Ph.D., Sociology, 2001 - Kent State University

Tim Berard, Ph.D.Mobile phone: (773) 895-8884E-mail: PositionAssociate Professor of Sociology, Kent State University (from Summer, 2010)EducationPh.D., Sociology, 2001 Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts (1994-2000) B.A., Political Science, 1994 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (1992-1994)Coursework at Reed College, Portland, Oregon (1986-1989)Educational Distinctions? Shils-Coleman Prize, awarded by the Theory Section of the American Sociological Association, in recognition of an ‘outstanding graduate student paper’ ? Presidential University Teaching Fellow, Boston University? Presidential University Graduate Fellow, Boston University? Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honor Society), Univ. of Washington? Presidential Commendation for Excellence, Reed College? Arend Family Scholarship, Reed College? Solon E. Summerfield Scholarship, Reed College? International Brotherhood of Teamsters Scholarship (national competition)? Early Entrance (from junior year of high-school), Reed College? National Merit Scholarship FinalistFaculty/Professional Distinctions ? Early Tenure, Kent State University (2007) Teaching & Research Interests Law & Society; Criminology/Sociology of Deviance; Inequality & Discrimination; Race & Ethnicity; Culture & Subcultures; Language & Social Interaction; Sociological Theory; Ethnomethodology; Social Identity and Membership Categorization Analysis.Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesTim Berard & James Meeker, 'Irony, Conflict & Tragedy in Cultural Analysis: Hip-Hop between Bourdieu and Nietzsche.' Published "on-line first" in Critical Sociology 5/19/18, to be included in special issue (ed. Michael Roberts) on Nietzsche and social theory. ‘The Study of Deviant Subcultures as a Longstanding and Evolving Site of Intersecting Membership Categorizations.’ Human Studies 37(3): 317-334 (October 2014 print publication, electronic publication 20 December 2013). ‘Unpacking “Institutional Racism”: Insights from Wittgenstein, Garfinkel, Schutz, Goffman, and Sacks,’ pp. 109-133 in Schutzian Research Vol. II [Lead Article] (December 2010). ‘The Relevance of the Social Sciences for Legal Education,’ Legal Education Review 19(1/2) (December 2009). ‘Typification in Society and Social Science: The Continuing Relevance of Schutz’s Social Phenomenology,’ in Human Studies (second author, with Kwang-ki Kim) [Lead Article] (December 2009).‘The Neglected Social Psychology of Institutional Racism.’ Sociology Compass 2(2): 734-764. (March 2008). 'From Concepts to Methods: On the Observability of Inequality.' Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 35(3), pp. 236-256 [Lead Article]. (June 2006).'Extending Hate Crime Legislation to Include Gender: Explicating an Analogical Method of Advocacy.’ Qualitative Sociology Review 1(2), pp. 43-64 [Available on-line]. (December 2005).'Evaluative Categories of Action and Identity in Non-Evaluative Human Studies Research: Examples from Ethnomethodology.' Qualitative Sociology Review 1(1), pp. 1-25 [Lead Article] [Available on-line]. (August 2005). ‘Rethinking Practices and Structures.’ Journal for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35(2), pp. 196-230. (June 2005). ‘On Multiple Identities and Educational Contexts: Remarks on the study of inequalities and discrimination.’ Journal of Language, Identity, & Education 4(1), pp. 67-76. (2005).‘Ethnomethodology as Radical Sociology: An Expansive Appreciation of Melvin Pollner’s “Constitutive and Mundane Versions of Labeling Theory.”’ Human Studies 26(4), pp. 431-448. (December 2003).‘Moving Forward by Looking Back: Revisiting Melvin Pollner’s “Constitutive and Mundane Versions of Labeling Theory.”’ Human Studies 25:4, pp. 495-498 [25th anniversary issue]. (December 2002). ‘Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, and the Reformulation of Social Theory.’ Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29:3, pp. 203-227 [Lead article] [Shils-Coleman Prize, from American Sociological Association’s Theory Section]. (September 1999).‘Dada Between Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy and Bourdieu's Distinction: Existenz and Conflict in Cultural Analysis.’ Theory, Culture & Society 16(1), pp. 141-165. (February 1999).‘Attributions and Avowals of Motive in the Study of Deviance: Resource or Topic?'Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 28(2), pp. 193-213. (June 1998).BooksLaw at Work: Studies in Legal Ethnomethods, edited by Baudouin Dupret, Michael Lynch and Tim Berard, published in June 2015 with Oxford University Press, as part of the language and law series. Book Chapters‘Hate Crimes, Labels, and Accounts: Pragmatic Reflections on U.S. Hate Crime Law.’ In the collection Law at Work, edited by Baudouin Dupret, Michael Lynch and Tim Berard, published by Oxford University Press, June 2015. ‘Under the Shadow of The Authoritarian Personality: Elias, Fromm, and Alternative Social Psychologies of Authoritarianism.” Pp. 209-244 in Norbert Elias and Social Theory, ed. Francois Depelteau and Tatiana Landini. Palgrave-Macmillan. (November, 2013). ‘Collective Action, Collective Reaction: Inspecting Bad Apples in Accounts for Organizational Deviance & Discrimination.’ In Interaction and Everyday Life: Phenomenological and Ethnomethodological Essays in Honor of George Psathas, ed. Hisashi Nasu and Frances Waksler. Lanham, MD: Lexington. (August 17, 2012)‘Ethnomethodology and Membership Categorization Analysis,’ pp. 125-138 in Sage Handbook of Sociolinguistics, ed. R. Wodak, B. Johnstone & P. Kerswill. Los Angeles: Sage (second author with Bob Garot). (November, 2010).‘Hate Crimes and their Criminalization,’ in New Approaches to Social Problems Treatment, eds. Stacy Burns and Mark Peyrot, Vol. 17 of Research in Social Problems and Public Policy. (February, 2010).'Comparative Perspectives on Democracy and Homeland Security: Commentary,' book chapter in Democracy and Homeland Security: Strategies, Controversies, and Impact, ed. Nawal Ammar. Kent State University Press [available on-line]. (2006). ‘Racial Profiling,’ pp. 1421-1430 in Social Issues in America: An Encyclopedia, ed. James Ciment. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. (Spring 2006).‘ “Japanese American” Identity and the Problem of Multiple Description: Disjunctive Versions of the Japanese Exclusion Order.’ Book Chapter (pp. 144-168) in Stephen Hester and W. Housley (ed.), Language, Interaction, and National Identity: Studies in the Social Organisation of National Identity. Ashgate. (August 2002).Encyclopedia EntriesEncyclopedia entry on ‘deviant subcultures’ expanded and updated from 2006 version. Published in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online, ed. George Ritzer (area editor for deviance: Erich Goode). Blackwell. (October 2016). Encyclopedia entry on ‘deviant subcultures,’ in the Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology, ed. George Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan. Blackwell. (2011). Encyclopedia entry on ‘ethnomethodology,’ in the Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, ed. S. Littlejohn and K. Foss. (September 2009). Encyclopedia entry on ‘membership categorization analysis,’ in the Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, ed. S. Littlejohn and K. Foss. (September 2009). Encyclopedia entry on ‘deviant subcultures,’ pp. 4870-4875 in Vol. X of the Encyclopedia of Sociology, ed. George Ritzer. Blackwell. (2006).Encyclopedia entry on ‘color of law,’ in Criminal Justice, ed. Phyllis Gerstenfeld, Salem Press. (Fall 2005).Pedagogical Publications Teaching & Learning Guide for: “The Neglected Social Psychology of Institutional Racism.” Sociology Compass 2(4): 1378-1382. (July 2008).Syllabus for Criminology published on-line in the American Society of Criminology’s Introduction to Criminology Sample Syllabi set, ed. D. Boots and W. Reese. (2008).Syllabus for a graduate course in Law, Justice & Society, published in the American Sociological Association's Political Sociology Syllabi Set, 5th ed., ed. Sarah Sobieraj. (2005). [Reprinted on-line by American Sociological Association in TRAILS April 26, 2010]Lesson plan: 'A Group Discussion and Guided Reading Exercise for Introductory Sociology: Jonathan Kozol's Amazing Grace,’ published in the American Sociological Association's Introductory Sociology Resource Manual, 6th ed., ed. James Sikora and Teodora Amoloza. (2005). [Reprinted on-line by American Sociological Association in TRAILS April 26 2010]'Video and Discussion/Essay Questions: The Life of a Black Cop,' first author with Peter Ibarra, published in an American Sociological Association teaching resource manual Sociology of Work and Occupations, 5th ed., ed. Carol Auster (2004).Syllabus for a course on ‘Deviant Subcultures,’ published in Teaching the Sociology of Deviance, an American Sociological Association collection of teaching resources, ed. Martin Schwartz and Michael Maume. (Summer 2003). Reviews “Toward the Recovery of Neglected Meanings in Policing and Criminology” A Review of Jonathan Wender’s Policing and the Poetics of Everyday Life” Symbolic Interaction 37(2): 318-320 (May 2014). Extended Review of Handbook of Constructionist Research, ed. James Holstein and Jaber Gubrium (Guilford Press, September 2008). Contemporary Sociology 37(5): 428-430. (2008).Review of Handbook of Social Theory, ed. George Ritzer and Barry Smart (Sage, 2001), Published by Contemporary Sociology. (Fall, 2003).NewslettersSpecial Issue Editor, newsletter for the Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, 2016, devoted to reflections on Howard Becker’s career and work. 24 pages, with contributions from Howard Becker, Chris Wellin, Elijah Anderson, Marjorie DeVault, Erich Goode. < article on Howard Becker for the occasion of a lifetime achievement award from the Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Spring 2015, 1.5 pages (pp. 2-3). Primary responsibility for content of two regular newsletters annually as Chair of the Division on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency, Society for the Study of Social Problems, from Fall 2011 to Summer 2013 (four newsletters total). Three conference photos published in the Fall 2011 newsletter of the Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Section of the American Sociological Association. Other Publications‘International Bibliography of Authors and Publications of Interest to Ethnomethodologists and Conversation Analysts in the Study of Law, Crime, Deviance and Social Problems.’ Self-published on the web at <>. (2004-2015).Current/Upcoming Research and Publication Activity“Attributions and Denials of Collective Agency in the Kent State University Shootings of 1970: Accounting for Organization or its Absence.” Co-authoring with graduate student Bengt George. Two versions presented at national conferences July 2017 and October 2017. (To be developed into journal submissions). “Membership Categorization Practices of Islamophobia.” (Future journal submission, in progress).“Race and Punishment from Garfinkel to Regression Analysis and Critical Race Theory: Critical Reflections on Disparate Impact and Inferential Reasoning.” (Future journal submission, in progress).“The Rhetorical Skirmish Line between Disparate Impact and Discrimination: An illustration from capital sentencing,” conditionally accepted by Qualitative Sociology Review.Doctoral Dissertation The Micro-Politics of Macro-Categories: The Contested Relevance of Minority Status in Claims and Denials of Discrimination. Analyzes disputes about discrimination as a means of addressing the relation(s) between social practices & social structures. Analysis illustrates the rhetorical structure of claims and denials of discrimination, and thus how discrimination is socially constructed and deconstructed through talk-in-interaction. Discrimination disputes are shown to revolve around the practical negotiation of contextually relevant social identities and group memberships. In light of these observations, the relationship between discrimination and discretion in professional decision-making is reconsidered, and discretionary decision-making is defended against several varieties of criticism, without abandoning concerns about discrimination (January, 2001).Citation RecordOver three hundred citations to my work in print, on-line, or in graduate theses suggest the broad relevance of my work; citations have appeared in multiple sub-disciplines of sociology, but also in social psychology, psychology, criminology, cultural studies, information studies, gender studies, political science and international relations, business and management studies, organization studies, health studies, nursing studies, education research, military studies, environmental studies, and philosophy of social science.Contributions to Professional/Academic MeetingsForthcoming paper presentation, "Actuarial Social Control of Risk and Minorities: Claims-Making and Resistance." Second and third authors: Bengt George and James Meeker. To be presented at annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Philadelphia, August 2018.Paper presentation, first author with Bengt George. "Seeing the Kent State Shootings Vicariously: Some Practical Uses for Photographs & Photographers in Court Testimony."Presented at invited workshop on Visualizing State Violence at Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada July 2018. Paper presentation, first author with Bengt George. “Accounting for the Kent State Shootings: Interpretive Asymmetries and Applied Implications.” Annual conference of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology, Cleveland, Ohio, October 2017. Session organizer, critical dialogue- Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division invited panel. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada August 12, 2017. Paper presentation, first author with Bengt George. “Attributions and Denials of Collective Agency in the Kent State University Shootings of 1970: Accounting for Organization or its Absence.” International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis biennial conference, Westerville Ohio, July 2017. Reviewer for Scientific Committee, International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis biennial conference, Westerville Ohio, July 2017. Paper presentation, and presider, Society for the Study of Social Problems session. “Taking Account of Accounts, Ironically: Some Roles for Pretexts in the Construction of Racial Profiling as a Social Problem.” Summer 2016. Session organizer and presider, for the American Sociological Association section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, annual meeting in Seattle, 2016. Paper presentation, “Racial Disparities in Criminal Sentencing as a Social Problem: Critical Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Framing” Society for the Study of Social Problems annual conference, Chicago, August 2015. Paper presentation, “Race and Punishment from Garfinkel to Regression Analysis and Critical Race Theory: Critical Reflections on Disparate Impact and Inferential Reasoning” Law and Society Association annual conference, Seattle, May 2015. Session organizer and moderator for three sessions, one dealing with contemporary racism and racial inequality, another session dealing with racial identity, both co-sponsored by the Social Problems Theory Division and the Racial and Ethnic Minorities Division, and a third dealing with interpreting inequality and diversity. Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, August 2015.Session co-organizer for the lifetime achievement award session/panel discussion sponsored by the Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division. Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, August 2015. Conference session planning and sponsoring: As Chair of the Crime & Juvenile Delinquency Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, and by substitution for incoming Chair, managed Division sponsorships and co-sponsorships of 10-15 sessions annually for the 2012, 2013, and 2014 annual SSSP conferences, including in most cases the final selection of session topics, titles and organizers. (Aug. 2011 to Aug. 18, 2013). Paper presentation: ‘“Distance Learning” as an Achievement Verb, Questions of Accountability, and Related Praxiological Observations on a New Hidden Curriculum.’ Delivered at conference of the International Institute of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA), Waterloo, Canada. (August 5, 2013). Session organizer or co-organizer for five sessions for the Society for the Study of Social Problem’s Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division (critical dialogue on what’s missing in studies of crime and delinquency, and regular sessions on: social constructionist scholarship in crime and delinquency; policing; recidivism and rehabilitation; schools and violence). Conference of Aug. 9-11 2013. Discussant addressing Jonathan Wender’s phenomenological scholarship on policing, bureaucracy, and the public management of human troubles. Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Rochester, NY. (November, 2012) Paper presentation: “The Study of Deviant Subcultures as a Longstanding and Evolving Site of Intersecting Membership Categorizations.” Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado. (August 18, 2012). Discussant and presider for the session “Scholarly Activism and Activist Scholarship on Law, Crime & Deviance.” Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado. (August 18, 2012). Session organizer for the American Sociological Association’s Section on Ethnomethodology & Conversation Analysis (2012). Session organizer for two sessions (on intersectional analyses, and on scholarly activism), and co-organizer for two sessions (award session, and session on drinking, drugs and offending) of the Society for the Study of Social Problem’s Division on Crime & Juvenile Delinquency (2012). Paper presentation: "Some Membership Categorization Practices of Islamophobia: The Positioning of Religious Categories and their Mapping against Categorical Pairs." International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA), Fribourg, Switzerland. (July, 2011). Panelist, Lifetime Achievement Award Session, Society for the Study of Social Problems’ Division on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency (awarded to Valerie Jenness),Atlanta. (August, 2010).Session organizer for a session on ‘Crime, Delinquency, and Social Justice Work’ for the SSSP Division on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency (2009/2010).Paper presentation: ‘The Increasing Importance of Pretexts and Proxies in the Analysis of Discrimination: Remarks on the Social Geography of Racial Profiling.’ Presented at Society for the Study of Social Problems annual conference, San Francisco, August 2009.Session Organizer and Presider for the Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Section regular session, Annual Convention of the American Sociological Association, on the theme ‘Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis as Interdisciplinary Inquiries,’ San Francisco, August 2009. Session Organizer, Presider and Discussant for the Theory Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Annual Convention, on the ‘The Problem of New Racisms: Theorizing the Changing Nature of Racism,’ San Francisco, August 2009.Invited paper presentation: ‘Hate Crimes, Labels, and Accounts: Pragmatic Reflections on U.S. Hate Crime Law,’ delivered to an international conference on Praxiological Approaches to Law, Paris, July 2009. Invited paper presentation, ‘Sovereignty and Jurisdiction as Practical Accomplishments: Reflections on the Praxis of Prosecutions in Cases of Contested Authority.’ Presented to an international workshop on the Political Dimension of Situated Practices, Fribourg, Switzerland, March 2009.Discussant for a paper on procedures of political inquiries, at an international workshop on the Political Dimension of Situated Practices, Fribourg, Switzerland, March 2009.Paper presentation: “Justice, Injustice, and U.S. Deportation Policy: Alternative Versions from the Web.” Delivered at a session on “Analyzing Racism” sponsored by the Language & Society Research Committee, at the First International Sociological Association World Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spain, September 2008. Paper presentation: “Racial Profiling Inbound and Outbound: Remarks on Suspect Classifications, Immigration, and Deportation in Contemporary U.S. Policy and Law.” Presented at the joint conference of the Law & Society Association and the Canadian Law & Society Association, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.Paper presentation: ‘Fifth Columns, Sleeper Cells, and Lone Wolves: Notes towards the Moral Logic of Categorizing Terrorists in the “Homeland.”’ Presented at a panel on Framing the Other: Race and Ethnic Portrayals in the War on Terrorism, at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, Canada, August 2006. Moderator for a panel on ‘Art as Social Protest’ for Kent State University’s Sixth Annual Symposium on Democracy: Democracy and the Arts, Kent, Ohio, May 2005. Paper presentation: ‘A Pragmatic Paradigm for Advocating Expanded Rights by Means of Analogical Reasoning and Membership Categorization.’ Presented at a panel on ‘Law and Language,’ during the annual convention of the Law & Society Association, Chicago, May 2004. Discussant for a panel on ‘Comparative Perspectives on Democracy and Homeland Security’ at Kent State University’s Fifth Annual Symposium on Democracy: Democracy and Homeland Security, Kent, Ohio, April 2004. Paper Presentation: ‘Interpretive and Commonsense Notions of Deviance in the Classroom.’ Paper delivered at the annual convention of the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences (SPHS), Boston, November 2003. Paper Presentation: ‘Evaluative Categories of Action and Identity in Non-Evaluative Human Studies Research: Max Atkinson on “Suicide” and Jeff Coulter on “Schizophrenia.”’ Presented at a bi-annual meeting of the International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA), Manchester, England, July 2003.Paper Presentation: ‘Unpacking “Institutional Racism”: Insights from Wittgenstein, Garfinkel, Schutz, Goffman, and Sacks.’ Presented at the annual conference of the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences (SPHS), Loyola University, Chicago, October 2002.Paper Presentation: ‘Attributions and Avowals of Motive in the Study of Deviance: Resource or Topic?' Delivered to MIDAS (Massachusetts Interdisciplinary Discourse Analysis Seminar), Harvard University, November 1996.Employment HistoryAssociate Professor, Department of Sociology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio (from Summer, 2010). Associate Professor, Department of Justice Studies, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Graduate faculty status in Justice Studies and Political Science (Fall 2007- Summer, 2010).Assistant Professor, Department of Justice Studies, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Graduate faculty status in Justice Studies and Political Science. (Fall 2002-Spring 2007).Instructor (full-time), Department of Sociology & Psychology, Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois (Fall 2001- Spring 2002). Lecturer, School of Policy Studies, Roosevelt University, Schaumburg, Illinois (Spring 1998).Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts(Summer 1997). Instructor, Metropolitan College, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts (Spring 1997).Teaching Fellow, Department of Sociology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts(Fall 1996, Spring 1997). Instructor, Curry College, Milton, Massachusetts (Summer 1996). Presidential University Teaching Fellow, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts(Fall 1995, Spring 1996).Additional teaching experience with grading in criminology (Wheaton College, MA), tutoring in economic sociology, and E.S.L. for German speakers in Volkshochschule Berlin-Marzahn. Courses Taught (with number of semesters taught, inclusive of Spring 2018)Law, Justice & Society (2) [Graduate]Theories of Crime & Delinquency (1) [Graduate]Crime, Inequality & Deviant Subcultures (1) [Graduate]Contemporary Sociological Theory (1) [supervised reading/independent study, Graduate]Minorities in Crime and Justice (25) (including 13 distance-learning courses)Law & Society/Issues in Law & Society (9)Criminology (8) Theories and Issues in Socio-Legal Studies (1)Crime & Justice in Popular Culture (2)Introduction to Justice Studies (2) Social Deviance (1)Deviant Subcultures (1)Minorities in America (14) (distance-learning)Racial & Ethnic Groups (1)Introduction to Sociology (7)Sociological Theory (2)First Year Humanities (1)In addition to courses taught independently, I also served as a teaching fellow for four semesters at Boston University, responsible for the weekly section meetings of typically four sections of Introduction to Sociology each semester. One of these semesters involved teaching Introduction to Sociology with a Law and Society theme. Additional Pedagogical/Curricular Scholarship, Service & Student Supervision (not inclusive of publications listed above)Faculty advisor (as of Spring 2014) and Chair of comprehensive exam committee for James Meeker (ABD as of April 2016; Kent State University Sociology)Member, Ph.D. Candidacy Committee for Rusty Schnellinger, starting Fall 2017; Kent State University, Sociology. Pedagogical training: Online teaching orientation and refresher Spring 2017. Seven online learning modules. Badge earned for completion. Dissertation committee member for David Leitch, School of Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences, Kent State University (passed the proposal stage as of April 2017). Dissertation committee member for Anuj Gurung, Department of Political Science, Kent State University (ongoing). Faculty Advisor, Kent Books for Prisoners (from Fall 2010). Mentor, Society for the Study of Social Problems annual mentoring program. Mentored two junior or untenured scholars in 2016. Mentored four junior or untenured scholars in 2015; previously mentored several others up to and including 2013. Mentoring involves meeting once for about 45-75 minutes, and some e-mail correspondence, scheduled in reference to the annual SSSP conference. Faculty Advisor, Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society (from Summer 2009-October 2013; Associate Advisor from October, 2013-May 2014).Undergraduate Coordinator for Justice Studies (from June 2009 through December 2010). Activities included but not limited to: undergraduate advising and making advising assignments, recruitment and communications activities, curriculum work including service on curricular committees at the Department and College levels, review of syllabi for part-time faculty, development of five concentrations in the undergraduate major, assistance with departmental merger of Justice Studies into Sociology. Representative of the Justice Studies Department in a series of workshops addressing university interests and concerns with CORE/Liberal Education Requirement courses and certification (Fall 2009), with special reference to the course: Issues in Law & Society. M.A. thesis advisor for Mr. Keba Sylla, Department of Justice Studies, Kent State University, “Questioning the Relevancy of Race and Religion in U.S. Immigration Policy Towards African Muslims after September 11, 2001.” (2006).Service on multiple other graduate paper/graduate thesis committees in Justice Studies.Faculty Advisor, Kent State Secular Humanists (2006-2007).Organized a multi-media student poster session/art exhibit, as a feature of Kent State University’s sixth annual Symposium on Democracy: Democracy and the Arts (2004/2005).Organized a student poster session, as a new feature of Kent State University’s Fifth Annual Symposium on Democracy, focusing on democracy and homeland security. Three student posters have been published in the symposium proceedings (2003/2004). Faculty advisor to the local chapter of Lambda Alpha Epsilon, a national criminal justice fraternity (2003/2004). ‘Interpretive and Commonsense Notions of Deviance in the Classroom.’ Paper delivered at the annual convention of the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences (SPHS), Boston (November, 2003). Certificate of Completion from a day-long course on “Teaching Profiling, Disparities, and Discrimination” offered at the annual convention of the American Sociological Association (ASA) (August 2002). Participant, student advising workshop series at Kent State University (2002/2003).Departmental Service in Academic SettingsAt Kent State University, Department of SociologyLibrary Coordinator for Criminology & Justice Studies (appointed; from Fall 2010). Library Coordinator for Sociology (appointed; from Fall 2011). Faculty advisor to the local chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma (volunteer; from 2010; associate advisor in 2013/2014). Research & Development committee (rotational appointment, Fall 2012-Summer 201with some service as acting Chair; 2017/2018). Website committee (volunteer 2010).Curriculum and Undergraduate Studies Committee (appointed; Fall 2010).At Kent State University, Department of Justice StudiesFaculty Advisory Committee (elected; 2004/2005; 2005/2006; 2006/2007).Graduate Program Committee (elected; 2004/2005; 2005/2006; 2006/2007; 2009/2010).Curriculum Committee (elected; 2005/2006; 2006/2007). Curriculum Committee Chair (elected; 2005/2006).Chair Review Committee (elected; 2006/2007). Ad hoc committee, Justice Politics & Policy Ph.D. Track (volunteer; 2005/2006; 2008/2009). Student Academic Complaint Committee (appointed; 2003/2004 through 2009/2010).Student Academic Complaint Committee Chair (elected; 2010). Faculty advisor to the local chapter of Phi Sigma Alpha (volunteer; 2009-2010). Faculty advisor to the local chapter of Lambda Alpha Epsilon (volunteer; 2003/2004).Library Coordinator (appointed; 2007/2008; 2008/2009; 2009/2010).Ad hoc committee, Graduate Faculty Review (volunteer, 2009). At Boston University, Department of SociologyCo-President, Graduate Student Union (Sociology Department, serving sociology and social work/sociology graduate students).Extra-Departmental Service in Academic Settings (Kent State University)Council Delegate to the Kent State University chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), representing the Department of Sociology, tenured and tenure-track faculty (starting Summer/Fall 2017). Member, Kent State University Press Editorial Board (starting Fall 2017).Member, Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee (2017/2019). Member, faculty observers, serving the faculty senate by observing select public events on campus such as May 4th observances. (Volunteer; 2003-current).Faculty advisor, Kent Books to Prisoners, a volunteer organization which corresponds with Ohio prisoners and meets requests for free books, also hosts some campus events. Presider, sociological theory session of the Northeast Ohio Undergraduate Sociology Symposium (Spring 2015). Member, Kent State University Press Editorial Board (appointed, Fall 2009 through Summer 2012). Member, AAUP Racial and Ethnic Concerns Committee (beginning 2007, for a few years).Member, College Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, representing the Justice Studies Program (Fall 2010). Member, President’s Commission on Inclusion (Appointed; 2008/2009). Member, President’s University Citation and Recognition Committee. (Appointed; 2004/2005 to 2006/2007).Council Delegate to the Kent State University chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), representing the Department of Justice Studies. (Elected; 2006/2007 – 2007/2008). Faculty Advisor, Kent State Secular Humanists. (2006/2007).Departmental representative, College Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, Kent State University. (Elected; 2005/2006, and occasional informal service as alternate in 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, regular service as alternate in 2006/2007). Organized a public documentary film showing with panel discussion focusing on families of domestic national security detainees post 9/11. (Spring, 2005).Member, President’s planning committee for Kent State University's Sixth Annual Symposium on Democracy: "Democracy and the Arts". Service included organizing a student poster session/art exhibit, and serving as moderator for a panel on "Art as Social Protest." (appointed; 2004/2005).Member, President’s planning committee for Kent State University’s Fifth Annual Symposium on Democracy: “Democracy and Homeland Security”. Service included organizing the first student poster session associated with the annual symposium, and serving as discussant for the panel on comparative-historical perspectives on homeland security. (appointed; 2003/2004).Service on Editorial BoardsHuman Studies (since Fall 2006)Kent State University Press (Fall 2017 – continuing; Fall 2009-Summer 2012) Referee for Professional JournalsCriminology (multiple reviews) Human Studies (multiple reviews) Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (multiple reviews)Journal of Criminal Justice (multiple reviews) Law & Society Review (multiple reviews)Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature (multiple reviews)Philosophy of the Social Sciences (multiple reviews)Social Problems (multiple reviews) Symbolic Interaction (multiple reviews)Theory, Culture & Society (multiple reviews)Advances in Applied SociologyAmerican Journal of SociologyBritish Sociological ReviewElectronic Journal of Sociology International Journal of Public Opinion ResearchJournal of Experimental Social PsychologyJournal of Applied Social PsychologyJournal of Political Science Education Law & Social InquiryResearch on Language and Social InteractionSociological ForumSociological TheorySociology CompassOther Professional ServiceMember, Scientific Committee (conference proposal review) International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA). Westerville, OH, July 2017; Waterloo, Canada, August 2013; Fribourg, Switzerland, July 2011). Member, Founders Award Committee, American Sociological Association’s Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. 2014/2015. Forensic consultant/expert witness in a case involving a police shooting of a minority citizen (2014). Secretary, Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences - SPHS (November 2012- October 2013). Member, Steering Committee, International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis – IIEMCA (starting 2011). Division Chair, SSSP Division on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency. Responsibilities include representing the Division at four meetings at each annual conference; providing content for two newsletters annually; proposing, sponsoring/co-sponsoring and finding organizers for ten conference sessions annually; overseeing work of two committees (Lifetime Achievement Award and Student Paper Award). (Summer 2011-Summer 2013).Member, Council of Special Problems Divisions, Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP), representing the division for Crime and Juvenile Delinquency (2011-2013).Other service to SSSP Division on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency: Chair of Lifetime Achievement Award Committee for 2016/17; Session organizer for an invited panel of senior scholars, 2017; Chair of Lifetime Achievement Award Committee in 2014/15 and co-organizer for the associated thematic session; session organizer for four sessions in 2012/13; session organizer or co-organizer for four sessions in 2011/12; member of the lifetime achievement award committee (2012/2013; 2010/2011); member of the graduate student prize committee (2009/2010); session organizer for a session on ‘Crime, Delinquency, and Social Justice Work’ (2009/2010).Service to ASA section on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis: session organizer and presider (2016); member of Section Council twice (2006/2007 - 2008/2009; again 2012-2015); Chair of lifetime achievement award committee, 2012/13; session proposer for 2014 conference; session organizer (2011/12); session organizer and presider (2008/2009); graduate student paper competition committee member (2007) and committee chair (2008). Service to SSSP Division on Law & Society, as Chair of the Lifetime Achievement Award Committee (2012/13). Service to the SSSP theory division, as a session organizer (twice) and presider (twice) on sessions relating to race (2015); as member of graduate student prize committee (2008/2009); as session organizer, presider and discussant for a session on ‘The Problem of New Racisms: Theorizing the Changing Nature of Racism’ (2008/2009).Review author for Contemporary Sociology (multiple reviews)Book proposal and prospectus reviews in the areas of law & society, race/ethnicity and criminal justice, and criminology/deviance, for publishers including Oxford, Prentice Hall, Routledge, Sage, Wadsworth, and Palgrave-MacMillan. Grant proposal reviews for American Philosophical Association; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (multiple), Czech Science Foundation. Outside reviewer for tenure and promotion: Wright State University Department of SociologyOhio University Department of Teacher EducationFunding Applications/ActivityGrant application to study post 9/11 discrimination, submitted to the Open Society Institute. Nawal Ammar (Principal Investigator) and Tim Berard (Co-Investigator). $60,000 funding sought. Not funded. Fall 2004. Letter of intent submitted for a research project titled "Wisdom at Work: Practices of Discretionary Decision-Making in Institutional Settings," intended as a $100,000 project, submitted to the Defining Wisdom RFA of the Arete Initiative at University of Chicago. Tim Berard, Principal Investigator, Co-Investigators Esther Gonzalez-Martinez (University of Fribourg), Jonathan Wender (University of Washington), Bob Garot (John Jay College). Not funded. Fall 2007. Community ServiceReader/Grader for Stop the Hate, an annual essay competition for middle- and high-school grades, organized by Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, Cleveland Ohio. (2017; 2018).Affiliations (present or occasional)American Sociological Association (ASA)Including sections on crime, law & deviance; sociology of law; ethnomethodology and conversation analysis.Law and Society Association (LSA)Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP)Including special problems divisions: social problems theory; law & society; racial & ethnic minorities; crime & juvenile delinquencyInternational Institute for Ethnomethodology & Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA)North American Nietzsche Society (NANS)Social Psychology Network (SPN)American Association of University Professors (AAUP)References available upon request ................

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