Wednesday 3 October - Photographer in school*

Thursday 11 October

- Year 4 Assembly 9.05am

Wednesday 17 October - School Harvest Service at St Thomas Becket 9.30am*

Tuesday 23 October

- Autumn Disco YR-Y6*

- White Hall residential visit parents meeting 6.00pm

Wednesday 24 October - Y6 Eden Camp visit 8.00am

Thursday 25 October

- Y2 Blue Planet Aquarium visit 8.45am

- Year 3 Assembly 9.05am

Friday 26 October

- Non Uniform day - Shoebox Appeal (info to follow)

- End of Autumn Term 1 - school closes normal times

Monday 5 November

- Start of Autumn Term 2

Tuesday 6 November - Flu Immunisations for YR-Y5

Wednesday 7 November - Parent Consultations for Nursery

Thursday 8 November - Year 5 Assembly 9.05am

Sunday 11 November - Remembrance Service at St Thomas Becket 10.15am

Monday 12 November - Y6 In Memoriam Poems

- Act of Remembrance

Tuesday 13 November - Year 2 Assembly 9.05am

- Parent Consultation Evening: for YR-Y6 3.30-8.00pm

- Y5 Bikeability Sessions start

Thursday 15 November - Y1 Eureka! visit

Tuesday 20 November - YR Height, Weight & Hearing tests


* see below

A very warm welcome back to you all and we hope you have had a fantastic Summer. We have settled back into school and the children made an excellent start in their new classes and new routines.

A special welcome to all our new families, children new to school and our new staff: Miss Oxford in Year 6, Miss O'Reilly in Year 1, Mrs Madin in Year 5 and Mrs Rose and Ms Turner our new Teaching Assistants. We hope you will all be very happy in our school family.

Each morning myself and Mrs Oliver (Assistant Headteacher & SENCO) stand outside on the gate. If you have a question or query please do not hesitate to approach us. For Years 1 ? 6 the class dojo system is also a quick way to get a direct message to your child's teacher. We operate an open door policy and encourage parents/carers to come and talk to us if they need to.

A polite reminder concerning absence. We are still working hard to improve this and regular meetings will be held with the attendance officer to support families where attendance is a concern. This year we will be asking for medical letters/appointment cards etc. to be shown for appointments within school time to be able to authorise these. Also wedding invitations will be requested if absence is requested for a wedding. Thank you for your support with this, it is vital that children are in school and ready to learn.

We look forward to working with you closely again and ask for your support with both learning for the children but also does anyone have any spare time to support our PTA. They work very hard and are raising money to purchase an outdoor classroom. Many hands make light work and we need more people to attend and support these meetings and the work they carry out - we need you!!

You should all have received a copy of the Term Dates and Diary Dates for this academic year, we endeavour to minimise change once these have been set. Please keep these in a safe place for future reference. They are also on our website should you need to check a date or event away from home! We look forward to another happy and successful year in school.

Thank you.

Jacquie Barber Head Teacher

Message from School Cook

Just a reminder that KS2 children have the option to pre-order a jacket potato or sandwich as their main choice for lunch for the following day. The kitchen team work hard to ensure that all meals are nutritionally balanced and healthy. This ensures we meet the "Food for life" guidance.

This enables children to order their own meal choice and are then independent and responsible for ensuring they receive the right meal. These are all really important life skills.

Parents of YR & KS1 children can also pre-order a sandwich, directly with the kitchen, if this is their child's preference.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call into the kitchen.

Ingrid Mullins School Cook


We would like to remind all parents that no dogs (except guide dogs with their owners) are allowed on school premises at any time. There have been incidents of dogs fouling in and around the school grounds and we would like to remind parents not to bring dogs into the grounds when bringing or collecting their children from school.


At the end of the summer term the Methodist Church Community Shield was awarded to Tobi Cousins and The Thomas Theyer Foundation award for sport was presented to Torin McCullock.

Congratulations to both of them on their outstanding achievements.

Snowball Club

A before and after school club is held in the KS1 hall every day during term time, opening at 8.00am and running until 5.30pm. For more information call Sharon Wood on 07890 962529.

Relief Staff

We are currently looking for relief lunchtime assistants and cleaners. The current rate of pay is ?8.50 per hour. If you are interested in joining our friendly team, please contact Tracey Ward for an application form or further information.

One Way System

Many of our new parents may be unaware of the unofficial one-way system we ask you to use at the start and end of the school day. For safety reasons and to keep traffic moving, we ask that drivers approaching school from the Town End area of Chapel to turn left at the top of

Quentin Road, then turn right onto Longson Road, right onto Moss View Road and

finally turn right into Warmbrook Road and then leave via Quentin Road.

Also please avoid parking in the bus lay by and on the yellow raised crossing points. This has worked well for many years and we appreciate your cooperation.

School Photographs

The photographer will be in school on Wednesday 3 October to take all children's photographs. Children who do not have a sibling in school will have their individual photograph taken. Pupils who have brothers/sisters in this school will be photographed as a family group only, unless we are notified otherwise.

If you would like to have your child photographed with younger or older children not attending this school please come to school at 8.15am and photographs will be taken on a first come first served basis. Please note this may involve a long wait.


A Government Scheme provides a fresh fruit/vegetable snack for Early Years & KS1 children. KS2 children are encouraged to bring a healthy fruit/ vegetable snack fresh or dried from home for their morning break. Cereal bars, fruit winders or nuts are not permitted. Thank you.

Absences from school

Please remember to contact school ASAP on 01298 812000 or send a message via the text service or class dojo, on the first day of your child's absence. You will be contacted by text if a reason for your child's absence is not received. This also applies to part time Nursery children. Please note if we do not receive a reason for your child's absence it will be marked as unauthorised.


We can administer prescribed medicines or pain relief medication for children if they cannot be given around the school day. If you wish any medicine to be given during the school day, it should be left in the school office and the appropriate form completed. Please do not send cough sweets, Calpol or prescribed medicines in your child's bag for them to hand in to the office without a form.

If your child suffers from asthma and needs an inhaler in school please call into the office ASAP to complete the appropriate form. Inhaler administration forms need to be renewed at the beginning of each school year. Inhalers need to be in their prescription box and will be kept in a medical cabinet in each year group area. Please be aware that it is parent's responsibility to ensure inhalers are full and in date.

If your child has any allergies please inform Jane Simmons in the main office ASAP and a note will be made on your

child's school record.

Cash Payments

If you wish to pay for your child's lunches or trips in cash at the school office, please have the correct money, whenever possible. We do not have the facility to carry a large amount of change. This will also speed up the process at busy times. Thank you.

School Car Park

Local residents have asked us to remind parents not to park their cars over driveways and on the pavements during dropping off/collection times. Please show consideration for the local residents and people with pushchairs. The school has an arrangement with the Shoulder of Mutton to allow parents/carers to park in the rear of their car park at the beginning and end of the school day. Permits for this are available from the school office for 50p donation.

Please note that parking is not allowed in the school grounds at any time other than if you have been contacted to collect a sick child, if you have a `Blue Badge' and you are the person entitled to use the badge. Please share this information with anyone who may collect your child. Thank you for your cooperation.

Poppy Appeal

Remembrance Sunday falls on 11 November this year. To commemorate this event and aid the British Legion with their appeal, Poppies will be on sale at the beginning of Term 2, we are suggesting a minimum donation of 50p towards this worthy cause.

Late Arrivals

If your child is late arriving to school please ensure you sign the late book at the school office for fire evacuation safety and to avoid any unnecessary confusion.

PE Kit ? Y1 to Y6

Please ensure your child has both indoor & outdoor PE kit in school every week. Dark shorts & plain white t-shirt for indoor and jogging bottoms, sweat top and trainers for outdoor PE. All named and in a bag. If you are unsure of the PE days please check your child's Year Group Newsletter. Please note earrings should not be worn on PE & swimming session days. Thank you.

Harvest Festival

Our school Harvest Festival will be held at St Thomas Becket church on Wednesday 17 October at 9.30am. Year Reception to Year 6 children will be walking up to the church at 9.00am. We would appreciate any additional help in walking up with the children. Nursery children are not involved in this service. Again everyone is welcome to join us for this service.

Free School Meals

If you receive Income Support you may be entitled to free school meals for your child/ren. Please see Angie in the school office for more information.

Snowflake Toddler Group

Did you know that we have a toddler group in school? Snowflake Toddler group meet every Thursday morning during term time from 9.00-11.15am in the KS1 hall. If you have a pre-school child, why not come and join us for a cup of coffee whilst the children can experience fun activities in a safe, secure environment. The cost is ?1.50 per family - snack is provided. We look forward to seeing you.

If you would like to be more involved in the running of the group please leave your contact details at the school office.


A huge thank you again to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee morning last week. We had lots of lovely cakes and helping hands and we raised an

amazing ?730!!

Autumn Disco

Our first disco of the year will take place on Tuesday 23 October in the KS1 hall. Entrance fee is ?2.00 per child which includes a drink and snack, no extra spending money is required.

YR-Y2 disco is 3.30-4.30pm. Please send your child with their change of clothes in a bag in the morning and hand ?2.00 to their class teacher. Children should be collected from their normal classroom door at 4.30pm prompt.

Y3-Y6 disco is 5.00-6.00pm. Children should be dropped off and collected from the KS1 hall door. Please note all children attending this disco must be met by an adult they are not permitted to walk home alone.

Head Lice

Beware head lice may be crawling back to a head near you! If your child has long hair please ensure it is tied back during the school day, this includes boys with long hair! Combs are available from the office priced at 20p.


Please make sure ALL of your child's uniform/PE kit is clearly marked, this way it can be easily returned if found.

Now that the Autumn weather has arrived please ensure your child has a coat every day, as the children will be outside at break and lunch times unless it is raining heavily.

Birthday Treats

We are always trying to promote healthy eating and with this in mind, we will not be giving out sweets from holidays or for birthdays. If you wish to celebrate your child's birthday please send in cake or biscuits to share (please can these be cut up or individually wrapped to make the teachers life easier). An alternative is to buy a book that can be shared with the class and then we can record on the inside cover whose birthday it was to celebrate. This is a lovely way to celebrate a birthday!

Pupil Update Forms

At your parent consultation evening appointment you will be asked to check the database details we hold for your child. It is vital these are kept up to date for illness or emergency use.

If you change your mobile number please inform the office ASAP. This will enable us to update the texting service which keeps you informed of any school activities or closures due to inclement weather.

School Meals

School lunches are now ?10.50 per week. This should be paid by Wednesday of each week, to your child's class teacher

in a named envelope or at the school office (cheques are payable to Derbyshire County Council). If you wish to pay for the term please call into the office for the correct amount.

Please note one week's notice is required if your child wishes to change from school dinners to packed lunches or vice versa. This is applicable to all year groups whether they are paid or free meals.

N.B. If your child is going to arrive at school late due to an appointment or unavoidable delay please inform the office by 9.30am otherwise a meal may

not be available that day. Also if you intend to collect your child before lunch for an appointment and they do not require a lunch that day the office must be informed by 9.30am. If a meal has been ordered and your child goes home before lunch for any reason you will be charged for the meal and no refund given. We apologise if this causes any inconvenience.

Please see Angie in the school office if you have any questions regarding school meals.

Music Lessons

Brass Y4 & Y5 (tbc) Drums Y2 to Y5 Piano Y3 to Y5 Flute Y3 to Y5 Violin Y3 to Y6 Clarinet Y3 to Y6

If your child is interested in learning any of the above instruments please leave your contact details in the main office. We will pass them on to the relevant peripatetic teacher, who will then contact you directly if they have any space.


Please do NOT send chocolate, crisps and sweetened drinks in lunchboxes. We are a healthy eating school and would like your help too, in encouraging children to eat healthily. Our Mega Lunchbox Leaflet which has tips and ideas for a balanced

diet is available from the school office.

Medical Conditions

Please inform the school office if your child has a medical condition. Jane Simmons, First Aider is happy to discuss this with you and will determine if it is necessary to complete a Health Care Plan. This will help us to keep your child

safe and ensure that the correct medical procedures are followed.

If your child has an injury which may prevent them from taking part in PE or going outside at break you must call into the office on the first day back to school to complete a risk assessment.

Craft Club

Thank you to everyone who purchased items made at our lunchtime craft club last year. These were Christmas, Mother's Day & Father's Day items all made by the children. All profits go towards buying new materials to keep the club self-funding. Children are currently making items to be sold at our Christmas Fair.

Sickness Bugs

At this time of year sickness bugs quickly spread through the school. We would like to remind parents that if your child falls victim to a sickness/diarrhoea bug they should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout. This is in line with Public Health Agency guidelines. If you are unsure of how long your child should stay off school due to any illness or infection, please contact school and the office staff can refer to the HSE guidance.

School Meals Competition

Derbyshire County Council catering service are offering a vegetable sculpture competition to all schools who would like to take part. This is purely voluntary and for fun. They would like pupils to create a sculpture made from fruit and/or vegetables. They can be any theme, shape or size and there will be a small prize for each entry.

The competition will take place on Thursday 15 November during National School Meals Week. The entries will be judged by the catering staff and a winner selected. The winning sculpture will be photographed and displayed on:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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