE PERMIAN BASIN, AS 6.7 FEET (2.05M) OF SNOW BURIES IWAMIZAWA CITY, JAPAN?? March 2, 2021February, 2021 delivered truly unprecedented wintry conditions to the Permian Basin — the month went down as the coldest February on record (in books dating back to the late 1800s).MARCH SNOW HITS HAWAII + 3-FEET SLAMS SOUTH KOREA + THE UK, SCANDINAVIA AND THE ALPS BRACE FOR A MID-MONTH BURIAL?? March 3, 2021The National Weather Service in Honolulu said Monday morning that “overnight snow and icy conditions are present over the Big Island Summits.”20 INCHES OF SNOW BURIES ATLANTIC CANADA, WHITEOUT CONDITIONS HIT MAINE, NEW YORK, VERMONT AND BEYOND + “THE COLD BLOB”?? March 4, 2021 Temps are tumbling, snowpack is building, ocean currents are stalling, volcanoes are stirring, magnetic poles are shifting, and the Sun is entering a multidecadal slumber — welcome, all, to the next true climate catastrophe: PREPARE.TEXAS COULD BE HIT AGAIN: MID-RANGE WEATHER MODELS SEE MORE RECORD COLD ENGULFING THE LONE STAR STATE BY THE FINAL WEEK OF MARCH March 10, 2021Before we get onto late-March and Texas though, the comings days will bring their own wake-up-call to residents of the Central United States, as feet upon feet of snow look set to bury multiple states.EUROPE SET FOR HISTORIC SPRING SNOWFALL, AS NORTH AMERICA BRACES FOR WEEKEND OF RECORD-BUSTING BLIZZARDS + SANGAY ERUPTS TO 41,000 FT (12.5 KM) March 12, 2021Snow is a thing of the future, it would appear, the near future — all-time snowfall records are under threat across Europe and North America in March — Grand Solar Minimum.“HISTORIC AND CRIPPLING” WINTER STORM RIPS THROUGH THE CENTRAL UNITED STATES: “PLEASE STAY HOME” March 15, 2021Record cold and snow IS NOT caused by anthropogenic global warming. AGW shouldn’t be looked upon as “bad science” anymore — it is the work of agenda-driven charlatans.MORE NOAA LIES, MAJOR MARCH SNOWSTORM BURIES THE ALPS UNDER 10 FEET, AND FINLAND FEARS THIS WINTER’S RECORD SNOW WON’T MELT IN THE SUMMER?? March 16, 2021All-time cold-records continue to fall as the Grand Solar Minimum continues to intensify, despite what NOAA is telling us.“POLAR SPRING” TO HIT EUROPE AS UK MET OFFICE WARNS OF 2000-MILE WIDE “ARCTIC DOME,” PLUS THE 45 VOLCANOES CURRENTLY ERUPTING?? March 17, 2021The growing season is shortening — I am expecting a freeze here in central Portugal a full 45 days AFTER the last average frost date.ICELAND ERUPTS, ANTARCTICA REGISTERS -70C AND ABOVE-AVERAGE SEA ICE EXTENT, WHILE SPAIN SUFFERS COLDEST “FALLES” SINCE 1939 (PLUS RARE SPRING SNOW) March 22, 2021Spring may have technically sprung across the NH, but winter 2020-21 is refusing to let up. The mid-latitudes can expect further late-season frosts in the coming weeks and months.LIVERMORE, CA SUFFERS ITS COLDEST DAY IN 110 YEARS + ARCTIC WALRUS SPOTTED IN WALES March 23, 2021There is robust science behind the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM. Heed the findings of some of the top minds in the fields of Solar Physics and Climate:WINTER STORM KILLED [AT LEAST] 57 IN TEXAS March 24, 2021A month after a historic winter storm brought Texas’s grid to its knees, leaving 5+ million without power, preliminary data recently released by the Texas Department of State Health Services reveals a grim picture — at least 57 Texans lost their lives.DENVER FORECAST TO BREAK 1891 SNOWFALL RECORD, AS WINTRY STORMS THREATEN SWATHES OF NORTH AMERICA March 24, 2021It has been just over a week since Denver was hit by 2+ feet of global warming goodness, and with another wintry storm unfolding, the city is on the cusp of breaking a snowfall record that has stood for 130 years.UK ON FOR RECORD APRIL SNOW, AS RARE MARCH BLIZZARDS BLANKET TURKEY, CYPRUS, ALGERIA, TAIWAN, AND INDIA March 25, 2021We’re fast approaching April, but this, the first of the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM winters is refusing to let up.“INSANE DEPTH OF COLD” TO BLAST BRITAIN [IN APRIL], AS SEA ICE AT BOTH POLES CONTINUES TO GROW EXPONENTIALLY March 29, 2021For something purportedly “global,” AGW sure is illusive… An “insane depth of cold” is set to strike the UK over the Easter weekend, warns the Weather Outlook’s Brian Gaze.HEAVY SNOW BURIES HOUSE IN ROMANIA: “YOU CAN’T EVEN SEE THE ROOF,” AS INDIANAPOLIS BRACES FOR ITS COLDEST START TO APRIL IN ALMOST 3 DECADES March 30, 2021Even according to those UHI-ignoring, agenda-driving frauds at NOAA, the year 2021 (to March 21) has seen TWICE as many new low temperature records set across the U.S. than it has record highs. The agency’s hokey data set also reveals that across the globe, record cold is outstripping record warmth this year. Natural solar-driven global warming has ended. The next cooling epoch is upon us. Prepare accordingly.HEAVY APRIL SNOW TO PUMMEL MULTIPLE CONTINENTS SIMULTANEOUSLY, AS THE SUN [ONCE AGAIN] FADES TO BLANK March 31, 2021From CANADA to HAWAII, and from SWEDEN to SPAIN, the month of March is exiting like a “snowy lion” as rare accumulations continue to build — and things are forecast to turn even snowier as April rolls in.EUROPE’S POLAR COLD TO INTENSIFY THROUGH APRIL, AS NORTH AMERICA BRACES FOR A SIMILAR FATE — GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM April, 2021 Land masses across the northern hemisphere are experiencing a true taste of the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM this spring, as while brief pockets of heat have intermittently prevailed, Arctic cold has never been far away, forever-threatening to wipe out those tender early-season crops that have been “tricked” into sprouting.MONSTER SNOWDRIFTS BLOCK SCOTTISH ROADS, SOUTHERN CROATIA SEES FIRST APRIL SNOW EVER, AS WHITEHORSE SNOWPACK REACHES 300% OF NORMAL April 7, 2021 The Northern Hemisphere’s snowpack remains reluctant to return to 1982-2012 norms. This real-world observation (aka fact) is a sign of the times, it is a dismantling of the AGW hypothesis, as well as a humiliation for modern climate science and every parroting proponent of an imminent heat-induced catastrophe. Total snow mass for the Northern Hemisphere is holding at some 500 Gigatons above the multidecadal average (see the FMI chart below) — this reality is, and always has been, an impossibility under the Global Warming hypothesis.SLOVENIA SUFFERS COLDEST APRIL TEMP IN HISTORY, BELGRADE BREAKS ALL-TIME SNOW RECORD, EUROPEAN WINEMAKERS BUST-OUT THE “FROST FIRES,” AND AN ANTARCTIC BLAST THREATENS EARLY-SEASON SNOW IN SE AUSTRALIA April 8, 2021Frigid air, spilling south from the Arctic and north from Antarctica, has invaded the lower-latitudes of late, throwing the seasons out of whack and breaking long-standing cold records — welcome to the next Grand Solar Minimum.EARLY-SEASON SNOW BLASTS AUSTRALIA, “WORST FROSTS IN DECADES” RAVAGE EUROPE WITH “AGRICULTURAL DISASTER” DECLARED IN FRANCE, AS RARE APRIL SNOW AND RECORD COLD HITS UK April 12, 2021 Polar Cold is currently striking both hemispheres: an impossibility under the fantasy doctrine and sham-tactic stratagem that is AGW — our so-called “leaders” are weak, and aren’t fit for purpose.WINTER RETURNS TO NORTH AMERICA, SONGHUA RIVER FREEZES IN CHINA, AND FRESH SPRING SNOW HITS HAWAII April 14, 2021The year’s 2018-2019-2020 were a century-class Solar Minimum, and Earth’s atmosphere had begun to cool; so much so in fact, that by late-2020 it had all-but reversed the past few decades of “natural” global warming brought-about by historically high solar output. This cooling has only intensified into 2021.‘COLD OUTBREAKS ARE NOT CAUSED BY GLOBAL WARMING’ — Dr Jay Lehr and Tom Harris April 15, 2021“The real cause of the severe cold outbreaks in the United States is a wavy Jet Stream … (and) the most common cause of a wavy Jet Stream is GLOBAL COOLING.”APRIL SNOW HITS HUNGARY, AS SWITZERLAND REGISTERS COLDEST SPELL IN 3-DECADES: EUROPEAN FRUIT SHORTAGE EXPECTED April 16, 2021Europe’s historic April chill, which included the declaration of an “Agricultural Disaster” in France, has resulted in a looming fruit and vegetable shortage. ENGLAND’S COLDEST APRIL SINCE 1922, GERMANY’S CHILLIEST SINCE 1917 April 20, 2021It may be late-April, but spring 2021 is a no show across much of Europe. The continent is suffering a climatic reality similar to that of the previous prolonged spell of reduced solar output: not since the Centennial Minimum (1880-1920) have Europeans suffered an April this cold and snowy.100+ MILLION AMERICANS TO SUFFER SUB-FREEZING COLD, AS NORTHERN HEMISPHERE SNOW MASS CLIMBS TO A HISTORIC 2,400 GIGATONS April 21, 2021A monster upper low will intensify Weds and deliver a brutal late-April freeze to North Americans. Heavy snow will accompany the cold, and will drive NH snow mass –which already stands at 700 Gts above the 1982-2012 average– even higher.RECORD APRIL COLD SWEEPS THE UNITED STATES, WITH “VERY RARE” AND “BIZARRE” SNOW FALLING AS FAR SOUTH AS OKLAHOMA April 22, 2021NORTH AMERICA: A powerful Arctic blast has delivered –and is continuing to deliver– record April cold and snow as far south as Oklahoma, with the unprecedented wintry conditions forecast to run into May.WINTER ARRIVES EARLY ACROSS THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE April 26, 2021The global warming narrative is collapsing like a flan in a cupboard. The serial prevaricators are leading the parroting masses ever-closer to that cliff edge, to that ground-shaking revelation that what they’ve been fed for the past four decades isn’t science, but is instead a pile of policy-driving hooey.OVER THE PAST 7 DAYS, THOUSANDS OF LOW TEMPERATURE RECORDS FELL ACROSS THE UNITED STATES April 26, 2021‘Devastating Terra Firma Broiling’ – as I like to call it (aka global warming) – now constitutes EVERY WEATHER EVENT KNOWN TO MAN, including record-breaking SPRING COLD and unprecedented SNOW MASS TOTALS across an entire hemisphere.EUROPE BRACES FOR EXTREME MAY FREEZE April 27, 2021The models are in, and the models are grim: the majority of Europe is set on for an extreme May freeze with heavy snow forecast for Scandinavia, the Alps, Germany, and even the UK.More at and : Dangerous global cooling will continue, it will be sporadic, moving from continent to continent with the seasons and the polar vortex, and could last for decades.THE SECOND GREAT GLOBAL FRAUD – THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWNIn October 2019, Event 201, sponsored by the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others simulated a global coronavirus pandemic. Just months later, a relatively mild Wuhan-lab-manufactured Covid-19 coronavirus flu was overblown into a false global pandemic, promoted by the World Health Organization into an economy-destroying global lockdown. Well-established government emergency programs were discarded and replaced with an economy-destroying full lockdown of businesses, the workforce and students, populations who were never at significant risk from Covid-19, which was only seriously dangerous to the very elderly and infirm. HYPERLINK "" INTERVIEW OF LT. COL. DAVID REDMAN, FORMER HEAD OF ALBERTA'S EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYSociety has experienced more deadly flu epidemics in recent decades without a lockdown. A few states like Sweden and South Dakota did not lock down for Covid-19 , and one year of Covid-19 data has proved that the lockdown was absolutely UNNECESSARY. Several analysts correctly deemed the lockdown unnecessary and highly destructive as early as March 2020, and one year later these assessments are proved correct. The facts were obvious even then.21March2020 - Willis EschenbachThe economic damage from the current insane “shelter-in-place” regulations designed to thwart the coronavirus is going to be huge—lost jobs, shuttered businesses, economic downturn, stock market losses. This doesn’t count the personal cost in things like increased suicides and domestic and other violence.21March2020 – Allan MacRae HYPERLINK "" \l "comment-2943724" LET’S CONSIDER AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH:Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.22March2020 – Allan MacRaeThis full-lockdown scenario is especially hurting service sector businesses and their minimum-wage employees - young people are telling me they are "financially under the bus". The young are being destroyed to protect us over-65's. A far better solution is to get them back to work and let us oldies keep our distance, and get "herd immunity" established ASAP - in months not years. Then we will all be safe again._________________________________________I recently discovered more evidence that there was NO justification for the ~March 1, 2020 Covid-19 lockdown in Alberta and Canada, because there were NO significant excess deaths to end-June 2020.WHERE IS THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC? WHY THE FULL LOCKDOWN?ANNUAL TOTAL DEATHS IN ALBERTA AND CANADA SHOW NOTHING UNUSUAL TO 30June2020 by Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., April 3, 2021More significant deaths occurred during winter 2014-15 and there was no lockdown then. Why did we lockdown in 2020? The immensely costly Covid-19 lockdown was NOT justified. Lockdown Scam!If you’re going to call a pandemic, there should be some evidence of same. In Alberta and Canada, it is impossible to see any significant increase in total mortality to 30June2020 (2020.5) – in fact, the winter of 2014-2015 was worse. Notes about the DataAt 30June2020 the population of Alberta was 4,421,876 and that of Canada was 37,742,154.The upward slope in both plots reflects increasing population and the average aging of populations.After a high-mortality-winter like 2014-2015, the subsequent year is typically lower-than-trend, because there are fewer very-elderly-and-infirm remaining to die the next winter. The reverse is true after a low-mortality winter, and this high-risk population is termed “dry tinder” by some analysts. As a result, the total mortality numbers tend to oscillate with time around the trend line.Alberta has a younger population than Canada and a significantly lower rate of deaths per capita.CONCLUSION: This Covid-19 full lockdown was never justified and has done vastly more harm than good to society - the key question is how was it possible for so many countries to discard tried-and-proven emergency plans and implement such a destructive lockdown, in response to a relatively minor threat. Who pulled the strings on this fiasco – this huge global fraud?LINKING THE CLIMATE AND COVID FRAUDS AND THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’S FINAL SOLUTION – THE “GREAT RESET”Many global “leaders” quickly linked the two huge frauds, stating "to solve Covid we have to solve Climate Change” - utter nonsense, not even plausible enough to be specious. Then they introduced their Final Solution, the “Great Reset” – the move to a Chinese Communist Party style dictatorship, a centrally-controlled economy where we all live like poor slaves, lorded over by our wealthy masters.WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF) PRESENTS: THE GREAT RESET— “YOU’LL OWN NOTHING, AND YOU’LL BE HAPPY.”(Deleted WEF video) The World Economic Forum faced a barrage of criticism before deleting a video which praised coronavirus lockdowns for “quietly improving cities around the world”.(Deleted WEF video)Sky News Australia exposes the “GREAT RESET”, the wild Marxist “Final Solution” from the World Economic Forum, as espoused by its founder Klaus Schwab (aka “Doctor Evil”) and a host of bizarre villains out of an Austin Powers movie. (Schwab starts at 5:05)More on the Great Reset:World Economic Forum Chris Chappell Spiro Skouras THE COVERT EXTREME-LEFT POLITICAL AGENDA – WHY NOW?Global politics has now become toxic and unhinged, with the extreme-left panicking, and trying to force the neo-Marxist Great Reset on us all. ?WHY NOW? Because solar-driven global cooling is upon us, and the fraud of catastrophic human-caused global warming is about to be exposed to even the most obtuse of humanity. ?The Situation Assessment is summarized below – its perpetrators are among the most deceitful scoundrels on Earth, and to date they are succeeding. ?For decades, climate skeptics have been correctly arguing that the science of the global warming extremists was wrong, but it was never about the science – it was always a fraud – a false scheme concocted for political and financial gain. ?People give the warmist cabal too much credibility – false alarm is their tactic - the climate alarmist leaders know they are lying – they’ve known it all along.SITUATION ASSESSMENT ?It's ALL a Marxist scam – false enviro-hysteria including the Climate and Green-Energy frauds, the full lockdown for Covid-19, the illogical linking of these frauds ("to solve Covid we have to solve Climate Change"), paid-and-planned terrorism by Antifa and BLM, and the mail-in ballot USA election scam - it's all false and fraudulent. ?The Climate-and-Covid scares are false crises, concocted by wolves to stampede the sheep. ?The tactics used by the global warming propagandists are straight out of Lenin's playbook. The Climategate emails provided further evidence of the warmists' deceit – they don’t debate, they shout down dissent and seek to harm those who disagree with them – straight out of Lenin.?The purported “science” of global warming catastrophism has been disproved numerous ways over the decades. Every one of the warmists’ very-scary predictions, some 80 or so since 1970, have failed to happen. The most objective measure of scientific competence is the ability to correctly predict – and the climate fraudsters have been 100% wrong to date. ?There is a powerful logic that says that no rational person can be this wrong, this deliberately obtuse, for this long – that they must have a covert agenda. I made this point circa 2009, and that agenda is now fully exposed – it is the Marxist totalitarian “Great Reset” – “You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy!”?The wolves, proponents of both the very-scary Global Warming / Climate Change scam and the Covid-19 Lockdown scam, know they are lying. Note also how many global “leaders” quickly linked the two scams, stating ”to solve Covid we have to solve Climate Change”- utter nonsense, not even plausible enough to be specious. ?Regarding the sheep, especially those who inhabit our universities and governments: The sheep are well-described by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of the landmark text “The Black Swan”,? as "Intellectual-Yet-Idiot" or IYI – IYI's hold the warmist views as absolute truths, without ever having spent sufficient effort to investigate them. The false warmist narrative fitted their negative worldview, and they never seriously questioned it by examining the contrary evidence. CLOSUREThe policy incompetence of Western governments over past decades is appalling. By attempting to appease extreme leftists who seek to destroy our economies and our freedoms, governments have adopted a failed strategy that makes us weaker, poorer and at much greater risk.Allan MacRae, B.A.Sc.(Eng.), M.Eng. ................

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