Risk Assessment - Record of Significant Findings

?Covid-19 Risk AssessmentDate of Assessment29th June 2020Location / Activity / Process Coronavirus (COVID-19) RisksAssessed byLauren OwenReview DateOngoingUpdates?Scores below are Severity x Likelihood?Hazard?Risk?Control measures?Residual RiskExposure from others due to:?1) Living with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19.?2) Have come into close contact (within 2?metres?for 15 minutes or more) with a confirmed case of COVID-19.??3) Being advised by a public health agency?that contact with a diagnosed case has occurred.???4?x?3?=?12?Continue following government action of?self isolation?and only to leave house on the following circumstances: for medical reasons; to shop for necessary food supplies; for?exercise;?and for work where you cannot do this at home?Any existing individual risk assessments (disability, new/expectant mothers) to be reviewed. Staff who feel they need or would like an individual risk assessment should speak to the HR Manager.Maintain contact with line management and Human Resources (HR) and to follow WA guidance.??Travel is only required where you cannot work from?home. Use?private transportation, cycle or?walk. As a last resort public transport to be used as a minimum and to implement social distancing where possibleTo continue following ongoing government guidance?Stay at home and only attend hospital in an emergency. Do not attend GP surgery and phone NHS line (111) if further advice is required?Clinically vulnerable persons may not come to an office and should continue to shield themselves whilst following their specific medical advice issued to them Follow good?NHS hygiene measures at all times??Avoid all visitors to your home unless they are providing a medical requirement?Do not approach delivery staff, allow packages to be left on the doorstep4?x?1?=? 4?Suspected case whilst working on site?4?x?4?=??16If a worker develops a high temperature or a persistent cough while at work, they should:??Return home immediately???Avoid touching anything???Cough or sneeze into a tissue and put it in a bin, or if they do not have tissues, cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow.?They must then follow the guidance on self-isolation and not return to work until their period of self-isolation has been completed.?The work area should receive deep cleaning and social distancing maintainedSignage provided in the office to remind staff of symptoms4?x?1?=??4 General? travel4?x?4?=?16?Do not travel unless you cannot work from – use video conferencing for meetings?Please continue to follow any further national government advice provided??Staff who have to use public transport to access the office are STRONGLY discouraged from doing so. Please drive and use the car parking spaces (book via Intranet), walk/cycle, or work from home.4?x?1?=??4??Access to sites?4?x?4?=?16?Those who can work from home should continue to do so for the foreseeable future.Laptops and phones provided and chairs, desks etc. offered to all staff to ensure all can work comfortably from home.Those finding barriers to home working should speak to the HR and Operations Manager about how Women’s Aid can support with removing those barriers before choosing to return to the officeStaff MAY return to the office if they choose to, they have agreed with the HR and Operations Manager that this is appropriate and they agree to adhere to the guidance in this risk assessment.Staff in any vulnerable category, or with close contact with vulnerable people will not be permitted to use the office until further notice.Guidance around individuals who feel ill or have contact with someone displaying Covid-19 symptoms continues to be that they should contact 111, go home immediately if at work, and inform the HR and Operations Manager if they have recently used a WA office.OfficeSee landlord’s guidance for using the office in addition to the below.No more than 5 staff may be in the Direct Services room, and no more than 8 in the main office at any one time. See the online booking form to ensure that your plans allow for this.All staff should visit the office as infrequently as possible, and for as short a time as possible. This may mean for example setting one morning a week where you come in to access files etc. as needed and save relevant tasks for this morning.Windows should be opened whenever possible to increase fresh air flow.The door between the Direct Services room and the main office may remain open for use as long as staff in both offices adhere to using only the permitted desks.Staff should avoid touching the same items as others without disinfecting. Primarily this will mean limiting sharing of printed documents, and not making drinks for others.Masks are recommended for use at all times in the office, but are not mandatory except during meetings.Staff must remain 2m apart at all times. This means that no one may sit at a desk adjacent to any occupied desk. Where desks are close to areas of high traffic, these desks may not be used. A plan is available in the staff guidance document to demonstrate which desks are usable.Where staff are using the office, they should use the same desk whenever possible, to limit potential cross contamination. This should lead to the same 2 people at most using a desk through the weekNo more than 2 people may use the small meeting room at any one time, and no more than 4 in the large meeting room. Please also keep these windows open. Masks must be worn during meetings.At the start and end of their work day, each individual is responsible for disinfecting their own work space, including arms of their chair, keyboard, mouse, desk, telephone etc.Alcohol gel must be applied when entering and leaving the office space.Staff should not use the kitchen to eat their lunch and should either eat at their desk, or outside of the building to limit the areas which each individual has contact with.No more than one person should use the lift at any one time, unless assisting someone.Visitors to the building are strongly discouraged, and staff inviting outside guests are responsible for ensuring that they follow this guidance.Women’s Aid will provide disinfectant sprays, disposable cloths, hand gel and masks for staff to use.London OfficeThe London office has now closed, and staff are recommended to work from home for now. For staff who need to use an office, hotdesking is available for staff to use. The landlord has their own guidelines, available on the intranet, which staff must follow.Remote WorkersThose staff who travel to their usual work locations (i.e. in Member services) should continue to work from home wherever possible.If it is essential for them to visit a service etc. they should a. take all reasonable precautions (avoiding public transport, wearing a mask and regularly washing or disinfecting their hands, etc.) and b. following their destination’s guidance.4?x?1?=??4?Poor hygiene???4?x?4?=?16?Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand?sanitiser?if soap and water is not available and hand washing technique to be adopted as directed by NHS?Avoid touching your face/eyes/nose/mouth?with unwashed hands and cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw it in the bin.See office specific guidance above.Signage provided in the office to remind staff of hygiene needs4?x?1?=??4??Taking / accepting deliveries - contact with materials and persons (driver)?4 x 4 = 16?Maintain 2m social distancing when accepting materials?Materials to be placed outside of sites to reduce exposure to drivers?Staff to wash their hands thoroughly after accepting deliveries4 x 1 = 4?First aid4 x 4 = 16??First aid and cover arrangements to be reviewed?First aider certificates to be checked for validity and understand amended practices?in regards to?attending a casualty during COVID (such?as revised CPR methodology)?Emergency plans on site and communicated so all staff understand what action to take in the event of a suspected or confirmed case of COVID 194 x 1 = 4?Anxiety causing ill-health and reduced ability to work effectively4 x 4 = 16??Managers to check in with staff weekly and monitor wellbeing, directly and through proxies like sick leave, reduced productivity, lateness to meetings, etc.All staff to be regularly reminded of EAPStaff supported with flexible working and leave options to help them manage their time. Staff encouraged to take their leave frequently to ensure they have plenty of breaks4 x 1 = 4?Home working4 x 4 = 16??Staff provided with equipment and desk setups where needed to ensure safe and comfortable home working environmentStaff expected to stay in touch with their manager and HR & Operations Manager to discuss their needs and health and safety.4 x 1 = 4? ................

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