Social Psychology- Content: AJW

Social Identity Theory and The Conference CliquesMaggie goes to a conference and attends a series of lectures. She looks the speakers up in the programme as she listens. The first lecturer is Dr Dean and Maggie spots that they attended the same university, Badgertown College. The second lecturer is Professor Bean of Otterville, a newer university. The following evening Maggie meets Dr Dean and Professor Bean in the bar with some of their colleagues.Using social identity theory, explain how Maggie might think about and behave differently towards the different lecturers and how she might be affected by the situation (5)The conference organiser, Mrs E. Fishent, notices that the delegates tend to stick together with people that they already know. During the breaks she notices that some of the delegates seem a bit isolated. Using social identity theory, explain how the conference organiser could make sure everyone is more integrated next time and what benefits this might have (3)Evaluate social identity theory with reference to research evidence (6)Compare social identity theory and realistic conflict theory (4)120015073469500Give one reason why you think social identity theory might explain Maggie’s behaviour better than realistic conflict theory. (2) ................

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