
ROOM # 20 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: 5/18/20 -5/22/20


|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning |

| |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) |centers)] |

|Monday |Unit: Babies |Time to get creative: |MATH- Review #12 this week |Movement – Let’s Move Like Babies: Create an |

|Date: 5/18/2020 |Focus- What is a human baby and what do|Using 3 materials around your home we will|Watch this video to practice singing and counting |obstacle course for your and your little learner. |

| |they need: They need adults to take |be making our own baby dolls with our |to #12: |But you and your little learner have to do it by |

| |care of them. |little learners, to have and to hold this | |crawling like a baby. Use pillows and blankets to |

| | |week. | |create things babies could safely crawl over, under |

| |-Human babies are new people that have | |LITERACY- Review the letter C. |or around. |

| |been born. They cannot do things on |-Using a large sock have your little |Watch this video with your little learner about the|[pic][pic] |

| |their own. |learner stuff it with a dish or hand |sounds the letter C makes: | |

| | |towle: | |Blocks/Building: Use blocks and other building |

| |-Just like we were learning last week | | |materials including things like: boxes, empty |

| |with the baby animals baby humans have | |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- |containers, egg crates, cans, plastic bottle etc. |

| |adults that help take care of them. | |Writing: Draw a letter C for your little learner to|with your little learner to build a crib for their |

| |-Human babies can have a lot of | |trace 5 times. |sock baby. |

| |different people in their lives that |Once the towel is in the sock use a piece |- Our shape this week is the diamond. Draw a | |

| |help take care of them: |of string or rubber band to section the |diamond for your little learner to trace 5 times. |Dramatic Play: Play pretend with your little learner|

| |Moms and Dads |head and tie the end of the sock with a |-Write your little leaner’s name in a yellow marker|help them put their sock baby to sleep by singing to|

| |Grandparents |knot: |and work with them on practicing tracing their |it, rocking it, and putting it to sleep a pretend |

| |Bothers and Sisters |Then help your little learner use the |names. |crib. |

| |Aunts and Uncles |remainder of the sock to fold back over | | |

| |Friends |the body like a swaddle. |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little |Art: Show your little learner a picture of them as a|

| |The Doctor | |learner about babies |baby. Then ask your little learner to draw |

| |- Like animals people and babies have | | |themselves as a baby. Point to the picture: |

| |special doctors that help them stay | | |You have a head- can you draw a circle for the head |

| |healthy. | | |-you have a nose |

| |-Babies go to a special doctor called: |The doll does not need to look pretty, and| |-you have 2 eyes |

| |pediatricians |it is intended that you can reuse all the | |-you have a mouth |

| | at the end of this week. This is| | |

| |Etnw |to help your little learner learn about | | |

| | |babies and pretend to care for one. | | |

| | |-Teach your little learner how to handle | | |

| | |babies: | | |

| | |Use soft touches | | |

| | |Move slow | | |

|Tuesday |Unit: Babies |Time to play pretend and enjoy some |MATH- Review sizes Large, medium, and small: |Music and Movement Activity: Let’s get our bodies |

|Date: 5/19/2020 |Focus- Human babies need to be kept |sensory play: |Practice recognizing sizes by giving some animals a|moving with this head shoulders knees and toes song:|

| |clean and have their diapers changed. | |bath in this fun game | |

| | |-Using a toy that can get wet or an empty | | |

| |Babies wear diapers because babies are |plastic bottle to pretend that it is a | |Blocks/Building: Use blocks and other building |

| |too small to use the potty and they do |human baby. |Remember our shape this week is the diamond: |materials including things like: boxes, empty |

| |not know how. |-Help you little learner give the baby a |-Draw 3 different size rectangle (Large, medium, |containers, egg crates, cans, plastic bottle etc. |

| | |bath: |and small). |with your little learner to build a bathtub or a |

| |Babies need baths because they get |Get the water just right |-Ask your little learner “what shape is this?” |changing table with your little learner |

| |messy |Put the baby in the water |–Rectangle. | |

| | |Use the soap to wash the baby |-Direct your little learner to color the large |Science/Sensory: Review wet and dry with your little|

| |Watch this song with your little |Rinse the baby off |rectangle. |learner using a diaper. Help your little learner |

| |learner about how to give a baby a |Try baby off with a towel. |-Then direct your little learner to color the small|test how much water a diaper can hold. Help them |

| |bath: |-Then help your little learner put their |rectangle a different color. |fill 1/4 cups and count how many they can put on the|

| | in a diaper: | |diaper till it starts to leak. |

| |HyDE |Use a towel/wash cloth or paper towel and |LITERACY- Review the letter C. | |

| | |tape |Watch this video with your little learner about the| |

| | | |sounds the letter C makes: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | |Strengthening: Lets work with our little learner to| |

| | | |use play dough to work and strengthen our hands. | |

| | | |Roll the playdough into strips, roll it into balls | |

| | | |make it into different parts of the body to make a | |

| | | |baby or person. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read/listen to this book with your | |

| | | |little learner about | |

|Wednesday |Unit: Babies |Time to be the chef and enjoy some sensory|MATH- Review #12 this week: |Music and Movement Activity: Let’s get our bodies |

|Date: 5/20/2020 |Focus- Human babies have needs – they |play: |Practice counting to 12. Draw the number 12 for |moving with this song about moving our bodies: |

| |need sources of food and water to help | |your little learner to trace. Using macaroni or | |

| |them grow. |-Have a banana and show it to your little |beans to glue on or a marker to make dots practice | |

| | |learner. |counting to 12. |Dramatic Play: : Play pretend with your little |

| |Tell your little learner: |-Ask your little learner “what is this? – | |learner help them feed their sock baby. Help your |

| |Babies drink things like milk, juice, |banana |LITERACY- Review the letter S. |little learner make a pretend bottle what do we |

| |and water |Tell your little learner we are going to |Watch this video with your little learner about the|need: water and flour (pretend it is formula). Have |

| |Babies drink from bottles because they |make the banana into food for a baby. |sounds the letter S makes: |your little learner shake the mix and then |

| |are too small to drink from cups |-Have your little learner peel the banana | |show your little learner how to hold their baby to |

| |Babies drink baby formula and baby food|and put it in a bowl | |give it a bottle. |

| |as food because they do not have teeth |-Help them use a fork to mush and stir the|CUTTING/ FINEMOTOR- | |

| |for chewing. |banana. |Cutting: draw straight lines on a piece. Work with |Art: Show your little learner some pictures of |

| | |-Help your little learner add a little |your little learner to hold their scissors safely |people that helped take care of them when they were |

| | |water and stir until it is more of a pure.|and cut on or as near to the line as they can. |a baby (yourself or others). Ask your little learner|

| | | | |to draw a person that takes care of them. |

| | |-Remind your little learner that babies |HANDWRITING/ FINEMOTOR - | |

| | |need food that they do not need to chew |Writing: Draw a letter S for your little learner to| |

| | |because babies do not have teeth. |trace 5 times. | |

| | |-Encourage your little learner to taste |- Our shape this week is the Rectangle. Draw a | |

| | |the baby food they helped you to make. |rectangle for your little learner to trace 5 times.| |

| | | |-Write your little leaner’s name in a yellow marker| |

| | | |and work with them on practicing tracing their | |

| | | |names. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little | |

| | | |learner about having a new baby: | |

| | | | | |

|Thursday |Unit: Babies |Time to get our movement on: |MATH- Same and different: work on same and |Movement – Let’s Move Like Babies: Create an |

|Date: 5/21/2020 |Focus- Human babies have needs – babies| |different by helping your little learner match farm|obstacle course for your and your little learner. |

| |need time for exercise, play and sleep |-Pretend to be a baby with your little |animals. If ask your little learner when they |But you and your little learner have to do it by |

| |to grow. |learner. |select two cards are they the same or different. |crawling like a baby. Use pillows and blankets to |

| | |-Play a game of see do such as a baby | |create things babies could safely crawl over, under |

| |Watch this song with your little |might play. |LITERACY- Review the letter S. |or around. |

| |learner about caring for babies: |Lay on your tummy with your little learner|Watch this video with your little learner about the|[pic][pic] |

| | do some baby push ups. |sounds the letter S makes: | |

| |G7b4 |- Roll onto your back and look from side | |Dramatic Play: play games like peek a boo with your |

| | |to side |FINEMOTOR- |little learner and try to get them to play them with|

| |-While watching remind your little |-Roll onto your belly and lift your arms |Cross Body and pincer grasp work: give your little |you. Pretend to be babies working on grasping things|

| |learner of the babies needs that they |head and feet off the ground. |learner water bottle. Place the water bottle to a |and playing. Roll a ball back and forth with your |

| |have already learned about this week. |-Do a baby push up and get into a crawling|far side of your little learner either left or |little learner from your tummy. Have your little |

| | |position |right. Then have them use the hand tat is furthest |learner lay on their tummy and grab crayons or |

| |-Babies use tummy time to work on |-Then crawl like a baby with your little |away from the bottle to reach across their bodies |markers that you spread on the floor just within |

| |strengthening their bodies |learner so that they are copying you |and place small objects such as macaroni noodles, |their reach then color/ scribble on paper in front |

| |-Babies scoot and crawl to move | |beans or cheerios into the bottle. |of them then prompt them to get a new color. |

| |-Babies sleep a lot |WOW! That was great you and your little | | |

| |-Babies sleep in cribs |learner just got in babies play and |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- |Blocks/Building: Use blocks and other building |

| | |exercise time. |Read this book to your little learner about a noisy|materials including things like: boxes, empty |

| | | |baby: |containers, egg crates, cans, plastic bottle etc. |

| | |-Now your sleepy time to nap. | |with your little learner to build a crib for their |

| | |-Remind your little learners that babies | |sock baby. |

| | |sleep in cribs which are beds with walls | | |

| | |on all 4 sides. | | |

| | |-Using pillows build a crib with your | | |

| | |little learner and have your little | | |

| | |learned lay inside. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Friday |Unit: Babies |Time to practice and play: |MATH- Review #12 this week: |Music and Movement Activity: Let’s get our bodies |

|Date: 5/22/2020 |Focus- Human babies have needs – they | |Practice counting objects with your little leaner |moving with this song for moving and following |

| |need love and to learn. |Review what we have been learning about |using this fun activity page: |directions: |

| | |babies needs this week. | |

| |Yesterday we talked about where babies |Practice safety with your little learner |summertime-FrqFGXP5aGstbMnFq |Dramatic Play/sensory fun: Help your little learner |

| |sleep? – cribs |while providing for their babies needs: | |pretend to feed the baby that is made from something|

| | |Using your little learner’s sock baby |LITERACY- Fun Friday Play a Letter Identification |that can get wet. Feed the baby some baby food. “Oh |

| |-One of the reasons we put babies to |little learner |activity: |no what a big mess baby put it everywhere”. Help |

| |sleep in cribs is for safety. Cribs | | little learner give the baby a bath. Use soap |

| |have bars on them that help keep the | |ingo |water be care not to get soap in babies eyes. |

| |baby from falling. | | | |

| | |Remind your little learner how to use soft|HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- |Art Activity: Show your little learner a picture of |

| |-Adults do lots of things to help keep |touches and slow movements with their |Hand eye and pincer grasp work: |them as a baby with their mom and or dad. Ask them |

| |babies safe, to teach them new things |babies when they pretend to: |Use cardboard box to put small holes in it or use a|to draw themselves and their mom and or dad. Talk |

| |and to show them love. |-Play peekaboo with their baby. |colander |about how you, the mom/dad is big and that when they|

| | |-Feed their baby. Direct your little |[pic] |were babies they were very small. |

| |Watch this video you’re your little |learner to sit and hold the baby or put |Have your little learner use long spegaheti pasta | |

| |learner about keeping babies safe: |the baby in a highchair with a seat belt |and stick it throug the holes. | |

| | the baby cannot fall. | | |

| |3l8M |-Wash their baby. Direct your little |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | |learner to hold the baby with one hand and|Read this book to your little learner about babies:| |

| | |use the other had to pretend to wash the | | |

| | |baby. | | |

| | |-Direct your little learner to use soft | | |

| | |hands while drying the baby and go slow | | |

| | |-When diapering their baby direct your | | |

| | |little learner to lay them on a changing | | |

| | |table or soft place on the floor so the | | |

| | |baby cannot fall. | | |

| | |-Put the baby to bed in a crib they build | | |

| | |from pillows to protect the baby. | | |

Social/ Emotional- Review Week 5 page 5.

Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter.



NYS Common Core Standards

PK.AL.3: Approaches tasks, activities and problems with creativity, imagination and/ or willingness to try new experiences or activities.

a. Chooses materials/props and uses novel ways to represent ideas, characters, and objects

PK.AL.4: Exhibits curiosity, interest, and willingness in learning new things and having new experiences.

g. Willingly engages in new experiences and activities

PK.PDH.3: Demonstrates coordination and control of large muscles

b. Maintains balance during sitting, standing, and movement activities

PK.SE.3: Demonstrates and continues to develop positive relationships with significant adults.

a. Interacts with significant adults

PK.AC.5: Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary

b. Identifies pictures related to words

PK.MATH.2:Represents a number of objects 0-5 with a written numeral 0-5 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). -Student can select the corresponding number or write it.

PK.MATH.10:Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary (e.g. small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy, light).

PK.SCI.4: Observers familiar plants and animals (including humans) and describes what they need to survive.

a. Explores what a variety of living organisms need to live and grow.

PK.SCI.6:Develops a model to describe that some young plants and animals are similar to, but not exactly like, their parents.

b. Compares baby and adult animals and recognizes similarities.


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