Educating Ourselves So We Can Educate Others

Educating Ourselves So We Can Educate Others

Defining Who We Are (In Process)

Democracy Matters (GAC Chapter) is a non-partisan, student organization dedicated to the health of American democracy on all levels of government. The local GAC chapter is part of a much larger and growing student movement all across the United States. Currently our primary focus is money in politics, especially, when it comes to the influence of money in our elections. Because of our concerns we advocate Fair and Clean Election reforms such as the ones found in Arizona, Maine, and North Carolina. These reforms make public funding available for serious candidates to run on thus taking the influence of private donors out of the picture. Our conviction for this cause stems both from our belief in a democratic system and also in our belief that FACE reform makes other important reforms possible.

What’s the Problem?

• The role of Money in Politics.

• Visit the Article “Why We Need Reform” by Joan Mandle

• Check out this article from Public Campaign:

What’s the Solution?

• Fair and Clean Elections!

• Check out this article by Jay Mandle

• This Flow Chart from a Yale Student Group is also helpful.

• This is an executive summary of a much larger report from NEAction. I highly recommend it.

For the more ambitious here is the full report:

If you look through this stuff you are well on your way to being comfortable with this issue and presenting it to others. However, there is way more stuff out there so make sure to explore some of these websites.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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