SNS Controls Software Tools

Data Browser Update


Screenshots of new (above) and previous (below) Data Browser.


The new Data Browser appears similar to the old one. It will open existing configuration files for an easy transition. It’s implementation, however, is quite different:

• New plot can pan axes or the whole plot via the mouse; more zoom options; annotations can 'snap' to a trace, or be freely positioned.

• Undo/redo support for almost everything

• Process Variables can scan at individual rates, or log every received change.

Maybe most important is a completely reworked Oracle archive readout library. Searches for PVs by name with a simple ‘*’ or ‘?’ pattern, for example “RFQ_Vac:*:P” to look for all RFQ vacuum pressure PVs, is now almost instantaneous. Retrieval of archived samples should be significantly faster(.


When starting Control System Studio (CSS) with the new Data Browser for the first time, click on the “[pic] Open new Data Browser plot” icon in the top tool bar. Then right-click the newly opened plot area, select “[pic] Data Browser Perspective”, and reply “Yes” to the “Reset?” question.

Read the online help to learn about the new plot toolbar:


Another change is in the plot configuration panel: Instead of the old Archive Config panel, the Data Browser now uses a Properties panel that can be shared with other CSS tools. When you have multiple Data Browser plots open, the Properties panel will show the configuration of the plot that was last selected via a mouse click. When no Data Browser plot is selected, the Properties panel will be empty or even show the configuration of a different CSS tool.

You can force the Properties panel to stay attached to a specific Data Browser plot by selecting the “[pic] pin” icon, or open more than one Property panel, which you then 'pin' to specific plots, via the “[pic] drop-down” menu of the panel.

( Your mileage may vary. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. For informational purposes only, no guarantee expressed or implied. No warranty of fitness for any particular purpose. Use at your own risk. Wear a sweater.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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