MES Continuity of Learning Remote Plan:

 MES Continuity of Learning Remote Plan: 2020-21 School YearTable of ContentsIntroduction3Health, Safety and Food Service3Food ServiceScheduling and Attendance3Daily ScheduleStructured Home LearningLearning Material and Content4Specific Learning Materials and ContentCurricular PrioritizationMaterials and Manipulatives UsageSpecial AreasSocial Emotional LearningTeacher Student Interface/Interaction 5Teacher/Student InteractionSynchronous/Asynchronous LearningTracking Student Interactions/EngagementAssessment and Grading 6Assessment Types and UsageGradingDue DatesAcademic IntegrityCommunication Tools7Types of Communication ToolsParent/Guardian CommunicationEnsuring Access to Instruction 8Ensuring Internet Access for All StudentsAddressing the Unique Needs of All Students: Students with DisabilitiesAddressing the Unique Needs of All Students: Students Experiencing Homlessness or Housing InstabilityAddressing the Unique Needs of All Students: English as A New LanguageAddressing the Unique Needs of All Students: MTSS and At-Risk Learners and SupportsAddressing the Social-Emotional Needs of Students, Families, And StaffSocial Emotional Learning and Supports11ScreeningsSEL InstructionTypes of Support for Students and Families and How to AccessTypes of Support for Staff and How to AccessIntroductionThis plan outlines instruction during the 2020-2021 school year: remote learning. Keep in mind this plan is part of a larger district-wide reopening plan that can be found on the COVID page of the Marion Central Schools website.Health, Safety and Food ServiceRemoteFood ServiceAll students will be provided breakfast and lunch every school day. Parents, Guardians, or caretakers may pick up pre-packed meals on a bi-weekly schedule to be communicated with stakeholders at the onset of remote learning. Food Allergies will be monitored and accommodated by food service.Scheduling & AttendanceRemoteDaily ScheduleAll students in grades PK-6 will have a specific daily schedule to follow at home. This schedule will be grade level specific and uniform across the grade level. Each day students will be required to Zoom in to one synchronous (live) session with their teacher to get the daily schedule, a mini lesson, and take attendance. Students will be asked to follow a task schedule similar to their half day of in-person instruction in the hybrid model. Additionally, students will have some asynchronous learning activities to complete for the week.Structured Home LearningStudents will be asked to follow a grade level specific schedule for their day.This schedule will contain a mix of synchronous and asynchronous activities for students to complete throughout the week.Learning Material and ContentRemoteSpecific Learning Materials and Content (standards aligned)All of our curricula have been mapped and aligned to the NYS learning standards. Main curricular resources are listed below. PK-2 Core Curricular Resources:ELA: Fountas and Pinnell Interactive Read Aloud and Phonics, Spelling and Word Study; Being a Writer; iReadyMath: Math Expressions; iReady3-6 Core Curricular Resources:ELA: Ready ELA, Ready writing, iReadyMath: Ready Math, iReadyAdditional Curricular Resources utilized for differentiation or intervention and enrichment:ELA: Reading Street, Fundations, My Sidewalks, Units of Study (Calkins), 6 +1 Traits of WritingMath: My Math, NYS math modules, Xtra math, IXLCurricular PrioritizationStudents will participate in academic programming that will support them in closing any gaps that may have occurred due to school closure in the 19-20 school year.ELA and math power standards have been identified as focus areas for teachers within the curriculum.Synchronous instruction will focus mainly on ELA and math instruction on the identified power standards.Science and Social Studies synchronous and asynchronous learning activities following the district curriculum maps.Materials and Manipulatives UsageStudents will have all in person and hybrid learning materials at home with them for their individual use.Special AreasSpecial area classes will occur daily for 30 minutes. Students in K-6 will have PE three times weekly.. Other special areas will meet once a week.These classes will be a mix of live and video sessions that students will access through Zoom and Google Classroom.Social Emotional LearningSocial emotional learning will occur for all students and will be part of the weekly specials rotation. This instruction will be through a mix of video and live sessions delivered by support staff.Please see the section on social-emotional learning for specifics.Teacher/Student InterfaceRemoteTeacher/Student InteractionDigital student and teacher interactions via: SeeSaw, Google Classroom, Go Guardian, Google DocsIn person interactions via ZoomTeachers will post daily lessons and resources on their platform of choice (SeeSaw or Classroom); each grade level also will have a hard copy daily schedule sent home to all families; teachers will track activity completion digitally where possible; teachers will review hard copy assignments and provide student feedback every four weeks (based on hard copy distribution schedule); feedback on digital assignments will occur on a weekly basis; teachers will call and email parents and students; all classroom teachers provide class Zoom sessions at least once daily; some teachers, including interventionists, will offer and provide 1:1 Zoom times for academic support on a rotating weekly scheduleSynchronous/Asynchronous LearningSynchronous: weekly class Zoom sessions (optional) that cover weekly schedule, assignment overview, SEL check inAsynchronous: 1:1 or small group teacher Zoom sessions weekly (optional), pre-recorded teacher instructional videos, weekly iReady reading and iReady math lessons, hard copy materials and daily schedule; intervention providers continuing with small group or individual Zoom sessions, assignments posted via Class Dojo or Google Classroom - teachers provide qualitative feedback to students on these assignmentsTracking student interactions/engagementTeachers will utilize a building-wide tracking document. Teachers fill out a google form for each student/parent interaction. The form transfers the information to a spreadsheet.Teachers will track attendance at online synchronous instruction times via SchoolToolTeachers will also track student engagement/participation through: teacher-made tracking documents, Google Classroom, logs of work completion, Go Guardian, minutes of work completion on digital platforms like iReadyOur student support team will maintain an additional spreadsheet tracking communication with our tier 2 and tier 3 students/families with whom it has been difficult for teachers to engage.Assessment & GradingRemoteAssessment Types and UsageFormative Assessments: These are shorter “in the moment” assessments completed by the teacher through means like questioning, an exit ticket, a short written response, class discussion, quizzes, etc.Summative Assessments: These are larger assessments that are meant to determine a student’s level of mastery of specific content or standards. These assessments include items list:iReady diagnostic tests, end of unit projects, and unit tests.GradingGrading will be modified to also reflect participation in distance learning. Traditional grading systems may have to be modified depending on length of distance learning time.UPK students will get report cards each semester.K-5 students will get report cards each trimester.6th grade will get report cards each quarter.Due Dates Due dates should be assigned with flexibility. Every student will experience varying home circumstances, with varying levels of parent/guardian support in completing assignments. Tasks requiring parent/guardian support should be assigned with a due date that spans a full calendar week. During full-remote learning, all assignments should be given on the first day of the school week, and due a calendar week later. Academic IntegrityAs the digital component of learning increases, possibilities of academic dishonesty do as well. All assignments are given with the goal of students learning as they complete the assignment. As per the student handbook, academic integrity is essential and all accusations of academic dishonesty will be investigated by administration. Communication ToolsRemoteTypes of Communication ToolsPK-2 Common Platform: SeeSaw3-6 Common Platform: Google ClassroomIn addition, teachers utilize: email, phone calls, text messages, Remind, Zoom, and Go Guardian.In full-remote learning communication between teacher and parent/guardian is critical for student success. All efforts to establish reliable, consistent communication must be made.For building-wide communications we utilize our School Messenger system for both phone and email messages. This platform was updated and verified to ensure that we have accurate contact information (phone, email, or both) for all families in the Elementary School. Parent/guardian communication during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure they know the expectations of their childrenBuilding Level: Communications through our School Messenger system for phone and email communication, building-wide Friday NewsletterClassroom Level: Use of common communication platform (PK-2: SeeSaw, 3-6 Google Classroom); individual parent communication at least weekly from teachers via phone, email or ZoomFor families that have been difficult to reach, a member of the student support team has attempted multiple follow ups (at least weekly) via phone, email, text, Zoom, in person (at supply pick up) or letter.Ensuring Access to InstructionRemoteEnsuring Internet Access for All StudentsAll K-6 students will have their school-assigned chromebook at home.The district has reached out to all families to survey who needed internet access. The district provided hotspots to any student who did not have internet access at home.The district also put out information on local free/low cost wifi programs and areas within the district that parents could “drive up” and access wifi from their vehicles. Addressing unique needs of all students: Students with DisabilitiesAll special education and related services providers will contact the parents and guardians to discuss how we will continue to provide FAPE by working to ensure access and provisions of their services during remote learning. We will document all of our communications and steps for each individual child. We will work with our out-of-district placements to ensure they are providing the same level of support. Each special education student will have a personalized remote learning plan that outlines how FAPE will be maintained during the closure. These plans were developed collaboratively between the students’ case-manager and parent/guardian.Special education teachers and related services providers will be using the same technologies and instructional methods as outlined above to ensure students are working to meet their academic needs. They will do their best to progress monitor growth on their IEP goalsUpon reopening for in-person instruction the district will review how remote learning impacted the child’s growth and learning and make adjustments as required. On an individual basis, a determination will be made whether and to what extent compensatory services might be needed and provide make-ups of any related services that could not be provided during the closure.We will hold all IEP meetings via audio, video and telephone conferencing if parents consent to that methodology for their meeting to remain in compliance with timelines. Per the United States Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights memo dated March 16, 2020 - If an evaluation of a student with a disability requires a face-to-face assessment or observation, the evaluation would need to be delayed until school re-opens. Evaluations and re-evaluations that do not require face-to-face assessments or observations may take place while schools are closed, as long as a student's parent or legal guardian consents. We will be working with parents and guardians to work through this process as seamlessly as possible given the uncertainties of the situation.Addressing unique needs of all students: Students Experiencing Homelessness or Housing InstabilityThe district's homeless education liaison will be working to ensure the following for our students that are currently identified as experiencing homelessness:Provide information and details regarding services that the district will provide to ensure they are connected to school instruction and other school and/or community-based supports, as needed and appropriate.We have ensured that each of our families identified as experiencing homelessness have access to the internet. Those families that are not in a location where wifi is accessible have been provided with a Verizon Hotspot device. We have a plan to continue to check-in and monitor their continued access. We have ensured each family has information regarding how they can access breakfast and lunch daily from the school as well the means to get those meals.Our MTSS and Student Support teams are planning to regularly communicate with these families to check in on their safety and well-being. The teams will develop action plans as needed to meet the needs of each child during the remote learning.Addressing unique needs of all students: English as a New LanguageENL teachers will make personal contact with families in their home language.Each ENL teacher will be checking with their students to ensure access to their instruction as well as continue with their literacy skill development as per their ENL Identification levels. Addressing unique needs of all students: MTSS and At-Risk Learners and SupportsREMOTE Elementary MTSS Intervention Services ManualTier 3 team will continue to meet digitally during the extended closure. The focus of the meetings will be the analysis of data sources to identify students at risk for academic and/or mental health struggles during the closure. Data sources will include, but are not limited to:Schoology reportsTeacher reportsParent, student and teacher emailsTeacher contact logLiving status reports (homelessness)Technology concerns As a result of the data analysis, the Tier 3 committees will develop student-specific action plans, which will include communication with the student and/or guardians. The objective of the Tier 3 committee meetings is to prioritize students that have the highest level of academic and mental health needs to help ensure continued growth and academic success.Addressing the social-emotional needs of students, families, and staff We will continue to provide our Tier 1 SEL curriculum (Second Step) to all students in grades PK-6 via video lessons. Lessons will be posted once weekly on the classroom learning platform (Dojo or Google Classroom) at all grade levels and are accessible to students and parents.All parents of students who were in tier 2 SEL groups will be contacted about how their children could continue to get SEL support during closure through the school counselor and school psychologists via phone or Zoom.All parents of tier 3 students who receive 1:1 counseling will be contacted and will be offered 1:1 counseling to still occur via phone or Zoom.Families: Materials are provided in the weekly newsletter and cover topics that include: talking to your child about COVID, resources from the school nurse, importance of routine and schedule for young children.Staff: distribution of self-care strategies via email, offers for connection with school counselor and psychologist, weekly staff Zoom sessions for connection/supportSocial Emotional Learning and SupportsRemoteScreeningsParents will be mailed an optional screener in the back to school mailing from Wayne Behavioral Health Network. Results will be reviewed by WBHN and families of students that qualify will be contacted for services.At the building level we will administer the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire three times yearly (Fall, Winter, Spring). Questionnaires are completed by teachers with parent permission. Results are reviewed by our Tier 2 and Tier 3 MTSS teams to determine which students are in need of group or individual supports. SEL InstructionWe will continue to provide our Tier 1 SEL curriculum (Second Step) to all students in grades PK-6 via video lessons. Lessons are posted once weekly on the classroom learning platform (SeeSaw or Google Classroom) at all grade levels and are accessible to students and parents.Sixth graders will complete the Botvin’s Life Skills course via videos and coursework in Google Classroom facilitated by the Delphi Rise provider.All parents of students who were in tier 2 SEL groups will be contacted about how their children could continue to get SEL support during closure through the school counselor and school psychologists via phone or Zoom.All parents of tier 3 students who receive 1:1 counseling will be contacted and offered for 1:1 counseling to still occur via phone or Zoom.Types of Support for Students/Families & How to AccessFamilies: Materials are provided in the weekly newsletter and cover topics that include: talking to your child about COVID, resources from the school nurse, importance of routine and schedule for young children. Students will have access to MTSS supports outlined in the documents linked above.Types of Support for Staff and How to AccessStaff: distribution of self-care strategies via email, offers for connection with school counselor and psychologist, weekly staff Zoom or is person sessions as needed for connection/support. ................

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