Social Injustice in the World Today

Social Injustice in the World Today

Over the next couple of weeks, you will be presenting articles on current examples of social injustice in the world. It will be your responsibility to find a current article, meaning it was published no more than a week before your presentation, and summarize the information to the class, being sure to explain how your article shows social injustice. Be sure that you can tell the class where you found your article and what the date of its publication is. (You must also have a copy of the article to give me.) What is social injustice? Social injustice is the opposite of social justice. Social injustice is a condition of not being treated fairly, and of having a feeling of inequality.

Your presentation will be graded as follows:

|Preparedness – Is it clear that you have read and understand your| |

|article? |/15 |

|Poise, volume, pace, eye contact | |

| |/5 |

|Total: | /20 |

Social Injustice in the World Today

Over the next couple of weeks, you will be presenting articles on current examples of social injustice in the world. It will be your responsibility to find a current article, meaning it was published no more than a week before your presentation, and summarize the information to the class, being sure to explain how your article shows social injustice. Be sure that you can tell the class where you found your article and what the date of its publication is. (You must also have a copy of the article to give me.) What is social injustice? Social injustice is the opposite of social justice. Social injustice is a condition of not being treated fairly, and of having a feeling of inequality.

Your presentation will be graded as follows:

|Preparedness – Is it clear that you have read and understand your| |

|article? |/15 |

|Poise, volume, pace, eye contact | |

| |/5 |

|Total: | /20 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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