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The Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4th Edition (SO)PERSONALITY STUDIES – STUDY: ScreeningMeasurement Label: PDQ-IVMeasurement ID: 52Filename: PDQIV_participant_final.savValid Case SummaryTIMEPOINTEVALUATORLABEL# OF CASESIntakeSignificant OtherOA49VariablesSERIAL NUMBERQUESTIONPOSSIBLE VALUESOver the past several years… 10420 I avoid working with others who may criticize me.1 = True2 = False10421 I can’t make decisions without the advice or reassurance of others.10422 I often get lost in details and lose sight of the “big picture.”10423 I need to be the center of attention.10424 I have accomplished far more than others give me credit for.10425 I’ll go to extremes to prevent those who I love from ever leaving me.10426 Others have complained that I do not keep up with my work or commitments.10427 I’ve been in trouble with the law several times (or would have been if I had been caught).10428 Spending time with family or friends just doesn’t interest me.10429 I get special messages from things happening around me.10430 I know that people will take advantage of me, or try to cheat, if I let them.10431 Sometimes I get upset.10432I make friends with people only when I am sure they like me.10433 I am usually depressed.10434 I prefer that other people assume responsibility for me.10435 I waste time trying to make things too perfect.10436 I am “sexier” than most people.10437 I often find myself thinking about how great a person I am, or will be.10438 I either love someone or hate them, with nothing in between.10439 I get into a lot of physical fights.10440 I feel that others don’t understand or appreciate me.10441 I would rather do things by myself than with other people.10442 I have the ability to know that some things will happen before they actually do.10443 I often wonder whether the people I know can really be trusted.10444 Occasionally I talk about people behind their backs.10445 I am inhibited in my intimate relationships because I am afraid of being ridiculed.10446 I fear losing the support of others if I disagree with them.10447 I have many shortcomings.10448 I put my work ahead of being with family or friends or friends having fun.10449 I show my emotions easily.10450 Only certain special people can really appreciate and understand me.10451 I often wonder who I really am.10452 I have difficulty paying bills because I don’t stay at any one job for very long.10453 Sex just doesn’t interest me.10454 Others consider me moody and “hot tempered.”10455 I can often sense, or feel things, that others can’t.10456 Others will use what I tell them against me.10457There are some people I don’t like.10458I am more sensitive to criticism or rejection than most people.10459I find it difficult to start something if I have to do it by myself.10460I have a higher sense of morality than other people.10461I am my own worst critic.10462I use my “looks” to get the attention that I need.10463I very much need other people to take notice of me or compliment me.10464I have tried to hurt or kill myself10465I do a lot of things without considering the consequences.10466There are few activities that I have any interest in.10467People often have difficulty understanding what I say.10468I object to supervisors telling me how I should do my job.10469I keep alert to figure out the real meaning of what people are saying.10470I have never told a lie.10471I am afraid to meet new people because I feel inadequate.10472I want people to like me so much that I volunteer to do things that I’d rather not do.10473I have accumulated lots of things that I don’t need but I can’t bear to throw out.10474Even though I talk a lot, people say that I have trouble getting to the point.10475I worry a lot.10476I expect other people to do favors for me even though I do not usually do favors for them.10477I am a very moody person.10478Lying comes easily to me and I often do it.10479I am not interested in having close friends.10480I am often on guard against being taken advantage of.10481I never forget, or forgive, those who do me wrong.10482I resent those who have more “luck” than I.10483A nuclear war may not be such a bad idea.10484When alone, I feel helpless and unable to care for myself.10485If others can’t do things correctly, I would prefer to do them myself.10486I have a flair for the dramatic.10487Some people think that I take advantage of others.10488I feel that my life is dull and meaningless.10489I am critical of others.10490I don’t care what others have to say about me.10491I have difficulties relating to others in a one-to-one situation.10492People have often complained that I did not realize that they were upset.10493By looking at me, people might think that I’m pretty odd, eccentric or weird.10494I enjoy doing risky things.10495I have lied a lot on this questionnaire.10496I complain a lot about my hardships.10497I have difficulty controlling my anger, or temper.10498Some people are jealous of me.10499I am easily influenced by others.10500I see myself as thrifty but others see me as being cheap.10501When a close relationship ends, I need to get involved with someone else immediately.10502I suffer from low self esteem.10503I am a pessimist.10504I waste no time in getting back at people who insult me.10505Being around other people makes me nervous.10506In new situations, I fear being embarrassed.10507I am terrified of being left to care for myself.10508People complain that I’m “stubborn as a mule.”10509I take relationships more seriously than do those who I’m involved with.10510I can be nasty with someone one minute, then find myself apologizing to them the next minute.10511Others consider me to be stuck up.10512When stressed, things happen. Like I get paranoid or just “black out.”10513I don’t care if others get hurt so long as I get what I want.10514I keep my distance from others.10515I often wonder whether my wife (husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend) has been unfaithful to me.10516I often feel guilty.10517I have done things on impulse (such as those below) that could have gotten my into trouble.Check all that apply to you:10518Spending more money than I have1 = Question applicable0 = Question not applicable10519Having sex with people I hardly know10520Drinking too much10521Taking drugs10522Eating binges10523Reckless driving10524When I was a kid (before age 15) I was somewhat of a juvenile delinquent, doing some of the things below.1 = True2 = FalseCheck all that apply to you:10525I was considered a bully1 = Question applicable0 = Question not applicable10526I used to start fights with other kids10527I used a weapon in fights that I had10528I robbed or mugged other people10529I was physically cruel to other people10530I was physically cruel to animals10531I forced someone to have sex with me10532I lied a lot10533I stayed out at night without my parents’ permission10534I stole things from others10535I set fires10536I broke windows or destroyed property10537I ran away from home overnight more than once10538I began skipping school, a lot, before age 1310539I broke into someone’s house, building or carScoring11860Paranoid Rating Score Sum: 10430, 10443, 10456, 10469, 10481, 10504, 1051511861Schizoid Rating ScoreSum: 10428, 10441, 10453, 10466, 10479, 10490, 1051411862Schizotypal Rating ScoreSum: 10429, 10442, 10455, 10467, 10480, 10491, 10493, 10479, 1050511863Histrionic Rating ScoreSum: 10423, 10436, 10449, 10462, 10474, 10486, 10499, 1050911864Narcissistic Rating ScoreSum: 10424, 10437, 10450, 10463, 10476, 10487, 10492, 10498, 1051111865Borderline Rating ScoreSum: 10425, 10438, 10451, 10517, 10464, 10477, 10488, 10497, 1051211866Antisocial Rating ScoreSum: 10427, 10439, 10452, 10465, 10478, 10494, 1051211867Avoidant Rating ScoreSum: 10420, 10432, 10445, 10458, 10471, 10502, 1050611868Dependant Rating ScoreSum: 10421, 10434, 10446, 10459, 10472, 10484, 10501, 1050711869Obsessive Rating ScoreSum: 10422, 10435, 10448, 10460, 10485, 10500, 10508 11870Passive Rating ScoreSum: 10426, 10440, 10454, 10468, 10482, 10496, 1051011871Depressive Rating ScoreSum: 10433, 10447, 10461, 10475, 10489, 10503, 1051611872Too GoodSum: 10431, 10444, 10457, 1047011873SuspectSum: 10483, 1049511874Total Rating ScoreSum: 10430, 10431, 10432, 10433, 10434, 10435, 10436, 10437, 10438, 10439, 10440, 10441, 10442, 10443,10444 10445, 10446, 10447, 10448, 10449, 10450, 10451, 10452, 10453, 10454, 10455, 10456, 10457, 10458, 10459, 10460, 10461, 10462, 10463, 10464, 10465, 10466, 10467, 10468, 10469,10470, 10471, 10472, 10473, 10474, 10475, 10476, 10477, 10478, 10479, 10480, 10481, 10482, 10483, 10484, 10485, 10486, 10487, 10488, 10489, 10490, 10491, 10492, 10493, 10494, 10495, 10496, 10497, 10498, 10499, 10500, 10501, 10502, 10503, 10504, , 10505, 10506, 10507, 10508, 10509, 10510, 10511, 10512, 10513, 10514, 10515, 10516, 10517, 10518, 10519, 10520, 10521, 10522, 10523, 10524, 10525, 10526, 10527, 10528, 10529, 10530, 10531, 10532, 10533, 10534, 10535, 10536, 10537, 10538, 10539 ................

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