Important notes for completing the treatment notification plan


This Mental Health (Neuropsychology): Treatment Review is to be completed by a registered psychologist upon request from the TAC and after delivery of a treatment plan or where significant variations to a person’s problems, goals, or the duration and amount of treatment to be provided are anticipated. It should be forwarded to the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) to request services additional to or at variance with the original treatment plan. All incomplete forms will be returned, so please give reasons if you are unable to complete a section.


The TAC only funds neuropsychology treatment for mental health problems for which it has liability under the Transport Accident Act 1986. The person must have a current TAC claim and the mental health condition must have been caused by the transport accident. This treatment plan is for mental health problems that in the professional opinion of the psychologist arise from a transport accident. The TAC does not fund mental health treatment that is not related to the transport accident.

Quality, effectiveness and coordination

The treatment review enables psychologists to clearly document goals, measures and outcomes. The treatment is expected to be of a high quality, effective, directed at positive outcomes in social, family and work functioning and closely coordinated with the work of other health practitioners and treatments.

Variations or additional treatment to this new plan require approval by TAC

Upon completion of the neuropsychology treatment review the psychologist will need to contact the TAC for approval of funding for any subsequent neuropsychology services. Where significant variations to the type and amount of treatment to be provided are anticipated these should be promptly advised and explained to the TAC.

Important notes

The following notes each refer to the sections of the Mental Health (Neuropsychology): Treatment Review.

1. Person details

A person is someone who has a current claim with the TAC and who is seeking psychological treatment for their transport accident injuries.

2. Progress review

For each of the practical goals given in the mental health treatment plan or previous mental health treatment review, indicate progress that has been made using the standardised or customised measure nominated in the previous plan eg. reduced score on Beck Depression Inventory, two days of weekly productive activity.

3. Barriers to achievement of goals in the previous treatment plan

List the observed barriers to achievement of the goals in the last treatment period eg. physical, mental, social, cultural, occupational, legal.

4. Current neuropsychological status

On the basis of formal assessment, if repeated since the last plan, observed behaviours and history provided, please report information regarding status and effects on function in the following areas. Please indicate if there has been no change.


▪ Intellectual eg. premorbid abilities, current verbal and perceptual abilities

▪ Attention eg. speed of processing, focussed attention, multiple processing, distractibility

▪ Memory eg. immediate memory span, working memory, new learning (verbal and visual), memory (free and cued recall and recognition)

▪ Language eg. reading, comprehension, expression, word finding, fluency

▪ Executive eg. planning and organisation, problems solving, abstract thinking, flexibility of thought


▪ Drive eg. adynamia, motivation

▪ Control eg. impulsiveness, disinhibition, verbosity, tangential

▪ Other eg. irritability, fidgety, low frustration tolerance


▪ eg. depression, anxiety, PTSD, adjustment, coping, fears and phobias

Practical problems would include problems such as difficulties with managing finances, losing their job, schooling difficulties, bullying or being bullied, excessive substance use, affect on community activities, hitting or abusing people, can’t get into a car, forgets things etc.

5. Revised treatment plan and measures

In this section the neuropsychologist should list in priority order the revised practical goals that the treatment/management plan is attempting to achieve eg. to reduce outbursts to 5 per week. Along with each goal should be listed the interventions or strategies for achieving the goal which may include:

▪ Direct therapeutic techniques

▪ Carer education programs eg. training in behaviour management techniques

▪ Consultation with teachers or employers eg. identification of problem solving strategies to be applied to the classroom or workplace

▪ Aids eg. a diary

▪ Environmental modifications eg. low stimulation

▪ Self-management

How progress and achievement of goals are assessed/measured should also be outlined and may include standardised outcome measures, rating scales (client, significant and clinician ratings) as well as documented change from baseline recordings of behaviours at the commencement of treatment, and the anticipated date of achievement or review eg. April, 2006.

6. Treatment requested for approval

Provide the duration and additional number of hours of treatment that is requested for TAC funding. Within the approved dates and number of hours of treatment the psychologist and the person may determine the frequency and intensity of contacts. This may include therapy breaks during which treatment is not provided.

7. Multidisciplinary coordination and medications

Treatment coordination refers to health practitioners, professional and lay carers being most effective by ensuring that their treatment is consistent, mutually reinforcing and directed at common goals. In this section list other providers of treatment to this person, their interventions, include especially psychotropic medications. Enter the date of last contact that you have had with the providers listed.

8. Other comments and issues

Please note any other needs that this person has and your recommendations for additional treatment. This may include occupational, physical or social/family needs beyond those that you can address in this treatment plan. The TAC is able to fund accident related vocational assessment and support and services for other needs where they are reasonable and form part of an overall plan of interventions for the person.

9. Advice, second opinion, or referral

Even experienced psychologists can find it helpful, where anticipated progress has not been made, to seek advice, a second opinion or treatment by another practitioner. In this section the psychologist may indicate if this is requested.

10. Agreement by the psychologist and person

This plan should be signed jointly by the psychologist and the person to whom they are providing treatment.


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