November 2019

St. John’s Lutheran Church at Stone Bank

W334 N6990 Stone Bank Rd.

Stone Bank, Wisconsin

Phone: (262) 966-2034

Pastoral Emergencies: (414) 916-1491


We are people of Christ, rooted in God’s word, growing in faith, serving in love.


Lights in the Darkness

While driving to church the other day, a bit gloomily with a cold coming on, I happened to be stopped at a traffic light on 91st and Silver Spring. As I waited, I caught out of the corner of my eye, an African-American woman and her small son about six years old at a bus stop on the corner, moving around rather chaotically, and for just a minute I wondered if it was another distressing instance of mentally ill people acting strangely on the city streets. But then I saw that their movements weren’t chaotic at all; in fact I’m almost positive they were singing the old children’s song with hand motions: “head, shoulders, knees and toes.” The mom was showing the boy, touching each of her body parts while singing—“and eyes and ears and mouth and nose…”—who caught on quickly and then they were racing each other and laughing while trying to touch each body part faster and faster. It was a bleak day to be waiting for a bus—40 degrees and drizzling—but the dreariness of the day did not seem to penetrate the laughing mom and her son, and as the traffic light turned and I drove on, some of their merriment impossibly entered my car, and lightened my own day.

We need to watch for these moments of grace. The Spirit can send them our way at any time, and unless we drag our gazes away from our own navels, we are likely to miss them.

The dark of November is coming on and I don’t like it. I attended an evening worship service at a clergy conference recently where the young pastor who planned it, decided to celebrate darkness for a change, but the service didn’t really work. For one thing, the scripture passages she chose really weren’t about the magic and mystery of darkness. Psalm 121 comforts us—“The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night…”—but we are comforted because God cares for us continually, not because night by itself is good. And in John 3, Nicodemus seeks Jesus out by night because he needs secrecy, not because the night is a favorable symbol. The truth is, the ancients cared for darkness even less than we do, where in the absence of electricity to fend it off, real danger often lurked. Later in the service we were asked to share stories of the goodness of darkness, but in all our stories, the darkness was the backdrop, and the goodness was in the lights. (The night was dark, but then we looked up and saw the stars.)

People do not like darkness.

We lost our electricity one evening last week, and for about 15 minutes it was romantic navigating the house by candle-light and trying to read with flashlights, and then quickly it became annoying and creepy.

God understands our deep seated fear of the dark so he gave us the stars and the moon. The confirmation students tell me that scientists believe that an asteroid crashed into the earth billions of years ago, and a piece of it trapped in our orbit became our moon. If so, I’m certain that God sent that asteroid. The stars are pretty, God thought, but the people will need more light.

Our Bible is filled with light. God created light, the Lord is our light, Jesus is the light of the world. And in the city of God in the new age at the end of time, the writer of Revelation tells us, “…there will be no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb.”

In the meantime God sends each of us lights to show the way, moments of grace—the cashier who ran to the other end of the store to fetch me my lime yogurt—my Monday perk! I told her, the smile of someone you love, the comfort of a warm cup of soup, the furry head of a dear pet, when you’re feeling low. Lights in the darkness. From our God. Just remember to look up.

Blessings on your late autumn days!

Pastor Karen

Holmans' October Update

October 16, 2019

Thank you for your prayers! We’re halfway through our time in Nigeria, and the work is going well. The Waja team is on track to complete 1 Corinthians and the L team is making good progress with the detailed work of checking the parallel passages in Matthew with those in Mark and Luke. Angela, the young woman who came with us, is learning a lot and even making some good contributions.

I have a prayer request for the Waja team. Keeping their computers charged is a big challenge because of the lack of electricity in their area. Because of this, they have not met their goals for this first year of their three-year project. Please pray that they would find a satisfactory solution so that they can complete their work in good time.

Blessings in Christ,


Tom and Mary Holman


First Communion – Sept. 29, 2019

Luke Katz, Owen Michael, Vivian Novobielski, Adalyn Row, Caleb Row,

Brynley Weber, Tatum Weber, Ava Yorke

Funeral – Oct. 5, 2019

Georgia Schlise

New Members Received – Sept. 29, 2019

Julie Bohen, Braden, Adalyn and Caleb

Gail Jacobsen

Diane Seeley

Kelly Seeley, Wyatt, Madalynn, and Angel


We have boxed 28 quilts, 133 bars of soap and 115 school kits for Lutheran World Relief. Thanks to Gene Seitz for delivering these items to the boxcars in Waukesha.



Our “Poised to Grow” stewardship campaign will end on Oct. 27. There will be a Celebration Day with a “Thank You” Coffee Hour on Sunday, Nov. 3. If you have not yet handed in your pledge for 2020, please do so, so that next year’s budget can be planned.

Thank You for your support!!



Did you know that we have individuals who send out birthday and anniversary cards to the congregation? If you would like us to honor your special occasion with a card, please share your birthdate and anniversary date with the year you were married; with the church office. (Years are needed as special cards are sent to commemorate certain milestones). Look for the large calendars posted in the Fellowship Hall during November. If you are interested in helping with this ministry or have questions, please see Judy Runt.


On behalf of the congregation and the Cemetery Association, thank you to Dan Schlise for removing the dead trees in the cemetery.  Thanks also to Grant Schuldt and John Baumann for coordinating this with Dan.  We have already gotten positive comments from people who have visited the cemetery.  We appreciate everyone's help in enhancing and maintaining the look of our cemetery.

St. John's Cemetery Association


As we approach the holidays, remember that Mt. Meru coffee products make excellent Christmas gifts.  I will keep the congregation updated on any special Christmas offers from Mt. Meru.  Members can contact me for any products they would like to order, or they can purchase items on the Mt. Meru display table by the lower entrance.  There also are order forms on the table to see the many items available.  Ordering Mt. Meru coffee products can simplify your Christmas shopping!

Megan Rollefson

Mt. Meru Coffee Ambassador 262 490 9421


It has been noticed that lights, bathroom fans, and kitchen appliances have been left on overnight. If you are the last one out of the building, please make sure everything is turned off. This will not only help lower our electric bill, but will prevent any electrical fires. Help keep St. John’s safe!


Please note that due to the Thanksgiving holiday, Pastor’s Bible Study will be held on Nov. 6th and 20th instead of the 13th and 27th. Mark your calendars.



(St. John’s Helped!)

Outreach for Hope funds churches and other ministries in poverty stricken neighborhoods of Racine and Milwaukee. Their annual bike ride is their major fund-raiser. Last September, Pastor Karen and Gene Seitz (in his 80’s!) represented our congregation and biked 14 MILES EACH! St. John’s and friends generously supported us to the tune of over $600!

Outreach For Hope now reports that they surpassed their goal of $110,000 by raising OVER $129,000! This means that churches who can’t afford to pay their pastors or their heating bills, can stay open. This means that cool ministries like the Tricklebee Café in central city Milwaukee, which is a pay-as-you-can-afford restaurant, featuring healthy, locally sourced meals—can stay in business. Thanks, St. John’s for being part of the Spirit’s work of opening the loving arms of Jesus to the poor in our own corner of Wisconsin. Pictured are Pastor Karen and Gene Seitz at the beginning of the bike ride. Contact Gene if you would like to participate next year.


Know someone in need of prayers? Call Marlene Lucht (262) 966-7060 with the concern and she will activate the prayer chain. This includes not only members, but family, friends, neighbors - anyone who needs prayers!


A Holly Fest event to benefit Shorehaven Service League’s new lakefront pavilion, will be held at their Forgotten Treasures Shop on Wisconsin Ave. on Saturday, Nov. 2 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. There will be Christmas merchandise, a bake sale, and more.


A Veterans Day Tribute will be held on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Center for Life Enrichment, 1306 W. Wisc. Ave. in Oconomowoc. Veterans and 1 guest will get a free dinner. There will also be a guest speaker, presentation of colors, and more. Call Deb Friedrich at (262) 354-1920 for registration.


Mark Calendars:

November 3rd – All Saints’ Sunday

Will light candles in memory of members lost in the last year and loved ones (see article included in this newsletter)

November 10th – Deadline for Worship Assistant volunteer forms and Christmas service surveys

November 17th – Missionfest Sunday

Tom and Mary Homan will be speaking about their work with Bible translation into African languages.

Pot luck brunch following service

November 24th – Congregation decorating of church for the holidays

After the church service membership participation is requested to help decorate the sanctuary and fellowship halls for the Advent and Christmas seasons.

December 1st – First Sunday in Advent

December 22nd – Church and Family Ministry’s Children’s Christmas Program


The Worship, Music, and Hospitality Ministry is asking for input about the timing of the Christmas Eve service and whether or not to offer a Christmas Day service. If you have not had an opportunity to fill out a survey sheet, there are some in the narthex (entryway of the church). Please take one and fill it out. Completed sheets should be place in the basket which is also located in the narthex. The deadline for submission of these is November 10th. The sheets will be reviewed and counted at the November WoMuH meeting on November 12th.

Watch the weekly bulletins and the December newsletter for the results of the survey and the decision of the ministry.

Thank you for your input.


Its that time of year when the Worship, Music, & Hospitality ministry is asking for congregational members to volunteer to help with our worship services by ushering, reading lessons, and/or assisting with communion distribution during the worship services. We are also in need of volunteers to help with altar care before and after the services. There are no gender requirements or expectations for any of the positions. Brief descriptions of the different positions are included on the back of the sign up forms. However, Pastor Karen and Nancy Barr are available to answer any questions. If further instruction is determined to be needed, special brief sessions will be scheduled for following a church service. Sign up sheets are available in the narthex and completed forms can be turned into the church office or placed in Nancy Barr’s mailbox. Requested deadline for submission is November 10th.

Please prayerfully consider helping to enhance our worship by volunteering.

Thank you very much.

All Saints’ Sunday

Our worship service on Sunday, November 3rd will, once again, include lighting candles in memory of members of our congregation who have past away within the last year. New this year, we are opening it up to also light a candle for any loved one who is requested to be remembered. Please let the church office or Pastor Karen know of any one to be included by October 27th so they may be listed in the bulletin for All Saints’ Sunday.


Tom and Mary Homan will be our guest speakers for this year’s Missionfest service on November 17th. They will be speaking about their volunteer work with an organization which is working to translate the Bible into African languages so that the word of Christ can be learned by the special nations and tribes of people on that continent.

The service will be followed by a pot luck brunch during the fellowship hour. A sign up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board next to the women’s bathroom.

Please plan to attend the worship service to hear about this special ministry and bring dish to share during the fellowship hour.



Nov. 3, 2019 Nov. 8 Robert Kretschmer

Ushers: Gene Seitz 11 John Baumann

John Baumann 13 Julie Kuhtz

Lector: Ruth Wrubbel 14 Sharon Keller

Comm. Servers: Cheryl Talatzko 19 Lorene McMullen

Nancy Barr 28 Scott Lovas

30 Nancy Kuhtz

Nov. 10, 2019

Ushers: Brigitte Katz

Jerry Katz

Lector: Jerry Katz ANNIVERSARIES:

Comm. Servers: Brigitte Katz Nov. 9 Craig & Julie Kuhtz

Susan Boeding


Ushers: Phil Baird Anita Olson

Alan Abeld Marlene Lucht

Lector: Megan Rollefson

Comm. Servers: Megan Rollefson

Liz Tobolt

Nov. 24, 2019

Ushers: Grant Schuldt

Paul Tobolt

Lector: Judy Swanton

Comm. Servers: Judy Swanton

Nancy Kuhtz


Nov. 3, 2019

Daniel 7:1-3, 13-18

Psalm 149

Ephesians 1:11-23

Luke 17:11-19

Nov. 10, 2019

Job 19:23-27a

Psalm 17:1-9

2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17

Luke 20:27-38

Nov. 17, 2019

Malachi 4:1-2a

Psalm 98

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Luke 21:5-19

Nov. 24, 2019

Jeremiah 23:1-6

Psalm 46

Colossians 1:11-20

Luke 23:33-43


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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