Political and Social Causes - Leuzinger AVID

Name ________________________________________ Date _____________________________ Period ___

Citation Sentence and

3-Part Source Integration Technique Practice

Part I: Use the Citation Sentence Templates handout and the excerpts on the back side to practice writing effective sentences for your senior research project. You will use the nine examples from the Citation Sentence Templates handout to write nine (9) of your own sentences about poverty.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________


2. _______________________________________________________________________________________


3. _______________________________________________________________________________________


4. _______________________________________________________________________________________


5. _______________________________________________________________________________________


6. _______________________________________________________________________________________


7. _______________________________________________________________________________________


8. _______________________________________________________________________________________


9. _______________________________________________________________________________________


Part II: Use the 3-Part Source Integration Templates handout and the excerpts on the back side to practice writing effective sentences for your senior research project. You will write a total of two (2) sentences using the two templates as guides.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________


2. _______________________________________________________________________________________


Excerpts About Poverty

|Page # |Author’s Name or Title of |Excerpt from Book or Website |

| |Website Article | |

|(No page number |World Socialist Movement |"Policies of governments and companies are keeping people poor. Policies that ensure global trade benefits the |

|required for | |rich, not the poor—the three richest men in the world are wealthier than the 48 poorest countries combined.” |

|internet source) | | |

| |World Poverty, A Look at |“Two issues have been preventing most governments from handling poverty well ; |

|(No page number |Causes and Solutions |1. Most governments in both rich and poor countries do not see poverty-reduction as being any priority to them, |

|required for | |and so do not make much attempt to reduce poverty. The wider benefits of reducing poverty are not widely |

|internet source) | |understood. |

| | |2. The few governments in rich or poor countries that do see poverty-reduction as being of some priority to them,|

| | |have commonly wasted much of the resources they use in mistaken attempts at poverty reduction from not |

| | |understanding their best policy options for that.” |

|7 |Ruby K. Payne |“To better understand students and adults from poverty, a working definition of poverty is ‘the extent to which |

| | |an individual does without resources.’” |

| |John Edwards |“Poverty is America’s great moral challenge in our time, and it will take all of us to meet it. This is not a |

|132 | |problem that can be left to the government alone. This is a problem that requires the will and commitment of all |

| | |of us, working as voters, as citizens, and as neighbors. It requires us to make demands of our leaders and |

| | |ourselves.” |

| |Shannon Daley-Harris |"Poverty is more than just a lack of money — it is a lack of opportunity, rights, and resources. It is created by|

|24 | |ill health and poor or no health care, inadequate housing and transportation, illiteracy, and racial and gender |

| | |discrimination.” |

|3 |Muhammad Yunus |“Poverty is created by economic, social, and political systems, and by false ideas—not by the laziness, |

| | |ignorance, or moral failings of the poor.” |

| |Scott Myers-Lipton |“Poverty is a description of want of the basic needs of life, as well as a set of |

| | |relationships operating in a social structure. Thus, poor people have difficulty |

|15 | |providing themselves with food, shelter, health care, and education. The poor |

| | |also are at the bottom of the American social hierarchy, so they have difficulty in obtaining power and status.” |

|(No page number |Who is Poor? |“The existing official measure of poverty has been widely criticized. Under the procedures by which the official |

|required for | |poverty rate is calculated, only cash income is counted in determining whether a family is poor; cash welfare |

|internet source) | |programs count, but benefits from noncash programs, such as food stamps, medical care, social services, education|

| | |and training, and housing are not included.” |

|(No page number |The Poor |“There are two main reasons American children are poor: Their parents don’t work much, and fathers are absent |

|required for | |from the home. In good economic times or bad, the typical poor family with children is supported by only 800 |

|internet source) | |hours of work during a year—that amounts to 16 hours of work per week. If work in each family were raised to |

| | |2,000 hours per year—the equivalent of one adult working 40 hours per week through the year—nearly 75% of poor |

| | |children would be lifted out of official poverty.” |


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