Introduction to Social Class in the United States

Introduction to Social Class in the United States Name_____________________

Video Clip #1: Social Class

1. According to Gloria from Albania, what is the most important thing in this country?

2. Most Americans believe their society is a ___________________ society.

3. Most workers are at the bottom of society and are _________________________.

4. Most Americans want to be and view themselves in the ____________________ class.

5. Describe America in the 1950s:

6. Technology has replaced the ____________________ class.

7. Fewer Americans are moving up, and more are moving ________________.

8. What does Redlining mean?

9. One consequence of home value and where you live for children is:

10. Two things that poor families have to worry about that middle class families do not:



11. Wealth Assistance is also known as _____________________.

12. How has the media changed is portrayal of welfare?

13. Describe the public assistance that Gloria received when her family arrived in the US:

14. What advice does Gloria give to people in the US who desire to reach the “American Dream?”

Video Clip #2: Race and Social Class

1. Describe why the city of Chicago is tearing down portions of Chicago.

2. 1 in _____ African American males is in prison or Chicago jails.

3. Why does the young boy keep repeating “I live in a house!” What is the significance of this statement in relation to the poor sections of Chicago?

4. What does the Chicago skyline represent?

5. The road from slavery to freedom is _________________________________________________.

6. What is the “Robert Taylor Homes” in Chicago?


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