Please note: For all entries, list most recent items first. Headings without entries may be eliminated, but the heading lettering/numbering should remain consistent with this template.


A. Name: Christine S. Sellers Title: Professor

B. Educational Background

Degree Year University Major

Ph.D. 1987 University of Florida Sociology

(Dissertation: Alcohol, Legal Experience, and The Elderly: A New Test of Social

Bonding Theory)

M.A. 1980 University of Iowa Criminal Justice

(Thesis: The Effects of Due Process on Juvenile Intake Dispositions)

B.A. 1978 College of William & Mary Sociology

C. University Experience

Position University Dates

Director School of Criminal Justice, Texas State University 2013-present

Professor School of Criminal Justice, Texas State University 2013-present

Associate Professor Department of Criminology, University of South Florida 1994-2013

Associate Chair Department of Criminology, University of South Florida 2007-2012

Graduate Director Department of Criminology, University of South Florida 2005-2007

MA Director Department of Criminology, University of South Florida 1994-2003

Assistant Professor Department of Criminology, University of South Florida 1990-1994

Assistant Professor Department of Criminal Justice, Northern Arizona Univ. 1988-1990

Assistant Professor Department of Criminal Justice, Louisiana State University 1986-1988

Research Assistant Center for Alcohol Research, University of Florida 1983-1986

Instructor Dept. of Sociology, Tidewater Community College 1981-1982


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

Teaching Incentive Program Award, University of South Florida, 1995.

B. Courses Taught:

Texas State University (2013-present):

CJ 4340 Crime Theory and Victimization

CJ 4326 Women and the Criminal Justice System

CJ 5370 Professional Paper

University of South Florida (1990-2013):

CCJ 3117 Criminological Theory

CJE 4010 Juvenile Justice

CCJ 3701 Research Methodology

CCJ 3024 Survey of the Criminal Justice System

CCJ 4934 Women and the Criminal Justice System

CCJ 6118 Criminological Theory

CCJ 6937 Pro Seminar in Criminology

CCJ 6705 Research Methodology

Northern Arizona University (1988-1990):

Courts and the CJ System

Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Rights

Law and Society

Survey of the Criminal Justice System

Women and the Criminal Justice System

Louisiana State University (1986-1988):

Survey of the Criminal Justice System


Research on Juvenile Delinquency and Drug Use (graduate level)

University of Florida (1985):

Introduction to Sociology

Tidewater Community College (1982):

Social Problems

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate):

Dissertations (Texas State University):

Kathy Martinez-Prather, Topic: Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs, in progress, Chair.

Brian Reyes, Topic: Tasers and Police Use of Force, in progress, Co-Chair.

David Prosser, Topic: Terrorism, in progress, Chair.

Lindsay Deveau, Topic: Qualitative Study of IPV Contexts, in progress, Co-Chair.

Anne Li Kringen, “Understanding barriers that affect recruiting and retaining female police officers: A mixed method approach” 2014, Member.

Dissertations (University of South Florida):

Laura Gulledge, “The Role of Gender in Self-Control and Intimate Partner Violence” 2016, Co-Chair.

Autumn M. Frei, “Predicting successful drug court graduation: Exploring demographic and psychosocial factors among medication-assisted drug court treatment clients” 2013, Chair.

Shelly M. Wagers, “Deconstructing the ‘power and control motive’: Developing and assessing the measurability of internal power” 2012, Chair.

Tara N. Richards, “Explaining the ‘female victim effect’ in capital sentencing decisions: A case for sex-specific models of capitals research” 2011, Member.

Ruth Zschoche, “A multilevel model of police corruption: Anomie, decoupling, and moral disengagement” 2011, Member.

Wen-Hsu Lin, “General strain theory and juvenile delinquency: A cross-cultural study” 2011, Co-Chair.

Joan A. Reid, “A pathway to child sex trafficking in prostitution: The impact of strain and risk-inflating responses” 2010, Chair.

José Ordóñez, “The influence of parental support on antisocial behavior among sixth through eleventh graders” 2009, Chair.

Cecile Van de Voorde, “Freedom fighters, freedom haters, martyrs, and evildoers: The social construction of suicide terrorism” 2006, Member.

Stephen W. Verrill, “Social structure and social learning in delinquency: A test of Akers' social structure-social learning model” 2005, Chair.

Kathryn A. Branch, “Exploring the role of social support in heterosexual women's use and receipt of non-lethal intimate partner violence” 2005, Chair.

Jennifer J. Wareham, “Strain, personality traits, and deviance among adolescents: Moderating factors” 2005, Member.

Kelly K. Browning, “County level predictors of homicide and suicide in the state of Florida”

2005, Member.

Theses (University of South Florida):

Krista Brewer, Topic: Intimate partner violence and control desirability. In progress. Member.

Lauren Miley, Topic: Situational action theory and intimate partner violence. In progress. Member.

Jessica Nicole Mitchell, “Power-control theory: An examination of private and public patriarchy” 2009, Chair.

Jonathan Intravia, “The roles of social bonds, personality, and rational decision-making: An empirical investigation into Hirschi's “new” control theory” 2009, Member.

Douglas J. Wholl, “A rational choice approach to professional crime using a meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature” 2009, Member.

Angela Yarbrough, “The conditional influence of criminological constructs on juvenile delinquency: An examination of the moderating effects of self-control” 2007, Co-Chair.

Laura M. Gulledge, “Gender differences in age of onset for delinquency: risk factors and consequences” 2006, Member.

Shelly Wagers, “Differences in frequency and severity of violence for intimate terrorism across genders: A test of Johnson's theory” 2005, Chair.

Kristina Childs, “Self-control, gang membership, and victimization: An integrated approach to the risk factors of violent victimization” 2005, Member.

Amy Reckdenwald, “The interaction between victim race and gender on capital sentencing outcomes: An exploration of previous research” 2004, Member.

Sheila M. Schlaupitz, ‘Race, religion, and attitudes toward capital punishment: A test of attribution theory” 2003, Chair

Valerie S. Hogan, “Dating violence victimization: an exploratory test of Akers' social learning theory” 2002, Chair.

Mandy A. Healy, “Female police officers: a contemporary examination of attitudes of acceptance” 2002, Chair.

Cary Hopkins Eyles, “An examination of the associations of educational attainment, salience, and influence toward the death penalty for juveniles: A test of attribution theory” 2002, Member.

Jennifer J. Wareham, “The role of community characteristics in general strain theory: a test of a multilevel model” 2001, Chair.

Cynthia L. Moore, “Self-control, opportunity, and rational choice: A predictive model of gang membership” 1998, Chair.

Venus A. Zilieris, “An exploratory study of the correlates of aggression in same-sex relationships” 1998, Co-Chair.

Ken Rowan, “Alcohol availability and violent crime” 1997, Member.

Shelly Stack, “Physical aggression in dating and married relationships: A test of social learning theory” 1997, Chair.

Sean Fitzgerald, “Police use of deadly force: survivability factors of the deadly force scenario” 1997, Member.

Lisa V. Landis, “The influence of informal and formal social control on physical violence in courtship” 1997, Chair.

Wendy Wilkerson, “Academic dishonesty and low self-control: A unique test of the core implications of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime” 1997, Member.

Mark B. Giroux, “An exploratory analysis of the corrections emergency response team in a jail setting” 1996, Member.

Tiffany L. Lawrence, “The effects of three rape education interventions on attitudes toward rape”

1996, Member.

Paula Kay, “Racial differences in factors influencing sentences among female inmates” 1995, Chair.

Becky Wylie Jardine, “Physical aggression in dating relationships: A test of social learning theory” 1995, Chair.

Belicia Efros, “Collegiate attitudes about battered women” 1995, Chair.

Sylvia J. Ansay, “Inmate perceptions of the prison family and its argot roles within a women’s prison: An exploratory study” 1993, Member.

Robin A. Seese, “Exploring differences between abused women incarcerated for homicide of their intimate and women in a battered women’s shelter” 1993, Member.

Candy Levine, “Gender bias in prisons: An analytical study of sentencing decisions and time served in Florida prisons” 1993, Member.

Jay Clayton, “A study of police determined diversion” 1993, Member.

Belea T. Keeney, “Gender differences in serial murders” 1992, Member.

Royce M. Decker, “An analysis of telecommunicator stress in law enforcement” 1991, Member.


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

a. Scholarly Monographs:

b. Textbooks:

Akers, Ronald L., Christine S. Sellers, and Wesley G. Jennings (2016). Criminological

Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application, 7th edition. New York: Oxford

University Press.

Akers, Ronald L. and Christine S. Sellers (2012). Criminological Theories: Introduction,

Evaluation, and Application, 6th edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Akers, Ronald L. and Christine S. Sellers (2009). Criminological Theories: Introduction,

Evaluation, and Application, 5th edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Akers, Ronald L. and Christine S. Sellers (2004). Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application, 4th edition. Los Angeles: Roxbury.

c. Edited Books:

Sellers, Christine S., L. Thomas Winfree, Jr., and Ronald L. Akers, editors (2012). Social

Learning. Volume 5 of Theoretical Criminology, Stuart Henry, series editor. Surrey, UK:

Ashgate Publishing.

d. Chapters in Books:

Akers, Ronald L. and Christine S. Sellers (2011). “Social Learning Theory.” Pp. 307-335 in The

Oxford Handbook of Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice, Barry Feld and Donna Bishop,

editors. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sellers, Christine S. and L. Thomas Winfree, Jr. (2010). “Akers, Ronald L.: Social

Learning Theory.” Pp. 21-29 in The Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, Francis T. Cullen and Pamela Wilcox, editors. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Sellers, Christine S. and Ronald L. Akers (2006). “Social Learning Theory: Correcting Misconceptions.” Pp. 89-99 in The Essential Criminology Reader, Stuart Henry and Mark Lanier, editors, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Sellers, Christine S., John K. Cochran, and L. Thomas Winfree (2003). “Social Learning Theory

and Courtship Violence: An Empirical Test.” Pp. 109-127 in Social Learning Theory and

the Explanation of Crime: A Guide for the New Century, Volume 11, Advances in

Criminological Theory, Ronald L. Akers and Gary F. Jensen, editors. Piscataway, NJ:


Sellers, Christine S. (2002). “Social Learning Theories.” Pp. 1528-1531 in Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, David Levinson, editor. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Akers, Ronald L., Anthony J. La Greca, and Christine S. Sellers (1988). “Theoretical

Perspectives on Deviant Behavior Among the Elderly.” Pp. 35-50 in Older Offenders:

Perspectives in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Belinda McCarthy and Robert Langworthy, editors. New York: Praeger.

2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles (* denotes student):

Cochran, John K., Jon Maskaly, Shayne Jones, and Christine S. Sellers (accepted for

publication). “Using Structural Equations to Model Akers’ Social Learning Theory with

Data on Intimate Partner Violence,” Crime and Delinquency. First published on August

3, 2015 as doi:10.1177/0011128715597694. Winner of the William L. Simon/Routledge

Publishing Outstanding Paper Award, April 2016.

Cochran, John K., Shayne Jones, Angela M. Jones, and Christine S. Sellers (accepted for

publication). ”Does Criminal Propensity Moderate the Effects of Social Learning Theory

Variables on Intimate Partner Violence?” Deviant Behavior.

*Richards, Tara, Wesley Jennings, M. Dwayne Smith, Christine S. Sellers, Sondra J. Fogel, and

Beth Bjerregard (accepted for publication). “Explaining the ‘Female Victim Effect’ in

Capital Punishment: An Examination of Victim Sex Specific Models of Juror Sentence

Decision-Making.” Crime and Delinquency. First published on April 11, 2014 as


Lersch, Kim, Christine Sellers, and Paul Cromwell (2015). “Residential Foreclosure Rates and

Calls for Service for Domestic Disputes: An Exploratory Analysis,” American Journal of

Criminal Justice 40:579-592.

*Wholl, Douglas J., Wilson R. Palacios, John K. Cochran, and Christine S. Sellers (2013). “A

Formative Approach in Applying a Meta-Ethnography across the Qualitative Professional

Criminal Literature.” Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology 1(1):78-121.

*Yarbrough, Angela, Shayne Jones, Christopher Sullivan, John Cochran, and Christine Sellers

(2012). “Social Learning and Self-Control: Assessing the Moderating Potential of Criminal Propensity.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 56 (2):191-202.

Cochran, John K., Christine S. Sellers, *Valerie Wiesbrock, and Wilson R. Palacios

(2011). “Repetitive Intimate Partner Victimization: An Exploratory Application of Social Learning Theory.” Deviant Behavior 32 (9):790-817.

Pratt, Travis C., Francis T. Cullen, Christine S. Sellers, L. Thomas Winfree, Tamara D.

Madensen, Leah E. Daigle, Noelle E. Fearn, and Jacinta M. Gau (2010). “The

Empirical Status of Social Learning Theory: A Meta-Analysis.” Justice Quarterly 27(6):765-802.

Sellers, Christine S., John K. Cochran, and *Kathryn A. Branch (2005). “Social Learning Theory and Partner Violence: A Research Note.” Deviant Behavior 26:379-395.

*Wareham, Jennifer, John K. Cochran, Richard Dembo, and Christine S. Sellers (2005).

“Community, Strain, and Delinquency: A Test of a Multi-Level Model of General Strain Theory.” Western Criminology Review 6(1): 117-133.

*Nihart, Terry, Kim Michelle Lersch, Christine S. Sellers, and Tom Mieczkowski (2005). “Kids, Cops, Parents and Teachers: Exploring Juvenile Attitudes toward Authority Figures.” Western Criminology Review 6(1):79-88.

Blackwell, Brenda Sims, Christine S. Sellers, and *Sheila M. Schlaupitz (2002). “A Power-

Control Theory of Vulnerability to Crime and Adolescent Role Exits–Revisited.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 39(2):199-218.

Lersch, Kim Michelle and Christine S. Sellers (2000). “A Comparison of Curfew Violators and Non-Curfew Violators: Results from a Self-Report Study of Middle and High School Students.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 24(2):259-269.

Cochran, John K., *Kenneth Rowan, William R. Blount, Kathleen M. Heide, and Christine S. Sellers (1999). “Beer Joints and Badasses: An Aggregate-Level Assessment of Alcohol Availability and Violent Crime.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 9(3-4):465-495.

Sellers, Christine S. (1999). “Self-Control and Intimate Violence: An Examination of the Scope and Specification of the General Theory of Crime.” Criminology 37(2):501-530.

Cochran, John K., Mitchell B. Chamlin, Peter B. Wood, and Christine S. Sellers (1999). “Shame, Embarrassment, and Formal Sanction Threats: Extending the Deterrence/Rational Choice Model.” Sociological Inquiry 69(1):91-105.

Sellers, Christine S., *Terrance J. Taylor, and Finn-Aage Esbensen (1998). “Reality Check: Evaluating a School-Based Gang Prevention Model.” Evaluation Review 22(5):590-608.

Cochran, John K., Peter B. Wood, Christine S. Sellers, *Wendy K.Wilkerson, and Mitchell Chamlin (1998). “Academic Dishonesty and Low Self-Control: An Empirical Test of a General Theory of Crime.” Deviant Behavior 19(3):227-255.

*Giroux, Mark B., John K. Cochran, and Christine S. Sellers (1998). “An Exploratory Analysis of the Effectiveness of Correctional Emergency Response Teams (C.E.R.T.) in Jail Settings.” Journal of Crime and Justice 21(1): 77-94.

Sellers, Christine S. and Max L. Bromley (1996). “Violent Behavior in College Student Dating Relationships: Implications for Campus Service Providers.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 12(1): 1-27.

Blount, William R., Ira J. Silverman, Christine S. Sellers, and *Robin A. Seese (1994). “Alcohol and Drug Use Among Abused Women Who Kill, Abused Women Who Don’t, and Their Abusers.” Journal of Drug Issues 24(2):165-177.

Sellers, Christine S., L. Thomas Winfree, and Curt T. Griffiths (1993). “Legal Attitudes, Permissive Norm Qualities, and Substance Use: A Comparison of Indian and Non-Indian Youths.” Journal of Drug Issues 23(3):493-513.

Winfree, L. Thomas, Christine S. Sellers, and Dennis L. Clason (1993). “Social Learning and Adolescent Deviance Abstention: Toward Understanding the Reasons for Initiating, Quitting, and Avoiding Drugs.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 9(1):101-125.

Sellers, Christine S., W. Edward Folts, and Katherine M. Logan (1992). “Elder Mistreatment: A Multidimensional Problem.” Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect 4(4):5-23.

Reprinted in: Lawrence A. Frolik (1999). Aging and the Law: An Interdisciplinary Reader. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Sellers, Christine S. and L. Thomas Winfree (1990). “Differential Associations and Definitions: A Panel Study of Youthful Drinking Behavior.” International Journal of the Addictions 25(7):755-771.

Winfree, L. Thomas, *Veronica Ballard, Christine Sellers, and Roy Roberg (1990). “Responding to a Legislated Change in Correctional Practices: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Revocation Hearings and Parole Board Actions.” Journal of Criminal Justice 18(3):195-215.

Winfree, L. Thomas, John Wooldredge, Christine Sellers, and *Veronica Ballard (1990). “Parole Survival and Legislated Change: A Before/After Study of Parole Revocation Decision Making.” Justice Quarterly 7(1):151-173.

Akers, Ronald, Anthony La Greca, John Cochran, and Christine Sellers (1989). “Social Learning Theory and Alcohol Behavior Among the Elderly.” Sociological Quarterly 30(4):625-638.

Winfree, L. Thomas, Curt T. Griffiths, and Christine Sellers (1989). “Social Learning Theory, Drug Use, and American Indian Youths: A Cross-Cultural Test.” Justice Quarterly 6(3):395-417.

Reprinted in: Ronald Berger (1995). The Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency, 2nd edition. Pp. 150-167. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

Winfree, L. Thomas, Christine Sellers, Patricia Duncan, Gabrielle Kelly, Larry Williams, and Lawrence Clinton (1989). “Returning to Delinquency: Factors Affecting the Survivorship of Juvenile Shoplifters.” Juvenile and Family Court Journal 40(1):49-62.

Akers, Ronald L., Anthony J. La Greca, Christine S. Sellers, and John K. Cochran (1987). “Fear of Crime and Victimization Among the Elderly in Different Types of Communities.” Criminology 25(3):487-505.

Beeghley, Leonard and Christine S. Sellers (1986). “Adolescents and Sex: A Structural Theory of Premarital Sex in the United States.” Deviant Behavior 7:313-336.

b. Non-refereed Articles:

3. Conference Proceedings

a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:

b. Non-refereed:

4. Abstracts:

5. Reports:

Lersch, Kim M. and Christine S. Sellers (2000). “A Comparison of Curfew Violators and Non-Curfew Violators: Report Prepared for the Largo Police Department.” Submitted to Chief Jerry Bloechle, Largo Police Department, Largo, Florida. 5 pages.

Sellers, Christine S. (1998). “Observations and Evaluation of the G.R.E.A.T. Officer Training, November 16-20, 1998.” Submitted to Dr. Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Nebraska at Omaha, for the G.R.E.A.T. National Evaluation, National Institute of Justice. 10 pages.

Sellers, Christine S. (1997). “Report on the G.R.E.A.T. Curriculum Review Conference.” Submitted to Tom Schneider, Special Agent in Charge, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, G.R.E.A.T. Program, Washington, DC. 15 pages.

Sellers, Christine S. (1996). “Observations and Evaluation of the G.R.E.A.T. Officer Training, November 4-8, 1996.” Submitted to Dr. Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Nebraska at Omaha, for the G.R.E.A.T. National Evaluation, National Institute of Justice. 8 pages.

Sellers, Christine S. and Linda G. Smith (1996). “Community Policing and Citizen Surveys: A Pretest-Posttest Comparison of Rural and Urban Neighborhoods.” Submitted to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Tampa, FL. 45 pages.

Esbensen, Finn-Aage, Christine S. Sellers, and David Corbin (1995). “Process Evaluation Report #1: Overview of the G.R.E.A.T. Officer Training Program During Fiscal Year 1995--Davis-Monthan Air Base, Tucson, Arizona.” Submitted to the National Institute of Justice. 32 pages.

Sellers, Christine S. (1995). “Observations and Evaluation of the G.R.E.A.T. Management Training, August 14-18, 1995.” Submitted to Dr. Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Nebraska at Omaha, for the G.R.E.A.T. National Evaluation, National Institute of Justice. 20 pages.

Sellers, Christine S. (1995). “Observations and Evaluation of the G.R.E.A.T. Officer Training, July 10-13, 1995.” Submitted to Dr. Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Nebraska at Omaha, for the G.R.E.A.T. National Evaluation, National Institute of Justice. 33 pages.

Smith, Linda G. and Christine S. Sellers (1995). “Community Policing and Citizen Surveys: A Comparison of Rural and Urban Neighborhoods.” Submitted to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Tampa, FL. 36 pages.

Zahn, Margaret, Christine Sellers, and Mahesh Nalla, 1990. “The Impact of Vocational Training Programs on the Reinstitutionalization of Ex-Inmates.” Submitted to the Arizona Department of Corrections, Phoenix, AZ. 18 pages.

6. Book Reviews:

7. Other Works in Print:

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers/Posters Presented at Professional Meetings:

David, Michael A., Jonathan Allen Kringen, and Christine S. Sellers, “A Behavioral

Environment-Opportunity Model of School Safety.” Poster to be presented at the annual

meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver, March, 2016.

*Gulledge, Laura M., Christine S. Sellers, Shayne Jones, John K. Cochran, and Rachael Powers.

“Assessing the General Theory of Crime: Intimate Partner Violence and the Gendered

Nature of Self-Control.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society

of Criminology, Washington DC, November, 2015.

Cochran, John, Jon Maskaly, Shayne Jones, and Christine Sellers. “Using Structural Equations to

Test Akers’ Social Learning Theory with Data on Intimate Partner Violence.” Paper

presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando,

March, 2015.

Akers, Ronald L. and Christine S. Sellers, “Social Structure, Social Learning, and Gender: Issues

and Questions.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of

Criminology, San Francisco, November, 2014.

Wagers, Shelly M. and Christine S Sellers, “Challenging the ‘Power and Control’ Mantra:

Exploring the Impact of Internal Power on Intimate Partner Abuse.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco,

November, 2014.

*Wholl, Douglas, Wilson Palacios, John Cochran, and Christine S. Sellers. “Applying a

Qualitative Meta-Ethnography Across the Qualitative Criminological Literature.” Poster

presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta,

November, 2013.

*Gulledge, Laura, Christine S. Sellers, John Cochran, Shayne Jones, and Richard Mohn.

“Gender Differences in Intimate Partner Violence: An Assessment of Self-Control

Theory.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of

Criminology, Atlanta, November, 2013.

Lersch, Kim M. and Christine S. Sellers. “A Spatial Analysis of Foreclosures and Calls for

Service for Violent Domestic Disturbances: An Exploratory Analysis.” Poster presented

at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November,


Sellers, Christine S. and Brenda Sims Blackwell. “Integrating Gender Into Social Learning

Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology,

Chicago, November, 2012.

Blackwell, Brenda Sims and Christine S. Sellers. “Feminist Epistemologies and Contextual

Considerations: Developing Foundations for Examining Traditional Criminological

Theories.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,

New York, March, 2012.

Cochran, John K., Shayne Jones, and Christine S. Sellers. “Social Learning and Self-Control:

Relative, Mediating, and Moderating Effects of Two General Theories of Crime.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, November, 2011.

*Wagers, Shelly and Christine S. Sellers. “Deconstructing ‘Power’: A New Understanding of the

‘Power and Control’ Motive.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, November, 2011.

Blackwell, Brenda Sims and Christine S. Sellers. “Gender and Strain: Theorizing the Integration

of Gender into Strain Models of Offending.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 2010.

*Reid, Joan A., Christine S. Sellers, Shayne Jones, and Christopher J. Sullivan. “Gendered

Pathway to Child Sex Trafficking in Prostitution: The Impact of Strain and Risk-Inflating

Responses.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology,

San Francisco, November, 2010.

Blackwell, Brenda Sims and Christine S. Sellers. “Integrating Gender into Social Control Theories.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Diego, February, 2010.

*Parker, Amanda Sharp and Christine S. Sellers. “Applying Criminal Theory to Terrorism.”

Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, St. Louis,

November, 2008.

*Yarbrough, Angela M., Shayne Jones, Christine Sellers, John Cochran, and Christopher

Sullivan. “The Conditional Influence of Criminological Constructs on Juvenile

Delinquency: An Examination of the Moderating Effects of Self-Control.” Presented at

the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, November,


*Wagers, Shelly, Christine S. Sellers, John K. Cochran, and Wilson R. Palacios. “The Control

Context of Intimate Partner Violence: Addressing the Gender Symmetry/Asymmetry Debate.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, November, 2006.

Akins, Keith, L. Thomas Winfree, and Christine S. Sellers. “Extending the Boundaries of Social

Learning Theory: The Case of the Suicide Bombers in Gaza.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, November, 2006.

*Rynearson, Sarah L., Kim M. Lersch, Christine S. Sellers, and John K. Cochran. “Parental

Management on Self-Control and Delinquency: Comparison of Predictability Strength by Gender and Race.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, November, 2006.

*Gulledge, Laura, John K. Cochran, Shayne Jones, and Christine S. Sellers. “Gender Differences

in Age of Onset for Delinquency: Risk Factors and Consequences.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, November, 2006.

Sellers, Christine S. and Brenda Sims Blackwell. “Gender, Strain, and Family Context.”

Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November, 2005.

Winfree, L. Thomas and Christine S. Sellers. “Social Learning and Youth Gangs: A Natural Fit?” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November, 2005.

*Thomason, Laura, *Kristina Childs, and Christine S. Sellers. “Social Control and Social Learning: An Integrated Approach to Gang Membership and Delinquent Behavior.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November, 2005.

Sellers, Christine S., *Stephen W. Verrill, and Jennifer Wareham. “Social Structure and Social Learning: The Impact of Community Factors on the Learning of Delinquent Behavior.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Nashville, November, 2004.

*Branch, Kathryn A. and Christine S. Sellers. “An Exploratory Analysis of Motivations for the Use of Physical Aggression in Intimate Relationships.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, November, 2003.

*Nihart, Terry, Kim M. Lersch, and Christine S. Sellers. “Juveniles and the Police: An Examination of Middle and High School Students.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, November, 2003.

*Hogan, Valerie A. and Christine S. Sellers. “Dating Violence Victimization: A Test of Social Learning Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November, 2001.

*Browning, Kelly K., Christine S. Sellers, and *Charles B. Adams. “Gender Differences in

Negative Affect and Behavioral Responses to Strain: A Test of General Strain Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November, 2001.

*Wareham, Jennifer, Christine S. Sellers, and John K. Cochran. “Community, Strain, and Delinquency: A Test of a Multi-Level Model of General Strain Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November, 2001.

Sellers, Christine S., *Kathryn A. Branch, and John K. Cochran. “Social Learning and Self-

Control: An Integrated Model of Intimate Violence.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, DC, April, 2001.

Sellers, Christine S., Travis C. Pratt, L. Thomas Winfree, Jr., and Francis T. Cullen. “The

Empirical Status of Social Learning Theory: A Meta-Analysis.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 2000.

*Schlaupitz, Sheila, John Cochran, Kathleen Heide, Christine Sellers, and Wilson Palacios. “Race, Religion, and Attitudes toward Capital Punishment: An Indirect Test of Reference Group Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, March, 2000.

Blackwell, Brenda S., Christine S. Sellers, and *Sheila Schlaupitz. “A Power-Control Theory of Vulnerability to Crime and the Search for Adolescent Role Exits.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November, 1999.

*Landis, Lisa V., Christine S. Sellers, and John K. Cochran. “The Influence of Formal and Informal Control on Physical Aggression in Courtship.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, November, 1998.

*Moore, Cynthia, and Christine S. Sellers. “Self-Control, Opportunity, and Choice: A Predictive Model of Gang Membership.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, November, 1997.

Sellers, Christine S., Terrance J. Taylor, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. “Reality Check: Evaluating a School-Based Gang Prevention Model.” Presented to the National G.R.E.A.T. Program, Curriculum Review Committee, Glynco, Georgia, August, 1997.

Sellers, Christine, Linda Smith, and Eugene Stokes. “Community Policing and Citizen Surveys

in an Urban Neighborhood: A Pretest-Posttest Comparison.” Presented at the annual

meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, March, 1997.

*Taylor, Terrance J., Finn-Aage Esbensen, and Christine S. Sellers. “Reality Check: Evaluating a School-Based Gang Prevention Model.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, March, 1997.

Sellers, Christine. “Low Self-Control and the Use of Physical Aggression in Dating Relationships.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 1996.

*Wilkerson, Wendy, John Cochran, Christine Sellers, Peter Wood, and Mitchell Chamlin. “Academic Dishonesty and Low Self-Control: A Unique Test of the Core Empirical Implications of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 1996.

*Lawrence, Tiffany, Kathleen Heide, Christine Sellers, and James Halsted. “Student Attitudes Toward Rape Before and After a Rape Education Intervention.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 1996.

Silverman, Mitchell, *Sandi Santino, John Cochran, and Christine Sellers. “Domestic Violence between Husbands and Wives as a Function of Differential Prestige of Wife’s Education.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 1996.

Sellers, Christine, Polly Horne, and Ira Silverman. “Changes in Attitudes toward Female Police Officers.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, March, 1996.

Sellers, Christine and *Becky Wylie Jardine. “Social Learning and Physical Aggression in Dating Relationships: A New Test of a Criminological Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, November, 1995.

Sellers, Christine. “Physical Aggression in College Student Dating Relationships.” Presented at the Florida Collegiate Victims Services Conference, Tampa, November, 1995.

Sellers, Christine. "Violent Behavior in College Student Dating Relationships." Presented to the University of South Florida Task Force on Campus Violence, Tampa, October, 1995.

Smith, Linda and Christine Sellers. “Community Policing and Citizen Surveys: A Comparison of Urban and Rural Neighborhoods on Issues of Police Satisfaction, Quality of Life, and Perceived Problems in the Community.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, March, 1995.

*Jardine, Becky and Christine Sellers. “Battering in Dating Relationships: A New Approach to Social Learning Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, March, 1995.

*Seese, Robin, Christine Sellers, William Blount, and Ira Silverman. “Fight or Flight: Characteristics of Abusive Situations for Female Homicide Offenders and Women in a Battered Women’s Shelter.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, March, 1994.

Sellers, Christine and *Jennifer West. “Social Learning Theory: A Meta-Analysis.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, October, 1993.

*Levine, Candy, William Blount, Mitchell Silverman, and Christine Sellers. “Gender Bias in Prisons: An Analytical Study of Sentencing Decisions and Time Served in Florida Prisons.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, October, 1993.

Sellers, Christine, William Blount, and Ira Silverman. “Women and Abuse: Distinguishing Among Incarcerated and Nonincarcerated Battered Women.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, MO, March, 1993.

Sellers, Christine and L. Thomas Winfree. “Patterns of Offending Among Juvenile Shoplifters: Influence of Prior Record on Post-Adjudication Arrests.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, November, 1992.

Sellers, Christine. “Intake Decision-Making and the Female Offender.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 1991.

Winfree, L. Thomas, Christine Sellers, and Curt T. Griffiths. “Norm Qualities and the Law: A Comparison of the Legal Attitudes of American Indian and Caucasian Youth.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Nashville, March, 1991.

Sellers, Christine and Margaret Zahn. “Types of Homicide and Victim’s Substance Use.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Baltimore, November, 1990.

Winfree, L. Thomas and Christine Sellers. “Social Learning and Deviance Abstention: Toward Understanding the Reasons for Initiating, Quitting, and Avoiding Drugs.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver, March, 1990.

Sellers, Christine and Margaret Zahn. “Types of Homicide: Selecting Critical Variables.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, Las Vegas, February, 1990.

Winfree, L. Thomas, *Veronica Ballard, Christine Sellers, and Roy Roberg. “Responding to a Legislated Change in Correctional Practices: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Revocation Hearings and Parole Board Actions.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Reno, November, 1989.

Sellers, Christine and Margaret Zahn. “Offense Histories of Four Types of Homicide Offenders.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, March, 1989.

Sellers, Christine and Margaret Zahn. “Age, Race, and Sex Characteristics of Intimate Homicide Offenders.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, Orange, CA, February, 1989.

Sellers, Christine. “Youthful Drug Use: A Modified Test of Social Bonding Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, Orange, CA, February, 1989.

Sellers, Christine and Ronald Akers. “Alcohol and the Elderly: A New Test of Social Bonding Theory.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 1988.

Winfree, L. Thomas, John Wooldredge, Christine Sellers, and *Veronica Ballard. “Parole Survival and Legislated Change: A Before/After Study of Parole Revocation Decision Making.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 1988.

Sellers, Christine. “The Effects of Due Process on Juvenile Intake Dispositions.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Francisco, April, 1988.

Winfree, L. Thomas, Christine Sellers, Patricia Duncan, Gabrielle Kelly, Larry Williams, and Lawrence Clinton. “Diverting the Juvenile Shoplifter: An Evaluation of a Voluntary Youth Services Program.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Francisco, April, 1988.

Sellers, Christine. “Explaining Elderly Alcohol Use: Social Bonds and Drinking.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Sociological Association, Houston, March, 1988.

Sellers, Christine and L. Thomas Winfree. “Social Learning Theory and Adolescent Substance Use: A Panel Study of Youthful Drinking Behavior.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, August, 1987.

Sellers, Christine. “Juvenile Dispositions: How Far Does Legalism Go?” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, St. Louis, March, 1987.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn and Christine Sellers. “Moral Reasoning and Social Bonds: Do They Control Deviance?” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, October, 1986.

Sellers, Christine, W. Edward Folts, and John K. Cochran. “Predictors of Later Life Involvement in Voluntary Associations.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Norfolk, April, 1986. Winner of the SGS Student Paper Competition.

Cochran, John and Christine Sellers. “Social and Legal Correlates of Juvenile Arson.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, March, 1986.

Akers, Ronald L., Anthony La Greca, Christine Sellers, and John Cochran. “Fear of Crime and Experience with the Legal System Among the Elderly.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, March, 1986.

Akers, Ronald L., Anthony La Greca, John Cochran, and Christine Sellers. “Alcohol and the Elderly: Preliminary Findings on Social Learning Theory and Experience with the Legal System.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, November, 1985.

Akers, Ronald L., Anthony La Greca, Christine Sellers, and John Cochran. “Alcohol and the Elderly.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Cincinnati, November, 1984.

Beeghley, Leonard and Christine Sellers. “Adolescents and Sex: A Structural Explanation of

Premarital Sex in the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Antonio, August, 1984.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

3. Consultancies:

4. Workshops:

5. Other Works not in Print:

a. Works “submitted” or “under review”

Cochran, John K., Jon Maskaly, Ráchael A. Powers, and Christine S. Sellers, “Social

Learning Theory, Gender and Intimate Partner Violent Victimization: A Structural

Equations Approach.” Submitted for review, Crime and Delinquency.

b. Works “ in progress”

Sellers, Christine S. and Brenda Sims Blackwell. “Integrating Gender Into Social

Learning Theory.”

Akers, Ronald L. and Christine S. Sellers, “Social Structure, Social Learning, and Gender: Issues and Questions.”

c. Other works not in print

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

“Evaluation of Problem-Solving Partnership.” Christine Sellers (PI) Kim Lersch (Co-PI). Source of Support: Largo (FL) Police Department. Total Award Amount: $48,120. Total Award Period Covered: June, 1998 - October, 1999.

“Evaluation of Community Oriented Policing Project: Community Survey, Wimauma and Nuccio Park, Posttest.” Christine Sellers (PI). Source of Support: Hillsborough County (FL) Sheriff's Office. Total Award Amount: $12,000. Total Award Period Covered: October, 1995 - February, 1996.

“Evaluation of Community Oriented Policing Project: Community Survey, Wimauma and Nuccio Park, Pretest.” Linda G. Smith (PI), Christine Sellers (Co-PI). Source of Support: Hillsborough County (FL) Sheriff's Office. Total Award Amount: $15,000. Total Award Period Covered: June-December, 1994.

“Impact of Vocational Training Programs on Reinstitutionalization of Ex-Inmates.” Margaret Zahn (PI), Christine Sellers (Co-PI), Mahesh Nalla (Co-PI). Source of Support: Arizona Department of Corrections. Total Award Amount: $12,800. Total Award Period Covered: June, 1990.

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:

“Validating a Behavioral Environment-Opportunity (BEO) Model of School Safety.” PI: Christine S. Sellers. Co-PI: Jonathan Kringen. National Institute of Justice. $1,012,750. Submitted June, 2015.

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

April, 1994 - April, 1995. Principal Investigator. University of South Florida, Research and Creative Scholarship Award. “Battering in Dating Relationships.” $4226.

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

First Place, Student Paper Competition, Southern Gerontological Society, 1986.

University Graduate Fellowship, University of Florida, 1982-83.


A. Institutional

(Texas State University)

1. University:

Member, Class Scheduling Task Force, 2016.

Member, Tenure and Promotion College Review Group, College of Science and

Engineering, 2013-14.

2. College:

Member, Tenure and Promotion College Review Group, College of Applied Arts,


Member, Tenure and Promotion College Review Group, College of Applied Arts,


Member, Tenure and Promotion College Review Group, College of Applied Arts,


3. Department/School:

Member, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committee, 2015-16.

Member, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committee, 2014-15.

(University of South Florida)

1. University:

Member, Research Misconduct Investigation Panel, USF, 1998.

2. College:

Chair, CBCS Faculty Council, USF, 2011-2012.

Member, CBCS Faculty Council, USF, 2010-2011.

Member, CBCS Tenure and Promotion Workgroup, USF, 2010-2011.

Member, CBCS Curriculum Committee, USF, 2010-2011.

Chair, CBCS Tenure and Promotion Committee, USF, 2009-2010.

Member, CBCS Tenure and Promotion Committee, USF, 2009.

Member, CBCS Search Committee, Academic Program Specialist, USF, 2008.

Member, CAS Tenure and Promotion Committee, USF, 2008.

Member, CAS Dean’s Advisory Council, USF, 2005-08.

Member, CAS Faculty Development Committee, USF, 2004-05.

Member, CAS Tenure and Promotion Committee, USF, 2000-01.

Member, CAS Teaching Incentive Program Award Committee, USF, 1998.

Member, CAS Graduate Committee, USF, 1997-99.

Member, CAS Teaching Incentive Program Award Committee, USF, 1996.

Chair, CAS Graduate Committee, USF, 1995-96.

Participant, CAS Mentoring Program, USF, 1995-96.

Member, CAS Graduate Committee, USF, 1994-95.

Member, CAS Dean's Advisory Council, USF, 1993-94.

Member, CAS Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, USF, 1991-93.

3. Department/School:

Associate Chair, USF, 2007-2012.

Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, USF, 2009-2012.

Chair, Faculty Evaluation Committee, USF, 2011-2012.

Member, Executive Committee, USF, 2010-2012.

Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, USF, 2009-2011.

Member, Graduate Committee, USF, 2007-2011.

Member, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committee, USF, 2009-2012.

Chair, Search Committee, USF, 2008.

Chair, Undergraduate Committee, USF, 2007-2012

Chair, Search Committee, USF, 2007.

Member, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committee, USF, 2007-2008.

Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professor Position, USF, 2006.

Member, Search Committee, Instructor Position, USF, 2007.

Director, Graduate Program, USF, 2005-2007.

Chair, Graduate Committee, USF, 2005-2007.

Chair, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committee, USF, 2005-2007.

Chair, Faculty Evaluation Committee, USF, 2004-2005

Chair, Search Committee, USF, 2004-2005.

Member, Doctoral General Comprehensive Exam Committee, USF, 2004-2005.

Member, Graduate Committee, USF, 2003-2005.

Member, Search Committee, USF, 2003-2004.

Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, USF, 2002-2004.

Member, Governance Document Committee, USF, 2002.

Member, Doctoral General Comprehensive Exam Committee, USF, 2002.

Member, Search Committee, USF, 2002-2003.

Member, Search Committee, USF, 2000-2001.

Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, USF, 2000-2001.

Chair, Search Committee, USF, 1999-2000.

Member, Search Committee, USF, 1998-1999.

Co-Chair, Graduate Committee, USF, 1997-2003.

Member, Executive Committee, USF, 1997-2000.

Member, Search Committee, USF, 1996-1997.

Member, Search Committee, USF, 1995-1996.

Director, Master’s Program, USF, 1994-2003.

Chair, Graduate Committee, USF, 1994-1997.

Member, Graduate Committee, USF, 1992-1994.

Member, Search Committee, USF, 1993-1994.

Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, USF, 1993-1994.

Outcomes Assessment Coordinator, USF, 1992-1995.

Member, Ph.D. Planning Committee, USF, 1990-1997.

Member, Development Committee, USF, 1990-1991.

B. Professional:

Member, Mentor Award Committee, American Society of Criminology, 2015-16.

Member, Program Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2015-16.

Member, Mentoring Committee, American Society of Criminology, 2013-2014.

Member, Program Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2011-2012.

Member, Bruce Smith Award Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2011-2012.

Member, Program Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2010-2011.

Member, Editorial Board, Women and Criminal Justice, 2008-present.

Member, Membership Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2005-2007.

Member, Program Committee, American Society of Criminology, 2003-04.

Member, Program Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2003-04.

Grant Proposal Reviewer for National Institute of Justice, 2002.

Manuscript Reviewer for: Crime and Delinquency, Criminal Justice Review, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Criminology, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Justice Quarterly, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, Women and Criminal Justice.

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 2002-2008.

Associate Editor, Social Pathology, 2000.

Member, Editorial Board, Crime and Delinquency, 2000-present.

Deputy Editor, Justice Quarterly, 1999-2001.

Chair, Subcommittee for Outstanding Paper Awards, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2001

Member, Program Committee, American Society of Criminology, 1999-2000.

Member, Program Committee, American Society of Criminology, 1997-98.

Member, Michael Hindelang Award Committee, American Society of Criminology, 1996-97.

Participant, Faculty Development Program, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 1995-96.

Member, Affirmative Action Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 1994-95.

Co-Chair, Nominations Committee, DWC, American Society of Criminology, 1993-95.

Member, Program Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 1993-94.

Member, Focus Group on Women, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March, 1993.

Member, Elections Committee, Southern Sociological Society, 1991-92.

Member, Membership Committee, American Society of Criminology, 1989-90.

C. Community:

Hillsborough County Family Justice Center, 2006-2010.

U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, National G.R.E.A.T. Program, Curriculum Enhancement Committee, 2000 (paid and unpaid).

National Institute of Justice, G.R.E.A.T. Review Workshop, 1999 (paid).

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Advancing Community Policing Grant, 1997-2000.

U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, National G.R.E.A.T. Program, Assistance Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, September 8-12, 1997 (paid).

U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, National G.R.E.A.T. Program, Curriculum Review Conference, Glynco, Georgia, August 18-22, 1997 (paid).

Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Youth Services, Evaluation of DARE Program, 1996-98.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Domestic Violence Initiative, 1996.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Citizen Surveys in 22 Communities, 1995.

Captain Polly Horne, Tampa Police Department, Senior Leadership Program Project, 1994.

Omnibus Project, Department of Educational Accountability, Pinellas County Schools, Clearwater, FL, 1991-1994.

D. Service Honors and Awards:

Mentor of the Year, Student Affairs Committee, American Society of Criminology, 1995.


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