The Importance of Education in Social Reconstruction

[Pages:64]Pavel Zgaga

The Importance of Education in Social Reconstruction

Six Years of the Enhanced Graz Process: Developments, Current Status and Future Prospects

of Education in South-east Europe

A Report on the Contribution of the Task Force Education and Youth/Enhanced Graz Process to the Development of Education in South-east Europe

commissioned by the Task Force Education and Youth/EGP to CEPS ? Centre for Educational Policy Studies University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Ljubljana, January 2005



Sonja Licht, Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1. Enhanced Graz Process: the context of the late nineties . . . . . .


2. Activities and developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3. The Enhanced Graz Process: six years after

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4. Conclusion: the prospects

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Sonja Licht


The Enhanced Graz Process celebrates its sixth anniversary. This is an important occasion since the Graz Process, which has subsequently been incorporated in the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe as the Enhanced Graz Process, has been one of the first signs that the European Union considers South Eastern European countries as future members of the integrated European family. Proclaimed focus on the capacity building, on strengthening social capital of each and every country in this region through strengthening its educational system and especially the potential to cooperate and learn from others, has announced a new stage in the type of assistance that the EU provided to the entire SEE.

The high level international conference on European Educational Cooperation for Peace, Stability and Democracy (Graz, November 14-16, 1998) organised during the Austrian Presidency of the EU, marked the beginning of several important developments: a more coordinated, better organised support of the EU and its member states to the educational reforms in SEE countries; an enhanced cooperation between the Ministries of Education and other governmental and non-governmental actors within the SEE region, as well as building foundations for peace, stability and democracy in this part of Europe through local empowerment and better mutual understanding. This is an appropriate occasion to stress that the permanent commitment of the Austrian Government, its Ministry of Education and Kultur Kontakt has been the corner stone of this entire effort. The new Graz conference, the leadership which the Austrian Ministry of Education has provided to the Education and Youth Task Force within the Stability Pact for SEE, all prove the same ? if a country is truly committed to the programme it has launched, if it remains persistent and combines political will and relevant resources, it can make a difference.

And the Enhanced Graz Process has made a real difference. Education and culture were almost completely neglected in the original documents announcing the establishment of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. In this situation, many wondered whether this project aimed at achieving a long lasting peace and stability in this region actually ignored the need to transform the existing values and empower its citizens to develop a genuine sense of



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