Community Advancement Division Council

Meeting Notes

February 7, 2012

Present: Martha Aaron, Kristi Adams, Jose Anaya, Maryann Cohan, Denise DiPasquale, LauraLee Garinger, Karen Latuner, Veronica Mendoza, Alin Sanchez, Naomi Tokuda, Traci Traina, Maricela Vital

A scheduled meeting of the Community Advancement Division Council convened at 1:30 pm at the Business Training Center in Room 2.

Review of Minutes from January 5th meeting

Minutes approved as written.

Department Updates

o Grants – Kristi Adams:

1) We are in the midst of preparing a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant proposal under the Hispanic Serving Institutions Education Grants Program. We will work to build the curriculum for an Environmental Studies & Technologies Associate of Science Program, and a Landscape Architecture Associate of Science Program. The due date is February 9th. Greg George is the lead faculty supplying the meat of the proposal. Architecture Club students and DEEP students are involved.

2) Submitting our Hispanic Serving designation to be able to apply for Title III and Title V funding.

3) Sent Grant Newsletter out today to faculty, staff and managers.

4) Green space or community garden grant – Green Team planning and we’ll be assisting with application (MiracleGro is the funder).

o Center for Applied Competitive Technologies – Traci Traina:

1) New Grants: H-1B grant - working with North Orange County, Cerritos, and also the Workforce Investment Boards. Areas of interest are Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Welding, Electrical, Machinist and CNC operators. Waiting for face sheets for Workforce Innovation Partnership (WIP), CACT and CACT Hub grants which are non-competitive.

2) Existing Grants: National Science Foundation (NSF) – We will be presenting papers for the upcoming ASEE Conference in May and the Hi-Tech Conference in July. The current grant ends in June 2013. We will be submitting a proposal for a 5-year Center grant. Career Advancement Academy (CAA) – The CAA grant is underway and offering classes at both El Camino College and Compton Education Center. The grant focus is to incorporate contextual learning into our curriculum. North Orange County RTF – Working with North Orange County to train incumbent workers. North Orange County JDIF – Working with North Orange County to train unemployed and dislocated workers. We will outreach to 1,275 in each grant working with partner colleges, (Workforce Investment Board) WIBs, Worksource Center, One-Stop Centers, Veterans, Cal WORKS and EWDP Initiative Centers. Career Technical Education – The CTE III grant ended in December and the final report is due in March. CTE IV started in January 2012, and we are currently submitting paperwork for CTE V.

3) Training Status: The new 2012 Professional Certification Training Schedule is out. Completed Statistical Process Control (SPC) course and Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) training for manufacturers.

4) Conferences / Trade Shows: CACT will have a booth at the Westec conference. David Gonzales will attend the Aero Def conference next week.

Karen Latuner:

5) Attended American Society of Engineering Education Conference which was a success. Articulation with CSULA for (Project Lead the Way) PLTW sequence of courses for engineering technology. Society for Manufacturing Engineers Prime Awards Banquet was a huge success. Keynote speaker was Bart Aslin, Director of the SME Education Foundation. 180 individuals attended. An interview was done by a national radio station.

6) Project Lead the Way: New partner is Torrance Unified School District with Hull Middle School and Torrance High School. Hawthorne has added Bud Carson Middle School. Redondo Beach High School is doing POE/IED classes. CTE Transitions is still alive. Triumph Vought internship program is being developed using NGC model.

7) Will be presenting at Westec Conference.

Naomi Tokuda:

8) California Advancement Academy (CAA): Finished Winter Academies. Forty students earned 4 to 6 certificates each. Certificates included Math and English review, TQM/Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Workshop, Resume writing, Green 101, Interview Skills, and Workplace Readiness.

9) Submitted renewal for CAA grant. Currently scheduling spring classes.

10) Will be presenting our CAA experience at an upcoming California Community College Association for Occupational Education (CCCAOE) Conference in March.

Alicia Zambrano:

11) California Math and Science High School Academy (CAMS) : Starting initial student registration for the Project Lead the Way program at the school. We have 4-5 PLTW sessions planned for this semester.

12) Robotics: The semester we will be offering an MTEC 75 class at the Compton Center with student participation from all our local feeder high schools.

13) Aerospace Fastener Program/Industry Driven Regional Collaborative (IDRC): This semester we are at full capacity and waitlisted for both the morning and evening program. We are at over 50 students registered so far and waiting for a few more to finish up their registration process.

o Center International Trade Development – Maryann Cohan:

1) Trip to Shangai has been cancelled. Not enough companies participated.

2) Promoting US Department of Commerce to go to Saudi Arabia in April.

3) NASBITE conference will take place in April.

o Community Education – Veronica Mendoza:

1) Winter/Spring 2012 catalog is out.

2) Summer course development has begun.

o Center for Advanced Customized Training Solutions (A.C.T.S.) – Maricela Vital

Employment Training Panel (ETP)

ET11-0806 Alternative & Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Contract classes are on-going. We are in the process of getting contracts with several more colleges approved.

Contract Education

City of Torrance continues classes which are utilizing Development Dimensions International’s curriculum.

o Small Business Development Center – Laura Garinger:

1) The SBDC Los Angeles Regional Network held the annual Professional Development Conference in Santa Clarita, CA on January 24th. Most advisors and staff attended from the El Camino College SBDC. Topics covered were 2012 Small Business Trends, Strategic Plan for 2012, Social Media and Email Marketing.

2) We have been conducting Orientation workshops for pre-venture business start-up clients who are new to the SBDC. The orientations are held in order to make sure the new pre-business clients are ready to move forward on their business ventures. We stress in the class that the clients must have an idea that they have researched and have some sort of background and knowledge in the type of business they are planning to start. We explain the goals that are important for them to obtain and our commitment to them to help them succeed.

3) The SBDC has kicked off a new program HP LIFE HANDS-ON Training for Entrepreneurs, taught by Michael Grimshaw, one of our advisors/trainers. There will be a series of four classes; one class each week for 4 weeks. The HP Learning initiative for Entrepreneurs is a global program that trains students, aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners to harness the power of IT to establish and grow their businesses. It combines face-to-face training and online tools to address the educational needs of entrepreneurs, regardless of their backgrounds.

4) Other relatively new workshops being offered this quarter are Angel Funding for Entrepreneurs, What Business Should You Start?, and Your Business on the Small Screen.

o Workplace Learning Resource Center – Denise DiPasquale:

1) Began teaching resume writing and interviewing skills to the veterans at the U.S. Vets Residence House in Inglewood.

2) Met with Robert Mejia to obtain contacts in order to set up a Speaker’s Bureau for the Introduction to Sustainability curriculum that was given to Carson and Leuzinger High Schools. Began contacting individuals to set up commitments for speaking dates and times. First speaker was Lance Collins, co-owner of Greenside, a sustainable real estate consulting firm.

3) Attended South Bay Workforce Investment Board’s Executive Committee meeting and Board of Directors meeting.

4) Attended the Annual Inglewood Police and Firemen’s Recognition Lunch.

Maryann Cohan

1) Terminal Island is currently under audit. So all classes on hold until March 23rd. The new warden has started. Metropolitan Detention Center’s 3rd Parenting class will start March 1st. Two new instructors have been hired to work at Terminal Island and Metropolitan Detention Center.

2) Maritime Training: Standards for Training Certification and Watch keeping (STCW) class – February 21st. Tankerman has been put on the I-Train. Vessel Security Officer will be held February 11-12. Effective February 1st, all workers that tend to offshore rigs must have fire fighting training. We’ve had inquiries from Exxon Mobile and SoCal Shipping.

3) TSA has been meeting with WpLRC and the Industry &Technology Division to discuss a training program for TSA employees.


o California State Budget: New budget will hinge on taxes voted on in November. Tax revenues are lower than anticipated.

o EWD Update: Centers will not compete for next year’s renewals. RFA’s will be out in about a month for other EWD grants.

Adjournment at 2:30 pm


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