Dr. Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians on Multidimensions.com

The Alchemy of Creation5-13-13Message from the ArcturiansThe Alchemy of CreationTransmutation of ConsciousnessDear Ascending Humans,We will speak to you today about the alchemy of creation. Alchemy is a process of changing matter by raising its resonance into a higher frequency. Hence, the alchemy of creation is actually transmutation. In the third dimension, creation is a time-bound concept, which is the polar opposite of destruction. However, beyond time there are no opposites, no birth and no death. Instead, there is transmutation.One form of transmutation is the process through which encasements of consciousness (bodies and/or form) raise their resonance into a higher frequency of atomic and/or energetic oscillation. In a physical body, the atoms of third dimensional matter spin to a higher frequency, resulting in a higher resonance.If the matter/body raises its resonance before the inhabitant raises his/her state of consciousness, the human consciousness may not be able to maintain calibration with the body. In this case, the consciousness will separate from the body, which on the physical plane is often thought of as death. However, death is actually only a condition of the form.If the resonance of the form rises faster than the human’s consciousness, which seldom occurs, the inhabitant will be returned to the Astral Plane to wait assignment of a new body. However, a human of a higher frequency of consciousness can then inhabit the form if there has been a Soul agreement with the previous inhabitant. This scenario occurs with “Walk Ins.” In other words, when the inhabitant of the form cannot maintain calibration with the ever-escalating form, that inhabitant can decide to leave that body and allow a consciousness of a higher resonance to inhabit it.On the other hand, there are occurrences in which the consciousness expands beyond the frequency rate of the physical form. When this occurs, the consciousness ascends beyond the confines of the physical form and abandons the physical form because its resonance has become too low for the consciousness to comfortably inhabit that body. Throughout Earth’s history this experience was known as personal ascension.A third example of transmutation is when both the physical body and the consciousness transmute in a manner in which the consciousness and the form remain entrained to each other. Hence, the frequency of resonance of the consciousness and the body transmute into higher frequencies while remaining in calibration with each other.In this manner, a person can accelerate their consciousness into the frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond, while their form matches the rise of the resonance of the consciousness and vice-versa. In this case, one can mediate for many years and greatly expand their consciousness. Simultaneously, special treatment is given to the body regarding food, exercise, etc.When the inhabitant’s consciousness is high enough, the inhabitant can use his/her highest states of conscious to connect their opened Third Eye with their High Heart. With this connection the human consciousness can direct their body to release certain hormones. This hormone release occurs while the inhabitant is in a delta wave consciousness so that he/she can instruct the cerebral cortex to consciously direct certain chemical changes.For example, experienced Yogis can sit on the snow and cause it to melt, go into hibernation for weeks and/or consciously direct the Pineal Gland to give certain messages to the Pituitary Master Glad, to increase its frequency rate of the body. Many rituals regarding eating, sleeping and movement work together so that the body can raise its resonance enough for the higher consciousness to still inhabit that form.However, in order to achieve this higher state of consciousness one has to direct all their attention towards this endeavor. Hence, it is mostly those who live an isolated life in which they can meditate many hours every day while their community cares for them who can dedicate themselves to this process. In other words, these people usually need to dedicate their lives to illumination. In fact, they usually enter their spiritual community as a child.On the other hand, what is occurring in your NOW is that the higher light is activating your 97% DNA and creating evolutionary changes in both your state of consciousness and your earth vessel. Once this DNA is fully activated it facilitates the recall of multidimensional thinking, which leads to higher states of consciousness. The DNA also works on the cell bodies to initiate the transmutation of the body into a higher resonance.In this case, an outside source is assisting both the consciousness and the container/body to resonate to a higher frequency. However, this higher light is not confined to a Temple situation. Thus, humans are experiencing the great challenge of returning to multidimensional thinking, expanding their consciousness and totally shifting the frequency of their form while continuing with their 3D obligations and duties.Through raising the resonance of your consciousness, you can survey the inner adjustments in the frequency of your form. Thus, your consciousness is actively involved in your physiological changes and the entire body works as ONE being to keep all vital organs and other life supporting mechanism working in harmony with the expanding resonance of your consciousness.This type of immense transmutation of form begins in Source. The Immaculate Concept of any changes in form emanates from Source. The Elohim are the holders of form who receive that Immaculate Concept from the Source and initiate the process of stepping down that concept into the lower worlds. IlliaEm, the Elohim of Arcturus will describe this process.IlliaEmELOHIM OF ARCTURUSOur beloved Ones in human form,We, IlliaEm, have not spoken with you through this conscious form in many years and are pleased to be called upon again. We Elohim receive the Immaculate Concept from the Source of All That Is and begin the long process of merging spirit into matter to create a form for every Divine Ideal. Our process begins in the eleventh/twelfth dimensions and continues into worlds of matter.You may think that matter is only physical, but there are different forms of “matter” at different frequencies of reality. All matter begins as a Divine Ideal, which is actually a divine thought-form. Once we Elohim receive a Divine Ideal we initiate the process of stepping it down through the formless realities of swirling light so that the Ideal can be fed with unconditional love, which is the highest frequency of light.This unconditional love intermingles with the Divine Ideal to create a collective format similar to a matrix. The matter of each dimension can adhere to the matrix via the bonding force of unconditional love. In the frequencies above the seventh, form is continually shifting and changing, like a huge ocean or outer space. These shifting energy patterns will be perceived very differently by the different consciousness streams that experience it.In the higher frequencies of reality, swirling lights of consciousness resonate in the mutable form of streams of possibility. These swirling lights are units of collective consciousness that have gathered in unity. When a collective vibrates in perfect unity to the Flow in any given energy pattern/matrix they share in ONE experience. This collective gives a loose form to this energy pattern via their unified interactions and reactions.If the collective wishes, they can step-down this energy pattern into a lower frequency of reality. In the frequencies of the seventh through higher fifth dimensions, form exists for as long as a conscious collective of awareness maintains its attention upon this pattern/matrix. Thus when a collective consciousness Flows into this pattern and bonds with it via its unconditional love they feed life into the Divine Ideal. ?If this pattern is of an ideal, behavior and/or concept, it can be passed on to collectives in lower frequencies of reality where the possible reality can become a light matrix of form. Each expression of consciousness interacts with this light matrix of a Divine Ideal according to the frequency of its consciousness and the intention of its interaction.Thus, the same matrix can be experienced quite differently by diverse frequencies of light consciousness. Some of these collective consciousness entities may desire to step-down a matrix into the frequency of universal, planetary and/or personal form. Hence, the Divine Ideal enters the realm of potential form. This, the matrix can be stepped-down into a frequency of reality where form is more constant and ideals, behaviors and concepts interact with emotion.Unconditional love is not an emotion. It is the higher frequency of light. However, unconditional love is a constant through all frequencies of reality, which becomes an emotion in the lower, form-based worlds. If an energy matrix is successfully stepped down into these lower frequencies, the emotion of love can collect it into a form.It does not seem that “behavior” can take a form, but it does. As the matrix begins to hold a more constant form it elicits its own energy field. This energy field stimulates a consistent behavior in the beings of this reality. Behavior is a reaction to stimuli. Reacting to stimuli, rather than the higher dimensional surrendering to stimuli, further lowers the frequency of this Ideal into the third/fourth dimension.In this manner, universes, galaxies and planets have consistent intentions that result in collective reactions that stimulate collective behavior. Then, streams of consciousness that desire the experience of form can chose a universe, galaxy or planet that will provide them with the experiences that will provoke a specific behavior. Hence, the behavior is replicated again and again to become the primary behavior for that collective reality.For example, those who have chosen to take a form in the Milky Way Galaxy, the Solar System of Sol and the planet of Earth have chosen to experience a polarized reality, which is ruled by time, space, separation and limitation. Those of you who have spent many incarnations in that version of reality may wonder why any life stream would choose your world.However, the challenges of your world provide an immense variety of stimuli such as the concept of time and the illusion of polarity, separation and resistance. These experiences can be quite attractive to a consciousness whose every thought and emotion comes into instant manifestation. These potential humans desire the experience of manifestation in slow motion with myriad interception patterns influencing their creations.Just as you may be choose to go “back to work” after a long vacation, these life streams have chosen Earth’s third/fourth dimension to experience the challenges of a physical world. Furthermore, many higher beings have entered incarnation on Earth to assist Gaia with Her return to Her Higher Expression. Often, they are naive regarding the many pitfalls of the density of physical reality, but they will learn about them soon enough.On the other hand, the planetary being of your 3D Gaia feels complete with the experience of polarity. In fact, Gaia is quite fatigued with the constant threat to Her planetary existence. Fortunately, the area of space through which Earth is currently traveling is basking Her planet with higher frequencies of light.This higher light is upgrading Earth’s third dimensional operating system to a multidimensional operating system. In order for this upgrade to integrate into a personal matrix, each human will need to close his or her old, third dimensional systems. If these old systems, behaviors, actions, thoughts and emotions are not shut down, the planetary upgrade will not be available for their personal use.The above scenario is exactly what has occurred on Earth. Humanity was intended to be the most evolved forms of life on Earth. However, many humans have refused to shut down certain behaviors, thoughts and emotions. Therefore, the planetary upgrade has been stalled. In fact, some humans on Earth do not want an upgrade. They are very attached to the lower frequency of power-over-others.Hence, they are resistant to the descending Divine Ideal of transmutation of Earth into Her fifth dimensional expression. Those who desire to maintain power-over-others perceive this divine matrix as a threat to their personal power. Therefore, they do not want to participate in the manifestation of this Ideal. In fact, some have tried to stop it. However, a human is unable to interfere with the manifestation of a Divine Ideal, no matter how much power they appear to yield over “others.”The concept of power-over-others has been battled in the Milky Way Galaxy for millions of years. Fortunately, most of these galactic battles have ceased because those who wanted power-over-others have recognized that they attain a great expansion of consciousness when they switched to power-within their SELF. However, this battle has continued on Earth, especially during that last 2,000 of Her years.Gaia tires of war and conflict and has come to the decision that Her planetary being is in grave danger if she does not complete this upgrade of a new operating system. Therefore, she is moving forward, with the full support of her plant and animal kingdoms. However, many of the human animals have resisted this shift because their consciousness has become so low that they cannot even imagine unconditional love, which is the basis of the new upgrade.However, the other humans who support the change have allowed their consciousness to accept the higher frequencies of light that are now bathing planet Earth. These humans of Gaia are gaining more and more access to the frequency of unconditional love. When their consciousness is infused with unconditional love they hold far more potential for creation than those that have maintained their lower consciousness of power-over-others.Therefore, as the percentage of human population that resonates to unconditional love increases, which it is steadily doing, the percentage of human population resonating to fear-based behavior of being a victim-to-others and power-over-others will diminish. Eventually, many will fully accept the shutting down of certain behaviors, concepts, thoughts and emotions that are the foundation of the old polarized operating system.This old operating system is in the process of being replaced with a quantum operating system that works directly with photons of light to instantly create via thoughts fleshed into form by unconditional love. Hence, new forms are actually arising on Earth that can only be experienced by those whose consciousness, and thus perceptions, resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond.Those who maintain the lower states of consciousness of victim or victimizer will not be able to experience the new forms of earth life because they will not be able to perceive them. Their mental matrix and frequency of emotional reactions/creations cannot perceive frequencies that resonate above that of third dimensional form.Hence, they will soon “drop out of the game” as they will no longer be able to perceive the playing field. They will continue with the third dimensional illusions that were perceived as reality according to the old third dimensional operating system. They will not be able to perceive or participate in the higher frequencies realties, as one can only participate in a reality that one can perceive.Meanwhile, those who are accepting the multidimensional operating system will be able to experience the manifestation of Divine Ideal of planetary ascension in their daily life. Those who once played in the lower frequency field of reality will turn their attention, and thus their perception, to the higher frequency fields to experience an entirely different reality.This process will be much like viewing a movie in the basement of a theater, then choosing to leave that view screen to climb the stairs to the main lobby to view a different version of that movie. The basement movie is based on power-over-others and the resulting fear and subjugation, which changes when the warriors fight and win so that another group can have power over the ones they just fought.On the other hand, the move in the main lobby is based on humans learning to release all attachment to conflict. In fact, these humans are refusing to participate in the illusion of separation and limitation for they have discovered a different reality based on unconditional love. They have discovered this realty by expanding their consciousness into the higher frequencies in which unconditional love is normal and fear is long forgotten.Which movie do you want to watch?5-29-13The Alchemy of Creation Part 2108013532067500Transmutation of MatterBy the ArcturiansTo transmute your physical form, it is best that you release your attachment to human individuality and think of yourself as a planetary being. For humans to ascend via their physical bodies transmuting into the fifth dimension rather than "dying" as was normal before this great era, you will need the assistance of Earth. At the same time, in order for Earth to ascend without the extinction of Her physical form, She needs human assistance. Hence dear humans and Galactics/Celestials in human form, you will need to expand your personal consciousness into planetary consciousness. In this manner, there is no sense of personal sacrifice or fear. There is only the great unity of person and planet ascending as ONE Being. Furthermore, we request that those of you who have awakened to your Multidimensional SELF no longer hold back your process. Others have chosen the Mission of working with the beginners. Those of you who are merged with your Multidimensional SELF are more ready than you may think. Additionally, the higher light is allowing you to expand your consciousness into higher and higher expression of SELF. At the same time, your consciousness is expanding deeper and deeper into your atomic, subatomic and quantum levels of consciousness. In other words, you are not just raising your consciousness. You are expanding your consciousness far beyond physical Earth, as well as deep into the matrix of Earth. As your consciousness expands, so do your perceptions. Also, when you expand your perceptions, you can change your gene activity. When you choose to believe that your higher perceptions are “real” you increase your perceptual field to the frequencies the fourth and fifth dimensions. This extended perceptual field activates the neural activity of your 97% multidimensional DNA. This multidimensional DNA is linked to your higher expressions of SELF, as well each cell of your body. Your earth vessel is an intelligent biological earth ship, just as our Starships are biological. The current container for your consciousness is just one of myriad containers on myriad dimensions and parallel and/or alternate realities. You have decided to take command of your current personal earth ship, which becomes a fourth-dimensional etheric ship when you are “sleeping” and can expand into the higher dimensions during meditation.Your “dominant state of consciousness” is the state of consciousness that directs your daily life and constant perceptions. This state of consciousness is usually somewhere between your highest frequency consciousness achievable during deepest meditation and the frequency of consciousness that is responsible for directing you to react, rather than interact. In other words, it is midway between your highest and lowest states of consciousness.Once you realize that the act of reaction determines the point of perception that identifies your dominant state of consciousness you will become conscious of that to which you chose to react. In other words, the perception to which you choose to react creates your dominant point of perception within that NOW. You have many different dominant state of consciousness throughout your day depending upon the perceptions to which you react, respond, interact, or ignore. Just as your chakras are aligned to different frequencies, every state of consciousness has a frequency of perception. These perceptions are the sum-total of the frequency of reality you have chosen by your placing your attention on, reacting, responding or interacting with that specific version/frequency of reality. Every reality has many versions, and each version is different because it resonates to a higher or lower frequency.There are myriad channels on your “TV of 3D Life.” The channel on which you choose to place your attention determines your state of consciousness within that NOW. We say “that NOW” as to us all reality exists within the HERE of the NOW. There is no coming or going in the HERE NOW. We ARE. We resonate, we fluctuate, and most wonderfully we create. We Arcturians are here to assist you in our co-creation of the Arcturian Corridor. We have spoken often of this Corridor. However, since you, our ascending ones, are now moving into a higher state of consciousness you can perceive higher frequency components of our message that were once beyond your power of perception. Hence, our (human and Arcturian) Corridor is expanding along with your perceptions. (Journey Through the Arcturian Corridor 1 through 4)To further assist Gaia we Arcturians are in direct communication with many multidimensional beings presently wearing an earth vessel. When we communicate we speak in Light Language. Light Language resonates beyond time, polarity, limitation separation or fear. Since you must be free of fear in order to receive our messages, some are unable to perceive us. However, the higher light is continually expanding your perceptions and filling you with unconditional love (the antidote for fear). Hence, more and more of those wearing earth vessels are able to receive Light Language messages from the higher dimensions. You can receive these messages through your fourth dimensional night body, or more consciously via meditations, channeling, or other creative endeavors. You are able to receive these higher dimensional messages because your consciousness is expanding into the consciousness of your higher expressions of SELF, as well as into your cellular consciousness. Through your cellular consciousness you will begin to consciously experience the cellular, atomic and sub-atomic level of your grounded earth vessel. At this point, you will begin to commune with your molecular self by exploring and healing old issues and situations from your past that tell you that you are NOT the Captain of your earth vessel. These limiting messages are at the core of third dimensional thinking. When you enter your unconscious to allow your past to heal your present, you confuse your third dimensional thinking. Third dimensional thinking is also based on the present that appears to be outside of you. Therefore, whenever you go inside to ponder that past, which is hidden deep inside your subconscious, it further confuses your third dimensional thinking. Then, as you give credence to the lessons to be found within your past, a door opens to your past lives. These past lives are introductions to your perceiving yourself from beyond the barrier of time. Hence, your attachment to third dimensional thinking is further loosened. The first “past lives,” you choose to ponder will likely be those with unfinished business that you brought into this incarnation to finish. Hence, even your human history is beyond time, as it is stored in your unconscious mind. Once you release time to heal and complete unfinished lives, you gain the courage and wisdom to remember the past lives in which you completed you’re chosen mission and gained great insight and enlightenment. The acknowledgement of these lives activates the memory of your Multidimensional SELF. Very often your unconscious mind is the archive for old memories that you could not resolve when they occurred in that timeline. However, with the wisdom, power and love of your Multidimensional SELF you have the ability to bring that experience into its conclusion. We refer to your unconscious mind as the archive for experiences from your past that you are too immature to process. On the other hand, we refer to your subconscious mind as a composite of everything you have ever perceived,as well as any information your mind collects that cannot be consciously processed or acknowledged. Your conscious mind cannot always absorb all available information, as it would create an information overload. Therefore, the subconscious mind stores this information where it can be retrieved by the conscious mind when it needs to defend itself for survival or for higher cognitive purposes. However, hidden deep inside your unconscious and subconscious is your Divine Child who carries the “instruction manual” for your current embodiment. These instructions are in Light Language sent only to you. Hence, the process of deciphering this Light Language requires that you first connect with higher expressions of your SELF before you look deep into your unconscious and subconscious to find your Divine Child who remembers everything!When you look HI UP into your higher SELF while you simultaneously look DEEP DOWN into your unconscious and subconscious mind you can experience unconditional love and human emotion within the NOW. When you can close these polarities of spirit and matter with the power of your multidimensional perception, you enter the NOW of the ONE as you merge your Divine Child with your Higher Expression of SELF. Experiencing your Alpha, Divine Child and Omega, Higher SELF confuses your 3Dconsciousness enough that you can jump out of time. Then the past of your unconscious and subconscious can no longer interfere with your present on 3D Earth. When you are fully merged with your NOW, you are able to perceive any third-dimensional thought-forms from your past as lessons that have guided you into your present. From this point of perception, you can easily liberate these injuries from your past with the power of unconditional love and by perceiving them as cherished teachers. We see that all of you, our Multidimensional Masters, are preparing to expand your consciousness into the next frequency of reality. Before this NOW, you did not have that option, as the frequency of your reality was too low and infiltrated with fear. Because of the darkness of that reality and the restrictions that it placed on your consciousness, you could not believe that your higher perceptions were “real.” Furthermore, you could not perceive your highest and lowest resonance of your Multidimensional SELF, as this process can only occur within the safety of unconditional love, which was rarely present on your reality within the last 2000 years. Thus, unconditional love was forgotten and re-written into a 3D format of conditional love. In this manner, the concept of love lost its true meaning. However, now with your 97% DNA coming on line you are able to preview you highest self and your super-subconscious at the same time. This expansion of perception is possible because of your expansion of consciousness. Simultaneously, your expansion of consciousness is possible because of your expanded perception. Also, the activation of your multidimensional DNA allows you to believe it is possible to perceive higher dimensions of reality. It may appear that many humans are still asleep. However, they are beginning to consistently awaken due to the activation of the 97%DNA. This DNA expands your perceptions beyond the confines of time, space, separation and limitation. Simultaneously, as you expand your consciousness beyond the 3D matrix of time, space, polarity, separation and limitation this DNA is activated. Once your multidimensional DNA is fully activated the process of transmutation of matter advances exponentially. The feedback loop of the higher light having a frequency of matter that can contain it, while multidimensional DNA goes about the process of creating a vessel that can contain even higher frequencies of light, begins a process of transmutations of third dimensional matter into multidimensional matter.Of course, the multidimensional DNA was always within your earth vessel as a latent reminder of your potential to return to your true multidimensional nature. However, this potential needed to be activated by the higher frequencies such as photons charged with particles of infrared, ultraviolet and gamma rays. These frequencies of light, as well as frequencies still unknown or named to your world, make up the higher light that is streaming into your world.Humans have been doing some important research about the role of DNA on the evolution of the human species. Below is a short summary of this research:In 1990, a group of Russian physicists, molecular biologists, biophysicists, geneticists, embryologists and linguists began a study of this “junk” DNA. Dr. Peter Gariaev PhD who is a Biophysicist and Molecular Biologist directed this research project. These scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen, a typical wave pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained. Many controlled experiments showed that the pattern continued to come from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. They determined that this DNA is also a complex, biological, micro-computer chip that communicates with its environment. Dr. Gariaev found that the basic structure of these DNA alkaline pairs is the same as that of human language. Thus, they can be influenced and reprogrammed solely by the thought waves in our environment. Dr. Gariaev and Dr. Poponin also discovered that there is a multidimensional field structure surrounds our DNA chain. Other studies were done by Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. who is an internationally recognized Cellular Biologist and a pioneer in a new field called Epigenics.?In his book, titled The Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton writes about his discovery that evolution is, in fact, driven by consciousness.? The caterpillar and the butterfly have the exact same DNA.? They are the exact same organism.? But they are responding to a different frequency.Dr. Lipton has discovered that it is not genes that control life at the cellular level. It is the mind’s perception of its environment.??He coined the term “Spontaneous Evolution” because he has discovered that our DNA scans our environment for frequencies that are relevant to our existence, changes its structure, and then sends messages to reshape it self accordingly. As we stated earlier in our message, many of you are ready to be co-creators of “our” Arcturian Corridor. The Corridor is not a place; it is an inter-dimensional corridor in which beings, as they are not all human, on the verge of ascension can gather to connect, learn and remember the process of transmutation. All of you who are on the cusp of this ascension wave have had at least one experience of ascension. However, in most of these experiences you released your consciousness from your third-dimensional form and soared into higher dimensions. These ascensions were transmutations of consciousness. In this ascension, you are not only transmuting your consciousness, but your physical AND your planetary body as well. Thus, it is vital that you merge with your planetary consciousness so that you and Gaia can act as a team. Many of you have already gathered within the Arcturian Corridor to learn about inter-dimensional travel. Now, you will be learning about transmutation of your personal and planetary body. As you awaken your cellular consciousness, you will be able to deeply merge with Gaia, as well as assist us to implant our Corridor into the body of ascending Earth. Your great, Multidimensional SELF is about to make a full appearance in your daily life. As you begin to perceive life from a higher perspective, you will send signals to your DNA that it is “time to enter your cocoon” and begin your transmutation. However, you, the ascending ones on Earth, will not be able to ONLY focus totally on your process of transmutation. In fact, you will, and are now, called upon to perform your daily tasks while you are in the process of totally restructuring your thoughts, emotions, consciousness, DNA and earth vessel. Fortunately, you will be able to call upon us, as well as your own higher expressions of SELF.We shall return with more information,The Arcturians6-3-13108013539052500The Alchemy of Creation Part 3Remembering Heart/MindThe ArcturiansWe Arcturians have often spoken of the Heart/Mind in which the heart, your High Heart and the mind, along with your multidimensional consciousness, are merged into ONE. This joining creates a liaison that initiates a quantum shift of both your thinking, which becomes multidimensional in nature, and your emotions ability to receive, contain and disburse unconditional love. Since unconditional love is the bonding force of the multiverse, once you allow it into your multidimensional consciousness it bonds unconditional love into your vessel. At the same time, your multidimensional consciousness guides you to perceive and accept unconditional love. The ability to think multidimensionally and to receive and use unconditional love is the key to the transmutation of your earth vessel.As the multidimensional consciousness and unconditional love becomes blended into your Heart/Mind, the Three Fold Flame within your High Heart becomes activated to initiate the return of your innate power within, infinite wisdom and unconditional love into your daily life. These attributes actually serve you as a "virus protector" by emanating a multidimensional energy field around your physical body. This energy field creates a “lens” which expands your perspective beyond the limitations of your physical reality so that you can place your attention onto the higher frequencies of reality. Where your attention is, there you are also. Hence, as your multidimensional consciousness chooses to attend to a higher frequency of reality, your unconditional love can bond with that higher expression of Earth. In this manner, you will create your energetic pathway into fifth-dimensional New Earth.Free of many third dimensional illusions and limitations your earth vessel begins to resonate to the power of multidimensional thinking, the wisdom of the higher dimensions and the ability to live within the constant feedback of unconditional love. Unconditional love is much like a mirror. When your aura resonates to unconditional love you consciously perceive and experience every energy pattern that you transmit into your reality. Thus you have instant feedback of any energy that you send into your world. This component of unconditional love is what prepares you for life in the fifth dimension where there is no time. Within the NOW of the fifth dimension you every thought and emotion is instantly manifested. However, if you hold any fear-based thoughts or emotions, you create a thought form that can only manifest in a reality in which there is fear. Since there is no fear in the fifth dimension and beyond, your consciousness is instantly pulled into a lower frequency of the fourth dimension where that thought form can be, and is, manifested. In other words, the frequency of your thoughts dictates the level of reality in which the thought-forms are manifested. Further, that manifestation pulls your consciousness into the frequency/dimension of reality in which your thought form manifested. Therefore, whenever your thought form is created by a love-based thought, and you fuel that thought with unconditional love it is manifested in a reality that resonates to the frequency of unconditional love. Hence, your consciousness is instantly pulled into the higher resonance of reality in which that thought form manifested. It is in this manner that you will begin to create an energetic pathway to New Earth. New Earth is not at place. New Earth is a higher frequency of the exact Earth on which you hold a physical form. Hence, you can maintain that physical form while you visit New Earth. Thus, just as you would leave your car in the airport parking lot when you fly to another location, you can leave your physical body on physical Earth while you travel inter-dimensionally. However, just as you may not want to leave your cherished car in a field, you may not want to leave your earth vessel in an insecure location while you transport your consciousness into a higher reality of Earth. Therefore, it is important to make sure your physical vehicle is in a safe place while you take your inter-dimensional "flights" to New Earth. Fortunately, New Earth does not resonant to time. Hence, you can leave your earth vessel, which exists within time, and return to it just a millisecond after you left it. In fact, you may be having many visits to New Earth of which your physical body and 3D consciousness is unaware. However, your cellular consciousness is aware of these visits, as it was protecting your physical form while you were "gone" into no-time.Fortunately, there is a bonding frequency that adheres your earth vessel to the frequency of your third/fourth dimensional reality. You cellular consciousness is aware of this frequency and emits it from your physical body while you are on a multidimensional journey. Your multidimensional consciousness perceives this emanation and uses this energetic beacon to “light its way” back into your physical form. Many of you are feeling great fatigue because it is increasingly difficult for you to maintain the lower dimensional consciousness of your physical form. In fact, it is work to have your consciousness limited to such a low frequency when your Heart/Mind wants to soar into the higher worlds. Your third dimensional thinking is addicted to the frequency of operation that it has maintained for myriad incarnations. Therefore, the higher light that is activating your Heart/Mind is creating an inter-dimensional tug-of-war. One component of your consciousness seeks to remain in the familiar operating frequency that binds you to the third/fourth dimension while another component of your consciousness is pulling you away from that density of reality. Hence, you may feel like an airplane that is trying to take off while still tethered to the landing strip. This tug-of-war creates great fatigue in your physical form. When you fight this fatigue you are functioning via your third dimensional operating system. On the other hand, when you surrender to the fatigue, you are operating from a fifth dimensional state of consciousness. Since your state of consciousness adheres you to a reality of the same resonance, the third dimensional consciousness/behavior of fighting for what you want adheres you to the physical world. Conversely, the fifth dimensional consciousness/behavior of surrendering to the moment adheres you to a fifth dimensional reality.In your long journey through third dimensional life, you have learned that you must fight the constant illusion that you are not good enough to get what you want. Now you must release that third dimensional behavior of fighting for so that you can embrace the fifth dimensional behavior of surrendering into the NOW of each moment. The many illusions of time and space have created the belief that you must fight your way through the myriad 3D barriers that lie between you and your goal. In the fifth dimension, your goal is to BE your Multidimensional SELF. Hence, when you surrender into your goal, you surrender into your Multidimensional SELF. When you fully surrender into your Multidimensional SELF you ARE fifth dimensional. Thus, when you surrender into the process of transmuting your 3D earth vessel into a 5D Lightbody, you greatly facilitate this process. This transmutation begins by allowing your fifth dimensional consciousness to merge with your third dimensional body, which is already connected with the cells and DNA of your earth vessel. Your cellular consciousness is already multidimensional. Your cells are made up of molecules. These molecules are multidimensional in that they extend into the subatomic levels in which the templates are formed for your body. Your cellular consciousness is also connected to your DNA. Therefore, as your DNA continues to expand from just the 3% third dimensional DNA into the 97% multidimensional DNA, your consciousness expands from your physical reality into your multidimensional expressions of self. Furthermore, while you are shifting at the level of your DNA, you are also shifting at the level of your daily state of consciousness. Your cellular and DNA consciousness are best identified as your “super-subconscious.” This super-subconscious, subatomic consciousness is the quantum level in which the 97% DNA functions as a two-way portal of light. These myriad light portals are two-way in that this DNA serves as a portal that is able to receive the higher frequencies of light into your earth vessel, while it also projects that light into your daily life. When you are editing a paper that you are writing, you may “save a copy” of the original so that you have an unaltered version to consult while you are editing the new version. However, in this case you are in the process of using the original version of your earth vessel. Thus, the “copy” of your transmuting vessel is the one saved being saved to your fourth dimensional “computer files.” In this manner, you can still function on physical Earth while you are simultaneously altering your body at a cellular level. Hence, you have two versions of earth vessels. You have the original version that can only function on the physical plane, as well as the multidimensional Lightbody version that can function on any frequency of reality. We hear your question of, "Why don't we just keep the transmuting vessel?" This is a good question, which we will now answer. There are two reasons why you want to keep your original vessel. First, the transmuting vessel is still “under construction” and can only be operated by your higher states of consciousness. Since you are transmuting your body while you are still holding many third dimensional obligations, it is often difficult to maintain a constant connection to your multidimensional consciousness. Thus you still need to “drive” your physical vessel when your consciousness is attached to your physical consciousness. The second reason is because you are in partnership with Gaia. Therefore, you have volunteered to align your personal consciousness with the planetary consciousness. Thus, as your personal consciousness expands, so does the planetary consciousness. Likewise, as the planetary consciousness expands, so does your personal consciousness. Also, since many of Her inhabitants, mostly human, need more “time to transmute their personal earth vessels, Gaia is keeping Her planetary earth vessel. In the same manner, you are maintaining your physical vessel so that you can assist others.Many of you are feeling as though you are two persons. In fact, that is exactly what is happening. People and planet are maintaining a physical "original" while they experiment with the new concept of ascension without destruction. Furthermore, you may find that some of the alterations that you have made to your copied file do not work. Fortunately, you still have your original to consult. For example, you may find that you have taken in more Light than your transmuting version of SELF can easily contain. Therefore, that vessel is temporarily out of order until you have adapted to the new, higher frequency operating system. In this case, you can return to the 3D version of your vessel while your transmuting “copy” is grounding the higher light within the core of the planet and within the core of each cell of your physical vessel. What would happen if you turned on a huge generator and did not ground it? It would short circuit. Your 3D vessel is your grounding cord, while your "copy" is your transmuting vessel is accepting higher and higher frequencies of light. In this manner, there is no destruction of your physical form. Hence, you do not need to "die" when you ascend. In the same manner, Gaia has maintained Her original version of a 3D planet while Her "copy" is being transmuted. Then, She too has the physical Earth to ground the higher light that She is also downloading. Thus, just as you do not destroy your physical personal vessel, she is not destroying Her physical planetary vessel.You are not transmuting your form while in a Temple at the peak of an isolated mountain. No one is caring for your earthy needs or your physical form but you. Furthermore, many of you plan to maintain your original earth vessel so that you can assist others who are ascending at different speeds and in different manners. Keeping an operational version of your earth vessel guarantees that there are physical humans on the physical planet while other beings are adapting to the higher frequencies of light. Your physical earth vessel serves as an inter-dimensional landing pad for the increasing inter-dimensional experiences of your multidimensional consciousness. Also, once your personal adaptations are complete, your fourth dimensional expression will transmute into your multidimensional Lightbody, while you still maintain a physical earth vessel. Then, your Lightbody will travel the Cosmos via its Merkaba/Starship, and “land” in your earth vessel to share your experiences with others.We will return soon to share how the higher light transmutes each chakra. We ask that you take this message into your meditations so that your Heart/Mind can assist you to access your innate infinite wisdom, power within, unconditional love and multidimensional thinking to deeply embrace these multidimensional concepts. If you call upon us, we will assist you.The Arcturians6-24-13THE ALCHEMY OF CREATION PART 473723520637500Recalibrating the ChakrasGreetings From The Arcturians,We return to continue our information about the Alchemy of Creation. Since you are now deeply into your process of returning to a conscious alignment with you Multidimensional SELF, your creative powers are greatly increasing. Furthermore, since beloved Earth has returned to Her alignment with the Galactic Center, Gaia and all her inhabitants are able to receive and download extremely high frequencies of light. This higher light creates a constant flow of multidimensional and unconditional love into your Sun and into Gaia’s body of Earth. As this cosmic, multidimensional light gradually downloads from the higher dimensions, it enters the light network of your fifth-dimensional light body, your fourth-dimensional astral body and your etheric body, which is slightly above your physical resonance. The etheric body serves as the interface between the physical and astral body. Since this light is multidimensional, even though it first enters your physical form via your Pineal Gland, it is then dispersed into the chakras. Each chakra is calibrated to a certain frequency of light. Therefore, the higher light is dispersed to each chakra according to the frequency of that chakra. In this manner, each chakra receives the healing and transmutation that is consistent with the purpose of each chakra.For an in depth explanation of how to prepare for the conscious download of the higher light, please click the below link: the greatest benefit, please read through to the end of that section. If you choose not to do so, we recommend that you at least read this message from Mytria about the Lemurians: well as downloading the higher light: And Calibrating the Third Eye: is also important that this higher light becomes integrated into your consciousness and your physical body. See link for integration your consciousness: the above writing will greatly facilitate your ability to understand what we are about to share. GROUNDING THE LIGHTIt is vital that this higher light be grounded in the body of Gaia before it is distributed to your chakras. You would not plug in powerful oven without a third grounding prong or it could short circuit the electricity of the house. In the same manner, it is important to first ground the higher light into Gaia. A way to ground this light is to:Visualize yourself as a speck of light within the core of your brain. ?Look up to see the pineal gland of your Crown Chakra just above you to see the higher light entering that chakra. ?Allow the higher light to enter your Brow Chakra, and look forward to see through your Opened Third Eye. How does your world appear when you see it through your Third Eye? ?Now, look down from the core of your brain to see the long corridor of your spinal cord. Allow yourself to float into this corridor. ?As you float past your Throat Chakra, pause for a moment to look at the world through this chakra. How does reality appear through the frequency of this chakra??Continue your journey down into your Heart Chakra. How does your life appear through the frequency of your Heart Chakra? ?Float down into your Solar Plexus Chakra. How does your reality appear through this frequency? ?Continue into your Navel Chakra. How do you perceive your world through this frequency? ?As you enter your Root Chakra at the base of your spine you see Gaia's body of Earth. How grounded in Gaia are you at this moment? ?To fully ground yourself into Gaia’s planetary body, think of your favorite place in Nature and see yourself surrounded by that area. It is from this location that you will journey down into the Core of Gaia's form. Move through Her Crust, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core and deep into Her Inner Core. ?Take the Core of your Essence and wrap it around Gaia's Inner Core. Feel how you, people and planet, are ONE Being. As you merge your First Chakra with Gaia Her fourth dimensional Elementals of Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders and Undines intermingle with the third dimensional elements of earth, air, fire and water to calm your adrenal glands and assist you to remain within your own center core. MOVING UP THE CHAKRASFrom the Core of Gaia, you move up through Gaia’s Inner Core, through Her Outer Core, past Her Lower Mantle and Her Upper Mantle and exit through Her Crust. Feel the grounded higher light as it moves through your feet, up your legs and into your First chakra. As this grounded higher light moves up your spinal cord, it is dispensed to each chakra. As this grounded, higher light enters each chakra the function and area of the body for that chakra, the nerve plexus for that chakra, as well as the endocrine gland for that chakra are gradually transmuted.The lowest frequency/dimension of higher light moves into your First Chakra. FIRST CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONS (See links below each chakra for third dimensional function and service.) FUNCTION AND AREA OF BODY: The higher light transmutes your first chakra to serve as the third grounding prong to ground your changing earth vessel into the Earth.NERVE PLEXUS: As the higher light enters the nerve plexus for this chakra, it is calibrated to the expanding frequencies of Earth. Then you can remain in alignment with Gaia while people and planet prepare the foundation of fifth dimensional New Earth. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Your adrenal glands slowly become accustomed to a new frequency so that you do not go into Fight/Flight response with every download.The next octave of light will enter your second chakra.SECOND CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONS AND AREA OF BODY: Your second chaka is between your waist and the First Chakra at the base of your spine. The higher light will prepare your second chakra for your rebirth and the vast changes that will occur due to the transmutation of your self, your family and your society. It will also prepare you for a new concept regarding money and different systems of compensation based on the balance of energy out is energy back. NERVE PLEXUS: This nerve plexus represents your Hara Center, which is the core of your balance within your physical and emotional life. This core will begin to expand to encompass the core of the Earth and the core of your Multidimensional SELF.ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Your polarized identity as male or female shifts into the androgynous versions of your Lightbody. Hence, your female hormones will expand outward beyond reproduction of a child into reproduction of a new reality, while the male hormones will turn more inward to send the seed of new life into your self. Remember, that women have male hormones and men have female hormones, but at a much lower percentage. This separation will increasingly diminish as both genders create the balance of male and female hormones within their earth vessels.The next octave of multidimensional light will be dispersed into your third chakra. THIRD CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONS AND AREA OF THE BODY: Your third chakra is between your second chakra and the base of your rib cage. This chakra is the power center of your physical body and functions as either power-over or power-within. As you consciously begin to commune with the higher light, you will begin to remember your innate power-within. Then, you will no longer allow yourself to be a victim. Will you face this challenge by activating your power-within or will you seek the revenge of power-over?NERVE PLEXUS: Your solar plexus is your own inner Sun that shines your inner power into your reality. Thus, the higher light will amplify your inner power and free you from the cycle of victim/victimizer. As you inner Sun glows stronger and brighter your power within will reveal and release hidden thoughts of fear or victimization. Hence, you will no longer create those scenarios, as you will know that you are powerful and find no need to become involved the 3D Game of power-over.ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Your pancreas is the hormone that has to do with digestion of food, information and energy. Hence, your intake of food will greatly change as any dense or difficult to digest foods will interfere with your more important task of digesting and distributing the higher light. Since your body will now be focusing on digesting the higher light, lower frequency foods will become indigestible and hopefully stricken from your diet. Also, with the intake of higher light you will begin to crave vast amounts of pure water to regulate and cool your system.The next octave of multidimensional light will be dispersed into your fourth chakra.FOURTH CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONS AND AREA OF THE BODY: The fourth chakra rules your heart and lungs and has the ability to run energy through your arms and hands. Your heart and lungs work to together to feed you cells oxygen enriched glucose. As the higher light continually enters your system, your cells bodies begin to crave light rather than glucose. This transition of cellular food is the first stages of becoming Lightbody. NERVE PLEXUS: Your heart plexus is intermingled with your High Heart. Just as your physical heart runs your physical body by distributing blood throughout your system, your High Heart runs your Lightbody by distributing higher light through your system. Since the highest frequency of light is unconditional love, your High Heart distributes unconditional love through your system.ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The thymus gland of your fourth chakra rules your immune system and is the source of all the physical, emotional, mental and dimensional healing. Since unconditional love is the healing force of the multiverse, once your High Heart has taken superiority over your human heart new forms of healing and transmutation will be revealed in your daily life.The next octave of multidimensional light will be dispersed into your fifth chakra.FIFTH CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONS AND AREA OF THE BODY: Your fifth chakra is your throat center, which is the center of communication via your physical voice and ears. As your heart and mind become the Heart/Mind of your High Heart your throat chakra serves as the waylay device connecting your opened Third Eye and your High Heart. NERVE PLEXUS: The throat chakra is ruled by the laryngeal plexus, which rules your throat, shoulders, arms and voice. Hence, your tone of voice, posture of your shoulders and movement of your arms will begin to give a clearer meaning of your communications than your words. This transmutation prepares you to communicate via telepathy, empathy and communing, which is the norm for higher dimensional realities. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Your fifth chakra is ruled by your thyroid gland, which sets the pace/timing of your entire system. Hence, as the multidimensional light begins to integrate into your physical form your thyroid gland is called upon to maintain a steady pace for this higher resonance througout your entire body. The next octave of multidimensional light will be dispersed into your sixth chakra and the octave beyond that is your seventh chakra. Since your sixth chakra, pituitary gland, and your seventh chakra, pineal gland, work in unity to create your opened Third Eye, we will look at both of these chakras at once.SIXTH CHAKRA CHAKRA SIXTH AND SEVENTH CHAKRAS CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONSFUNCTION AND AREA OF THE BODY: Your sixth chakra is based at your forehead and your seventh is based at the top of your head. These two chakras work together. The pineal gland of the seventh chakra pulls the higher light into your earth vessel and sends it to your pituitary gland. The pituitary gland of your sixth chakra is the Master Gland that distributes this higher light throughout your entire body. This distribution is based on matching the frequency of light with the frequency of each chakra.NERVE PLEXUS: The nerve plexus for these two chakras is the physical brain for the unenlightened and the Cosmic Brain for the enlightened. Your physical brain cares for all the needs of your physical life, whereas your Cosmic Brain cares for multidimensional life. It is via your Cosmic Brain that you receive communications (often known as channels) from your expressions of your SELF in the higher dimensions of reality.ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: While you are unenlightened your pineal and pituitary glands work together as separate partners. However, as the pineal and pituitary gland merge to become your Opened Third Eye, you perceive frequencies of reality far beyond the third dimension. Then you know that you know you are not your body. Instead, you realize that you are wearing an earth vessel, which is the lowest frequency expression of your Multidimensional SELF. TRANSMUTING YOUR EARTH VESSELOnce you remember that you are a wondrous multidimensional being you begin the amazing journey of personal and planetary transmutation. In fact, this journey is likely the reason for your present incarnation. At this point, all the physical laws of separation, polarity, limitation and illusion are transmuted into a higher frequency of expression. For example: Separation is transmuted into Unity Polarity is transmuted into ConvergenceLimitation is transmuted into AbundanceIllusion is transmuted into Truth You will also remember that you are among those who volunteered to be a prototype of transmutation of form into a higher frequency of expression. In this manner, you can assist with the transmutation of your entire reality. Your greatest challenge is that you will undergo this personal transmutation while you inhabit the form that is transmuting. This process is similar to totally remodeling your house with a new roof, new floor, new plumbing, new electricity etc. while you are living within this house/body. In order for a species, or planet, to transmute forms without destruction of the previous form, it must be inhabited by an advanced consciousness that can communicate with its higher expressions of SELF, as well as the cellular consciousness of the transmuting form. Most of you do not remember that you volunteered for this adventure, but knowing that you were brave enough to choose this challenge gives you great “power-within.” Gaia's planet, Her animals, plants, elements and fourth dimensional Elementals are all waiting for the very diverse, and often wounded, population of humanity to transmute into their higher expression. However, just as you would not transplant a tree into a larger pot when it was "sick," a human who is wounded cannot be transplanted into a higher frequency body. Transmutation best occurs when your foundation is strong, your body strong and your consciousness expanded. Therefore, we recommend that your first job is to heal your body, mind and emotions. This healing will be ongoing as you adjust to higher and higher frequencies of form. As soon as you adapt to one frequency of form the bar is raised and you will be called upon to adjust to an even a higher frequency. Since the highest frequency of multidimensional light is unconditional love, and unconditional love is the healing force of the multiverse, this higher light heals as it transmutes. Thus, as you cells are healed and transmuted, you become increasingly aware that you are not just your body. YOU are a great multidimensional body that has extended its lowest frequency into a physical body on Gaia to assist with Her process of planetary ascension. You will assist Gaia by ascending your physical form AGAIN!Yes, you are Ascended Masters in human bodies who have volunteered to assist dear Gaia. As you remember your higher, ascended SELF, your higher state of consciousness can open portals of communication with your cellular consciousness. Your cellular consciousness has direct access to the matrix for your body. When your body’s matrix is fully transmuted into the fifth dimension, you will cross the flash point into Lightbody. When you, as your multidimensional Ascended SELF, send unconditional love into the cellular consciousness of your earth vessel, you greatly accelerate healing of any wounded areas of your body. In this manner, your physical form can more swiftly transmute into its higher expression of Lightbody. Furthermore, when you, send your SELF sends unconditional love into your subconscious self, you free the many perceptions of reality that have been stored in your body’s matrix until your human expression was ready to perceive the higher dimensions of reality. The healing of this unconditional love will occur without draining any energy from your third dimensional self. All you need do is recognize this steady stream of unconditional love from your Multidimensional SELF into your physical self. You can then relax, and the healing will proceed beyond the limitations of time and space. We are viewing your process and will happily communicate with any of you who call,The ArcturiansJuly 1, 2013CHAKRA RECALIBRATION PART 273723532067500Shifts in Consciousness, Perceptions, Actions and Manifestation The ArcturiansGreetings,We are the Arcturians here to give you more information regarding the recovery of your multidimensional creativity. Whenever your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions, as well as into the cellular consciousness of your personal and planetary self, your perceptions have a correlate expansion. Since the reality you perceive is the reality you experience, this shift in perceptions creates an ever-increasing alteration in your actions. Your consciousness is based on the collective energy pattern of your thoughts and emotions. Basically, loving thoughts and emotions expand your consciousness into a growing confidence in your ability to create your own life. Conversely, fearful thoughts and emotions contract your consciousness more and more towards survival. When your consciousness is based on survival, your perceptions are limited to what is vital for you to get through the day.On the other hand, when your consciousness is expanded into a wider spectrum of possible creations, your perceptions search all reality like a child in a toy store. With myriad possible ways to be creative, as well as the many worlds in which you can be creative, your actions are on joyful alert for the next great expression of your ever-expanding SELF.This expansion of your SELF calls upon the countless versions of reality available to your multidimensional consciousness. Hence, it is not a matter of how to manifest, as manifestation will be as natural as breathing. The further your consciousness expands beyond the limitations of the third dimensional illusion, the more you return to the infinite creativity of your Multidimensional SELF.There are many versions of the ascension process, but we will focus on the NOW of Earth’s ascension, as it is unique indeed. Dear Gaia, brave being that She is, is attempting to ascend her planet and ALL its inhabitants with only minimal harm to her planetary body or any of her inhabitants. Humans present the greatest challenge as they have fallen into separation consciousness. Fortunately, humans are slowly but surely returning to unity consciousness.As the higher light enters the chakras, this process of return to unity is greatly amplified. We have spoken before of the effects of the higher light on your chakras. We will now speak about how the calibration of your chakras to the higher light will transform your consciousness, perceptions, actions and manifestations. We will begin each chakra by reminding you of the transmutations of each chakra that we spoke of in our last meeting. FIRST CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONSFUNCTION AND AREA OF BODY: The higher light transmutes your first chakra to serve as the third grounding prong to ground your changing earth vessel into the Earth.NERVE PLEXUS: As the higher light enters the nerve plexus for this chakra, it is calibrated to the expanding frequencies of Earth. Then you can remain in alignment with Gaia while the people and planet prepare the foundation of fifth dimensional New Earth. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Your adrenal glands slowly become accustomed to a new frequency so that you do not go into Fight/Flight response with every download.As the above changes occur in your first chakra your CONSCIOUSNESS expands beyond third-dimensional survival consciousness and into the beginnings of unity consciousness. When you are no longer fighting through the myriad challenges of daily life you can take some time to “smell the roses,” and experience yourself as a member of the planet. With this introduction to planetary consciousness, your sense of SELF begins to encompass the world in which you live.Your PERCEPTIONS are free of the constant vigilance of what you have to do and shift into who you want to be. With this freedom to just be, all your five senses become amplified. Since you are a member of your reality rather than a victim of it, your sensory perceptions become amplified. Finally, you have “time” to feel the air, smell the flowers, hear the birds, look up into the treetops and speak to your self and others with calm respect. These perceptions were always there, but you were too focused on your survival needs to realize the beauty of your daily life. This amplified experience of unity with your environment creates an inner peace that discovers creative solutions for your encounters with 3D life. Therefore, your ACTIONS are stepping forward rather than hiding or retreating. You may not know what you are stepping into, but you are feeling the courage to do so. Bit-by-bit you begin to take charge of your life, which increasingly includes the planet which has offered you the opportunity of a third dimensional experience. As your relationship with all life increases, you become more careful about what products you use in your garden, who you support with your buying dollars and how you are contributing to a new version of reality that you are beginning to believe just may be possible. You may not yet be aware of New Earth, but the seed of renewal has been planted inside of you. Thus you are gaining increasing courage to move forward in your life, not as who you should be, but as your emerging greater SELF.This confidence creates a positive attitude for the life you are beginning to love. You have more love-based thoughts and emotions, which unite to create thought forms based on opportunity and creativity. Since you are stronger within your self, you are more centered within your core. Because of this, you are MANIFESTING versions of reality that you once believed were “too good” for you. SECOND CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONSFUNCTION AND AREA OF BODY: The higher light will prepare your second chakra for your rebirth and the vast changes that will occur due to the transmutation of your self, your family and your society, as well as new concepts of money and systems of compensation. NERVE PLEXUS: This nerve plexus represents your core, which is increasingly merging with the core of Earth, as well as with the core of your Multidimensional SELF.ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Your polarized identity as male or female shifts into the androgynous version of your Lightbody. Your CONSCIOUSNESS is escalating to include images of a greater expression of your SELF in a world that you have been a part of creating. Your relationships with family either improve, or you forgive and move on from family members who lower your consciousness. You may not know that it is your higher state of consciousness that is making you feel so much better, but you are becoming more and more protective this new “feeling” that is filling your being.Because you are maintaining higher states of consciousness for longer periods of “time,” you are having PERCEPTIONS of your reality that you never had before. Your flowers tell you when they are thirsty. You begin to understand what your pets are saying, and you can more easily read your emotions and the emotions of others. You are beginning to hear the phone before it rings and your child calling you before a word is spoken. A small inner voice is beginning to whisper to you when you are quiet enough to hear it.Because you can see the “effect” of a “cause” before it happens your ACTIONS are becoming focused on prevention rather than resolution. Since you are no longer “putting out fires,” you have more leisure time to think before you act. You are also willing to investigate the real reason, rather than the excuse, for your actions. Because you are becoming more reflective, the inner voice is more audible and often advises you regarding your best course of action. Also, your actions are no longer dictated by gender. You are feeling s completeness within your being which encompasses both your male and female attributes.Actions feel more like MANIFESTATIONS, as you are feeling a growing connection with a greater YOU who is assisting you as you move through life. You are beginning to fully discern the difference between a fear-based thought and emotion and thoughts and emotions that are based on love. You are beginning to feel as if you have an inner partner who is teaching you a greater awareness of your SELF.THIRD CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONSFUNCTION AND AREA OF THE BODY: This chakra is the power center of your physical body and functions as either power-over or power-within. NERVE PLEXUS: Your solar plexus is your own inner Sun that shines your inner power into your reality. Thus, the higher light will amplify your inner power and free you from the cycle of victim/victimizer. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Since your body will now be focusing on digesting the higher light, lower frequency foods will become indigestible and hopefully stricken from your diet. Your CONSCIOUSNESS is quickly expanding as you find your power-within. You are increasingly making your own decisions with your primary advisor being your inner SELF. People are beginning to recognize your inner strength, and you are taking on more and more responsibility. You are feeling your innate leadership abilities, and others are coming to you for advice and guidance.Fortunately, your increasing PERCEPTIONS are guiding you to differentiate those who are sincere in their desire for assistance and those who only drain your energy with their constant complaints. You are becoming increasing telepathic and your thinking is becoming so acute that you can integrate and use huge amount of information both from reading and from your insightful perceptions of situations, groups, persons and situations. Because of your increasing charisma many people want to be with you. However, you often find that you deeply enjoy your own company instead.Your inner directions are primarily guiding your ACTIONS, and you find that you are less reactive every day. Where as once you would react, you are now able to think first, assess the situation, and respond in a calm, centered way.Because of this attitude, your MANIFESTATIONS are even surprising you. Your power to manifest your thoughts and emotions is becoming very apparent. Because you do not fall into being a “victim” when things do not go your way, you are able to step back and calmly assess how you are the creator of each “problem.” Because you are able to admit how you have created your challenges, you are now able to fully accept that you are the creator of the positive aspects of your life. Hence, your fear of failure is greatly diminished and you are able to take greater and greater risks with your creative ideas.FOURTH CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONSFUNCTION AND AREA OF THE BODY: Your heart and lungs work together to feed you cells oxygen enriched glucose. As the higher light continually enters your system, your cell’s bodies begin to crave light rather than glucose. This transition of cellular food is the first stages of becoming Lightbody. NERVE PLEXUS: Just as your physical heart runs your physical body by distributing blood throughout your system, your High Heart runs your Lightbody by distributing higher light through your system. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Once your High Heart has taken superiority over your human heart new forms of healing and transmutation will be revealed in your daily life.The download of unconditional love expands your CONSCIOUSNESS exponentially. However, this unconditional love also accelerates your transmutation process to set you on a roller coaster of mental, emotional and physical highs and lows. You are having these experiences because higher light that raises your conscious also reveals all thoughts, emotions, behaviors and physical maladies that must be healed and released to facilitate your transition into your SELF. Simultaneously, your PERCEPTIONS of reality are expanding into your multidimensional perceptions. Hence, your vision is becoming clairvoyance, your hearing is becoming clairaudience, your sense of smell is becoming clairsentience, your sense of touch is becoming telekinesis, your communications are becoming more telepathic and your empathy, instincts and intuition are becoming stronger every day. You are also having precognitive experiences, and moments of illumination.(See link for description of above terms: )With your new perception of reality more and more of your ACTIONS stem from your higher expressions of SELF rather than your ego. You ego is relegated to the care and maintenance of your physical earth vessel, except when old ego issues come up to be transmuted. Your inter-actions with life are greatly changed as you are no longer the “human” that you once believed you were. Communications with your Galactic, Celestial and Ascended SELF enter your meditations, dreams, imagination and even your daily life. You are beginning to realize that you are not just your body. Instead, you are the consciousness that enlivens the physical expression of your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, your MANIFESTATIONS are no longer a function of your personal desire, but of your commitment to fulfill the “reason for your incarnation.” Meanwhile, your High Heart is increasingly connecting with your Third Eye to allow mini-miracles to become a common part of your day.FIFTH CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONSFUNCTION AND AREA OF THE BODY: As your heart and mind become your Heart/Mind, your throat chakra serves as the connecting your opened Third Eye and your High Heart. NERVE PLEXUS: As your communications are becoming telepathic and empathic your tone of voice, posture of your shoulders and movement of your arms give a clearer meaning of your communications. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: As the multidimensional light integrates into your physical form, your thyroid gland is called upon to maintain a faster, yet steady, pace for the higher resonance of the physical form you are wearing. Your CONSCIOUSNESS is returning to its true multidimensional state. Your throat chakra becomes the go-between and connecting force between your opened Third Eye and your High Heart. You are no longer limited to third dimensional consciousness and are daily remembering more about your true SELF. Fulfilling your mission is becoming more important than fulfilling your personal needs. In fact, your personal self is only one small component of your great, Multidimensional SELF.Your PERCEPTIONS are becoming multidimensional messages in the form of Light Language. Hence, you are constantly seeking to ground these higher frequency communications so that you can translate this Light Language into third dimensional forms of communication that can be understood by humans. As you throat chakra continues to merge your Third Eye with your High Heart, you are beginning to think from your heart and feel from your mind.Your ACTIONS are no longer arising from your ego-needs but are now being initiated in response to inner communications from the higher dimensions and/or the core of Gaia. You are becoming increasingly detached from the result of your actions, as they no longer arise from your ego. You are beginning to remember your past, alternate, parallel and higher dimensional expressions of SELF, which assists you to release your attachment to the dramas of your third dimensional reality.Your MANIFESTATIONS come not from you, but through you. You are beginning to realize that your earth vessel is merely an anchor point of your great Multidimensional SELF who is wearing a 3D form in order to better assist Gaia. Hence, your personal needs are allocated to your greater SELF so that you are not distracted from your reason for embodiment. Your physical form is perceived as the vessel through which your Multidimensional SELF can assist with planetary ascension.SIXTH/SEVENTH CHAKRA TRANSMUTATIONSFUNCTION AND AREA OF THE BODY: The pineal of the seventh chakra pulls the higher light into your earth vessel and sends it to your pituitary gland of the sixth chakra to be distributed to your entire body via your chakra system. NERVE PLEXUS: The nerve plexus for these two chakras is the physical brain for the unenlightened and the Cosmic Brain for the enlightened. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: As your pineal and pituitary glands merge to become your Opened Third Eye, you perceive frequencies of reality far beyond the third dimension. With the merging of your Crown and Brow Chakra, your CONSCIOUSNESS has expanded from Planetary Consciousness, into Galactic Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness. You are in constant contact with higher expressions of your SELF, as well as the Commander on your Starship, Galactic Beings such as the Arcturians, Pleiadian, Sirian etc., as well as Ascended Masters, Elohim and members of the Angelic Kingdom. In fact, you are realizing that all these beings are expressions of your Cosmic Consciousness and Multidimensional SELF.Hence, your PERCEPTIONS are becoming increasingly multidimensional, which can be quite challenging. “Which reality is the real reality?” you ask. Your Higher SELF lovingly replies, “All of them!” Hence, reality becomes a choice of perception and the life that YOU have created.Your ACTIONS are a reflection of your expanding consciousness, and you seek to “Live your Mission.” Your actions are no longer defined by what you have to do. Instead, the community of your Multidimensional SELF determines your actions and passes it on to you, the pilot of your earth vessel. You still hold a physical form so you must take care of daily chores, pay your bills and go to work. However, these obligations are merely things that you perceive as a component of the 3D Game that you still play and are learning/remembering to master. MANIFESTATION is constant and ongoing, as you now know that every thought and emotion will be manifested in your daily life. You are remembering to be a Master over the illusions of the third dimension. You see your physical reality as an assignment that you volunteered to take. You are wearing an earth vessel just as other beings are wearing the form of a dolphin or a tree. Hence, your world is alive, and no creature is of more important than the next. SUMMARYYou may think that people with this degree of SELF-realization would live in eternal bliss, but that is seldom the case. You are all transmuting your body, your consciousness, your society and your planet while living, working and playing in an ever-changing world. Since you realize that you are the creator of your reality, you have no one to blame for your problems. You are living on “an island of your SELF” and acknowledge that every “problem” is a lesson that is vital for your personal and planetary ascension. You can share your true SELF with only a few, if any, of your friends and family. Therefore, you often feel isolated or may often doubt your SELF. Fortunately, when you take time to meditate and commune with the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF you are able to feel unconditional love, bliss and joy. These moments reaffirm your identity and give you comfort and information for your continued journey back to myriad components of your Multidimensional SELF.Meanwhile, your physical form is continually transmuting while you are living in it. Hence, you suffer symptoms of transmutation every day, (See by Karen Antara) and your planet is undergoing great physical, political and cultural changes. Fortunately, you are working closely with Gaia and are deeply connected to Her planetary consciousness. However, if you are looking for safety and security you will only find it within your own heart and the hearts of your loved ones. In fact, living in a state of unconditional love, which must be continually replenished from the higher dimensions, is the secret to finding peace and happiness in this time of chaos that precedes great change.We remind each and every one of you that you are ALL multidimensional beings in different stages of awakening. You are immensely courageous to take on this mission, and we of the higher frequencies of reality are guiding you and cheering you across the final stretch of a very long adventure in polarity and separation.Remember, you do not have to become any one. You only have to return to who you have always been,Blessings to you all,The Arcturians ................

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