Social Studies 10 Film Study - Avatar

18415643890Film Study – AvatarThroughout the film Avatar, there are many illustrative examples of globalization. Many of the themes discussed throughout the semester are prevalent in the film, including colonization, ethnocentrism, assimilation, and discrimination. It is also an excellent transition into the impact of globalization on sustainable prosperity. Throughout this film study, we will examine how Avatar presents these issues, and relate them to the Social Studies 10 curriculum and real-life examples.By 2148, humans have severely depleted Earth's natural resources. In 2154, the RDA Corporation mines for a valuable mineral on Pandora, a densely forested habitable moon. Pandora, whose atmosphere is poisonous to humans, is inhabited by the Na'vi, 10-foot-tall, blue-skinned, sapient humanoids who live in harmony with nature and worship a mother goddess called Eywa. To explore Pandora's biosphere, scientists use Na'vi-human hybrids called "avatars", operated by genetically matched humans.Assignment ComponentsDuring the film:Find key examples of various issues surrounding globalization, including social, economic, political, and environmental issues.Find examples of concepts relating to the issues in Social 10.Discuss personal responses to questions regarding the concepts presented, their portrayal in the film, and real-life connections.RubricRequirementValueGlobalization Issue Chart/10Examples of SS 10 Concepts/10Written Response/30Total/50Globalization IssuesTo complete the chart, fill in key examples from the movie dealing with each of the following topics. You should have a minimum of two examples for each topic. (2.5 marks/topic, 10 marks total)SocialEconomicPoliticalEnvironmentalSocial Studies 10 ConceptsWhile watching the film, find key examples of situations dealing with the following concepts. You may include more than one example for each concept. (1 mark/concept, 10 marks total)AssimilationDepopulationAcculturationAccommodationCultural RevitalizationEthnocentrismHomogenizationIntegrationMarginalizationDiscriminationWritten ResponsePick two of the following topics and write one to two paragraphs for each, outlining your response. Please indicate which topic you have chosen in the space provided on the following pages. (15 marks/response, 30 marks total)RubricTopic ___RequirementValueQuality of thoughts and ideas/10Quality of writing and mechanics/5Total/15Topic ___RequirementValueQuality of thoughts and ideas/10Quality of writing and mechanics/5Total/15TopicsWhat message do you think James Cameron was trying to convey about environmental sustainability? To whom do you think this message is directed to, and why?Compare and contrast the fictional treatment of the Na’vi people on Pandora to a non-fictional case of historical globalization of your choice.Do you think that Avatar is a political commentary on today’s society, or past injustices? Why?Which theme do you think Avatar made the most impactful commentary on – colonialism, corporate greed, environmental exploitation, or race relations? Why?Topic ___Topic ___ ................

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