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Lesson Data: Ancient Egypt

Grade Level: 6th

Curriculum Area: Social Studies

Time Allotted: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Teacher: Andrea Johnson

IPM Lesson Plan

Lesson Overview:

This lesson is designed to help students compare and contrast the differences between life now and life in Ancient Egyptian times. This is a supplement to the Ancient Egyptian WebQuest “Welcome to the Ancient Egypt Realm”. I will be using the Informational Processing Model through the Inquiry Process to teach students to investigate and create conclusions.

New York State Learning Standard:

SS # 2 – World History

• Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, and themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.

Key Idea # 3

• The study of the major social, political, cultural, and religious developments in World History involves learning about the important roles and contributions of individuals and groups.

Performance Indicator

• Students will know the social and economic characteristics, such as customs, traditions, child-rearing practices, ways of making a living, education and socialization practices, gender roles, and foods.

National Standard

National Council for the Social Studies

• Standard I – Culture

Social Studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of culture and cultural diversity.


The student will understand the differences and similarities between Ancient Egyptian culture and American culture.

The student will investigate and reflect on the culture and belief systems of Ancient Egypt.


Given the Web Quest, “Welcome to the Ancient Egyptian Realm”, the students will compare and contrast four characteristics of the customs of the Ancient Egyptians and current day.

Given the Web Quest, “Welcome to the Ancient Egyptian Realm”, the students will create a graphic organizer listing the similarities and differences


Graphic organizer of Ancient Egypt and Life today (see attached)

Web Quest – “Welcome to the Ancient Egyptian Realm”

Social Studies Text

Exploring Ancient Egypt

Anticipatory Set:

Remember what the Web Quest we have been working on for the past week?

Class responses chorally yes!

What was it about? I would choose a student to answer the question. He or she replies, “It was about Ancient Egyptians”

What information that we have been learning about this past couple of weeks most interesting for you? I expect responses such as learning about the food they ate, the clothing they wore, or maybe the things they did for entertainment.

Today, we are going to wrap up our unit on Ancient Egypt by comparing life back then to life now. We want to find out if times have really changed. Are there many similarities or more differences between then and now? Is there a connection between Ancient Egyptian customs and our customs? Predict. Choose a partner to create a graphic organizer to test your predictions.


Now that you have found a partner, I would like you to state whether or not there will be more similarities or differences with life in Ancient Egypt and life now.

Write your prediction on a piece of paper.

After the prediction is made, I would like you and your partner to first think of all the things that occur in your life. Ask yourself questions like What do you like to do for fun? What type of clothing do you like to wear?, etc.

Complete the left side of the graphic organizer with things from your life. For example for Entertainment, you could write video games, books, etc.

Now, Investigate - I would like you to use the WebQuest, your Social Studies Text, and the book, Exploring Ancient Egypt, to compare life in Ancient Egyptian times. Complete the right side of the graphic organizer.

When you finish, I would like you and partner to be able to tell the class how your life compares to a person in Ancient Egypt. Be ready to present!

Monitoring the Inquiry Process:

I will go around to each group and make sure that everyone is on task and answer any questions that the students may have. I will be formally assessing if the students are able to compare and contrast the differences between life in Ancient Egyptian times and life now by listening to the student’s discussions with their partners.


I would ask the students to tell me some things they learned about a particular topic. I would ask they to tell me what similarities and/or differences that they saw when completing the graphic organizer and how they drew conclusions.

Independent Practice:

For homework, I would have the students write a diary entry as if they were a child in Ancient Egypt. They would have to write a day in the life of an Ancient Egyptian child.


When the groups are finished, I will have them present what they reviewed about life in Ancient Egypt in comparison to their own lives. I will ask use a checklist to assess each student’s mastery of the objectives.


➢ Did the student reflect on their own life and list customs of their culture?

➢ Did the students use the materials given to investigate the customs of Ancient Egypt?

➢ Were the students able to contrast and compare their own culture to that of the Ancient Egyptian culture?

➢ Were the students able to make conclusions about what they have learned?

Critique Questions

➢ Did my anticipatory set engage my students?

➢ Were my directions clear?

➢ Did my Guided Practice help my students follow the steps of inquiry?

➢ Was my support of students’ inquiry process effective?

➢ Was my checklist able to check each of the student’s mastery of the objectives given?

Name: ____________________


Graphic Organizer

| |Your life |Ancient Egypt |

|Entertainment | | |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

|Clothing | | |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

|Religion | | |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

|Education | | |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

|Food | | |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

|Jobs | | |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

|Government | | |

|[pic] | | |


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